Updated 2024
Standing out as a danger is the complete failure to protect our county's aquifers which endangers our water supply.
There is a real question if there will be enough water left for drinking and farming after fossil fuel and nuclear energy get top priority. There is a similar worldwide danger. A profit making model has replaced the commons model on clean water and this bodes poorly for our future.
The reason we have so many continuously updated references in the below articles covering many years is to show this has been going on for decades.
For articles like this covering different areas on the environment with over 2,500 references see https://www.newprogs.org/the_environment
1-BP gets OK to dump mercury into Lake Michigan
2-Parching of the West
3-EPA Lets Energy Firms Pollute America's Underground Water Supply
4-Poisoning the Well: How the Feds Let Industry Pollute the Nation’s Underground Water Supply
5-Pollution of Groundwater
6-Do We Have Enough Water to Frack Our Way to Energy Independence?
7-Nuclear Waste Seeping From Container In Hazardous Washington State Facility
8-The Global Water Grab by Shiney Varghese
9-The Top 10 Hardest-Hit States for Crop Damage: 2012 Drought Devastates Crops
10-After a Powerful Lobbyist Intervenes, EPA Reverses Stance on Polluting Texas County’s Water
11-Drought could shut down nuclear power plants
12-US nuclear site leaks alarm environmentalists+
13-Natural-gas liquid is gushing near a Colorado creek, and nobody can figure out how to stop it
14-Breaking: Obama EPA Shut Down Weatherford, TX Shale Gas Water Contamination Study
15-More than HALF of U.S. rivers are too polluted to support life as shocking report reveals scale of water contamination
16-The Seven States Running Out of Water
17-Fish deformities linked to oil pollution in U.S. and Alberta: Alberta scientist calls for research on fish malformations in Lower Athabasca River
18-CHART: Withering Drought Still Plaguing Half of America
19-In pictures: Brutal drought lingers in Brazil - Cattle are dying and farmers are going bankrupt as a severe drought continues in northeastern Brazil.
20-Why Droughts Cost More Than You Think: Op-Ed
21-In Historic Vote, UN Declares Water a Fundamental Human Right
22-Mining and logging companies 'leaving all of Chile without water' - Chile's government told to stop allowing firms to exhaust water sources with little regard for local people
23-Nestlé is sucking water from an Ontario watershed during drought conditions
24-Water Waste May Leave Us Thirsty
25-Water Bankruptcy: Texas cities out of water but fracking continues
26-A New Age Defines Human Impact on Global Water Cycle
27-Another 1930s Dust Bowl Drought Possible This Century
28-West Texas Oilfield Town Runs Out of Water
29-Water Woes: Vast US Aquifer Is Being Tapped Out
30-A Texan tragedy: ample oil, no water - Fracking boom sucks away precious water from beneath the ground, leaving cattle dead, farms bone-dry and people thirsty
31-Climate change threatens Caribbean's water supply: Experts urge Caribbean nations to prepare for climate change or risk fresh water scarcity
32-Global threat to food supply as water wells dry up, warns top environment expert - Lester Brown says grain harvests are already shrinking as US, India and China come close to 'peak water'
33-Global Water Shortages Grow Worse but Nations Have Few Answers
34-'The real threat to our future is peak water' - As population rises, overpumping means some nations have reached peak water, which threatens food supply, says Lester Brown
35-Drought Helped Spark Syria’s Civil War — Is it One of Many Climate Wars to Come?
