Updated 2025
(Cartoon: Khalil Bendib / OtherWords.org)
"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives."
Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler, United States Marine Corps (1881-1940)
Wars are more than very expensive in lives and money. (Ask a veteran or teacher whose support has been cut because it is "unaffordable.")
The longer they are the the less effective wars become. We clearly lost the two longest wars in the history of the United States - Vietnam and Afghanistan. The more time that goes by the more we become tolerant of corrupt dictators abusing their people because they are on "our" side and the more we use the false "sunk cost" argument that if we have sacrificed this much money and lives, we can't pull out now. We straight out lost in both Vietnam and Afghanistan - not just the war but many lives (ours and innocent civilians), trillions of dollars that could have been used to help our infrastructure, our world wide reputation for competence, and decades of time. After half a century of these fruitless wars we seemed to waste no time before jumping into the Ukraine War.
Further, these wars result in the loss of civil rights, especially recently. In our history there have been times when civil rights have been suspended, such as the Civil War and World War II, but they have always been during the War only and some sort of due process remained. What we have now is a situation worse by both the length - well over ten years - and extent of deprivation of constitutional rights. As Hunter S. Thompson said on 9/12/2001: “The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for peace in our time, in the U.S. or any other country. Make no mistake about it: we are at War now- with somebody- and we will stay at war with that strange and mysterious enemy for the rest of our lives.” See also Civil Rights
The reason I have so many references is to show this is a steadily increasing trend that I continuously update. It is not a vanishing blip on the radar. Failure to deal with this trend will have disastrous consequences for the future. (A particularly useful source of documentation on war is Oliver Stone's documentary The Untold History of the United States)
A modest first step is following the clear intention of the United States Constitution in requiring a declaration of war before engaging in extended combat operations. Another step is to consult with the the UN Security Council. We agreed and are bound by by international law requiring that they authorize military action. See also A Legal Framework for Just Military Action.
Comments which are verified by Wikileaks and reporters in the field are that there were never more than a few hundred Taliban in Afghanistan and much of their support comes from Pakistan which we have given billions of dollars to over the years. Wikileaks and on the ground correspondents also have documented the utter corruptness of both Iraq and Afghanistan. Is this worth even more of our national treasure as well as the irreplaceable lives of our soldiers and sailors?
We should not forget the Israeli war against Gaza and corresponding war crimes we are largely financing with now up to over four billion dollars every year or 11 million dollars every day. A good summary is the article Continuing Middle East War Crimes by Isaac Saul. See also the YouTube video Honest Government Ad | Israel & Gaza. Targeting civilians is wrong no matter who does it. War crimes are equally wrong if done by the United States as exposed by Julian Assange, by Israel, or by Hamas. Many believe it is a right based upon who is doing it. See also references 170, 191, 194, 227, 237, 248, 256, 257, 258, 259, 262, 263, 266, 273, 281-302, 309-347, 362, 374-381, 384, 401-407, 433, 459-470, 488, 516-534, 576, 581-587, 626, 627, 654-660, 751-762, 924-934, 963-991, 1018, 1019, 1049, 1094-1105, 1131, 1138, 1139, 1158, 1161, 1196-1201, 1295.
In the Naval War College two basic questions are "What is the threat?" and "What is the appropriate force or other means to handle the threat?" Our expenditure of money, lives, and wear and tear on the military is completely out of balance with a small number of terrorists. Also usually missing is a real (not pretend) exit plan.
We should ask ourselves bluntly if we are doing precisely what the terrorists want us to. In 2004 Osama bin Laden said frankly in a videotape their strategy was to “provoke and trap.” “All we have to do is…raise a piece of cloth on which is written ‘Al Qaeda” in order to make the generals race there, to cause America to suffer human, economic, and political losses.” (1)
We should do our homework first, know what the threat is, weigh options of using other countries and other means, and be very reluctant to enter any military conflict. Certainly we have an international interest, there are activities that only the United States can do, and nobody is advocating eliminating the military. But we are not all powerful and must consider our actions first. As Fareed Zakaria said, “Washington has to move out of the eighth century A.D. adjudicating claims between Sunnis and Shias in Baghdad, and move into the twenty-first century – to China, India, Brazil – where the future is being made.” (2)
The United States exerted a great deal of influence through the Marshall plan after World War II by influencing other countries to engage in mutually beneficial economic policies. It has cut down greatly on economic help to rely increasingly on war activities. China meantime has engaged with much success in a "Belt and Road" initiative similar to the Marshall Plan. See China's Trillion Dollar Plan to Dominate Global Trade.
Is getting involved in the very serious business of starting a war right or wrong dependent solely on whether it is a republican or democrat who starts it? Obama, Trump, and Biden and almost everyone in congress on both sides of the aisle cheerily act as if that is the sole criterion. War may be acceptable as a last resort, but it is past time we ended the decades long practice of both major parties of having it be our first resort to gain political popularity.
Two recommended books follow.
- Moyn, Samuel Humane: How the United States Abandoned Peace and Reinvented War Captain Byron (U.S. Navy retired) in his review of this book said that Moyn presents with considerable evidence that “This country likes war. It relies overwhelmingly on war. Forever War.”
- Whitlock, Craig The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War Captain Byron (U.S. Navy retired) in his review of this book correctly describes “an Army and three presidential administrations more interested in happy talk than honest appraisal.” The United States failed badly in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan and we should take a hard look at what happened before we get involved again.
We should not forget the following standards we imposed upon Germany.
DECLARATION of the NUREMBERG WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL "Individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience. Therefore individual citizens have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring."
A good example of failing foreign policy causing war is the YouTube video Why Haiti is Dying & the DR is Booming.
Help make your progressive case by using this documentation which is continuously updated. https://www.newprogs.org/make_your_case
1) Fareed Zakaria, “The Post-American World Release 2.0,” (W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2011), 269-270.
2) Fareed Zakaria, “The Post-American World Release 2.0,” (W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2011), 263.
3) deleted - inactive link
4-Antiwar movement revitalized by Independents and third party groups
5-360M lost to insurgents, criminals in Afghanistan
6-Iraq Withdrawal? Don't Take it to the Bank
7-Bush 2.0: 100 Ways Barack Obama Is Just Like George W. Bush
8-Ending Wars on Time Would Save $200 Billion, One-Sixth of Debt Reduction Goal (leaving open the question of how much we would save if we ended the wars early!)
9-Libya: 'Humanitarian' Snow Job
10-Libya: Never Believe It Till It's Officially Denied
11-Libya: Enough To Make You Cry
12-Is Washington Out of Gas?
13-How Washington Creates Global Instability
14-Freedom Is Not Free at the State Department
15-Obama waives penalties on countries that employ child soldiers – again!
16-Panetta: No clear plan on end to Libya mission
17-Is the National Security Complex Too Big to Fail?
TARPing War
18-Afghanistan to back Pakistan if wars with U.S.: Karzai
19-The Military Spending Fairy
20-U.S. General Fired for Criticizing Hamid Karzai
21-An All-American Nightmare: This Is What Defeat Looks Like
22-Obama Moves to Legalize Cluster Munitions
23-Chicago Rally to Thank Obama for Supposedly Ending War in Iraq Turns Up 30 Speakers and 10 Audience Members
24-450 Bases and It’s Not Over Yet
25-Obama’s Proliferating Wars: Empire on Full Throttle Offensive
26-Those Weak Losers Who Care about “Law”
27-The End in Afghanistan?
28-The 0% Doctrine
Obama Breaks New Ground When It Comes to War With Iran
29-A New Age of Enemies
30-Left Behind
What We Lost in Iraq and Washington, 2009-2012
31-The Smog of War
32-What the Laws of War Allow
33-Obama Supports Military Coup in Maldives
34-Ex-Maldives Leader Rejects US Compromise Call
35-Memory Failure at the Pentagon
36-A History of the World, BRIC by BRIC
Neoliberal Dragons, Eurasian Wet Dreams, and Robocop Fantasies
37-War Pay
The Nearly $1 Trillion National Security Budget
38-Mission Failure: Afghanistan - A Message Written in Blood That No One Wants to Hear
39-The CIA and a Blowback World
40-How Not to Reconstruct Iraq, Afghanistan or America:
A Guide to Disaster at Home and Abroad
41-US Drone Strikes Target Rescuers in Pakistan – and the West Stays Silent
42-Green on Blue Attacks: The Story Neither Democrats Nor Republicans Want to Talk About
43-The Best Laid Plans: How Quickly Will the U.S. Leave Afghanistan?
