Beware the Trump Administration

The New Progressive Alliance keeps references that allies and friends may use in support of the Unified Platform such as Make Your Case!  One of our resources that we maintain is a growing list of references for the article Don’t Let These People or Organizations Fool You    As with the Clintons, the large number of references on Trump became unwieldy for that article so we gathered them separately in this article. This article will be continuously updated with new references.

Democrats constantly allege the republicans are so bad that people must vote for democrats. Democrats then quickly abandon any principles once in office. Still, modern day Republicans are not traditional conservatives and we should not forget that  they - like their democratic colleagues – are also largely on the same wrong path as the democrats. The democrats have better rhetoric, but their actions are largely the same as their republican colleagues. See Make Your Case!

Though the New Progressive Alliance has the structure to build as an organizing tool, in the absence of enough dedicated volunteers it serves as a poor man's think tank that can help make a case for others. Below, then, is documentation on the Trump administration. All are welcome to use as desired.

1-Journalists who celebrated Obama and demonize Trump are only empowering the new President

2-PBS Runs A Three-Hour Series Glorifying The DeVos Education Agenda (which is) Funded by conservative foundations devoted to privatization, this program is the definition of paid propaganda.

3-EPA accelerates purge of scientists - Members of the EPA’s Board of Scientific Counselors were told that they would not see their tenure renewed.

4-An Insider's View: The Dark Rigidity of Fundamentalist Rural America: In deep-red white America, the white Christian God is king.

5-Trump Administration Goes After Clean Water

7-Trump Is Continuing And Expanding All Of Bushbama’s Worst Policies

8-Emergency Climate Crisis is upon us

9-The Trump administration just disbanded a federal advisory committee on climate change

10-Another US agency deletes references to climate change on government website - The term ‘climate change’ was changed to simply ‘climate’ on website of the National Institutes of Health, the world’s leading public health research body

11-Trump's Lawyers Sue Greenpeace Over Dakota Pipeline, Making Jaw-Dropping Accusations - Greenpeace calls the suit "a pattern of harassment by corporate bullies, with Trump's attorneys leading the way."

12-Has the Liberal Media Enabled a Nationwide Crackdown on Trump's Political Enemies? - The president's smear of the "alt-left" echoes what mainstream outlets have been saying for months.

13-EPA moves to rewrite limits for coal power plant wastewater

14-Fighting Climate Change Means Protesting More Than Donald Trump - It's not just our current president; our political and economic system as a whole refuses to take climate change or the survival of millennials and younger generations seriously.

15-Jeff Sessions Is Aiding and Abetting Police Departments Who Want to Seize Property of People Convicted of No Crime

16-New study finds that climate change costs will hit Trump country hardest - In the USA, the southeastern states are most vulnerable to the costly impacts from human-caused climate change

17-Perry’s Grid Study Calls for Easing Pollution Rules on Power Plants - The Department of Energy study also concedes that the electricity grid can handle renewable power.

18-Empowering Science Advice

19-Scott Pruitt's Crimes Against Nature - Trump's EPA chief is gutting the agency, defunding science and serving the fossil-fuel industry

20-Trump Admin. Halts Mountaintop Mining Health Risks Study by National Academies: West Virginia officials had asked for the study after scientists described increased risks of cancer and birth defects near surface coal mining operations.

21-Trump Energy Dept's Pro-Coal, Pro-Nuclear Report 'Not Worth Paper It's Written On' - Critics say agency report is little more than "propaganda" and "talking points memo for coal and nuclear subsidies"

22-US science envoy resigns in protest at Trump policies - Energy researcher Daniel Kammen faults US president’s positions on climate change and energy and his failure to condemn white supremacists.

23-Whistleblower Case Shows How Trump Tries to Silence Science - A top federal scientist working with Alaska Native communities on climate change talks about abuses of power and intimidation, while a report details other tactics.

24-Penalties Against Polluters Drop 60% Under Trump

35-'Muffled' Climate Scientists Relocate to France as Trump's Disregard Blatantly Continues

36-'Neglect and Bureaucracy': Six Months After Maria, Trump Condemned for Failed Response in Puerto Rico

37-3.5 million Americans face disease & death in Puerto Rico. What the hell is Trump doing?

