Updated 2024
(See https://rmi.org/insight/peak-fossil-fuel-demand-for-electricity/ for above graph.)
(See reference 386 for source of above graph.)
There is no scientific barrier that restricts 100% use of renewable energy. There is nothing preventing greatly expanding the use of renewable energy. This is not theory; it has been accomplished in other countries.
The first realization in searching this is there is massive dishonesty by fossil fuel companies as well as the banks and insurance supporting them. For documentation see Fossil Fuel Companies Lie with over 70 references.
The second realization is there is no genuine peer reviewed scientific controversary on this. Tony Seba has predicted this for decades . Great YouTube videos on the future with graphs and studies follow.
-The Great Transformation [Part 1] - Patterns of Change, Key Technologies & Phase Change Disruption
-The Great Transformation [Part 2] - The Disruption of Power
-The Great Transformation [Part 3] - The Disruption of Energy
For another good overview see Studies PROVE 100% Renewables is possible.
We can completely transfer to sustainable energy using only 60% of what we spend on fossil fuels. After the transition we will use 50% less energy. It is absolutely possible. See Tesla Master Plan 3.
Elon Musk nicely summarizes "The bizarre thing is that obviously we're going to run out of oil in the long-term. There's only so much oil we can mine and burn. It's tautological. We must have a sustainable energy transport and infrastructure in the long term, so why run this crazy experiment where we take trillions of tons of carbon from underground and put it in the atmosphere and the oceans? This is an insane experiment. It's the dumbest experiment in human history."
As renewable energy provides a bigger portion of energy, costs go down. With fossil fuels, costs go up. We know this because it has been demonstrated repeatedly. It is estimated that the world will spend an extra $8 trillion over the next 25 years in a wide variety of fossil fuel subsidies to prolong the use of non-renewable resources, a cost that would be eliminated by transitioning instead to 100% renewable energy. See Cost of Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Cost of Environmental Destruction.
Simply leveling the playing field would make renewable energy competitive right now.
Divestment from fossil fuels is an ever growing trend. See The database of fossil fuel divestment commitments made by institutions worldwide.
Stanford University’s 100% Clean Energy Vision shows what 100% renewable energy could look like in countries, cities, and U.S. states in the year 2050. The report is based upon demonstrated technology and demonstrated results from using that technology.
The reason we have so many continuously updated references in the below articles covering many years is to show this has been known for decades.
For articles like this covering different areas on the environment with over 2,500 references see https://www.newprogs.org/the_environment
1-Tiny German village a model in country's energy revolution
2-Renewable Energy
3-Denmark: 1,000 Megawatts Of Offshore Wind, And No Signs of Slowing Down
4-China's Clean Energy Investment Puts America to Shame
5-Geothermal Saves $117 Million per Year for California and Nevada - A new life-cycle analysis quantifies the avoided costs of gas and coal emissions.
6-Spain Produced 54 Percent of its Electricity from Renewable Sources in April
7-The world can be powered by alternative energy, using today's technology, in 20-40 years, says Stanford researcher Mark Z. Jacobson
8-Microgrids: A Utility’s Best Friend or Worst Enemy?
9-5 signs the energy sector is changing fast
10-The Official Explanation for the German Energy Transition
11-Booming Solar Energy Halted by Hawaii Utility Because Sun Produces Too Much Power!
12-100% sun, wind, and water can power each U.S. state and the world –Stanford study
13-Three EU Countries Hit 2020 Renewable Benchmarks Early
15-Germany Just Giving Away Energy Because Renewables Are Creating So Damn Much of It
16-The total area of solar panels it would take to power the world, Europe, and Germany
17-Germany meets 75% of domestic electricity demand with renewables
19-5 Countries Leading the Way Toward 100% Renewable Energy
20-Are small-scale renewable energy grids already starting to replace mega-utility corporations?
21-Caribbean Island Says Goodbye Fossil Fuels, Hello 100% Renewable Electricity
22-European Countries Leading the Way Towards Clean Energy
23-Texas city to go 100% solar, wind – because it’s cheaper, more reliable
24-4 States Where Solar is Under Attack by Koch-Funded Front Groups
25-Georgetown Goes All In on Renewable Energy
26-Germany is proving renewable energy naysayers wrong
27-SolarCity launches community microgrids with Tesla batteries
28-SolarCity to build its own power grids
29-Tomgram: Michael Klare, Is the Age of Renewable Energy Already Upon Us?