44-Cost of the Afghan War
45-We Are at War
46-Washington Invested in War
47-Military’s Own Report Card Gives Afghan Surge an F
48-More War!
49-Disaster on Autpilot
50-Killing the Kids That Don't Need to Die
51-Obama's Foreign Policy: Is he Hawk or Dove?
52-Time to Pack Up
53-The Alliance from Hell - How the U.S. and Pakistan Became the Dysfunctional Nuclear Family of International Relations
54-Embassy Attack Shows Folly of Arming Zealots
55-Preparing for a Digital 9/11
56-Obama Adviser Robert Gibbs Blames Denver Teen’s ‘Terrorist’ Father for His Drone Death
57-Exposed 'Kill Matrix' Gives Permanence to US 'War on Terror' -
The Washington Post Reports on the Codifying of Obama's 'Kill List'
58-Drone of Silence: The National Security Policy that Obama and Romney Won’t Debate
59-Terror Tuesday Cubed: The ‘Disposition Matrix’ Normalizes State Murder
60-Obama Bombs Yemen Hours After Winning Reelection
61-Troops to remain in Afghanistan after 2014
62-Obama Notifies Congress of Troops Deployed to Libya and Yemen
63-1939 Peace on Earth Animation
64-Pentagon to Send Missiles, 400 Troops to Turkey
65-US Deploying Troops to 35 African Countries
66-US Drone Strikes, Cyber Attacks Carried Out Under Cover of the Christmas Holiday
67-3,000 US troops secretly return to Iraq via Kuwait
68-Panetta Urges New Focus for NATO
69-WikiLeaks: Iraqi children in U.S. raid shot in head, U.N. says
70-Sen. Claire McCaskill leaps hurdles to overhauling wartime contracting
71-Military expenditure (% of GDP)
72-On Its Way Out, the US Will Give Afghanistan Its Very Own Fleet of Drones
73-Special Afghanistan inspector blasts Pentagon, USAID waste
74-The United States government is, far and away, the greatest threat to world peace.
75-The Pentagon as a Global NRA: For Washington, There Is No Arms Control Abroad
76-U.S. Arms Sales Make Up Most of Global Market
77-U.S. troops arrive in Turkey to help protect border with Syria, prompting some skepticism
78-US Support for Dictatorship in Iraq Sowing Future Chaos
79-Why Obama's CIA Nominee Is Responsible for the Deaths of Pakistani Civilians
80-World Military Spending
81-Bill Moyers Essay: When We Kill Without Caring
82-Ann Jones, The Afghan End Game?
83-Dumb and Dumber: A Secret CIA Drone Base, a Blowback World, and Why Washington Has No Learning Curve
84-Justice Department Memo Reveals ‘Legal Case’ for Drone Strikes on Americans
85-United Nations: US Attacks Killed Hundreds of Afghan Children
86-Wars That Aren’t Meant to Be Won
87-Dreams in Infrared: The Woes of an American Drone Operator
88-With Little More Than a Note, Obama Deploys US Troops To Niger
89-5 lessons of the Iraq war
90-Buying the War
91-Ever More Shocked, Never Yet Awed: Iraq War Among World’s Worst Events
92-Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion and interest payments could swell cost to more than $6 trillion - study
93-A Rape in Wartime
94-The Iraq Anniversary and the Washington Post
95-UN says US drones violate Pakistan's sovereignty
96-Will Congress Act to Stop US Support for Honduras' Death Squad Regime?
97-Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook– Al-Queda is a computer database (he died 4 weeks later…)
98-Iraq, Afghan Wars to Cost US Over Next 100 Years
99-Study: Iraq War Cost 190K Lives, $2.2 Trillion
100-An Anniversary Many Would Like to Ignore
101-Thoughts on War, 10 Years Post Shock and Awe
102-US Support for Emerging Dictatorship in Iraq May Have ‘Catastrophic’ Effects
103-US-Backed Regime in Bahrain Bans All Protests: Obama continues to support the brutal Bahraini dictatorship, valuing ruthless control of the Persian Gulf over democracy
104-Experience: I was a whistleblower - 'I had been prepared to fight the enemy in Iraq, but I never expected to feel betrayed by my own people'
105-Revealed: Pentagon's link to Iraqi torture centres: Exclusive: General David Petraeus and 'dirty wars' veteran behind commando units implicated in detainee abuse
106-“Most Expensive Wars in US History”: Financial Legacy of Iraq and Afghanistan
107-Paying the Costs of Iraq, for Decades to Come
108-After “withdrawal” U.S. will keep 9 Afghan bases
109-Bill Moyers Essay: When We Kill Without Caring
110-BOLGER, MANSKI: Obama’s misuse of AUMF is unconstitutional, unconscionable
111-Bring Our War Dollars Home
112-The Hijacking of Human Rights by Chris Hedges
113-Engelhardt, The Last Empire?
114-Engelhardt: Field of Nightmares
115-The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan: The United States?
116-The United States Is Fighting How Many Wars?
117-David Vine, Baseworld Profiteering
118-US Senate declares the entire USA to be a "Battleground".
119-Washington gets explicit: its 'war on terror' is permanent - Senior Obama officials tell the US Senate: the 'war', in limitless form, will continue for 'at least' another decade - or two
120-Why Is President Obama Keeping a Journalist in Prison in Yemen? After supporters protested his “sham” trial, Abdulelah Haider Shaye would have been pardoned. Then Obama intervened.
121-Afghanistan: The End Game?
122-Andrew Bacevich: The Eternal War?
123-The Cold War Redux? Are Washington, Moscow, and Beijing Using the Global Arms Trade to Create a New Cold War?
124-Rising Cost of the Afghanistan War
125-Despite Obama's Claims, Drones More Deadly for Civilians: Report
Drone strikes in Afghanistan cause 10 times more civilian casualties than 'conventional' warfare
126-Humanity’s Oldest Story
127-Let the bullets fly: War is a great business
128-U.N. expert: More arms for Syria mean more war crimes
129-War Crimes as Policy
130-How Dystopian Secrecy Contributes to Clueless Wars - Bradley Manning Has Done More for U.S. Security than SEAL Team 6
131-Another Jolly Little War
132-Chemical Weapons
133-The Dead Rhetoric of War By Chris Hedges
134-Cluster Bombs, Decapitation Bombing Killed Hundreds, Says Human Rights Watch
135-Bureau Investigation Finds Fresh Evidence of CIA Drone Strikes on Rescuers - If proved, US targeting of rescuers who respond to scene of earlier explosions are clearly "war crimes"
136-Drone war: every attack in Pakistan visualized
137-Drought Helped Spark Syria’s Civil War — Is it One of Many Climate Wars to Come?
138-Exclusive: US bankrolled anti-Morsi activists: Documents reveal US money trail to Egyptian groups that pressed for president's removal.
139-History of United States Getting Involved in "Humanitarian" Wars
140-U.S. Currently Fighting 74 Different Wars … That It Will Publicly Admit - And Many More Covert Wars Without Congressional Oversight … Let Alone Public Knowledge
141-Obama Closes Office Working to Shut Down Gitmo - Obama has fundamentally signed on to the belief that individuals can be held forever without due process
142-Obama's war record.....in one place
143-Does Obama know he’s fighting on al-Qa’ida’s side?
144-The US Has No Credibility Dealing With Chemical Weapons
145-To some, US case for Syrian gas attack, strike has too many holes
146-U.S. Depleted Uranium as Malicious as Syrian Chemical Weapons
147-US-Backed Death Squads Massacre Hundreds of Syrian Kurds
148-Yes, we can: Obama waives anti-terrorism provisions to arm Syrian rebels
149-A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
150-Al-Qaeda Backers Found With U.S. Contracts in Afghanistan
152-Ann Jones: Americans Can’t Remember, Afghans Will Never Forget
154-Dispatches: The War in Afghanistan is Escalating, Not Ending
156-Ending One War, Ending All Wars
157-For 4th Straight Year, Obama Approves Military Aid to Countries Using Child Soldiers
159-The Limits of Counterinsurgency Doctrine in Afghanistan: The Other Side of the COIN
160-Malala to Obama: "Drones Fueling Terrorism"
161-McCain: F-35 among the ‘Great, National Scandals’
162-The business of America is war
163-Engelhardt, The American Exceptionalism Sweepstakes
164-The Drone Ranger: Obama’s Dirty Wars
165-The Empire President: Jeremy Scahill on Obama’s "Neocon" Doctrine of Military Force in U.N. Speech
166-The Cost of War to Social Programs
167-Andrew Bacevich, Bashing “Isolationists” While at War in the World
168-Jeremy Scahill, The Fantasy of a Clean War
169-Top 45 Lies in Obama's Speech at the U.N.
