Climate Change and the Green Party by Gary Swing
Gary Swing is a leader in the Green Party and has formed the Boiling Frog Party to convey information in a humorous way. He recently got the highest percentage vote for United States Senate of any Green Party Candidate in the United States. Though written in January of 2016, what he says here about both climate change and the Green Party is important and still accurate. (Unfortunately the Green Party in 2016 made several severe mistakes which set it back, but Mr. Swing shows the way forward.) Additional documentation appear at the end of the article.
Read moreJulia Williams on Healthcare and Economics
Julia Williams has run for Congress on the Green Party ticket and written for the NPA before. (See references at the end of this article.) Many people have a fundamental misunderstanding of economics and elect people who make their situation continually worse. Real total taxes, for example, have been going down for the rich and up for the middle class and poor since 1950. Below are some comments we made on Facebook.
Read moreBattle for the Future
I remember studying in the Naval War College about nations clashing either between democracies and dictatorships. Later Samuel Huntington in “Clash of Civilizations” proposed the conflict would be between Islam and the Judeo-Christians. This interesting article proposes that President Trump is trying to win fossil fuel supremacy over post-carbon green energy.
Read moreIt’s Expensive to Be Poor
Hazel Garcia is a writer and graphic designer for InvestmentZen who loves maximizing (and spending!) credit card rewards. In her spare time she's also an avid traveler and foodie, and often goes on adventures with her faithful canine companion Momo. The New Progressive Alliance has documented how much poverty is caused by government policy. In this article Hazel Garcia shows how difficult it is to live in poverty and has some suggestions to help.
Read moreWater Woes
John Hawthorne is a health enthusiast from Canada with a passion for travel and helping with humanitarian relief efforts. His writing not only solves a creative need it has also led to many new opportunities when travelling abroad. Access to clean water is certainly an environmental challenge. Here John shares two of his writings: “Four Stark Realities of the Water Crisis” and “50 Heartbreaking Facts and Stats about the Global Water Crisis.”
Syria - the latest example of continuous war
Jeff and Rose Roby are Florida activists. They also publish the Saint Petersburg Independents.
Read morePlease do NOT build a wall between the United States and Mexico! By Kim Swift
Kim Swift has contributed articles to the New Progressive Alliance several times.
Read moreWHAT IS THE FOCUS OF THE LEFT? by Sondra Miller
Anthony Noel frequently mentioned the leftist circular firing squad and Michael Cavlan has long urged leftist organizations to cooperate. If we ever do work together the Democratic Party certainly has shown what not to do. Here Sondra Miller, a key contributor to the New Progressive Alliance, takes a hard look at where we are.
Read moreIndignation is not courage. Outrage is not brains.
Jeff and Rose Roby are Florida activists. They also publish the Saint Petersburg Independents. Here Jeff Roby looks at the way ahead.
Read moreThe Women's March on Washington by Sondra Miller
Sondra Miller has been a long time supporter of the New Progressive Alliance and here asks good questions about the nature of the "resistance" to Trump. Issues such as oil pipelines, war, and civil rights which were not important for 8 years when Obama was president are suddenly important when Trump is president.
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