30-The startup that's powering rural Africa with affordable, smart microgrids
31-43%! New record for UK renewable power
32-A Fossil Fuel-Free World is Possible: How to Power a Warming Earth Without Oil, Coal and Nuclear
33-Dirty Energy vs. Clean Power: The Past Battles the Future at Seneca Lake
34-Ditching Fossil Fuels and Switching to 100% Renewables No Problem, Says Stanford Study
35-Gaius Publius: The Only Solution to Climate Change — Outlaw Fossil Fuel Production
37-Hawaii Is Aiming for 100 Percent Energy Renewables. Can the Nation Follow?
38-MIT Study suggests current solar power tech is good enough
39-Europe’s energy revolution marches on: one-third of power supply now renewable
40-Second Largest Island in U.S. Goes 100% Renewable
41-The developing world is beating the U.S. at clean energy
43-5 Seismic Shifts Shaking Up World’s Energy Use, According to Bloomberg’s NEO
44-On Green Energy, Ethiopia Leaves U.S. in the Dust
46-A new study says US could run completely on clean energy by 2050
47-Building a Renewable Energy Future
48-Costa Rica boasts 99% renewable energy in 2015
49-Elon Musk: We Can Power America by Covering Small Corner of Utah With Solar
50-Elon Musk’s idea for powering the entire U.S. with solar energy holds a lot of water
51-Ireland aims for carbon-free future
52-San Diego becomes first major US city to commit to 100% renewable energy
53-How one country made a dramatic shift to nearly 95% clean energy in just 10 years
54-Where in the world have we achieved 100% renewable power?
55-By fighting rooftop solar, utilities are setting themselves up for worse to come
57-Forget energy storage. We can go renewable without it, scientists say
58-France Is Using 600 Miles of Roads to Generate Renewable Energy
59-36% Renewables by 2030 Will Boost Global GDP by $1.3 Trillion
60-The Question Isn’t Whether We Can Save the World With Renewables, but How Much Can Be Saved?
62-Rapid, affordable energy transformation possible, study says
64-Solar energy jobs double in 5 years
65-U.S Solar Jobs Boom While Oil, Coal Struggle
69-Wind power supplied 97% of electricity needs of Scottish households in 2015
70-100% renewable energy for U.S. by 2050 | On the LAKE front
71-A small island in the Indian Ocean offers big lessons on clean power - Business Insider
72-Can Kauai Solve The Solar Riddle? - Civil Beat News
73-Chinese waste-to-energy plant will be a mile in circumference | Grist
74-How 11 Countries Are Leading The Shift To Renewable Energy
75-Sweden's capital is on its way to becoming fossil fuel free by 2040 | Public Radio International
76-3 Cities Disrupting the Local Electricity Market With Innovative Renewable Energy Projects
77-Tomgram: Michael Klare, A Take-No-Prisoners World of Oil - Energy Wars of Attrition
79-21 Countries That Reduced Carbon Emissions While Growing Their GDP
80-First algae powered building goes up in Hamburg
81-Got Denmark envy? Wait until you hear about its energy policies.
82-Hey, Bill Gates, our 'energy miracles' are already here
84-Let's get real about the Leap Manifesto: it's not a job killer
85-Panama Papers Prove America Has the Money to Transition to 100% Clean Energy
87-Here's what it would take for the US to run on 100% renewable energy
90-These 21 countries are cutting carbon while growing GDP
91-This chart shows the United States’ mind-blowing clean energy potential
92-Tomgram: Michael Klare, The Coming World of "Peak Oil Demand," Not "Peak Oil"
93-Two German States Have Already Hit 100% Renewable Electricity
94-The NY Times Got It Wrong: Renewable Energy Is Key to Fighting Climate Change
95-"You Are Hurting Future Generations": Mark Ruffalo's Message to People Profiting from Fossil Fuels
96-3 More Companies Commit to 100% Renewables
97-39 Italian municipalities are now 100 per cent renewable
98-5 Key Groups Getting on Board With Climate Solutions
99-7 Charts Show New Renewables Outpacing Rising Demand for First Time
100-After Brexit, sea wind undermine carbon prices
101-Bill Nye: 'There's Enough Wind and Solar' to Power the World
102-Carbon Tracker Analysis: ‘Renewables are Already Outcompeting Fossil Fuels’
103-Chile is generating so much solar power that it’s giving it away for free
104-Chile Producing So Much Solar Energy It’s Giving Electricity Away for Free
106-Cleantech Companies Delivered Triple the Returns of Fossil Fuel Companies Over Past Decade
107-Experts Weigh In: Cost of Wind Energy to Keep Going Down, Down, Down
108-Solar Cost Hits World's New Low, Half the Price of Coal
109-Anti-Elon Musk Campaign Has Big Ties to Big Energy