171-US has killed far more civilians with drones than it admits, says UN
172-William Astore, War! What Is It Good For? Profit and Power
173-10 More Years in Afghanistan by David Swanson
174-2013: War by the Numbers: A statistical look back at a violent year
175-Deceiving the US Public on Syria
176-Guernica Films: Measure of a Life
177-In reversal, Obama says he will boost US military support in Iraq
178-Let’s Begin Ending War Again
179-LIVE Interactive with Occupy Kenya Activist: Obama Administrative Coup to Oust Elected President
180-Obama’s Ludicrous Afghanistan Declarations
181-Adam Hochschild, The War to Begin All Wars
182-Tomgram: Bob Dreyfuss, American Death Spiral in the Middle East
183-Veterans Are Being Threatened and Silenced by the US and UK Militaries
185-Changing Enemies
186-'Double dealing': How Pakistan hid Osama Bin Laden from the U.S. and fueled the war in Afghanistan
188-208 Palestinians, 1 Israeli Killed in Gaza Conflict; Brits Blast Biased BBC Reporting
189-27 of 35 Bush Articles of Impeachment Apply to Obama
191-4 Boys Killed Playing on a Beach; 223 Palestinians, 1 Israeli Killed in Gaza Conflict
192-400 US mercenaries 'deployed on ground' in Ukraine military op
193-Afghanistan, Another Untold Story (posted in 2009)
194-An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel (video)
195-On Ultra Nationalists: When You Slow-Dance with the Devil, You Can't See His Face
196-Bill Moyers Essay: ‘Crossing the Euphrates’
197-Bill Moyers Essay: What We Can Learn From Lawrence of Arabia
198-Boko Haram a Blessing for Imperialism in Africa: U.S. Training Death Squads
199-Break the Silence: A World War Is Beckoning
200-Afghan War Spending - Bush vs. Obama
201-Buying the War: How Big Media Failed Us
202-American Military Dominance In One Staggering Chart (defense spending by country)
203-Chris Hedges: The Ghoulish Face of Empire
204-Chronology Vietnam from 111 BCE
205-Column: What we did in Iraq is coming back to haunt us
206-Controlling the Lens: The Media War Being Fought Over Ukraine Between the Western Bloc and Russia
207-Crediting Obama for Bringing Troops Home–Without Noting He Sent Them Abroad
208-Dahr Jamail: Incinerating Iraq
209-Deaths in Other Nations Since WW II Due to US Interventions
210-Dilip Hiro: Behind the Coup in Egypt
212-A Record of Unparalleled Failure
213-Eric Alterman Warns: Pundits and Partisans Are Up to Old Tricks in Iraq
214-Everybody's Got Afghanistan Wrong - This goes deeper than the usual war lies.
216-Fracking Weaponized – Joe Biden’s Ukraine Crusade
217-Freedom Rider: America Brings Hell to Ukraine
219-Full Show: The Lies That Lead to War
220-GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans
221-Heard the One About Obama Denouncing a Breach of International Law?
222-In Iraq, The U.S. is The Problem, not the Solution
223-Infographic: How the Israeli ID card system enforces apartheid
224-Iraq Is Coming Apart at the Seams — Here’s Our Essential Reader
225-Iraq War III? Will Obama try to re-fight the Iraq war?
226-Iraq’s Second Largest City Falls to Extremists
227-Israeli war crimes in Gaza provoke global outrage
228-Kerry Announces Increased Weapons Shipments to Syria Rebels
229-Kidnapped Girls Become Tools of U.S. Imperial Policy in Africa
230-US Feigns "Horror" Over Cooked-Up Report on Syrian War They Engineered
231-Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links
232-Map of US Military and CIA Interventions since World War II
233-Michael Klare: Fighting for Oil
234-The Rational Destruction of Yugoslavia
235-Michael Schwartz: The New Oil Wars in Iraq
236-New York Times Admits It Pushed Fabricated Evidence about Iraq, Syria and Ukraine
238-Obama Plans To Leave 10,000 Troops In Afghanistan Past Deadline
240-One Failure After Another - Obama, Israel and Liberal Capitulation
241-Dispatching B-2 Stealth Bombers to Europe: Obama’s Attempt at Intimidating Russia
242-Operations Brother’s Keeper & Protective Edge
244-Pepe Escobar: Who’s Pivoting Where in Eurasia?
245-President Obama Receives “Ambassador for Humanity” Award (Not Satire)
246-Democrats, Republicans playing political football over Benghazi attack: Don DeBar
247-Robert Parry: Evidence for Russian Involvement in East Ukraine Based on Shoddy Journalism
248-State Department Responds to Israel’s Bombing of Children Playing on Gaza Beach by Blaming Hamas
249-Stretching It
250-VIDEO: Slavyansk Still Being Bombed
252-The Historical US Support for al-Qaeda
253-The Kiev Putsch: Rebel Workers Take Power in the East
256-Bombing of Gaza children gives me “orgasm”: Israelis celebrate slaughter on Facebook
257-CNN: Palestinians Want to Die
258-Freedom Rider: American and Israeli War Crimes
259-How US and Blair Plotted "Ceasefire" Scam
261-Pax Americana vs. The Arc of the Moral Universe
262-The US Left’s Obligation to Palestine is to Build an Internationalist Movement
263-This chart shows every person killed in the Israel-Palestine conflict since 2000
264-Toll of U.S. invasion haunts Iraq
265-How America's Wars Came Home With the Troops
266-Chase Madar: The Folly of Arming Israel
267-Nick Turse: How “Benghazi” Birthed the New Normal in Africa
268-US Air Strike Killed Woman, Seven Kids in Central Afghanistan - Karzai Reiterates Demand to End Air Strikes Against Villages
269-US Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq to Cost $6 trillion
270-Vice President Joe Biden Promotes U.S. as Fracking Missionary Force On Ukraine Trip
271-Clips from Oscar-Nominated Documentary Dirty Wars (video)
272-Obama's "Dirty Wars" Exposed at Sundance (video)
273-Peace Propaganda And The Promised Land: U.S. Media & the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (2004) (video)
274-Syria: The Crime and the Criminals (video)
275-Unmanned: America's Drone Wars (video)
276-Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq to Cost U.S. Over $4 Trillion
277-Washington and the Corporate Media Are in Full Propaganda Mode on Ukraine
278-The Fog Machine of War - Chelsea Manning on the U.S. Military and Media Freedom
279-White House requests $500 million to aid Syrian rebels
280-Why we stuck with Maliki — and lost Iraq
281-Witness to an International Crime: Israeli State Terrorism in Gaza
282-Gaza is a concentration camp, and it’s an American delusion not to recognize that — Weschler
284-Palestinian and Israeli Deaths
285-496 Palestinians, 20 Israelis Die in Gaza Conflict; Why the Shujaiyah Massacre?
287-Dead Gazans Missing From Senate Endorsement of Israeli Invasion
288-Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked
289-Gaza Conflict: 1039 Palestinians, 43 Israelis Dead; Israel Bombs Another Hospital
290-Israel and Palestine, an animated introduction.
291-Who Bears More Responsibility for the War in Gaza?
292-Claim that Hamas killed 3 teens is turning out to be the WMD of Gaza onslaught
293-How Israel Uses Twitter, Facebook & Tinder to Legitimize Murder | Brainwash Update
296-New Facebook Page Equates Sex with Israeli War on Gaza
298-Popular Resistance Newsletter - Reasons For Sadness And Hope
299-The US-Israel Special Relationship Timeline That AIPAC Doesn’t Want You To See
300-US Only Country To Vote No On UN Resolution Against Killing Civilians In Gaza
301-US-backed Israeli invasion of Gaza unleashes death and destruction
302-Chris Hedges beautiful speech on Gaza #FreePalestine
303-Causes of War Krugman Overlooked
304-Chris Hedges - America Is Slowly Crumbling (video)
305-Chris Hedges - How the Brutalized Become Brutal
307-Escalation: Obama Broadens War Goals - Informs Congress About Latest Round of Attacks
308-Freedom Rider: Putin in America’s Crosshairs
310-Israeli Attack on Civilian Apartments
311-Claim that Hamas Killed 3 Teens is turning out to be the WMD of Gaza Onslaught
312-Picture Documentation of Israeli Slaughter
313-86% of Gaza Dead Were Civilians (Believe the UN, Not NY Times’ Jodi Rudoren)
315-As Repression Escalates on US Campuses, an Account of My Ordeal With the Israel Lobby and UC
316-Gaza conflict: Drone footage reveals extent of damage
318-Cash, Weapons and Surveillance: the U.S. is a Key Party to Every Israeli Attack
319-Cease-Fires in Which Violations Never Cease: What's Next for Israel, Hamas and Gaza?