38-67 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump

39-Accumulating Evidence: Federal Scientists are being Silenced

40-Ajit Pai’s Plan Will Take Broadband Away From Poor People

41-Alex Azar, Trump’s HHS Pick, Has Already Been a Disaster for People With Diabetes - While he was at Eli Lilly, the company more than tripled the price of its best-selling insulin.

42-Anti-Science Climate Deniers Taking Over EPA Science Advisory Board - An influential panel could soon be stacked with the anti-science friends of polluters.

43-As Lawmakers Accuse DeVos of Lack of Regard for Students, Her Own Staffer Admits 'Things Have Gotten Pretty Awful Here' - "What do you mean, there's no data?" a lawmaker asked Secretary of Education during tense hearing. "There is study after study after study."

44-Betsy DeVos was “confused” about protections for students with disabilities — so she scrapped dozens. The Trump administration is rolling back guidelines meant to protect students with disabilities.

45-Boycotting the President’s Brand

46-CDC banned from using 'evidence-based' and 'science-based' in official documents: report

47-How Trump Plans to Evict Poor Families From Public Housing - The president’s budget proposal is a shocking assault on millions of people who rely on rental assistance. 

48-Hurricane Harvey: Trump's Weather Cuts Are Now in the Eye of the Storm - Donald Trump has proposed cutting the federal weather satellite agency’s roughly $2 billion budget by 18 percent.

49-Nearly all members of National Park Service advisory panel resign over frustration with Zinke

50-Fossil Fuel Industries Pumped Millions Into Trump's Inauguration, Filing Shows

51-Macron trumps Trump with 'Make Climate Great Again' campaign

52-Millionaire Trump Adviser Says Americans Can 'Buy A New Car' With $1,000 Tax Cut

53-Nearly all members of National Park Service advisory panel resign over frustration with Zinke

54-Trump’s Nominee For CIA Director: This Is What Happens When There’s No Justice For Torture

55-Major federal climate report rebuts everything Trump administration has said about climate change

56-New Report on Radioactive Tap Water Renews Concerns About Trump Nominee for Top Environmental Role - Critics are challenging Trump's "outrageous" and "alarming" move to renominate the former head of a Texas environmental agency who has admitted to falsifying reports of radiation levels in drinking water

57-One-Third of the Trump Team Has Ties to the Koch Brothers

58-Perry's Coal Proposal Unlikely to Reverse Historic Decline

59-President Trump directs EPA to ease air quality rules he says suffocates industry

60-President Trump Inc: An Analysis of President Trump’s Financial Disclosures: What we Know, Don’t Know, and Why It All Matters

61-Proposed Tax Reform Bill Has ‘Disastrous Implications’ for Renewable Energy

62-Protestors Halt Trump’s 'Clean Fossil Fuels' Panel at COP23, Dismissed as 'Promoting Tobacco at a Cancer Summit'

63-Pruitt tells climate deniers he’ll stop counting value of lives saved for new rules - Scott Pruitt plans to stop tallying the co-benefits of cutting pollution.

64-Pruitt, Zinke and Perry Target Clean Air and Water Rules to Curb 'Burdens' on Energy Sector

65-Puerto Rico's Catastrophe Puts Trump's Ineptitude on Full Display - So far, Trump’s response to the Puerto Rico disaster is to tell us he’s doing an “amazing” job. Despite that ocean!

66-Report: Trump Bans 'Transgender,' 'Fetus,' 'Science-Based' From CDC Documents

67-Report: White House Wants to Cut Renewable Energy Programs by 72%

68-Trump's Interior Secretary Claimed Wind Power Leads to Global Warming. His Numbers Are Wrong

69-Scott Pruitt Declares War on Wind and Solar Energy, While Fossil Fuels Get Billions in Subsidies - During a recent trip to Kentucky coal country, the EPA chief proposed ending renewable energy tax credits.

70-Scott Pruitt Kills Agency That Studies Chemicals Harmful to Children

71-Scott Pruitt Will Restrict EPA's Use of Legitimate Science - The Administrator's “transparency” proposal is a fundamentally flawed Trojan Horse

72-Secretary Perry Seeks Market Rules That ‘Properly Value’ Coal, Nuclear Generation

73-The 4 Biggest Banks Have Already Made $2.3 Billion Off Trump’s Tax Law

74-The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far

75-The Mayor of San Juan Isn’t Finished With Donald Trump: “Power Does Not Make You a Good Person” - She explains how Puerto Rico is grappling with the new normal.