111-A small country with big ideas to get rid of fossil fuels - TED Talks
112-Here's What It Would Take For Florida to Run on 100 Percent Renewable Energy
114-Iowa provides a glimpse of a future powered by wind
116-Nation’s Largest Wind Project Gets Approval
117-More Americans now work in Solar Power than the extraction of Oil &Gas, or Coal
118-Park City Signs 100% Renewable Electricity Pledge
120-Portugal Sets Record, Runs on Renewables for 107-Hours Straight
122-Renewable energy makes up almost one-third of the world's electrical capacity
123-It's Official: Solar Is Becoming World's Cheapest Form of New Electricity
124-Rooftop solar: Net metering is a net benefit
125-States Are Leading Winds Of Change In U.S. Renewable Energy Revolution
126-Study Shows We Could Phase Fossil Fuels Out in Just One Decade
127-This One Chart Says It All for the Future of Solar Energy
128-This country isn't just carbon neutral - it is carbon negative
130-We Need to Accept That Oil Is a Dying Industry
131-Wind Generates 100% of Scotland's Electricity Needs for Entire Day
132-World’s Largest Floating Solar Test Bed Comes Online in Singapore
133-China Leaves U.S. in Dust With $361 Billion Renewable Energy Investment
134-All Dutch Trains Now Run 100% On Wind Power
135-Solar Employs More Workers Than Coal, Oil and Natural Gas Combined
137-Cheaper Solar Power Forces World’s Largest Coal Company to Close 37 Mines
139-Chinese Province Larger Than Texas Just Ran For An Entire Week On Only Renewable Energy
140-Another U.S. City Has Pledged to Transition Completely to Renewables by 2050
142-Brooklyn company experiments with locally-produced solar energy
143-Clean Energy Transition – Decisive, Irrefutable And Unstoppable
144-Elon Musk's big battery brings reality crashing into a post-truth world - For months, politicians and fossil fuel industry have lied about the viability of renewables. Now Tesla’s big battery in South Australia will prove them wrong
145-Three Forces Fighting Local Renewable Energy And Three Ways To Fight Back
146-Orlando Becomes 40th City to Commit to 100% Renewable Energy
147-ReneSola Wins Bid to Build 42 MW Solar Projects in Poland
148-The world’s largest floating solar power plant just went online in China
151-Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming by editor Paul Hawken - This is an excellent well researched book with details of the many solutions available.
152-5,500 K-12 Schools Have Already Gone Solar
154-Caltech’s 2500 Orbiting Solar Panels Could Provide Earth With Limitless Energy
156-Five Countries That Are Reducing Their Garbage And Pollution Output
157-Fossil Fuel MegaProjects Falling Like Dominos in Canada
158-Geothermal energy is slowly gaining steam in homes
159-New California law helps low-income people go solar
160-Michigan farmers, residents praise wind power
161-More Than 100 Cities Worldwide Now Powered Primarily by Renewable Energy
162-NYC sues, divests from oil firms over climate change
163-Phoenixville Becomes First Pennsylvania Community to Commit to 100% Clean Energy
164-Watch scientists react to deceptive fossil fuel ads
165-How the military fights climate change (TED talk)
166-Solar Power — Here Comes The Sun (includes great graphic!)
167-Solar power crushes its own record for cheapest electricity ‘ever, anywhere, by any technology’
169-St. Louis, Long a Coal Capital, Votes to Get All of Its Power From Clean Sources
170-Tesla Finishes Building World's Largest Battery Month and a Half Ahead of Schedule
171-Tesla Installs Six More Battery Systems in Puerto Rico in 'Humanitarian Effort'
172-Tesla Just Built the World's Biggest Battery in Record Time
173-Tesla to Build the World’s Largest ‘Virtual Power Plant’ Using 50,000 Homes
174-The seven megatrends that could beat global warming: 'There is reason for hope'
175-The Tide Is Turning Against Fossil Fuels
176-Unprecedented Crime: Something Has Gone Awfully Wrong
177-Wind and solar key in 21st century energy economy
178-Wind farms in Atlantic could power the world: study
179-World's First Floating Wind Farm Exceeds Expectations
180-World's Biggest Floating Solar Farm Goes Live on Top of a Former Coal Mine
181-Worldwide 100% renewable energy possible by 2050, claims detailed new plan. A detailed roadmap for 139 countries outlines a path to a future powered entirely by wind, water and solar energy. Ketan Joshi reports.
183-The Renewable Energy Potential is Limitless
186-China Fights Climate Change Better Than America Now - Researchers in the UK looked into it.