320-Let My People Go by Chris Hedges
321-The Palestinians’ Right to Self-Defense by Chris Hedges
322-Israel Bars Amnesty, Human Rights Watch Workers from Gaza
323-Democrats’ Unapologetic Support for Israel Enables Daily War Crimes Against Palestinians
326-Gaza slaughter exposes Democrats
327-Gaza: new evidence of deliberate attacks on medics by Israeli army
328-Hamas Rocket Launches Don't Explain Israel's Gaza Destruction
329-Here's the full text of the deleted Times of Israel post backing genocide in Gaza
330-Indefensible and Illegal Israeli Land Seizure Given Laughable Reasoning
332-Israel To Take Largest Amount Of Land From West Bank In 30 Years
333-Israeli army summarily executed fleeing civilians in southern Gaza
334-How Israel Uses Twitter, Facebook & Tinder to Legitimize Murder | Brainwash Update
337-Israel used banned weapons on Gaza (video and comments)
338-Raw footage of Israeli sniper killing wounded civilian
339-Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People (2007)
340-Terrorism in the Israeli Attack on Gaza by Glenn Greenwald
341-The Destruction of Gaza's Schools and the Future of Palestinian Children
342-The member of Knessett who called for genocide - against the mother of the "snakes"
345-Tomgram: Sandy Tolan, Going Wild in the Gaza War
346-US senator (Boxer, a democrat) filibusters live coverage of powerful Palestinian testimonies
348-History Repeating Itself? U.S. Bombing Iraq While Jockeying to Oust Leader It Once Favored
349-Iraq Has WMDs and Russia Has Invaded!
350-Islamic State and the American Way of War: The New Enemy Creation Process
351-More Killing in Obama’s ‘War on Terror’ Than Bush’s ‘War’
352-Obama To Bomb Iraq To Protect Advisors He Sent In, Prevent Ethnic Killing, Secure US Oil Contracts
353-Obama: “Russia Is Responsible For The Violence In Eastern Ukraine and Pigs Can Fly”
355-The Real “Dirty Wars” in the Horn of Africa
357-Tomgram: Nick Turse, American Monuments to Failure in Africa?
258-Why Washington's War on Terror Failed - The Underrated Saudi Connection
359-Top 9 Reasons to Stop Bombing Iraq
360-Ukraine: Five facts and fallacies you need to know about the US-Nato drive to war
361-US intervention is not humanitarian and will not protect the people of Iraq
363-Why Obama is bombing the Caliph
364-William Astore: The Bomber Will Always Get Funded — and Used
365-Why Are The Tricks Used To Sell War in 2003 Working in 2014? Have We Learned Nothing?
366-Who’s Paying the Pro-War Pundits?
367-US/UK media coverup of Nazis in Ukraine continues unraveling and MH-17 falls apart…
369-The US Government Never Understood Afghanistan and Still Doesn't
370-Stepping warily onto the battlefield
371-President Obama’s High-mileage, Stupid New War
372-Opinion: The Growing Cost of the Third Iraq War
373-Marjorie Cohn | Obama Declares Perpetual War
374-The Untold Story of the Shejaiya Massacre in Gaza: A Former Israel Soldier Speaks Out
375-The Rise of "If Not Now" and the collapse of the pro-Israel consensus
376-The Gaza War Map
378-Leaked email reveals ADL advice to universities urging anti-Palestine crackdown
379-Israeli Occupation Forces Destroy water networks and launch assault on farmers
380-Israel lobby group outlines dirty tricks against campus Palestine activists
382-American Exceptionalism and US Foreign Policy
383-43 Million People Kicked Out of Their Homes
384-Tomgram: Jen Marlowe, One Family, Two Doors, Nowhere to Run
386-Verifiable proof that the Kiev and US spokespersons lied about Ukrainian bus attack that killed 12
388-The greatest trick Obama ever pulled was convincing the world America isn't still at war Afghanistan, Iraq, the illegal conflict with Isis, secret drone strikes across the Middle East: You would think Congress might want to vote on the Forever War. But you would be very, very wrong
390-Tomgram: Engelhardt, Washington's Walking Dead - More and More War - The Tao of Washington391-America is Open for Business in Iraq
392-America Didn’t Just Prosecute Torturers, We Executed Them
393-Apache Helicopter & Hellfire Missile Blues | Philip A. Farruggio
394-Are Pilots Deserting Washington’s Drone War?
395-Benjamin Netanyahu’s Long History of Crying Wolf About Iran’s Nuclear Weapons
396-Bob Simon on Buying the War in Iraq
397-Clapper Calls for Arming Ukrainian Forces: Who Would That Actually Empower?
398-Dramatic Shifts in the Political and Military Situation in Ukraine
399-Endless War Is Alive and... Bleeding
400-Endless War? Obama Sends Congress Expansive Anti-ISIS Measure Six Months After Bombing Began
401-UN Finds Credible Ties Between ISIS And Israeli Defense Forces
402-Dozens of European parliamentarians call for end to EU-Israel treaty
403-Former Israeli Defense Warns: Americans Are Next! Shocking Interview
406-Spanish Peacekeeper Is the Latest Example of Israel Killing United Nations Personnel
407-US helped Israel with H-bomb - 1980s report declassified
408-War is the New Normal - Seven Deadly Reasons Why America's Wars Persist409-Hailed as a Model for Successful Intervention, Libya Proves to be the Exact Opposite
410-Has President Obama Once Again Sold Us Down the River?
411-ISIS is Proof of the Failed "War on Terror"412-John McCain Calls For US War In Ukraine, Libya, Syria, And Iraq
413-My War on Terror: Letter to an Unknown American Patriot
416-Our Condolences: How the U.S. Paid for Death and Damage in Afghanistan417-Policy ‘Intellectuals’ Are Enabling Our Never-Ending State of War
418-Stephen Hawking Warns That Aggression Could 'Destroy Us All'
419-The Endless Tragedy of Vietnam
420-The Real Enemy is Hypocrisy - The Enemy is Not Russia or Putin
421-How Obama’s Aggression in Ukraine Risks Nuclear War: Could Romney or McCain Really be any Worse?
422-Why Obama’s Hopes of Decapitating the Islamic State Won’t Work
423-The ISIS-US Empire – Their Unholy Alliance Fully Exposed
424-The Shame of US Journalism Is the Destruction of Iraq, Not Fake Helicopter Stories
425-The Victory of ‘Perception Management’
426-The World of Our Grandchildren Noam Chomsky discusses ISIS, Israel, climate change, and the kind of world future generations may inherit.
427-The Contours of the American Empire by Jeremy Cloward, Ph. D., Diablo Valley College, “War is a matter of vital importance to the State...the road to survival or ruin. It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied.” Sun Tzu (Chinese military general, strategist, and philosopher, circa 544 BC)
429-Rationalizing Lunacy: The intellectual as Servant of the State
430-Remembrance of Wars Past - Why There is No Massive Antiwar Movement in America
431-Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Ten Commandments for a Better American World
432-Tomgram: Frida Berrigan, Witness to War, American-Style
433-Tomgram: Michael Schwartz, Israel, Gaza, and Energy Wars in the Middle East
434-Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, Watching the Same Movie About American War for 75 Years
435-Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Is Drone Warfare Fraying at the Edges?
