Updated 2024
A decline in public education and making higher education largely unaffordable except to those willing to become indentured servants for most of their lives means we are becoming more and more like a third world country.
The very idea of fully funded public education has been declining for some time and will have a calamitous effect on our future if not reversed.
The reason I have so many references is to show this is a steadily increasing trend that I continuously update. It is not a vanishing blip on the radar. Failure to deal with this trend will have disastrous consequences for the future.
Help make your progressive case by using this documentation which is continuously updated. https://www.newprogs.org/make_your_case
The Democrats Are Not the Answer
I offer no defense of Trump or republicans who have also been trying to systematically destroy public education for decades. See Beware the Trump Administration. Rhetoric aside, however, in actions the democrats have been voting for the same objective. See The Democratic Party is the More Effective of Two Evils.
There is a bipartisan tradition to appoint to the post of Secretary of Education someone who has no experience teaching beyond a few college courses and believes the best way to improve education is to cut funding and get tough on teachers and their unions. Obama not only continued this tradition, by appointing Duncan as Secretary of Education, he has appointed the most hostile person to public education in the history of the office. The actions of his crony Chicago Mayor Emanuel against public schools is equally shocking. Of course Trump and his Education Secretary DeVos are just as bad or worse, but the bigger point is downgrading public education has been a bipartisan activity for decades.
The only public comment Obama has made on education (not counting generalities and sound-bites) praised a principal for firing teachers in mass and suggests teacher unions are the sole cause of all of our educational problems and charter schools the sole solution. If we are serious about addressing declining educational standards then those with no educational experience or background have to stop blaming, micromanaging, and underfunding teachers. We cannot "win the future" by underfunding and disrespecting teachers. Of course Republicans are doing the same thing. The point is this is one of many areas where democrats pretend to be different but in policy are not different. See references 1, 2, 35, 48, 49, 54, 55, 80, 85, 114, 124, 149, 150, 170, 171, 183, 192, 193, 219, 240, 277, 297, 304, 311, 338, 345, 381, 389, 408, 413, 416, 419, 436, 495, 583, 698, 700, 735, 738, 739, 743, 745, 759, 773, 807, 808.
Education Problems Documented in Below References
- Downplaying social studies, constitutional civil rights, art, PE, history
- "Teaching" science by memorizing facts rather than using critical thinking
- Omitting climate change or evolutionary biology
- Emphasizing common core so rich people and corporations can get richer by undocumented testing
- Privatizing education by eliminating evil public school teachers in favor of charter schools
- taking away tenure by laws and federal agencies such as Teach For America (TFA)
The below references indicate declining education is a nation wide problem and the policies of the Democratic/Republican Uni-Party are only making it worse. Turning our back on the public school system and making a higher education increasingly unaffordable are sure ways to pave the way for long term decline.
The March 2015 issue of National Geographic headlined "The War on Science" and covered increasing superstition on climate change, evolution. the moon landing and vaccinations. We are on very dangerous ground and this is a worrisome trend. Making the public schools a scapegoat will only worsen things.
Clearly the powers that be are playing a long game. We need to as well.
1-Why President Obama Must Remove Arne Duncan As Secretary of Education
2-The Obama Paradox
3-5 deleted
6-Teacher Pay: U.S. Ranks 22nd Out Of 27 Countries
7-8 deleted
9-You Made a Difference
11-When Reforming Education Means Destroying Communities
12-The Attack on Public Education
13-14 deleted
15-Teacher Salaries and the Medieval Bloodletting of the Public Schools
17-Black Teachers Fired En Masse
18-Rick Santorum's 'Snob' Lob Against Obama Brings GOP Governors To President's Defense
19-25 deleted
26-The Assault on Public Education
27-Why Isn't Closing 40 Philadelphia Public Schools National News?
29-School Closings Come To Atlanta This Week, To Your City Next Week: It's Time To Dump Arne Duncan
30-Chicago Teachers Gear Up for a Fight
31-The Continued Destruction of Public Schools by Profit Seeking Charter Schools
33-The For-Profit College Racket
35-Democratic Split Over Education Reform Tested By Hollywood Movie
36-‘Won’t Back Down’: Realities the Movie Ignores
37-38 deleted
39-Selling the Soul of Public Education
40-Pearson 'Education' - Who Are These People?
41-Texas GOP Platform Opposes Teaching "Critical Thinking Skills" in Schools. The Stupid, IT BURNS!
43-Four Reasons Chicago's Teachers Are On Strike
44-45 deleted
46-Chicago Teachers Swiftboated by For-Profit Charter School Operator
47-Stand Against Rahm!