187-Costa Rica President Announces 'Titanic and Beautiful Task' of Abolishing Fossil Fuels
188-Costa Rica to ban fossil fuels and become world's first decarbonised society New president embraces 'titanic and beautiful task' of complete renewable energy transition
189-The environment is finally getting its day in court
190-Geothermal: Tax Breaks and the Google Startup Bringing Earth's Heat into Homes
191-In the Atlanta suburbs, geothermal has arrived - A new housing development will use geothermal wells for heating and cooling.
192-With this kit, you can set up a solar-powered microgrid - It snaps together kind of like Legos.
193-Milestones In The Fight Against Climate Change
194-Portugal reaches 100% renewables, ends fossil fuel subsidies
195-Renewables Hit 64% of Global Electricity Supply by 2050 in New Bloomberg Analysis
196-Solar power helped this school provide laptops for students A Nevada elementary school turned $16,000 in savings on its electricity bill into new classroom technology.
197-Southern Ute tribe invests in solar energy
198-Tesla has installed a truly huge amount of energy storage You might think of it as a car company, but from Australia to Puerto Rico the company is also changing the world’s power grids–and making renewable energy more reliable.
199-The Renewable Energy Potential is Limitless
200-Why a trucking company built its own grid
201-'Carbon bubble' coming that could wipe trillions from the global economy: study
202-How solar projects can transform low-income communities - Job creation is just one of the benefits.
203-Orkney tidal turbine generating 'phenomenal result'
204-Renewable Energy Could "Effectively Be Free" by 2030, Says UBS Analyst
205-The Best Way To Create Jobs: Reduce Fossil Fuel Use
206-As Trump Drags US Backwards, China's Massive Spending on Clean Energy Delivers Reduction Targets 12 Years Early - While maintaining economic might, the trillions of dollars spent by China on renewable energy appears to be paying off
207-The U.S. is on the verge of an offshore wind revolution
208-Wind power is getting more efficient - And that means it's becoming more affordable.
209-A major UK energy supplier is now 100 percent wind power
210-Spain wants to phase out coal plants without hurting miners Under its new strategy, the country is ensuring that the over 1,000 miners who stand to be affected will be able to transition into new jobs in renewables and environmental restoration.
211-Convincing Steps And Compelling Actions On Climate
212-Thanks to energy efficiency, Michigan residents save billions of dollars on utility bills It turns out that small actions really do add up.
213-IEA: Wind Will Be Europe’s Largest Energy Source by 2027 Once again, European wind growth estimates are revised upward.
214-Seven Australian solar facts to make your jaw drop
215-Solar Energy Largely Unscathed by Hurricane Florence’s Wind and Rain In North Carolina, the #2 solar state, Florence was the first extreme weather test for much of its renewable energy.
216-Sony brings its 100 percent renewable energy goal forward a decade
217-Tesla World’s Largest Battery Price Detailed in New Report - It's very good value.
218-Ericsson sustainability talk with We Don’t Have Time The following is a sum-up from a keynote by WeDontHaveTime.org CEO Ingmar Rentzhog. It serves as a viewpoint for those interested in the progress of the We Don’t Have Time movement and recent development on climate change.
219-Cheapest Power Source? Renewables, Not Fossil Fuels!
220-Ireland to Become World's First Country to Divest From Fossil Fuels
221-Spain launches plan for 100% renewable electricity by 2050
222-A 100% renewable grid isn’t just feasible, it’s already happening New study debunks myths claiming renewables can't be integrated into electric grid.
223-California gives final approval to code requiring solar on new homes It's the first building code of its kind in the US.
224-Clean Energy Sweeps Across Rural America
225-Climate change: More than 1000 institutions pledge to withdraw investment from fossil fuels ‘This is a moral movement as well as a financial one,’ campaigners say
226-India cancels plans for huge coal power stations as solar energy prices hit record low
227-A Clean Energy Revolution Is Rising in the Midwest, with Utilities in the Vanguard
228-Amalgamated Bank won't lend customers' deposits to fossil fuel projects - The bank is also increasing financing for renewables and energy efficiency.
229-China's 2018 renewable power capacity up 12 percent
230-'Big Win' for Rhode Island in Court Battle to Make Polluters Pay for Consequences of Climate Crisis - A federal judge delivered a blow to fossil fuel giants' strategy, remanding the case to state court
231-'We've Made History': Ireland Joins France, Germany and Bulgaria in Banning Fracking
232-4 Economic Reasons Renewables Will Dominate Fossil Fuels
234-Analysis: New wind, solar cheaper than operating most existing coal plants
235-More than 500 architectural firms pledge to design carbon-neutral buildings Right now, buildings account for almost 40 percent of U.S. energy consumption.