36-With Tar Sands Development, Growing Concern on Water Use
38-Global Warming About to Claim Three Quarters of a Billion People
39-The New Oil
43-Warning: Many watersheds in US failing 'stress test'
44-Water Usage & Privatization
45-Climate Change Roulette and Water Scarcity
46-Report chastises U.S. EPA for retreat on Range pollution charges
47-These Are The Most Water-Stressed Countries In The World
48-Some states confirm water pollution from drilling
49-17 California communities running out of water
50-As the West Dries Up, This Hedge Fund Pioneer Stands to Make a Killing
51-Brazil rations water in 140 cities amid worst drought in decades
52-Coca-Cola and Nestle Are Sucking Us Dry Without Our Even Knowing
53-Committee Moves to Weaken Water Standards
54-Human race needs new water ethic
55-People May Die of Thirst as Fossil Fuel Production Exhausts and Pollutes Our Fresh Water Supply
56-Solar power is a Huge Water Saver (World Water Day Infographic)
57-The West's Coming Tragedy of the Commons
58-Water Samples Show Disturbing Levels of Heavy Metals from Duke Energy Coal Ash Spill
61-For Freedom Industries, a Small Price to Pay for Poisoning West Virginia Water
62-'Shocking' underground water loss in US drought
64-California's Drought Is 'The Greatest Water Loss Ever Seen,' And The Effects Will Be Severe
65-Dry as a Bone: Lake Mead's H2O Situation Just Got a Whole Lot Worse
66-Some 400,000 in Ohio without drinking water, tests show lower toxin levels
67-Top 10 U.S. Cities Running Out of Water
68-Wall Street Mega-Banks Are Buying Up The World’s Water
69-Wall Street’s Buying the World’s Water Supply at an Alarming Pace
70-Water everywhere for DR Congo city yet scarcely a drop to drink
71-Water scarcity makes American West poor choice for strategic relocation
72-Water shutoffs to resume in Detroit for unpaid bills
74-A Tale of 2 Water Districts: 1 Aquifer, 2 Strategies
75-Species Are Dying Off, Human Disease Is On the Rise and Doomsday Is Closer Than Ever
76-We are already seeing the first examples of how climate change will leave us all thirsty
77-A Sea of People Fighting for Water in Sao Paulo
80-CA Residents Fined $500 a Day for Long Showers While Big Business Gets Special Treatment
81-China's struggle for water security
82-Collecting rainwater now illegal in many states as Big Government claims ownership over our water
83-Drought-Stricken California Exempts Big Oil and Big Ag from Mandatory Restrictions
85-How Much Water Does The California Oil Industry Actually Use?
87-Nestlé's permit to pump California springwater expired decades ago
88-Oil spill leaves 100,000 Mexicans without water
90-Switching to Wind Power Would Save California 18 Billion Gallons of Water a Year
91-Taiwan launches water rationing to fight drought
92-Christie Signs Bill Privatizing New Jersey's Water Supply
93-Water rationing in Taiwan's second city as drought deepens
94-West Texas Oilfield Town Runs Out of Water
95-Why Dangerous Sinkholes Keep Appearing Along the Dead Sea
96-Dirty Energy vs. Clean Power: The Past Battles the Future at Seneca Lake
97-This power plant slurps up water for Arizona — and burns 15 tons of coal a minute
98-Beware – Our Water is Poisoned!
99-Arizona and California are ignoring the science on water
100-California’s Drought Is Part of a Much Bigger Water Crisis. Here’s What You Need to Know.
102-Water level in reservoir formed by Hoover Dam dips to record low
103-We’re using groundwater at a terrifying rate, and it’s not just California
104-Flint, Michigan, Saved Money and Poisoned Its Children: City Declares Water Emergency
105-How people in Flint were stripped of a basic human need: safe drinking water
106-Boone County community out of water with nowhere to turn
108-Tomgram: Rosner and Markowitz, Welcome to the United States of Flint
109-EPA stayed silent on Flint’s tainted water
113-Shock: Fracking Used to Inject Nuclear Waste Underground for Decades
114-Phil Roos: Pipeline secrecy bill threatens Great Lakes, prevents accountability
115-10 US Cities with the Worst Drinking Water
117-A new generation of water management
118-America's lead poisoning problem isn't just in Flint. It’s everywhere.