48-The Real Problem with Rahm’s School Reforms in Chicago
49-Stubborn Facts About Obama Education Policies That No Amount of Convention Sugarcoating Can Cover Up
50-53 deleted
54-How Things Look to a Returning Chicago Teacher
55-Rahm: President Obama Supports Me Against Striking Teachers
56-60 deleted
61-Charters Do Not Outperform Unionized Schools
62-The Death of the Golden Dream of Higher Education
63-68 deleted
69-Downward Mobility Haunts US Education
70-71 deleted
72-Is Education a Human Right or a Privilege for the Wealthy?
74-The War Against Teachers as Public Intellectuals in Dark Times
75-In Teaching Climate Change, Politics Trumps Science
76-Privatizing Public Schools: Big Firms Eyeing Profits From U.S. K-12 Market
78-The New Tests Will Survive Even if the School Doesn't
79-Michelle Rhee to Actually be Held Accountable by Press for Once
80-Obama's Race To The Top Drives Nationwide Wave of School Closings, Teacher Firings
81-83 deleted
84-Melissa Harris-Perry Buries The Lead Story on National Wave of Public School Closings
85-Obama facing school “turnaround” civil rights complaints
86-Desperate US students seek “arrangements”
87-School turnarounds prompt community backlash
89-Why judges say charters are NOT public schools— students and parents should be nervous
90-Anti-Science Bills Weighed in Four States
91-102 deleted
103-Fighting Creeping Creationism
104-Getting rich off of schoolchildren
105-Has another venue of education scholarship sold out?
106-Interactive Map: Voucher Schools Teaching Creationism
107-110 deleted
111-Why Does the US Chamber of Commerce Want to Train or Replace Your Elected School Board, If They Haven't Already?
112-113 deleted
114-Chicago Public School Closings to Cost Taxpayers $1 Billion
115-Why the United States Is Destroying Its Education System
116-Climate debate cut from national curriculum for children up to 14 - Exclusive: New draft guidelines for key stages 1 to 3 criticised by scientists for 'abdicating duty to future generations'
117-119 deleted
120-Journey for Justice: Mass School Closings and the Death of Communities
122-L.A. Teachers Block Corporate Donor Attempt to Buy School Board
123-Protest Of CPS School Closings: Arrests, Tangled Evening Commute Stem From Loop Rally
124-Race to the Top : Obama's War on Public Education 1/2 (YouTube)
125-School Closures Pit Race And Poverty Against Budgets
126-128 deleted
129-Brown v. Board Reduced Crime: And now re-segregation is leading to a spike in violent crime among young black men.
130-Detroit Schools Emergency Manager Gets Accolades as Children Fall Further Behind
131-As Tuition Rises, Opportunities Shrink
132-The Test Score Racket
133-134 deleted
135-The Growing Burden of College Fees
137-Why The State Board Will Have To Revisit REPA II Teacher Licensure Rules
138-141 deleted
142-Brooklyn Charter School Targets Rich, White Parents, Enrollment Plan Shows
143-Walmart heirs 'invest' $8 million in StudentsFirst's school privatization agenda
144-145 deleted
146-Henry A. Giroux | The War Against Teachers as Public Intellectuals in Dark Times
148-Lincoln Park High School Students Walk Out in Support of Fired Teachers
149-Obama education secretary, Michigan governor promote school “reform”
150-Obama’s Race to the Bottom
151-Secret Teacher: are you teaching in a climate of fear? - Pressure of Ofsted inspections and a data-driven culture is destroying staff morale at Secret Teacher's school
152-Why the United States Is Destroying Its Education System
153-158 deleted
159-Yoo hoo to the AFT and NEA: Support the Garfield teachers, for real
160-162 deleted
163-Education Reform in the New Jim Crow Era
164-166 deleted
167-Time to Stop Waiting for Superman
168-169 deleted
170-Obama Student Loan Policy Reaping $51 Billion Profit
171-Obama's Betrayal of Public Education? Arne Duncan and the Corporate Model of Schooling
173-TheExhaustion of the American Teacher
174-178 deleted
179-Where Does Data Come From? Replacing "Teach"er with "Test"er!
180-182 deleted
183-Marching in Chicago: Resisting Rahm Emanuel’s Neoliberal Savagery
184-Moyers Moment (2012): Heather McGhee on Student Debt
185-New data shows school “reformers” are full of it: Poor schools underperform largely because of economic forces, not because teachers have it too easy
186-Noam Chomsky on Democracy and Education in the 21st Century and Beyond
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189-Sallie Mae’s Profits Soaring at the Expense of Our Nation’s Students
190-191 deleted
192-Chicago School Closings And The Joyce Foundation: The Obama Connection
193-Chicago Teachers Union blasts mass firings dictated by post-strike contract
194-196 deleted
197-Editorial: Bennett's credibility called into question
199-Fighting for Our Classrooms, and for the Human Beings Inside Them
200-203 deleted
204-New data shows school “reformers” are full of it - Poor schools underperform largely because of economic forces, not because teachers have it too easy
205-209 deleted
210-The True Size of the Student Debt Crisis
211-The Student Loan Debt Crisis in 9 Charts - Nearly $1 trillion in debt, millions in unpaid loans: the numbers behind how Americans are struggling to pay for college.