236-Battery Power’s Latest Plunge in Costs Threatens Coal, Gas
237-China, the World's Biggest Polluter, Will Soon Be a Wind Energy Giant - The country could help transition the world onto renewables.
238-China’s first 100MW molten salt solar plant hits maximum power The facility, which serves as a solar thermal power generation demonstration project, has exceeded the amount of power it was originally planned to produce
239-Clean Energy Job Growth Is Booming in Canada
240-Climate change: Water and green energy produced by a single device
241-3 clean energy myths that can lead to a productive climate conversation Renewable energy innovations symbolize what's great about America. Discussing them provides opportunities for climate dialogue.
242-The Global Energy Map Is Changing Faster Than You Think
243-Decentralized Microgridding Can Provide 90% of a Neighborhood's Energy Needs, Study Finds
244-Denmark’s new government raises climate change to highest priority
245-How Georgia Became A Surprising Bright Spot In The U.S. Solar Industry
246-Kenya launches largest wind power plant in Africa
247-N.J. just gave the green light to build the nation’s largest offshore wind farm
249-One third of the global power capacity now comes from renewable energy
250-Reinventing Fire
251-The global transition to clean energy, explained in 12 charts
252-Scotland greenlights power link with Norway
253-Scotland Is Generating So Much Wind Energy It Could Power Two Scotlands
254-Swiss insurance giant divests from the oilsands
256-World’s 8th largest bank says Big Oil’s days are numbered thanks to electric cars and solar
257-2050: How Earth Survived (Time Magazine Special Climate Issue September 23, 2019) This issue has many authors and discusses all the areasa of earth in describing how we can change and save the environment.
258-An introduction to the state of wind power in the U.S. - Rural and often conservative states are leading the way in harnessing the wind.
259-Can the world run on renewables? Yes, Stanford researchers say.
261-Navajo Nation getting more electricity through SRP solar panel initiative
262-The $47 Trillion Death Sentence For Oil & Gas
263-5 people-powered movements that took on Big Oil, and won
264-Catholic institutions divest from fossil fuels So far, more than 150 Catholic banks, universities, foundations, and others have pledged to end their investments in fossil fuels
265-Costa Rica Is At Nearly 100% Renewable Energy For Electricity
266-Costa Rica will run on more than 98% renewable energy for fifth consecutive year, government says
267-Could every country have a Green New Deal? Stanford report charts paths for 143 countries
270-European Investment Bank to phase out fossil fuel financing EU’s lending arm to become first ‘climate bank’ by ending financing of oil, gas and coal projects after 2021
271-How Schaumburg, a Chicago suburb, made solar simple for residents
272-New CSIRO, AEMO study confirms wind, solar and storage beat coal, gas and nuclear
273-New solar panels power 66% of city operations in Fayetteville, Arkansas The recent installation generates enough electricity to run the city's wastewater treatment plants.
274-Switzerland switches off nuclear plant as it begins exit from atomic power
276-Portugal Produced 103% of Its Energy From Renewables in March
277-Portugal reaches 100% renewables, ends fossil fuel subsidies
278-Power plant emissions down 47% under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative The effort to limit global warming pollution from power plants in nine states seems to be working.
279-Renewable energy could save us trillions in health costs
280-Renewables overtake fossil fuels in Britain's electricity mix for first time
281-Renewables use only fraction of minerals used for fossil fuel generation
282-Solar and battery systems power up South African shacks A project in the !Kheis municipality has brought electricity to more than 500 homes.
283-Technology Transfer and Innovation for Low-Carbon Development
284-The day rooftop solar met two thirds of South Australia’s total demand
286-'2040': A funny, entertaining, upbeat climate documentary - A timely Australian documentary takes a 'solutions' approach, with the filmmaker inspired by visions of his young daughter as an adult.
287-‘Investment in Fossil Fuels Yields Much Less Returns Than the Green Sector’ - CounterSpin interview with Antonia Juhasz on the end of oil
288-100% renewable energy worldwide isn't just possible, it's more cost-effective than existing system - New study finds renewable energy can meet global electricity demand by 2050 while reducing total cost
289-How to drive fossil fuels out of the US economy, quickly The US has everything it needs to decarbonize by 2035.
290-Elon Musk: We Only Need A Tiny Bit Of The Sun's Energy To Power The World
291-New wind and solar improving grid reliability and lowering costs, AEMO says
292-Solar power is the new king, and that crown is going to be very difficult to knock off - In the case of fossil resources, competition comes with a built-in disadvantage
293-Report: Existing solutions could prevent catastrophic climate change - The nonprofit Project Drawdown analyzed the potential impact of a range of technologies and practices.