76-The stupidity of Trumpcare: Government will spend $33 billion more to cover 8.9 million fewer Americans, as premiums soar

77-The Top 10 Lies In The Trump Budget

78-The US Government’s Climate Change Site No Longer Contains the Words ‘Climate Change’

79-Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Tweeting While Rome Burns 

80-Tomgram: Arnold Isaacs, The False Case Against "Foreign-Born Terrorists"

81-Tomgram: Mattea Kramer, When a Voice Tells You You'll Never Be Enough

82-Tomgram: Nomi Prins, How to Set the Economy on Fire

83-Tomgram: Nomi Prins, In Donald Trump's Washington, The House Always Wins 

84-Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Trump the Flamethrower 

85-Tomgram: Subhankar Banerjee, The Destruction of a Vast Transnational Nursery? 

86-Trump Administration Eliminates Animal Welfare Rules

87-Trump administration halts study of offshore oil inspections

88-Trump Administration Is Now Auctioning Off Public Land in Utah for Oil and Gas - The land is located near protected national monuments.

89-Trump Administration Tells Puerto Rico It’s Too Rich for Aid Money

90-Trump Administration Waives Punishment For Convicted Banks, Including Deutsche — Which Trump Owes Millions

91-Trump and DeVos call for massive cuts to college student aid programs

92-Trump Picks Another Non-Scientist for Science Post and Makes a Disastrous Choice for Drug Czar

93-Trump to allow imports of African elephant trophies

94-Trump To End Funding For Early Warning Earthquake Detection System

95-Trump Votes For Death Penalty For Being Gay

96-Trump Wants to Cut 355 National Weather Service Jobs Despite Record-Breaking Disasters in 2017

97-Trump’s EPA Chief is Reshaping Food and Farming: What You Need to Know - The legendarily anti-EPA Scott Pruitt is trying to undo the agency’s work through rollbacks, inaction, and decimating its workforce.

98-Trump's Lawyers Sue Greenpeace Over Dakota Pipeline, Making Jaw-Dropping Accusations - Greenpeace calls the suit "a pattern of harassment by corporate bullies, with Trump's attorneys leading the way."

99-Trump’s Pick for EPA Safety Chief Argued Kids Are Less Sensitive to Toxins

100-Trump’s SEC Blocks Shareholder Climate Resolution at Oil Company’s Request

101-US votes against UN resolution condemning gay sex death penalty, joining Iraq and Saudi Arabia - America one of 13 countries on Human Rights Council to oppose historic vote

102-Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Cleaning House, Enabling War

103-Top CFPB Official Sues Trump Administration As Showdown Over Agency Heats Up

104-A Whistle-Blower Alleges Corruption in Rick Perry’s Department of Energy

105-We Are Living in a World Where the President Merrily Tweets While the World Is on Fire

106-White House Says Cutting Meals on Wheels Is ‘Compassionate’

107-White House wants to help states, cities offload infrastructure

108-You’ll Be Shocked to See the Deductions You’ve Lost Under the New Tax Bill

109-Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Last Men Standing 

110-Why Trump's New Strategy for Afghanistan Is the Disaster You'd Expect It to Be - A battlefield for an endless American war.

111-Trump Reinstates Program to Turn Police into the Standing Army Our Forefathers Warned Us About

112-Trump Reverses Restrictions on Military Hardware for Police

113-'Did Climate Change Kill … People in Ellicott City?' Team Trump is doing everything it can to “ignore” climate science.

114-'This Is a Big Deal': Fearing 'Public Relations Nightmare,' Pruitt's EPA Blocked Release of a Major Water Contamination Study Journalists, members of Congress, environmental and public health advocates, and water experts are all calling on the Trump administration to "immediately" release the report

115-As black lung disease makes comeback, Trump seeks to weaken coal miner protections

116-Why does Trump get away with corruption? Because Bill and Hillary Clinton normalized it

117-Emails show cooperation among EPA, climate-change deniers

118-Feds block government archaeologists from speaking at a major science conference

119-Here’s Why Trump’s New Strategy to Keep Ailing Coal and Nuclear Plants Open Makes No Sense

120-NYT: For-profit college fraud investigations scaled back under Betsy DeVos

121-Pruitt bars AP, CNN from EPA summit on contaminants, guards push reporter out of building  The journalist said she was grabbed by the shoulders and shoved outside. The EPA said there was no room but later reversed course and let the reporters in.