119-Beyond Flint: In The South, Another Water Crisis Has Been Unfolding For Years
120-Margaret Flowers and Jill Stein | Contaminated Water Requires a National Public Health Mobilization
121-Erin Brockovich on the Flint water crisis
122-Expert says Michigan officials changed a Flint lead report to avoid federal action
123-Farms Using Oilfield Wastewater Under Review for Food Safety
125-Flint, Michigan's water crisis has still left the city with fewer poisoned children than Detroit
126-Gov. Snyder lied: Flint water switch was not about saving money, records show
128-Flint’s Crisis Is About More Than Water by Chris Hedges
129-Navajo Water Supply is More Horrific than Flint, But No One Cares Because they’re Native American
130-William Rivers Pitt | The Poisoning of Flint Was Not an Accident - It Was a Crime
133-Fracking Has Contaminated Drinking Water, EPA Now Concludes | InsideClimate News
134-Nevada has its own toxic water troubles | Las Vegas Review-Journal
135-Climate Change May Have Big Impact On American Indian Tribes Out West
136-Critics Say Proposed Sulfide Mine in Minnesota Threatens State's Watersheds
137-Flint residents paid America's highest water rates
138-Global Water Shortage Risk Is Worse Than Scientists Thought
139-Harmful Economic Policy Poisoned Flint Before Lead Did
140-Mercury-blighted community of Grassy Narrows takes its case to the UN | Toronto Star
142-A Day Late and a Dollar Short: Mr. Obama Goes to Flint
143-Democrats cover up role of Obama administration in Flint water crisis
144-EPA memo: Flint not worth going 'out on a limb for'
146-Confirmed: California Aquifers Contaminated With Billions Of Gallons of Fracking Wastewater
147-High Levels of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Found Near Fracking Wastewater Site
149-A Pennsylvania Town Fights Predatory Water Extraction
150-All Eyes on Flint, but Drinking Water Crisis Stretches Nationwide
151-Almost 3.2 billion people may face ‘absolute water scarcity’ by 2026, says EU
152-California Drought Could Wipe Cities Off Map If Their Water Runs Out (video news)
153-Clean water crisis threatens US
155-Duke Study: Rivers Contaminated With Radium and Lead From Thousands of Fracking Wastewater Spills
156-Ethiopian drought: 10m need food amid worst drought in 50 years, Save the Children says
157-Global leaders are very worried about water shortages
158-Great Lakes Water To Be Sold To China As Half Of U.S. Faces Extreme Water Crisis
159-Detroit hits residents on water shut-offs as businesses slide (article and video)
160-Map: Here's where the world is running out of groundwater
161-Global water shortages are even more severe than previously realized
163-There’s Nothing Fair About Detroit’s Massive Water Shut Offs
164-Report: EPA must do more to ensure safe water
166-The Unexpected Cause Of Water Crises In American Cities
167-We're Running Out of Water, and Consequences Could be Dire
168-As Clouds Head for the Poles, Time to Prepare for Food and Water Shocks
169-Drought Kills 66 Million Trees in California, Increasing Risk of Catastrophic Wildfires
170-Bolivia Is in a Drought State of Emergency
171-California Drought Causing Trees to Die by the 'Millions,' Scientist Says
172-The Aral Sea was once the 4th-largest lake in the world. Now it's nearly gone.
173-Testimony: Health director covered up cancer-causing water in North Carolina
174-Duke Study: Rivers Contaminated With Radium and Lead From Thousands of Fracking Wastewater Spills
175-New Federal Report Shows Dimock Water Was Unsafe to Drink After All
176-10 Satellite Images Show How California’s Reservoirs Are Drying Up
177-100,000+ people in Alabama told not to use tap water due to chemical contamination
180-Flint water woes reach beyond lead in drinking supply
182-Lake Mead Drops to Lowest Level in History
185-This Country Is Running Out of Water Amid Historic Drought
186-Water crises are the biggest risk facing mankind — here's why
187-'Water Stories' — The global water crisis in pictures
188-63 Million Americans Were Exposed to Potentially Unsafe Water in the Past Decade
191-Yemen cholera epidemic: Cases exceed 500,000 in four months
192-Coke, Nestle Near Ownership of World’s Second Largest Aquifer - A concerted push is underway in South America that could see the Guarani Aquifer, one of the world’s largest reserves of fresh water, soon fall into the hands of transnational corporations such as Coca-Cola and Nestle.
193-The World is Facing a Clean Water Crisis We Can No Longer Ignore
194-New Report on Radioactive Tap Water Renews Concerns About Trump Nominee for Top Environmental Role - Critics are challenging Trump's "outrageous" and "alarming" move to renominate the former head of a Texas environmental agency who has admitted to falsifying reports of radiation levels in drinking water
195-Humans are causing massive changes in the location of water all over the Earth, NASA says
196-NASA Satellites Detect Seriously Weird Changes in Earth's Freshwater
197-NASA Satellites Track Unusual Changes in Earth's Water Supplies
198-The vast Sahara Desert is getting even bigger Rainfall is decreasing along its southern edge.