436-Truth in Media: The Origin of ISIS
437-Ukraine denouement: The Russian loan and the IMF’s One-Two Punch
438-FBI Whistleblower: “U.S Is Reviving Terror Scare With ISIS To Promote The Terror War Industry”
441-John Pilger | Why the Rise of Fascism Is Again the Issue
442-Obama's Real Number of Wars
443-'US not engaged in major war': Obama Memorial Day remark slammed
446-Always Remember, the NY Times Pushed, Hard, for War in Iraq
448-Buying the War: How Big Media Failed Us
449-Causing genocide to protect us from terror by Neil Clark who is a journalist, writer, award winning blogger, and broadcaster
450-Climbing into Bed with Al-Qaeda
451-‘2,300 Humvees in Mosul alone’: Iraq reveals number of US arms falling into ISIS hands
452-Confirmed Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US “Created” ISIS As A “Tool” in a Proxy War Against Assad
453-Contractors reap $138B from Iraq war
454-Crimea: The Way Back Home - EN Subtitles - Full Documentary (VIDEO)
456-Endless War: As U.S. Strikes Tikrit & Delays Afghan Pullout, "War on Terror" Toll Tops 1.3 Million
458-Five Years On, the WikiLeaks 'Collateral Murder' Video Matters More than Ever
459-60 Plus Israeli Soldiers Tell The Truth About Israel’s War Crimes In Gaza
460-Former President Jimmy Carter: Gaza situation 'intolerable'
462-Not a Single House Has Been Rebuilt One Year After Israeli War on Gaza463-Obama gives $1.9 billion in weapons as welcome gift to Israel’s racist government
465-Israel to seize 202 acres of Palestinian land as dumping ground - Israel has decided to seize some 202 acres of privately owned Palestinian land in the West Bank to make a new dumping grounds for its illegal settlements.
466-Richard Falk on the Aftermath of Operation Protective Edge in Gaza
467-Tomgram: Sandy Tolan, The One-State Conundrum
468-UN: Israeli military killed 44 Palestinians at UN shelters
469-US Aid to Israel Jumps to $11 Million Dollars Per Day
470-Samples of Israeli Horrific Brutality and War Criminality in Gaza
473-Legality of Drone Warfare or Illegality of Drone Assassination? Let a Real Debate Begin!
475-New Evidence US Backed ISIS
476-Obama ordered CIA to train ISIS jihadists: Declassified documents
477-Obama's War Plans Against Venezuela: Another Act of Imperial Desperation
478-America Admittedly Behind ISIS "Surge"
479-Original Iraq War Skeptics Find the Rekindled Debate Maddening
482-Saudi Arabia is 'biggest funder of terrorists'
484-Six US Presidents Have Destroyed Iraq
486-Targeting ISIS, US-Led Strike Kills 52 Civilians, Including 7 Children
487-The Farce Is Complete: Joe Biden's Son Joins Board Of Largest Ukraine Gas Producer
489-Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq
490-NYT Trumpets U.S. Restraint against ISIS, Ignores Hundreds of Civilian Deaths
492-Tomgram: Anand Gopal, How to Create an Afghan Blackwater
493-Tomgram: Andrew Cockburn, How Assassination Sold Drugs and Promoted Terrorism
494-Tomgram: Ann Jones, Citizen's Revolt in Afghanistan
495-Tomgram: Engelhardt, Counting Bodies, Then and Now
496-Tomgram: Michael Klare, Superpower in Distress
497-Tomgram: Nick Turse, AFRICOM Behaving Badly
498-Tomgram: Nick Turse, One Boy, One Rifle, and One Morning in Malakal
499-Tomgram: Nick Turse, The U.S. Military's Battlefield of Tomorrow
500-Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, In the Middle East, Bet on a Winner (Iran!)
501-Tomgram: William Astore, America's Mutant Military
502-Tomgram: William Hartung, Your Money at War Everywhere
503-U S Plan- Destroy 7 countries in 5 years
504-U.S. admits to backing 'questionable actors' (i.e. Al Qaeda/ISIS) in Syria
505-Ukraine: why the West is to blame for the crisis
506-Costs of War - US and Allied Killed
508-US-led airstrikes kill 52 Syrian civilians in a day, not 1 ISIS fighter – monitor
509-Assange Reveals That The West is Behind ISIS And Ukraine Crisis And Israel Behind Hamas
510-White House still ignores murder of American reporter Serena Shim who filmed western aid to ISIS
511-‘2,300 Humvees in Mosul alone’: Iraq reveals number of US arms falling into ISIS hands
512-Ban Killer Robots Before They Take Over, Stephen Hawking & Elon Musk Say
513-Bill Clinton Laid the Foundation for the Libyan, Syrian and Ukrainian Wars
514-BlackRock, Obama Campaign Donors Stand To Benefit From Cuts To Military Pensions
515-Document: The Pentagon’s Law of War Manual
516-New Amnesty Report Visualizes Israel's War Crimes
517-A Year After More Than 2,000 Killed in Gaza, Israel's Collective Punishment Continues
518-Amnesty International: 'Strong Evidence' Of Israeli War Crimes In Gaza
519-Why I Support the BDS Movement Against Israel by Chris Hedges
520-Cynthia McKinney: US Lawmakers FORCED to Support Israel!
521-Foreign Investment in Israel Drops by Almost Half in 2014
Foreign investment in Israel drops by almost half in 2014
#BusinessOne of the report's authors suggested the sharp decline could be down to the 2014 Gaza war and an international boycott campaign
Foreign investment in Israel drops by almost half in 2014
#BusinessOne of the report's authors suggested the sharp decline could be down to the 2014 Gaza war and an international boycott campaign
522-Gaza is a Concentration Camp and it is an American delusion not to recognize that
523-On the One-Year Anniversary of Israel's Attack on Gaza: An Interview with Max Blumenthal
524-Israeli soldiers cheered while Palestinian bled to death under army jeep
525-Jewish settlers burn, destroy Catholic Church on the banks of the Galilee sea
528-Soldiers expel Palestinians from pool in Area A to enable settlers to bathe undisturbed
529-Tomgram: Jen Marlowe, "They Demolish and We Rebuild"
530-TRANSCRIPT: An Interview with Max Blumenthal on the One Year Anniversary of Israel's Attack on Gaza
531-Truthout Interviews Max Blumenthal About the 51-Day Israeli Assault on Gaza
533-US replenishes Israel's arsenal with $1.9 billion in new weapons
534-Why I Support the BDS Movement Against Israel by Chris Hedges
535-Photos from Igor Bozic's post in IOUCO-International Observatory of Ukrainian Conflict
537-Essay: Capability-Based Planning and the Death of Military Strategy
538-Iraq War a War Crime - Pushed by Cheney Over Objections of Joint Chiefs Video – John Kiriakou on RAI(7/10)
539-Key Democrats, Led by Hillary Clinton, Leave No Doubt That Endless War Is Official US Doctrine
540-Martin O’Malley’s Link Between Climate Change and ISIS Isn’t Crazy
542-Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq
543-Obama On Track To Drop More Bombs Than Bush
544-Retired US General Admits Military’s Role in Creating ISIS
545-We Have Failed Afghanistan Again and Again
546-Today's Civilian Victims in Yemen Will be Ignored Because U.S. and its Allies Are Responsible
547-Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Washington's Great Game and Why It's Failing
548-Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, The Theology of American National Security
549-Tomgram: David Vine, The Forgotten Costs of War in the Middle East
550-Tomgram: Engelhardt, Armed Violence in the Homeland
551-Tomgram: Engelhardt, What Happened to War?
552-Tomgram: Greg Grandin, How Endless War Helps Old Dixie Stay New
553-Tomgram: Nick Turse, My Very Own Veteran's Day
554-Tomgram: Pepe Escobar, The Pivot to Eurasia
555-Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, What If There Is No Plan B for Iraq?
556-Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, No Lone Rangers in Drone Warfare
557-Tomgram: William Astore, "Hi, I'm Uncle Sam and I'm a War-oholic"
558-When Clinton Lied, Yugoslavia Died
559-Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault
560-Syria Becomes the 7th Predominantly Muslim Country Bombed by 2009 Nobel Peace Laureate
561-To Defend Iran Deal, Obama Boasts That He’s Bombed Seven Countries
562-America's Reckless War Against Evil: Why It's Self-Defeating And Has No End
563-Behold: How the US blew $17 billion in Afghanistan
564-Climate Change and Inequality Are Driving War and Catastrophic Conflicts from Syria to Africa
565-Documented Proof That America Created ISIS Has Emerged
566-Syrian Special Forces find NATO chemical weapons and gear in a... (video)
568-Six Years and $17 Billion Wasted in Afghanistan with Nothing to Show for It
569-The Democrats Are Just As Crazy and Just as Warmongery as Republicans
570-Tomgram: Ira Chernus, Six Mistakes on the Road to Permanent War
571-Tomgram: Nick Turse, A Shadow War and an American Drone Unit Under Wraps
572-Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, Who Will Fight the Islamic State?