212-“Indescribably insane”: A public school system from hell
213-214 deleted
215-Pearson 'Education' -- Who Are These People?
216-After Student Protests, Sallie Mae Becomes 50th Corporation to Dump ALEC
217-Anti-piracy curriculum for elementary schools decried as ‘propaganda'
218-Charter School Gravy Train Runs Express To Fat City
219-Chicago Teacher: Inhumane Working Conditions are Inhumane Learning Conditions
220-Diane Ravitch: School privatization is a hoax, “reformers” aim to destroy public schools - Our public schools aren't in decline. And "reformers" with wild promises don't care about education — just profits
221-For All Our Good, Let Student Debtors Go Bankrupt
222-For-Profit Colleges Thrive, Veterans Suffer
224-INSANE: Common Core forces new kindergarteners to bubble in test answers
225-Mercedes Schneider Explains: Who Paid for the Common Core Standards
226-Newsflash: 800 Ed Reformers Meet in Boston Today
227-230 deleted
233-Why ALEC Fabricated Public School Failures (and Why We're Not Surprised)
235-4 Myths about Teacher Unions
236-239 deleted
240-Does Arne Duncan Realize that Teachers and Students Are Dying?
241-Alexandria teacher fired despite no negative evaluations
242-244 deleted
245-(updated) Ohio charter school fail, and fail, and fail, and future fails
246-Five years in prison for homeless mom that sent her child to school
248-Dumbing Down America: The Decline of Education in the US as Seen From Down Under
249-252 deleted
253-Historians speak out against proposed Texas textbook changes
254-How ‘Limited Government’ Is Burying a Generation in Debt
255-Indiana: GOP Plan to Privatizatize Public Schools Revealed
259-K-12 student homelessness in US hits record high - report
261-Meet the Bullies
262-263 deleted
264-Mom packs kids homemade lunch; school fines her and feeds kids Ritz Crackers
265-266 deleted
267-Lawsuit filed today in NY State Court to block inBloom and protect student privacy
269-Our Schools Are Not For Sale
270-Poor ranking on international test misleading about US student performance, researcher finds
272-The Real 21st-Century Problem in Public Education is Poverty
273-A Call to Arms From Oz to American Academics
275-The Seven Blind Mice of Education Reform: A Field Guide
278-280 deleted
281-Ripping Off Young America: The College Loan Scandal
282-285 deleted
286-These 11 Leaders Are Running Education But Have Never Taught
287-293 deleted
294-Father Arrested for Trying to Pick up His Special Needs Children from School
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/father-arrested-pick-special-children-school/#DFwS3uDSoJf3eP3y.99
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/father-arrested-pick-special-children-school/#DFwS3uDSoJf3eP3y.99
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/father-arrested-pick-special-children-school/#DFwS3uDSoJf3eP3y.99
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/father-arrested-pick-special-children-school/#DFwS3uDSoJf3eP3y.99
295-any book by Diane Ravitch
297-9 things the mayor doesn't want you to know about charter expansion in Chicago
298-299 deleted
300-Bronx teacher thrown in jail after criticizing principal
301-Charter School Pirates of Privilege Plunder Public Schools
302-Charter Schools and the Destruction of Public Education
303-Charter Schools Gone Wild: Study Finds Widespread Fraud, Mismanagement and Waste
304-Arne Duncan slams teachers, says they come from the bottom of the academic barrel.
305-Chris Hedges: Why the United States Is Destroying Its Education System
306-Columbia Tosses Out Star Faculty Researchers for Failing to Pay 80% of Their Own Way
307-Corporate School Reform Equals Educational Malpractice
308-Crunching Test Scores Isn’t Enough to Educate Our Kids
310-UPDATED: For-profit charter celebrates "Teacher Appreciation Week" w/ compulsory teacher humiliation
311-Despite Community Pleas, Three Chicago Schools Slated for Privatization
313-DOJ to Schools: Stop Sending Kids to Jail for Breaking the Rules
314-Education Hackers: They’re Heeere
316-Teachers were never the Problem: Percent of Low Income Students in the Public Schools
317-Scholastic and Big Coal Team Up to Bamboozle 4th Graders
318-321 deleted
322-Has Teach for America reached its Waterloo?