199-(Report) Flint Drinking Water Likely Caused Up To 276 Fetal Deaths
200-Alarming! Bengaluru, India’s tech hub, may soon run out of water, says study India's tech hub, Bengaluru, may soon run out of water like Cape Town in South Africa, which is facing a severe water crisis, a statement from the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) said on Wednesday.
203-Coke, Nestle Near Ownership of World’s Second Largest Aquifer A concerted push is underway in South America that could see the Guarani Aquifer, one of the world’s largest reserves of fresh water, soon fall into the hands of transnational corporations such as Coca-Cola and Nestle.
205-When the river runs dry In the arid Southwest, residents are surviving drought by relying on each other.
206-Water use for fracking has risen by up to 770 percent since 2011 The volume of wastewater new wells generate during their first year of production has also increased -- by up to 1,440 percent
207-Water Use in Fracking Soars — Exceeding Rise in Fossil Fuels Produced, Study Says
208-40 million people effected by water shortages as India is drying up There are ATM’s in India where people do not line up to withdraw money, but to get hold of something even more precious. Clean water.
209-The long dry: Why the world's water supply is shrinking
210-Our current drought is worse than most megadroughts, new study says
212-In the US, wells being drilled ever deeper as groundwater vanishes Shallow wells could dry up, but deep wells have their own problems.
213-New study finds cancer-causing chemicals in tap water
214-UNESCO Report Shows World's Most Vulnerable and Poor Paying More Than Rich for Clean Water
217-A New Disaster In Australia: Toxic Water
218-Megafarms and deeper wells are draining the water beneath rural Arizona – quietly, irreversibly
219-Buried in mud: Wildfires threaten North American water supplies
220-Coca-Cola and Nestle to privatize the largest reserve of water in South America
221-Michigan OKs Nestlé Water Extraction, Despite 80K+ Public Comments Against It
222-The Looming US Water Crisis
223-The Planet Is Losing Groundwater at an Alarming Rate
224-Threat of contaminated tap water across US ‘dramatically underestimated,’ scientists warn
225-Toxic algae, climate change, bad policy: Scientists say fresh water under threat
226-Toxic Chemicals Found in Rainwater and Drinking Water Throughout the U.S.
227-EPA’s New Water Rule a Mockery of Science and the Clean Water Act
228-US drinking water widely contaminated with ‘forever chemicals’: Report
229-Water Crises Again Ranked a Top Global Risk in World Economic Forum Report
230-Water shortages could affect 5bn people by 2050, UN report warns Conflict and civilizational threats likely unless action is taken to reduce the stress on rivers, lakes, aquifers, wetlands and reservoirs
231-Angola: Millions facing hunger, as thousands flee their homes as drought ravages the south of Angola
233-Himalayan glaciers melting at an ‘exceptional' rate because of global warming, study finds
235-Megadrought in the American south-west: a climate disaster unseen in 1,200 years
236-More than 80 percent of the U.S. is facing troubling dry conditions - There has not been more widespread abnormally dry and drought conditions in the U.S. since at least 2000.
237-An idea that could help replenish California’s groundwater supplies - Groundwater pumping during droughts is straining the state’s underground aquifers, but this approach might help.
239-Europe on the verge of water catastrophe as groundwater reserves dry up, scientists warn The effects of this prolonged drought were evident in Europe during the summer of 2022
240-Water crises due to climate change: More severe than previously thought
241-Drought, floods and sickness: Key takeaways from UN's water report
244-What happens when we run out of water? Thanks to climate change, a dystopian premise is coming true - Experts say climate change is depleting or polluting our freshwater sources. Can we survive in a drier world?
245-More than half of the world’s lakes have shrunk in past 30 years, study finds Lakes and reservoirs have lost 22 gigatonnes a year since 1992, driven by factors including global heating and human consumption
246-Extreme water stress faced by countries home to quarter of world population - Twenty-five countries are using 80% of their water supplies each year, research shows
247-Why was there no water to fight the fire in Maui? by Naomi Klein and Kapuaʻala Sproat