573-We Got Scammed by Government Contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan
575-U.S. wars caused refugee crisis
576-Israeli forces shoot 9 university students on Tulkarem campus
577-The world of threats to the US is an illusion
579-Confession of a CIA Agent: They gave us millions to dismember Yugoslavia
583-Israel Wants % Billion Dollars a Year in Military Aid from the US
584-Netanyahu demands more billions from US after Iran Deal, insults US Envoy, Steals more Land
586-UN calls for immediate halt of destruction of Palestinian homes
589-Immunity of State Officials for War Crimes: UN Library’s Most-checked-out Book in 2015
591-Libyan People Lash Out At Obama For Destroying Their Country
592-It was once called Armistice Day
593-Martin Luther King Jr. and Peace
595-Myanmar’s Peace Prize Winner and Crimes Against Humanity - The New York Times
597-Obama Never Had a Plan to End What Guantánamo Represents
598-Obama Seeking Unlimited War Powers Under Pretext of Anti-Daesh Fight | The Greanville Post • Vol. IX
599-Saudi Arabia Bombs Day Care Centre for Blind Children in Yemen, U.S Silent
600-Scrapping this crappy jet could provide the entire country with 23 years of free college | Minds
601-Study: U.S. regime has killed 20-30 million people since World War Two -- Puppet Masters -- Sott.net
602-SYRIA: my published articles and other musings from and on Syria (2014/2015/2016) | In Gaza
604-The media are misleading the public on Syria - The Boston Globe
606-The U.S. Spent a Half Billion on Mining in Afghanistan With ‘Limited Progress’ - ProPublica
607-The US is now involved in 134 wars or none, depending on your definition of 'war' | GlobalPost
608-The War in Africa the U.S. Military Won't Admit It's Fighting | Bryan Maygers
609-This graphic shows how the US defense budget dwarfs the rest of the world's
610-Timeline of CIA Interventions in Syria | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
611-To Wipe Out Terror, The US Is Now Bombing Seven Different Countries
612-Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Washington's Twenty-First-Century Opium Wars | TomDispatch
613-Tomgram: Engelhardt, "The Finest Fighting Force in the History of the World" | TomDispatch
614-Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Disappointments of War in a World of Unintended Consequences | TomDispatch
615-Tomgram: Ira Chernus, The Peace Movement's War Story | TomDispatch
616-Tomgram: Nick Turse, How to Succeed at Failing, Pentagon-Style | TomDispatch
617-Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, How to Resolve the ISIS Crisis | TomDispatch
618-Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, American War Crimes, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow | TomDispatch
620-Tomgram: William Astore, Spoiling The Pentagon | TomDispatch
621-Top Veteran’s Charity Accused of Pocketing Millions in Donations | True Activist
622-U.S. killing more civilians in Iraq, Syria than it acknowledges
624-Washington to escalate US Mideast wars - World Socialist Web Site
625-West Media Starves Truth in Syria
627-New York State passes anti-boycott legislation | The Ugly Truth
628-Tomgram: Mattea Kramer, The Grief of Others and the Boasts of Candidates | TomDispatch
630-5 Charts to Understand the Calamity of Ukraine's Economic Collapse
631-59 Journalists Murdered in Honduras Since Clinton-Backed Coup
632-A Peek At Empire
635-At UNLV, whistleblowers call for accountability in military drone program
636-Bernie Sanders: 'Drones Have Done Some Good Things'
637-Best of TomDispatch: Nick Turse, From the Missing Archives of a Lost War
638-Brutal regime: Saudi Arabia strikes Yemeni market at rush hour; no military goal
639-Clinton: Destroy Syria for Israel
641-"The Assassination Complex": Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald Probe Secret US Drone Wars in New Book
642-Tomgram: Harwood and Stanley, Policing the Dystopia
643-Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification
646-Doctors Without Borders Pulls Out Of World Humanitarian Summit, Says It No Longer Has Hope
647-During Honduras Crisis, Clinton Suggested Back Channel With Lobbyist Lanny Davis
649-Tomgram: Nick Turse, Revolving Doors, Robust Rolodexes, and Runaway Generals
650-Tomgram: Noam Chomsky, Tick... Tick... Tick...
653-Freedom Rider: Obama’s Last Gasp Imperialism
655-Israel jails Palestinian journalist for “incitement”
656-Israel’s Unsung Protector: Obama
657-Obama signs anti-BDS bill into law
658-Israeli warplanes bomb Gaza for third day
659-Russell Tribunal Finds Evidence of Incitement to Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity in Gaza
660-US Aid to Israel Jumps to $11 Million Dollars Per Day
662-An epic miscalculation on the price of a warplane is going to cost taxpayers $1.5 trillion
663-How the World Ends: Baiting Russia is Not Good Policy
664-How They Brainwash Us - The media's incessant manufacturing of consent for US foreign policies.
666-Key Democrats, Led by Hillary Clinton, Leave No doubt that Endless War is Official U.S. Doctrine
667-Memorial Day Lesson - End War
668-The Unfolding Story Of Latin America
670-In Transparent Act, Obama Administration Erases Civilian Deaths From Drone Strikes
671-Obama's Seven Slaughters: It's a Disease, Not a Doctrine
672-Out of Sight, Out of Mind: A visualization of drone strikes in Pakistan since 2014
673-Pentagon disciplines 16 for deadly attack on Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan
674-Pentagon To Send In Tanks And Troops To The Republic Of Georgia
675-Retired General Speaks The Truth: We Created ISIS – The Ring of Fire
676-Saudi Arabia wants US to kill 9/11 bill, threatens to dump US assets worth $750 bn - report
678-Silencing America as It Prepares for War
679-Syria Elections 2016: US-NATO’s Failed Attempt to Deny the Will of the Syrian People
680-Syria Questions
681-The only chart you need to see to know that the world is upping the ante on defense spending
682-The Syria 'dissent' memo and US bureaucratic support for Kerry war strategy
683-The US Government Just Killed 150 People In A Country They Aren’t Even At War With
684-The US Is Now Involved In 134 Wars - Or none, depending on your definition of 'war'.
685-This is what climate change looks like.
686-Tomgram: Adam Hochschild, A Corporation Goes to War
687-Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, America's Sinkhole Wars
688-Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, Presidential Wars690-Tomgram: Dilip Hiro, Flashpoint for the Planet
691-Tomgram: Engelhardt, Don't Blame It All on Donald Trump
692-Tomgram: Engelhardt, Done In by the American Way of War
693-Tomgram: Engelhardt, They Just Can't Stop Themselves
694-Tomgram: Engelhardt, Where Did the American Century Go?
695-Tomgram: Nick Turse, Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics... and U.S. Africa Command
696-Tomgram: Noam Chomsky, The Challenges of 2016
697-Tomgram: Noam Chomsky, What Principles Rule the World?
698-Tomgram: Patrick Cockburn, An Endless Cycle of Indecisive Wars
699-Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, Candidates, Is America Exceptional, or Only Great?
700-Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, The Snapchat Version of American Victory
701-Tomgram: Rory Fanning, Talking to the Young in a World That Will Never Truly Be "Postwar"
702-Tomgram: William Astore, America's Post-Democratic Military
703-Tomgram: William Astore, The End of Air Power?
704-Tomgram: William Astore, Words About War Matter
705-Tomgram: William Hartung, What a Waste, the U.S. Military
706-U.S. Delivers 3,000 Tons Of Weapons And Ammo To Al-Qaeda and Co. in Syria
707-U.S. Sets Stage for Libya-Like Regime Change in Eritrea, “Africa’s Cuba”
708-US Foreign Policy in Africa and the 2016 Elections
709-US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II
710-Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Exhibit One in Any Future American War Crimes Trial
712-Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Inside the Devastation of America's Drone Wars
713-We're Running Out of Water, and Consequences Could be Dire
714-Why Obama Silenced bin Laden
715-Why Western Outrage Following the Brussels Terrorist Attacks Is Useless
716-With Trump or Hillary, The Crisis in Syria Will Only Worsen
718-U.S. expands secret wars in Africa
720-Tomgram: William Hartung, How to Disappear Money, Pentagon-Style
721-‘Three strikes and you’re out: Ukraine is a divided, failed, rogue state’
722-"The Assassination Complex": Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald Probe Secret US Drone Wars in New Book
723-"This is Our War & It is Shameful:" Journalist Andrew Cockburn on the U.S. Role in the War in Yemen
724-“Stand by your Man”: The Hegemonic Harpies and World Domination
726-27 U.S. Senators Rebel Against Arming Saudi Arabia
727-A Clinton Win Means An Expanded War in Syria
728-Allegations Against Russia Less Credible Every Day
729-America Launched More Than Sixty Airstrikes in Six Countries Last Weekend Alone
730-An Urgently Necessary Briefing on Syria
731-Andrew Bacevich: Why Is No Candidate Offering an Alternative to Militarized U.S. Foreign Policy (YouTube)
732-Anonymous Leaks to the WashPost About the CIA’s Russia Beliefs Are No Substitute for Evidence
733-Anti-war News
734-Assange released 500,000 diplomatic cables which reveals how the CIA created ISIS
735-At Least 20 Casualties in Airstrike on Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Yemen
736-Best of TomDispatch: Andrew Bacevich, Pentagon, Inc.