122-Report: Top Trump donor agreed to pay Michael Cohen $10M to promote nuclear power project

123-Scott Pruitt Is an Ethics Nightmare, But So Is Ryan Zinke

124-Still scraping by while the bankers celebrate

125-Tomgram: Engelhardt, Overdosing in Twenty-First-Century America   America's Addictions: Opioids, Donald Trump, and War  

126-Tomgram: Nomi Prins, The Disrupter-in-Chief 

127-Trump administration attempts to tweak capital gains tax only to benefit the rich  But tax analysts said the proposed tweak would create more tax shelters and increase national debt.

128-Trump EPA to shred rules on toxic pollution

129-Trump Isn’t Another Hitler. He’s Another Obama.

130-Trump White House axes NASA research into greenhouse gas cuts

131-Donald Trump has some thoughts on fighting wildfires. They’re nonsense.   Humans are increasing wildfire risks, but “bad environmental laws” aren’t the problem.

132-The Jaws Presidency   at

133-As Trump Drags US Backwards, China's Massive Spending on Clean Energy Delivers Reduction Targets 12 Years Early  While maintaining economic might, the trillions of dollars spent by China on renewable energy appears to be paying off

134-Buried, altered, silenced: 4 ways government climate information has changed since Trump took office

135-Climate change: local efforts won't be enough to undo Trump's inaction, study says

136-Trump Presidency Linked to Substance Use, Mental Health Issues Among Teens

137-Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Will China Be the Next Global Hegemon? 

138-Tomgram: Dilip Hiro, Trumping Trump? 

139-Tomgram: Engelhardt, History, Memory, and Donald Trump 

140-Trump’s Craziest Climate Speech Ever Explains His New Dirty Energy Policy

141-US interior secretary's school friend blocking climate research, scientists say

142-Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, The President as Pimple 

143-Kavanaugh and Supreme Court to Planet: Drop Dead - Within a day of a frightening UN warning about global warming, the Court lets stand an anti-EPA decision written by then-Judge Kavanaugh.

144-EPA’S STEALTH RELAXATION OF OZONE STANDARD - Downwind States Must Endure More Ozone to Win Good Neighbor Protections

145-Puerto Rico’s Unnatural Disaster Rolls on Into Year Two

146-Tomgram: Arnold Isaacs, Moments of Truth 

147-Tomgram: John Feffer, Say Goodbye to the Guardrails of Governance 

148-Tomgram: Nomi Prins, Cooking the Books in the Trump Universe 

149-US votes against UN resolution condemning gay sex death penalty, joining Iraq and Saudi Arabia - America one of 13 countries on Human Rights Council to oppose historic vote

150-VA secretary has begun planning budget cuts requested by Trump

151-Betsy DeVos Is Working Hard to Make Student Loan Forgiveness an Impossibility

152-Monumental Disaster at the Department of the Interior  A new report documents suppression of science, denial of climate change, the silencing and intimidation of staff

153-Trump fuel economy rollback is based on misleading and shoddy calculations, study finds

154-Trump Picks Former Monsanto Executive to Head U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

155-  Move shocks delegates at UN conference as ministers fly in for final week of climate talks

156-The INF Treaty and the crises of arms control

157-Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, Rule Number One in Warfare: Know Your Enemy - Our Man in Riyadh

158-The Trump administration’s most ridiculous attacks on science in 2018

159-As Shutdown Drags on, Agencies Devoted to Consumer and Worker Health and Safety Unfunded and Deprioritized

160-EPA Plans to Allow Unlimited Dumping of Fracking Wastewater in the Gulf of Mexico

161-Federal Election Commission chairwoman: Government shutdown is ‘incredibly wasteful and unproductive’  Ellen Weintraub, chair of the Federal Election Commission, laments her agency not enforcing and regulating campaign finance laws

162-Government Shutdown Puts the Public’s Health at Risk; Potential for Harm Increases as Impasse Continues - 11 health advocacy and civil rights organizations call for an immediate end to the shutdown

163-Trump Orders FEMA To Cut Off Aid For California Wildfire Recovery

164-Trump promises on coal, steel and China trade are all falling flat

165-The Trump Administration’s Africa Policy

166-Trump’s new nuclear weapon has entered production

167-'Complete Wiping Away of Clean Water Act': Trump EPA Rule Would Free Corporations to Pollute Nation's Water as Much as They Please  "As a result of the change, an estimated 60-90 percent of U.S. waterways could lose federal protections that currently shield them from pollution and development."