294-Solar is now ‘cheapest electricity in history’, confirms IEA
296-To Save Our World, We Must End The Carbon Economy
297-U.S. Commercial Rooftops Hold 145 Gigawatts of Untapped Solar Potential
298-Wind and solar are 30-50% cheaper than thought, admits UK government
300-Up to 90% of electricity from solar and wind the cheapest option by 2030: CSIRO analysis
301-Solar is now ‘cheapest electricity in history’, confirms IEA
302-Costa Rica’s electric grid powered by 98% renewable energy for 6th straight year
303-The batteries that could make fossil fuels obsolete
304-Many Scientists Now Say Global Warming Could Stop Relatively Quickly After Emissions Go to Zero
305-History made: Renewable energy surpassed fossil fuels for European electricity in 2020
306-“Incredible:” California grid hits record high of 95% renewable energy
307-“World first”: South Australia achieves 100pct solar, and lowest prices in Australia
308-10 Reasons Why '100% Renewables Is Possible': Top Energy Experts Issue Declaration
309-Green World Rising narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio (YouTube)
311-Joint declaration of the global 100% renewable energy strategy group
312-How Nebraska farmer Russ Finch grows citrus year-round using geothermal energy - He wants to help others do the same.
313-Iowa’s only nuclear power plant will be turned into a solar farm
314-New Wind and Solar Up 50% Globally in 2020, as China Beats US by Over 4 to 1 - The United States was lying down on the job.
316-Solar farm will provide revenue stream in Jasper County, Indiana, as coal plant closes - The 5,000-acre solar and battery storage development will go online around the same time that the local coal plant is scheduled to close.
317-Tasmania declares itself 100 per cent powered by renewable electricity
318-100% renewable energy could power the world by 2030, experts say
319-With 10-Point Declaration, Global Coalition of Top Energy Experts Says: '100% Renewables Is Possible' "The solutions will not only save consumers money, but also create jobs and provide energy and more international security, while substantially reducing air pollution and climate damage from energy."
320-'Fossil Fuel Exit Strategy' Shows Transition to Renewable Future Totally Doable "The hurdle is no longer economic nor technical; our biggest challenges are political. A cleaner future is within reach."
322-In 2020 for the first time, renewables surpass fossil fuels in electricity generation in Europe (graph)
323-NREL says US renewables up to 90% by 2050 would cost less than current generation mix Even 100% renewables could be reached with existing technology, the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory says in a newly published study.
324-8 Key Components On The Pathway To Net-zero 2050
325-Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty - Volts podcast: treating fossil fuels like nuclear weapons, with Tzeporah Berman
326-Starving the Beast-With massive new wins, divestment pushes ever harder on the fossil fuel industry
327-The train that shrunk France… and Western Europe
328-China’s largest offshore wind farm is now fully connected to the grid
329-Ten Reasons for Optimism on Climate Change - These are dark times, but hope is not lost nor foolish, and change has already begun
330-French Bank La Banque Postale quits oil and gas, sets international precedent
331-New Climate Journalism Awards Honor Chroniclers of the 'Defining Story of Our Time' - Covering Climate Now recognizes members of the media who "are leading the way, showing us all how to cover a story that is increasingly shaping the future."
332-Solar is now ‘cheapest electricity in history’, confirms IEA
333-The decreasing cost of renewables unlikely to plateau any time soon - Early price forecasts underestimated how good we’d get at making green energy.
334-The world’s largest wind farm will power up before end of 2021
336-How solar farms could do double duty - If properly designed, the land used for solar arrays can reduce erosion and pollution run-off.
336-How wind energy could power Earth ... 18 times over (TED Talk)
338-In Virginia, abandoned coal mines are transformed into solar farms - Six old mining sites owned by the Nature Conservancy will be some of the first utility-scale solar farms in the region — and the nonprofit group hopes the model can be replicated nationwide
339-The US could save $5.6B a year if it switched from coal to solar – study
340-This is how we defeat Putin and other petrostate autocrats
341-7 TV meteorologists discuss their coverage of climate change and weather A growing number of TV mets are addressing climate change as part of their weather coverage and in this video describe their approaches.
342-A 100% Renewable Energy Future is Possible, & We Need It
343-Cool graph of renewable energy by state.
344-What Europe can learn from Portugal’s accelerated coal exit Portugal shut down its two remaining coal-fired power plants at the end of 2021, showing that an ambitious coal exit is possible through a combination of carbon pricing, renewable energy investment and just transition planning.