737-Israel Bombs Syrian Airport; Syrian Army Warns of Retaliation
739-Clinton Is the Most Dangerous Person Alive – An Interview with Edward S. Herman
740-Corporate Media is Lying to You — Syrian Army Freed Aleppo, There is No Genocide
741-Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Obama's Last Chance
742-Democrats And Their Chilling Apathy Toward War
743-Did Obama’s election kill the antiwar movement?
744-Diplomatic Frauds: Kerry, Power, Kirby Lying and Shilling for ‘Body Bags’ and War in Syria
746-Ethnic Bloodshed Linked to Climate Change
747-Examining International Sanctions: The Case of Eritrea
748-Eye on Media: CBS selling us the White Helmets and more Syria lies—again, and again
750-Freedom Rider: Standing with Syria
751-Gaza Picture
754-As Israel Prospers, Obama Set to Give Billions More in Aid While Netanyahu Demands Even More
755-BBC forced to admit it misled over Palestine
756-Gaza is a concentration camp, and it is an American delusion not to recognize that - Weschler
758-UN Committee Against Torture recommends 50+ measures to Israel to end its use of torture
759-Tomgram: Sandy Tolan, The Death of the Two-State Solution
760-UN names Israel as world’s top human rights violator
761-Western Leaders Grow Deaf to the Pleas of Palestinians
762-Assange:Forget Russia,The Real Threat to America comes from Israel and the Israel Lobby
764-Getting Real News From Aleppo - With Vanessa Beeley (YouTube)
765-Hands Off Syria!
766-Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Bloodbath
769-Hillary Clinton’s Six Foreign-Policy Catastrophes
770-Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention
771-Media Blackout: Hillary Calls for Killing 'a Lot of Civilians,' Starting War with Russia
772-In A Short Speech Putin Strips Down Naked EVERY Dirty Game The US Played: ISIS, Syria And More…
773-Indeed, Western Civilization is in a War
774-Is the Military Really “Depleted” After Years of Record-High Spending?
775-It’s 2016: Do You Know Where Your Bombs Are Falling?
776-Journalist Eva Bartlett: “I’m Back From Syria. The Media Is Lying To You!”
778-Kosovo: An Evil Little War (Almost) All US Candidates Liked
779-LAME DUCK: New Obama Executive Action Opens Door to Unlimited Arms for Salafi Terrorists in Syria
781-Making Violence Visible: From #BlackLivesMatter to #StoptheBleeding Africa
782-Media misinformation and the US election’s war agenda
783-Media Roll Out Welcome Mat for ‘Humanitarian’ War in Syria
784-Media Silent As US-Backed Saudi Forces Starve Half Million Yemeni Children
786-The Immense Power We Must Confront
787-Fact: Establishment Dems Are So Awful They’ve Made The GOP The Default Anti-War Party
788-Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq
789-OBAMA and CLINTON APPROVED 20% OF U.S. URANIUM SALE TO RUSSIA. Podesta Lobbied for Sale to Kremlin (YouTube)
791-Obama Attempting to Destroy Syria before January 20th
794-Obama Has Just Turned Yemen into Another Middle East Quagmire
795-Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.
796-Obama Signs his Last Pentagon Budget: A Legacy of War and Reaction
797-Obama’s covert drone war in numbers: ten times more strikes than Bush
798-Obama’s achievement: Whitewashing permanent warfare with eloquence
800-Obama’s Hidden Role in Worsening Climate Change (as related to war)
801-Obama’s Legacy: War Without End
802-The War Nerd: Everything you know about Crimea is wrong(-er)
805-Presidential candidate Clinton says removing Assad in Syria is No. 1 priority
806-Provoking Nuclear War by Media
807-Report: Nearly $5 Trillion Spent on Iraq and Afghanistan Wars So Far
808-Russia Hysteria Infects WashPost Again: False Story About Hacking U.S. Electric Grid
809-Rwanda, the Clinton Dynasty, and the Case of Dr. Léopold Munyakazi
811-Seymour Hersh Blasts Media for Uncritically Promoting Russian Hacking Story
813-A small country with big ideas to get rid of fossil fuels (TED Talks)
814-Ten Times Worse Than Hell: A Syrian Doctor on the Humanitarian Catastrophe in Aleppo
815-The Business of War is the Cause of War
816-The Deteriorating Situation in Ethiopia
817-The Fake Campaign to Blame ‘the Russians’
818-The Ghosts of Direct Action
819-The Great Leap Backward: America’s Illegal Wars on the World
822-The lying campaign on Russian hacking
823-The media are misleading the public on Syria
824-The Obama Legacy Part VIII: The War Summation
825-Dennis Kucinich: Push for ‘New Cold War’ Behind Effort Against Michael Flynn
826-Trump: Don't Follow the Bush-Obama Foreign Policy Legacy
827-The UN’s Next Genocide in Somalia
828-The War on Yemen and ‘International Order’
829-The world is in the midst of the worst refugee crisis since World War II
831-Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, The Swamp of War
832-Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Mission Unaccomplished, 15 Years Later
833-Tomgram: Dilip Hiro, Unipolar No More
836-Tomgram: Engelhardt, Crimes Against the Future - The World After Me: Eternal Wartime in America
837-Tomgram: Engelhardt, War, Peace, and Absurdity
838-Tomgram: Mattea Kramer, You Don't Leave Home Without It
839-Tomgram: Nick Turse, Killing People, Breaking Things, and America's Winless Wars
840-Tomgram: Nick Turse, Revolving Doors, Robust Rolodexes, and Runaway Generals
842-Boots On The Ground: US Sends Troops To Syria’s Manbij
843-Tomgram: Nick Turse, The Perpetual Killing Field
844-Tomgram: Nick Turse, The U.S. Military Pivots to Africa and That Continent Goes Down the Drain
845-Tomgram: Nick Turse, What the U.S. Military Doesn't Know (and Neither Do You)
846-Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, Class of 2017 -- So Sorry!
847-Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Justice for Torturers?
848-Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Making Sense of Trump and His National Security State Critics
849-Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, War Without End
850-Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Yet Another Undeclared U.S. War
851-Tomgram: William Astore, In Afghanistan, America's Biggest Foe Is Self-Deception
852-Tomgram: William Hartung, How to Arm a "Volatile" Planet
853-Tomgram: William Hartung, The Doctrine of Armed Exceptionalism
854-Tomgram: William Hartung, The Generals vs. the Ideologues or the Generals and the Ideologues?
855-Tomgram: William Hartung, Trump for the Defense
856-Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification
857-Two children killed in US drone strike on Yemen
858-U.S. Military Carries Out 30 Airstrikes in Yemen
859-Ukraine and the Dumbed-Down New York Times Columnist
860-UN Admits Role in Haiti Cholera Outbreak for First Time Ever
862-Unprecedented number of US drone and air strikes hit Yemen
863-Investigating the Saudi Government 9/11 Connection – Interview with former US Senator Bob Graham
864-US Media Silence as Pentagon Deploys Rangers Armoured Regiment on the Ground in Syria
865-Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Surging to Failure
866-Unworthy Victims: Houthis in Yemen and Hutus in Burundi
867-US Drone Strike Kills Nine Civilians in Mosul Attack Destroyed Home, Killing Entire Family
869-US Invades Syria, and Warns Russia
874-US-led coalition admits 54 civilian deaths in Syria, Iraq strikes
877-WashPost Is Richly Rewarded for False News About Russia Threat While Public Is Deceived
878-Julian Assange has confirmed that the U.S. Government is lying to the American people about Russia
880-U.S. Bombing Yemen Now, War Machine Churns On (YouTube)
881-Why won't anyone admit that America is fighting 5 wars?
882-WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary’s Stunning Connection to ISIS — Mainstream Media Blackout Ensues
883-WikiLeaks Reveals How the US Aggressively Pursued Regime Change in Syria, Igniting a Bloodbath
885-Will U.S. Troops Become the Ethiopian Government’s Thugs?