323-Beyond Neoliberal Miseducation
324-325 deleted
326-Indiana withdrawing from Common Core standards
327-Infographic: Why Corporations Want Our Public Schools
328-331 deleted
332-Appeal Court Vindicates 7,000 Fired Educators
333-Newark school boss Anderson cracks down on critics, suspends five principals in one day
336-337 deleted
338- Obama’s Lawless Ed-Reform Push
339-Oprah’s Star Charter School in New Orleans Is Closing Down
340-Paul Horton: Why Obama's Education Policies Will Not Change and Why "Change is Hard"
342-Baton Rouge’s Rich Want New Town to Keep Poor Pupils Out: Taxes
343-344 deleted
345-President Obama Throws Teachers Under The Train
346-348 deleted
349-Public Education Going the Way of Netscape Navigator? Common Core, Bill Gates and BATs
350-Public Education: Who Are the Corporate Reformers?
351-354 deleted
355-Stop Blaming Black Parents for School Achievement Gaps
356-Death threats and denial for woman who showed college athletes struggle to read
359-Teacher misconduct in CPS?
360-361 deleted
362-The American Public School Under Siege
363-366 deleted
369-373 deleted
374-Newark parent leader arrested, jailed, after criticizing state plan to close schools.
375-Wyoming is 1st state to reject science standards
376-377 deleted
378-Charter Schools Fail: New Reports Call Their ‘Magic’ Into Question
380-Alternative Visions – Billionaires vs Teachers: The Vergara Court Decision in California – 06/14/14
381-Arne Duncan Threatens Entire State Of Oklahoma Because State Backed Out Of Common Core
382-Scholastic and Big Coal Team Up to Bamboozle 4th Graders
383-Boston Public Schools to Eliminate History & Social Science Departments
385-California court ruling signals nationwide attack on teacher tenure, seniority rights
386-Are Charter Schools Todays Version of Sub Prime Mortgages? (video) (YouTube)
389-SEC hits Chicago charter school operator with fraud charges
390-391 deleted
394-Conflicts Of Interest, Public Education, The AFT/NEA Corruption Through Non-Profits (video) (YouTube)
395-397 deleted
398-States are fighting new science curriculum teaching climate change and evolution
400-For-profit education chain Corinthian College implodes
402-Gresham Elementary Principal No Longer Has Keys To School After Sit-In
403-405 deleted
406-How to Pay for a Free, Non-Racist Higher Education
408-Is "Democrats For Public Education" Just a Toothless, Cynical Sound Byte?
409-Fuzzy Math - The guesstimate that struck down California’s teacher tenure laws.
410-KS-Gov Brownback Expels Teachers..
411-LA Judge Objects to School Police Getting Millions Reserved for Struggling Students
412-Age of Ignorance
413-Mayor Rahm to Prosser High: Beat it!
414-Mississippi Cuts $1.3 Billion from Schools, Gives $1.3 Billion to Nissan
415-New York City’s Teachers Adrift, Victims of Reform
416-Obama alums join anti teachers union case
417-418 deleted
421-Principals Given Just 24 Hours to Make Way for New Success Academy Schools
422-Protections of Teacher Tenure Do Not Hurt Students
423-Report: Charters Creating Two-Tier Education
425-Five Ways Charter Schools Are Bad for Children and Other Living Things
426-School That Banned Honors Night For Being Too ‘Exclusive’ Decides Not To Be National Laughingstock
427-Serial School Privatizer "Chainsaw Paul" Vallas Gets Ready For His Next Job
429-430 deleted
433-The Federal Hand Behind Common Core
436-The Obamas’ Race to the Bottom
438-The Whole Problem With Education In America, Explained By One Teacher In 6 Minutes
439-University of Illinois fires professor Steven Salaita after Gaza massacre tweets
441-Why Hedge Funds Love Charter Schools
444-Lies My Corporate Ed Reformers Told Me: The Truth About Teacher Tenure and the Civil Rights Movement
445-deleted446-NPR Whitewashes Charter Schools and Disaster Capitalism in New Orleans
447-Gates Funding Spurs Doubts over Pubmedia's Impartiality in Education Reporting
449-States are fighting new science curriculum teaching climate change and evolution
450-451 deleted
455-Wealthy Donors and Corporations Set Think Tanks’ Agendas
456-Questioning the Charter School Hype
459-American Teachers Spend More Time In The Classroom Than World Peers, Says Report
460-Another Study Finds Unaccountable Charter Schools Dogged by Corruption
461-Charlotte School Shuts Down 20 Days into School Year
462-Charter School Power Broker Turns Public Education Into Private Profits
464-466 deleted
467-German universities scrap all tuition fees
468-How Rich Old White Men Are Taking Lunch Money Away From Inner-City Black Kids
470-Parents pay the price for children’s student debt
474-Texas’ New Public School Textbooks Promote Climate Change Denial and Downplay Segregation
475-The Joys of Abolishing Debt
476-The Resurgence of the Public Education Nation
477-The University of Illinois Fails on Academic Freedom and Free Speech: Why the Salaita Case Matters
478-The witch-hunting of Steven Salaita and the new McCarthyism
480-Why Government Spends More Per Pupil at Elite Private Universities Than at Public Universities
481-482 deleted