168-'The Road to Tyranny Is Paved With Corrupt Intentions': Transportation Secretary Chao Still Profiting From Asphalt-Construction Giant  "For the head of the DOT to have a financial interest in an asphalt company, that is not sending a message to employees of DOT that she is making ethics a priority."

169-‘Not in compliance’: Wilbur Ross, the Trump official who keeps watchdogs up at night  (United States Department of Commerce)  Inaccurate statements by Department of Commerce secretary showcase limitations in ethics enforcement

170-10 Stats That Disprove Trump’s Claim We’re Enjoying the “Best Economy & Jobs EVER”

171-15 ways the Trump administration has changed environmental policies For the past three years, National Geographic has been tracking how this administration's decisions will influence air, water, and wildlife.

172-USDA Firing Half of Scientists at 2 Research Agencies

173-Agriculture Department buries studies showing dangers of climate change  The Trump administration has stopped promoting government-funded research into how higher temperatures can damage crops and pose health risks.

174-Air Pollution in the US Has Surged Under the Trump Administration  As the air gets dirtier, more people are getting sick.

175-Alarm as Trump Energy Dept Redefines 'High-Level' Nuclear Waste to 'Low-Level' in Order to Save Disposal Costs  "If you've got a problem with radioactive waste, you could clean it up, a costly and onerous process, or you could just change the definition of it. Guess which one the Trump administration has decided to do?"

176-Architect of GOP Gerrymandering Was Behind Trump’s Census Citizenship Question The GOP’s longtime redistricting expert said the question would be “advantageous to Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites.”

177-Arctic black carbon work hampered by U.S. and Russia, says Finland

178-Are We Underestimating Trump Yet Again?  Progressives and liberals have to accept the ugly fact that a sizable portion of America’s population is susceptible to Trump's propaganda because they back the president’s xenophobic, anti-immigrant, racist, sexist, homophobic, corporatist, and war-mongering agenda

179-As Global Youth Demand Climate Action, Trump Heaps Praise on Coal-Obsessed Aussie Leader  The president gushed over Australia's continued extraction of the fossil fuel.

180-Big businesses paying even less than expected under GOP tax law. Though profits remain up and the economy is strong, total corporate taxes are at the lowest levels seen in more than 50 years.

181-Buried, altered, silenced: 4 ways government climate information has changed since Trump took office

182-Former EPA chief says Trump administration is 'hamstringing scientists'

183-Climate change group scrapped by Trump reassembles to issue warning  Panel was disbanded after a Trump official voiced concerns that it did not have enough members ‘from industry’

184-Rich farmers, not mom-and-pop farms, will collect most of Trump’s tariff bailout

185-DeVos Denounced for Student Debt Relief Rule Change That Critics Say 'Takes a Scythe to Defrauded Borrowers'  "With this policy overhaul, Secretary DeVos has cemented her legacy as best friend to predatory colleges and enemy to the students they rip off."

186-Ex-Government Scientist Published Damning Report on Department of Interior  The report breaks down the DOI's most anti-science policies into four categories.

187-Betsy DeVos cancels Obama-era regulation aimed at holding for-profit schools accountable

188-Documents detail multimillion-dollar ties involving EPA official, secretive industry group  Bill Wehrum's firm worked extensively to coordinate the power industry’s strategy against the Obama-era regulations.

189-Donald Trump is using Stalinist tactics to discredit climate science

190-Watch Donald Trump Jr. Call Teachers ‘Losers’ at His Father’s El Paso Rally

191-Donald Trump nominates man whose firm tripled price of insulin to regulate drug companies

192-Donald Trump orders Environmental Protection Agency to delete all climate change information from its website

193-Donald Trump stopping US government scientists from speaking out publicly is 'chilling'  The American Association for the Advancement of Science warns against 'censorship and intimidation'

194-Donald Trump's Climate Denial Gets More Ridiculous By The Day

195-Donald Trump’s wildlife protection board full of people who like killing animals for fun