345-Wind Power Surpasses Coal, Nuclear as Power Generation Source in US For an entire day, wind power became the second-largest source of electricity in the country for the first time in recorded history.
346-The criticality of climate finance for Africa
347-'Why so generous?': Inside Italy's scheme offering huge subsidies towards low-carbon eco-homes
348-Glimmer of Climate Hope With a Mix of Cautious Optimism
349-It’s Time To Stop Fixing the Old and Start Building the New
350-Solar and wind keep getting cheaper as the field becomes smarter
351-Solar is now ‘cheapest electricity in history’, confirms IEA
352-Wind and solar power are 'bailing out' Texas amid record heat and energy demand
353-UK Offshore Wind Costs 4 Times Less Than Gas-Fired Thermal Generation
354-How US and UK faith communities are addressing global warming - Articles and resources for pastors, lay leaders, and others.
355-Geothermal heating and cooling: Renewable energy’s hidden gem - From rural campuses to corporate offices, ‘geo-exchange’ opens new path to clean energy frontier.
356-Researchers agree: The world can reach a 100% renewable energy system by or before 2050
357-Study finds 100% renewables would pay off within 6 years
358-Climate Solutions From Around the World
359-Electrifying transportation reduces emissions AND saves massive amounts of energy - Electric vehicles are far more energy-efficient than traditional internal combustion vehicles.
360-Local renewable energy employment can fully replace US coal jobs nationwide
361-We can put the world on sustainable energy now with existing technology - The ICE car is DEAD & Tesla’s lead in batteries might be bigger than you think? Recycling is Key! (YouTube)
362-Electrifying transportation reduces emissions AND saves massive amounts of energy - Electric vehicles are far more energy-efficient than traditional internal combustion vehicles.
363-Study Finds World Can Switch to 100% Renewable Energy and Earn Back Its Investment in Just 6 Years
364-Empirically grounded technology forecasts and the energy transition
365-California’s giant new batteries kept the lights on during the heat wave
367-Reasons for (cautious) optimism: the good news on the climate crisis
368-Scientist Michael Mann expresses hope during West Coast book tour - University of Pennsylvania climate scientist says he remains optimistic despite daunting challenges and continued concerns about ‘false’ climate solutions.
369-Graph on Dramatic Growth of Renewable Energy
370-Rather than an endlessly reheated nuclear debate, politicians should be powered by the evidence
371-Mapped: Solar and Wind Power by Country
372-The Climate Economy Is About to Explode
373-The extraordinary potential value of enhanced geothermal power
374-The climate crisis explained in 10 charts - From the seemingly inexorable increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to the rapid growth in green energy
375-The sunny side of Asia - Solar generation helped avoid at least US$34 billion in seven Asian countries in the first half of 2022.
376-U.S. Renewable Energy Will Surge Past Coal and Nuclear by Year’s End - Wind, solar and hydropower will generate more than 20 percent of the power supply
377-Policy, climate, war make 2022 ‘pivot year’ for clean energy
378-South Australia’s incredible week: 104.1 per cent wind and solar over seven days
379-Tesla Autobidder
380-Here Are All the Positive Climate Stories From 2022
381-‘No miracles needed’: Prof Mark Jacobson on how wind, sun and water can power the world
382-US renewable energy farms outstrip 99% of coal plants economically – study It is cheaper to build solar panels or cluster of wind turbines and connect them to the grid than to keep operating coal plants
383-The world can officially go 100% renewable
384-How much of the worlds land mass we need to cover in solar (YouTube)
385-Virtual Power Plants Hit an ‘Inflection Point’
386-What you need to know about minerals and the clean energy transition Minerals are key to making cleantech like batteries, but they’re often mined in problematic ways. This is a challenge, but not a deal-breaker.
387-‘Tipping point’: Renewable energy to become the world’s top source of electricity by 2025
388-Clean Energy Has a Tipping Point, and 87 Countries Have Reached It Solar power, electric cars, grid-scale batteries, heat pumps—the world is crossing into a mass-adoption moment for green technologies.
