
Make Your Case!

Updated 2024


           As the above drawing by Andy Singer  illustrates, think tanks are necessary and we need one on the left as well as on the right. If you have made it this far into our website, you probably agree with us that the United States is off course in several significant ways. Unfortunately, the nicely paid positions are for those justifying we stay off course. Because we do not accept corporate contributions, we cannot afford a formal  “think tank,” but we can try  with this poor man's think tank to give you some ammunition for fighting the good fight.

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Obama Gave U.S. Sovereignty to BP

Obama and the Democratic Party's first major disappointment to me was the handling of the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico. I do not exaggerate at all by saying they gave U.S. sovereignty to BP. What I wrote here in June of 2011 during the early days of the NPA remains true and has been further documented. Unfortunately, also documented is the continuing permanent extensive damage to the Gulf. For an up to date description see The Environment under the Democratic/Republican Uniparty

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Fear and Loathing

This is an article I wrote during the early days of the New Progressive Alliance. Little seems to have changed as both major parties use fear (Democrats) and loathing (Republicans) to insure we remain on the same disastrous course. It is interesting historically to me as the last time I quoted Zakaria and McCain approvingly.

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Don't Fall for Ron Paul

There are many areas where progressives and libertarians agree and can cooperate to the benefit of both. These include more ballot access for third parties, illumination of the futility of supporting the democratic-republican Uniparty, supporting constitutional rights, skepticism of  getting involved in foreign wars, and more openness in economic matters. The NPA has cooperated with libertarians in increasing ballot access. In Georgia Tea Partiers and the environmentalists have joined forces, called themselves "Green Tea," and opposed nuclear while encouraging solar energy. In Wisconsin a similar story. While we encourage cooperation where possible, we should not forget that there are significant differences between us. Much of what libertarians claim is an intellectual fantasy. We should keep in mind this article by Anthony Noel, one of our founders. If you would like to also read some excellent  comments on this article, see Don't Fall for Ron Paul.

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Grayson, Kucinich, Warren and The Road to Hell

(In the fall of 2010, many of us were wondering what was taking so long for the Democratic Party's new president to act when he had overwhelming majorities in both houses of Congress for almost two solid years. We optimistically thought we would see a lot of action "any time now!" Consider the sheepdog role of Eugene McCarthy, Jesse Jackson, Jerry Brown, Al Sharpton, Howard Dean, Dennis Kucinich, Humphrey, Clinton, Gore, Kerry, or Obama. Those who take the bait find themselves without any political vehicle of their own when the show is over. Others knew better and could see the writing on the wall. Anthony Noel,  founder of the NPA, was one of those people. We reprint here a piece which first appeared at MyFDL. - For up to date references and indications that nothing has changed see Don't Let These Politicians or Organizations Fool You.  See also The Democratic Party is the More Effective of Two Evils. Ed.)

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Widespread Police Misconduct and an Expanding Prison Population

  Updated 2024   

     When I was growing up my father always said that a policeman was your friend who would always help you out.  In the United States and world wide that is no longer an accurate description.

     The increased use of violence without justification by police both here and abroad can no longer be regarded as isolated incidents. From the massive tactics used to break up Occupy and other democratic movements coordinated by the Federal Government to increasing unjustified violence to the increasing purchase and use of military vehicles all indicate a disturbing trend. Further, this violence seems to be increasingly directed against innocent protestors or other victims.

     The reason I have so many references is to show this is a steadily increasing trend that I continuously update. It is not a vanishing blip on the radar. Failure to deal with this trend will have disastrous consequences for the future.

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Candidates Who Support the Unified Platform

In 2012, the New Progressive Alliance (NPA) started by endorsing 54 candidates from 23 states who publicly endorsed and pledged to work for the commonsense policies outlined in the Unified Platform (UP).  This page provides more information about the brave men and women who are blazing the trail for the future of democracy in America. If you would like to join them check Elections and So You Want to Run for Office.  That trail is wholly different than that which the Democratic and Republican parties take us down election after election, with the same predictable result: A disenfranchised working class and ever-more enriched military-industrial-Wall Street complex.

We are a 501c4 educational organization, not a political party. We cannot help a candidate directly, but we can note by endorsement when a candidate pledges to support the Unified Platform. We can also disavow a candidate  when through his actions or statements it becomes clear he does not support the Unified Platform.

Also as a 501c4 educational organization, we are  moving towards becoming more of a think tank which supplies documentation to support people and organizations that back the Unified Platform. We will still list candidates that support the Unified Platform, but we will not seek them out.

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Thoughts and Hope from Chris Hedges

Chris Hedges is a man who has devoted his life to revealing unpleasant truths, even on pain of being fired from the New York Times or imprisonment. His writing is insightful and useful for those of us striving for real change.

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Entertaining 2 Minute Animation

An entertaining 2 minute animation on Bill Moyer's website with more than a grain of truth can be found by clicking here.

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The Environment

This article has been revised to include updated references. See The Environment.

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