196-Eleven Coal Companies Have Filed for Bankruptcy Since Trump Took Office

197-EPA to Weaken Public Protections Against Toxic Coal Ash in Water

198-EPA green-lights use of pesticide linked to brain damage in children

199-EPA proposal scraps limits on coal plant waste

200-EPA Tells States To Stop Policing Groundwater Pollution  It’s an Effort to Get Around Two Court Decisions that Apply in Only 14 States   

201-Every mention of global warming and climate change deleted from the White House website as Donald Trump arrives

202-Former intelligence analyst says White House tried to delete "basic science" from climate change report

203-Frustration over disaster aid grows as House delays funding — again  “It’s just damn sickening to see our representatives up there that don’t think about what they’re doing. They’ve got lives in their hands,” one farmer said.

204-America’s Allies Seem to Be Moving On Without Trump  At the G7 meeting, leaders seemed to have given up on an agreement with him on trade, climate, and even whether Russian President Vladimir Putin is friend or foe.

205-How Trump’s Political Appointees Helped Big Banks Avoid Tougher Punishments  Following talks with Barclays and RBS representatives, senior Justice Department officials overruled career prosecutors who’d been investigating the banks’ misdeeds.

206-I'm a scientist. Under Trump I lost my job for refusing to hide climate crisis facts

207-Links Between Climate Change, Disasters Examined in the House

208-Mike Pence dodges climate change questions as Agriculture Department buries new scientific studies  "We will always follow the science on that in this administration," Pence says of climate change

209-President Trump Slaps Tariffs on Solar Panels in Major Blow to Renewable Energy

210-Trump's failure to fight climate change is a crime against humanity

211-White House cracks down on agency use of science

212-Resisting the Weaponization of Ignorance in the Age of Trump

213-Scientist who resisted censorship of climate report lost her job

214-Scientists fired by Trump warn particle pollution standards don’t protect people  Group was disbanded by the EPA, but continued its work anyway, as Trump agencies roll back environment and health protections

215-Senate Confirms Pro-Polluter Andrew Wheeler as EPA Chief  In his eight months as the agency’s acting administrator, Wheeler has already shown that he’s unwilling to protect the environment and public health.

216-Study Finds Trump Tax Cuts Failed to Do Anything But Give Rich People Money

217-Trump 2020: Be Very Afraid  America is the first country to ever elect a Mad King, and the way things are going, we may be dumb enough to do it twice

218-The Belief That Trump Is a Messiah Is Rampant and Dangerous

219-The GOP Tax Cut Trickle Down Has Arrived: Worker Bonuses Went Up One Penny in 2018

220-The pathetically weak Trump stock market in three easy-to-read charts

221-The Trump EPA strategy to undo Clean Power Plan

222-The White House, Not DeVos, Wanted to Slash Special Olympics Budget

223-The White House's Science Division Is Now Completely Empty

224-Things Didn’t Go Well When Betsy DeVos Was Confronted With Her Department’s Charter School Fraud-One billion awarded by the federal government’s Charter Schools Program (CSP) went to charter schools that never opened or opened for only brief periods

225-Trump Administration Moves To Loosen Radiation Rules, Says It’s Good For You

226-Trump administration orders government agency to stop predicting long-term climate change impacts

227-Trump administration proposes $7.1 billion funding cut to Education Department

228-Trump Administration Transferred $9.8 Million From FEMA To ICE

229-Trump administration wants to roll back child labor laws

230-Trump backs Brazilian president as he rejects aid for fighting Amazon fires

231-Trump EPA OKs 'Emergency' to Dump Bee-Killing Pesticide on 16 Million Acres

232-Trump Has Defected The president crossed an important line when he canceled a meeting with the Danish prime minister.

233-Trump is trying to kill electric cars but will kill jobs and the climate instead  The global electric car boom can't be stopped, but Trump policies would insure U.S. workers miss out on it.

234-Trump's July 4th extravaganza reportedly using $2.5 million meant for National Park Service

235-A Trump Administration Plan that Could Boost Corporate ‘Dark Money’ in Elections - A Securities and Exchange Commission proposal could limit shareholders’ ability to rein in secret campaign spending by big companies.

236-Trump Just Blamed Union Dues, Which Are Paid By Workers Not Companies, For GM’s Layoffs

237-Trump limits access of board overseeing safety at (nuclerar) Hanford site - Watchdogs fear that a recent administration order will make the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board less effective and nuclear waste sites more dangerous.