389-NatWest confirms it is to stop lending to oil and gas projects
390-Local Buy-In Brings Denmark's "Renewable Energy Island" Close to 100% Fossil-Free
391-New Generation: Building a clean European electricity system by 2035
392-100% Green Grid IS possible (YouTube)
393-Fossil fuels kill 9 million people every year. Why are we blind to the harms of oil & gas? (YouTube)
394-How much land is needed for the US to be powered by wind & solar... (YouTube)
395-Tesla revealed the future of the world, and nobody noticed... (YouTube)
396-The biggest solar and wind powerplant in the world just got turned on (YouTube)
397-New solar efficiency records make solar cheapest electricity in the world (YouTube)
398-Tesla's secret to unlocking fully renewable grids all over the world (YouTube)
399-The city with the most wind & solar energy has the smallest reliability gap (YouTube)
400-Wind power sets new renewable generation records in Europe (YouTube)
401-Renewables are forcing the closure of US coal plants
402-We don’t need ‘miracle’ technologies to fix the climate. We have the tools now
403-We passed peak nuclear years ago - the age of nuclear power is over (YouTube)
404-Why electricity prices are FAR higher in QLD & NSW than the rest of Australia (YouTube)
405-Australia turns off BIGGEST coal plant, replaced with wind farm & battery (YouTube)
406-Biggest battery in UK history moves UK closer to 100% renewable energy (YouTube)
407-Switching The World To Renewable Energy Will Cost $62 Trillion, But The Payback Would Take Just 6 Years - Mark Jacobson and his team have published a renewable energy study in which they argue the payback time is just 6 years.
408-The Materials We Mine - The Truth about EV battery mining & The circularity gap report (YouTube)
409-Worlds 4 biggest solar panel makers report mind blowing sales in 2023 (YouTube)
410-1.6 MWh Molten hydroxide Salts long-duration energy storage battery (YouTube)
412-China's Remarkable $1.5 Trillion spend; Non-Fossil Fuels Power Every Home (YouTube)
413-How Much Would It Cost to Solve Climate Change? And How Would We Pay for It?
414-US experts shocked by Coals sudden death spiral in the United States (YouTube)
415-A robot named Yumi is reversing deforestation in the Amazon rainforest (YouTube)
416-‘No miracles needed’: Prof Mark Jacobson on how wind, sun and water can power the world
417-Swiss Startup Proves Wind Turbine Blades Are Perfect For Solar Panels (YouTube)
418-8 Rural Power Co-ops Ditch Suppliers, Switch to Renewables
419-Energy network CEO says Electric Cars will cut household energy bills in half (YouTube)
420-Fossil fuels ‘become obsolete’ as solar & battery prices hit 'tipping point' (YouTube)
421-Government says wind power tech can unlock 80% more energy in the US (YouTube)
422-HOW MUCH POWER ?? || TESLA (YouTube)
423-Mega Tesla battery in Australia helps shut down coal and gas power plants (YouTube)
424-Solar energy on track to destroy fossil fuels as world passes ‘tipping point’ (YouTube)
425-Wind and solar break records in Australia; Coal hits lowest point in 100 years (YouTube)
426-Rooftop solar installs break records; coal powerplants could soon be bankrupt (YouTube)
427-Tony Seba's 10 NEW energy & EV predictions are blowing up the internet (YouTube)
428-Data reveals wind & solar 80% cheaper as 22 countries triple nuclear power (YouTube)
429-Germany had its lowest emissions in 70 years after coal hit a record low
430-Renewables will overtake coal as largest global electricity source in 1 year (YouTube)
431-Tesla's sleeping GIANT awakens - THIS will retire fossil fuels - Tesla Beyond cars (YouTube)
432-Electric scooters destroying oil demand 4 times faster than electric cars (YouTube)
433-The US is flushing enough energy to power 30 million homes down the drain (YouTube)
434-U.S reveal NEW Heat Pumps that withstand freezing weather & save 50% energy (YouTube)
435-World’s longest land & sea interconnector joins Denmark to the UK 475 miles away (YouTube)
436-China’s MASSIVE Desert Project Is About To Change The World (YouTube)
437-Crowd Goes Silent After Hearing ELON MUSK Warning!
438-Coal and gas collapse in Europe as renewable energy use hits nearly 50% (YouTube)
439-Offshore wind could contribute $50b to economy by 2050 (YouTube)
440-The Materials we mine - You wont believe this! - EV's vs ICE cars use of recourses (YouTube)
441-10 countries in Europe will completely stop burning fossil fuels before 2035 (YouTube)
442-African country with 97% renewable energy decides to ban combustion cars (YouTube)
443-California EV adoption driving down emissions and improving air quality (YouTube)
444-8 countries now generate over 99% of their electricity from renewable energy (YouTube)
445-Beyond Tomorrow: A Look into the Future of EVs (YouTube)
446-Fossil fuels shattered as battery power continues breaking records in California (YouTube)
447-How a small change could double the size of the U.S. electricity grid (YouTube)
448-EV’s are taking over! The country that banned all ICE car imports! (YouTube)
449-Australia's biggest bank joins super funds, bans loans to fossil fuel companies (YouTube)