238-Trump officials deleting mentions of ‘climate change’ from U.S. Geological Survey press releases

239-Trump takes aim at firefighting jobs with largest federal cut in a decade As the West prepares for a brutal wildfire season.

240-Trump Takes Ax to Science and Other Advisory Committees, Sparking Backlash - The new order comes as the administration has been sidelining scientists and other expert advisers at what former government officials consider an alarming rate.

241-Some children born overseas to certain US troops may not automatically have American citizenship, Trump administration says

242-Trump's Minneapolis Rally Was a Demonstration of the Moral Suicide Pact He's Made With His Supporters

243-Trump's tariffs have cost US businesses $3.4 billion in June

244-Trump trade war with China has cost 300,000 U.S. jobs, Moody's estimates

245-Trump's USDA buried sweeping climate change response plan

246-Trump’s agriculture secretary dismisses climate change as ‘weather patterns’ - Meanwhile farmers struggle with ongoing, record-breaking floods.

247-Trump’s environmental policies could lead to an extra 80,000 deaths per decade, say Harvard scientists The EPA says the findings aren’t scientific, but it hardly has the authority to make such criticism

248-Trump’s EPA is ‘cooking the books’ to justify its attack on clean air rules  Experts call it a “deeply cynical strategy” that puts lives at risk.

249-U.S. Announces Its Withdrawal From U.N. Human Rights Council

250-U.S. denies Tesla, GM, Uber 25% Chinese tariff relief

251-U.S. Economy Slips From First to Third Place in Global Competitiveness Ranking Amid Trump's Tariffs

252-U.S. imposes visa bans on International Criminal Court investigators - Pompeo

253-U.S. Sees Largest Reduction of Protected Lands in History Under Trump  “As human pressures on the biosphere accelerate, it is critical to strengthen—not roll back—conservation efforts,” scientists say

254-Sharyl Attkisson: Where Did The $91 Billion For Hurricane Recovery In Puerto Rico Go?

255-U.S. votes against anti-Nazi resolution at U.N.

256-Under Trump arms deal, high-tech U.S. bombs to be built in Saudi Arabia   Democrats in Congress say the administration should not hand the Saudis valuable weapons tech given the kingdom's conduct in Yemen and its human rights record.

257-War on science: Trump administration muzzles climate experts, critics say   Whistleblowers and groups tracking agency decisions say administration is ignoring science and censoring expertise

258-“A Shameful Week for the U.S.”: Trump Admin Guts U.N. Resolution to End Rape as Weapon of War

259-Trump Sanctions Have Killed Thousands of Venezuelans?

260-A Stain on the Honor of the Navy  In acceding to a White House request to cover the name of the USS John S. McCain, officers and officials revealed a rot within the service.

261-Top CDC Health and Climate Scientist Files Whistleblower Complaint  He’s one of several federal scientists working on climate change who say they have been silenced, sidelined or demoted under the Trump administration.

262-What Trump Gets Wrong About Antifa  If the president is concerned about violence on the left, he can start by fighting the white supremacist movements whose growth has fueled its rise.

263-White House Eliminates Marine Life Advisory Boards

264-White House Says Cutting Meals on Wheels Is ‘Compassionate’

265-'Flat-Out Corruption': DeVos Accused of Scheming to Stop Next President From Canceling Student Loan Debt - "Normally the rich are moderately more subtle about rigging the system in their favor. They're scared."

266-'Sociopathic Disregard for Our Future': Trump EPA Set to Gut Restrictions on Planet-Warming Methane Emissions  "At a time when the federal government's job should be to help localities and states move faster toward cleaner energy and a cleaner economy, the government is walking off the field."

267-EPA about-face lets emissions soar at some coal plants

268-Betsy DeVos Wants Larger Class Sizes and Fewer Teachers

269-Betsy DeVos Loses Student Loan Lawsuit Brought by 19 States

270-DeVos-Linked Group Helps Organize Protests Against Stay At Home Order

271-Emails Reveal U.S. Justice Dept. Working Closely with Oil Industry to Oppose Climate Lawsuits - DOJ attorneys describe working with industry lawyers as a ‘team,’ raising questions about whether government was representing the American people.

272-EPA is now allowing asbestos back into manufacturing

273-EPA moves to block all studies on clean air and water

274-EPA’s New Water Rule a Mockery of Science and the Clean Water Act

275-Fed study finds Trump tariffs backfired - 2018 tariffs meant job losses, higher prices for U.S. manufacturing sector

276-Fossil Fuel Interests Applaud Trump Admin's Weakening of Major Environmental Law

277-Germans think Trump is more dangerous than Kim Jong Un and Putin - When asked who posed the greatest threat to world peace, Germans in a recent poll overwhelmingly pointed to one person — Donald Trump. The US president beat out the leaders of North Korea, Russia, China and Iran.

248-'Gross misjudgment': Experts say Trump's decision to disband pandemic team hindered coronavirus response

279-How profit and incompetence delayed N95 masks while people died - Federal agencies have hired contractors with no experience to find respirators and masks

280-In First Two Years Of Trump Admin, More Than 1,600 Scientists Left Government

281-The US Navy Quietly Shut Down its Task Force on Climate Change

282-New emails show the Justice Department is helping Big Oil fight climate lawsuits

283-The Trump Presidency Is Over - It has taken a good deal longer than it should have, but Americans have now seen the con man behind the curtain.

284-How Did the U.S. End Up with Nurses Wearing Garbage Bags?  A Silicon Valley C.E.O., Jared Kushner, and the race to get P.P.E. for America’s hospitals. 

285-Trump administration ended pandemic early-warning program to detect coronaviruses

286-Trump Administration Moves To Loosen Radiation Rules, Says It’s Good For You

287-Trump administration quietly cuts funding to the nation’s poorest schools

288-Trump Administration Quietly Goes After Disability Benefits

289-Trump administration refuses to release all available aid to Puerto Rico despite earthquakes, citing ‘corruption’ concerns

290-Trump Administration Removes Federal Database That Tracked Pollution

291-The Trump Administration Is Withholding Almost $1 Billion in Renewable Energy Funding

292-Trump Is Haggling Over Ventilator Prices While Coronavirus Patients Die

293-Trump Ripped For Putting ‘Science Denier’ Mike Pence In Charge Of Coronavirus - The vice president has no medical experience — and that’s not the only problem.

294-Trump suggests using flu vaccine on coronavirus and is instantly corrected by health experts: ‘No’ - President appears to not understand basic information about vaccine testing

295-Trump to Propose $4.8 Trillion Budget With Big Safety-Net Cuts - White House boosts funds for military, veterans and aims to reduce deficits by $4.6 trillion over a decade, in part through curbs on Medicare, Medicaid

296-Trump Told Governors to Buy Own Virus Supplies, Then Outbid Them

297-Video emerges showing Trump talking about cutting pandemic team in 2018, despite saying last week 'I didn't know about it'

298-Iraqi PM: Trump Asked Me to Mediate With Iran Then Assassinated My Guest  Trump assassinated Soleiman, who was in Baghdad for Saudi talks Iraqis are mediating, a day after asking Iraqi PM to do the same between US and Iraq

299-Trump lifts restrictions on US landmine use

300-Trump says “War!” The World says “Peace!”

301-Dissenter Weekly: EPA Employees Push For ‘Bill Of Rights’ With Whistleblower Protections

302-What Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and Betsy DeVos Won't Tell You About 'School Choice'

303-White House Moves to Strip Free School Lunches From 500,000 Kids

304-Coronavirus: ‘These attacks on experts are going to haunt us,’ doctor says

305-No, I Will Not Be 'Reaching Out' To Trump Voters, Now Or Ever. Here's Why.

306-What Is Wrong with 68 Million Americans? How Trump’s Mental Illness Infected 48% of the Electorate

307-A New Study Says Trump’s Health Care Policies Killed Tens of Thousands of Americans

308-GAO report slams Trump administration response to the coronavirus pandemic

309-Joe Walsh: Challenging Trump for the GOP nomination taught me my party is a cult Real conservatives think for themselves. Trump Republicans have been brainwashed.

310-New Government Report Details How Trump Failed Covid-19 Response 'Across the Board'  The GAO reveals that even after the agency "made 27 different recommendations aimed at improving the response, the Trump administration failed to implement them."

311-A Brain Drain Among Government Scientists Bogs Down Biden's Climate Ambitions






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