886-With a show of Stars and Stripes, U.S. forces in Syria try to keep warring allies apart
887-Without Providing Any Evidence of Hacking, Obama to Announce ‘Punishment’ Plan for Russia
888-Yes, Obama and Clinton Created ISIS – Too Bad Trump Can’t Explain How It Happened
889-"National Bird" a documentary on drone warfare available on Netflix as of May 2017
890-Anatomy of Failure - Why America Loses Every War It Starts by Harlan K. Ullman ISBN 978-1-68247-225-5
891-Permanent State of Emergency
892-Destabilizing the Middle East (Yet More)
The Saudi Regime Is Playing Donald Trump With Potentially Disastrous Consequences
893-Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, All War All the Time, or War American-Style
894-A Wide World of Winless War
Globe-Trotting U.S. Special Ops Forces Already Deployed to 137 Nations in 2017
895-Tomgram: Ira Chernus, The Summer of Love and the Winter of National Insecurity
896-Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Fighting the War You Know (Even If It Won't Work)
897-Color Revolution Comes Home?
898-WikiLeaks Drops CHILLING New Video – Every American Should See This (VIDEO)
899-“Having America Care About You Is Not Necessarily a Good Thing” The war in Afghanistan is already the longest in US history. And now Trump is considering sending more troops. A conversation with Anand Gopal and May Jeong
901-Yemen: The War That Isn’t Happening Even as It’s Happening
902-What’s Really Going on In Venezuela
903-US Expands Military Footprint in Syria to EIGHT Bases, ‘Modifies’ Kobani Air Base
904-U.N. Suspending Plan for Cholera Vaccination in Yemen
905-Top 10 Lies, Damn Lies, And Lies About Syria
906-Tomgram: William Hartung, The Trillion-Dollar National Security Budget
907-Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Is Anything the Moral Equivalent of War?
908-Tomgram: Nick Turse, Counting Coups
909-Tomgram: Laura Gottesdiener, The Wrath of the U.S. Along the Euphrates River
910-Tomgram: Engelhardt, Bombing the Rubble - Precision Warfare? Don’t Make Me Laugh
911-Tomgram: Dilip Hiro, Two Impulsive Leaders Fan the Global Flames
913-The Empire Files: The U.S. School That Trains Dictators & Death Squads (You Tube video)
914-Ten Problems with Anti-Russian Obsession
915-Shock Horror! CIA Director Admits US Trying to Overthrow Venezuelan Government
916-“Russiagate” Narrative Crumbling With Seymour Hersh Phone Call, But Damage Already Done
The “Russiagate” narrative that the Russians hacked into private emails to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election has effectively recast international relations. But it has been coming apart and a just-released recording of a Seymour Hersh phone call may be a fatal blow.
917-Two Words That Sum up the Media’s Disingenuous Outrage of What’s Happening Venezuela …. Saudi Arabia
918-CNN Journalists Resign: Latest Example of Media Recklessness on the Russia Threat
919-After Hersh Investigation, Media Connive in Propaganda War on Syria
920-DNC Makes Unbelievably Feeble Response To Latest Russiagate Debunking Evidence
921-Media silent as former CIA analyst destroys the claim that Russia hacked the US election [VIDEO]
922-Julian Assange asks why the US said nothing when Obama supported Ukrainian neo-Nazis
923-Is Yemen Too Much for the World to Take?
924-Why Palestine is Still the Issue
925-Palestine Remains 'the Greatest Moral Issue of Our Time'
927-How Long Could Israel Survive Without America?
929-Which will it be: Unequivocal support for Israel or our First Amendment rights?
930-Schumer, Gillibrand Co-Sponsor Senate Bill That Would Make Boycotting Israel A Felony
933-BREAKING: Israeli soldiers on rooftop throw stun grenades into defenseless crowd
934-The Palestinian Information Center
936-Climate change and the military-industrial complex
938-Clinton Emails Reveal Direct US Sabotage of Venezuela
939-1 Million Malnourished Children At Risk Of Cholera In Yemen
941-‘CIA and Mossad created ISIS’, says Julian Assange as Wikileaks releases 500k US cables
942-“We are the death merchant of the world”: Ex-Bush official Lawrence Wilkerson condemns military-industrial complex The military-industrial complex “is much more pernicious than Eisenhower ever thought,” says the retired US colonel
943-89% of Senate Democrats Help Pass The $696.5B Defense Bill
944-Afghanistan: Why We Won’t Leave
946-Autopilot Wars: Sixteen Years, But Who’s Counting?
947-Best of TomDispatch: Tom Engelhardt, Through the Gates of Hell
948-Bombshell Report Confirms US Coalition Struck A Deal With ISIS
950-Breaking: US Occupation of Syria Now Official
951-Caught in a lie, US & allies bomb Syria the night before international inspectors arrive
952-Climate change and international conflict - Talk of potential war is grabbing headlines with growing concerns over North Korea's nuclear program. Talk of eventual 'climate wars' is on a far-different schedule, but some book authors say it's a question of when and not of whether.
953-Clinton Emails on Libya Expose The Lie of ‘Humanitarian Intervention’
954-Congress Votes to Say It Hasn’t Authorized War in Yemen, Yet War in Yemen Goes On
955-Tomgram: John Feffer, The Real Disuniting of America
956-Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification
957-Obama’s Hidden Role In Worsening Climate Change
958-Tomgram: Michael Klare, The New Face of "War" at Home
960-Every Moment We Focus On Russiagate, The World Comes Closer To Annihilation
961-Fifteen Years Ago, America Destroyed My Country
963-How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet
964-As Thousands Left Homeless from Hurricanes, Trump Sends $75 Million MORE to Israel
965-Assange:Forget Russia,The Real Threat to America comes from Israel and the Israel Lobby
966-Australian film ‘Stone Cold Justice’ on Israel’s torture of Palestinian children
967-Chris Hedges: Imploding the myth of Israel
968-Congress’ Gargantuan New Military Spending Bill Forks Over Unprecedented Sums to Israel and Ukraine
970-Despite Latest Massacre in Gaza, Israel Remains Immune From Criticism
971-For Israel, There’s Little Political Cost to Killing Palestinians
973-Israel Confirms Video of Sniper Shooting Unarmed Palestinian, as Soldiers Cheer, Is Genuine
974-Israel destroys Palestinian classrooms ahead of first day of school - Four Palestinian communities have seen their educational facilities – donated by international bodies and NGOs – destroyed on grounds they have been built without permission
975-Israel has arrested 800 Palestinian children since start of 2017
976-Israel’s Online Shadow Operations - Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
977-Israeli ambassador pushes potential war to elite U.S. powerbrokers
978-Israeli Army’s Lies Can No Longer Salvage Its Image
979-Norman Finkelstein’s new book on Gaza is a meticulous account of Israel’s crimes
980-NPR Runs IDF Playbook, Spinning Killing of 17 Palestinians
981-In ‘NYT,’ Israeli minister calls BDS activists ‘enemy soldiers’ and compares them to Nazis
982-Palestine Faces Genocide – Israel Deserves Its Pariah Status
983-Shooting Protesters in Cold Blood: How Israel Became a Typical Middle Eastern Dictatorship
984-That "Israel Lobby" Controversy? History has proved us right.
Read more: https://forward.com/opinion/383901/that-israel-lobby-controversy-history-has-proved-us-right/
Read more: https://forward.com/opinion/383901/that-israel-lobby-controversy-history-has-proved-us-right/
Read more: https://forward.com/opinion/383901/that-israel-lobby-controversy-history-has-proved-us-right/
986-U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Support for Boycott Campaign Against Israel
987-US Blocks UN Investigation into Israeli Military Killings in Gaza
988-Despite 200 Israeli Nukes Aimed At Iran, US To Fund Israel Defense To Tune Of $700M
989-What’s in Al Jazeera’s undercover film on the US Israel lobby?
990-When “Progressives” Make Palestinian Rights Taboo, They Are Coddling the Far Right
991-Worldwide Protests Await Britain’s Celebration Of Balfour Anniversary
992-General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years (YouTube)
993-How American Generals Have Paved the Way for Permanent War in Afghanistan and Across the Globe
994-How U.S.-Saudi Marriage Gave Birth to Jihad
995-Ignoring Washington’s Role in Yemen Carnage, 60 Minutes Paints US as Savior
996-In Syria, militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA
997-Pouring trillions into the black hole of war while our national infrastructure continues to decay - Pouring more and more trillions into the black hole of war must come to an end before the condition of America’s infrastructure becomes virtually irreversible.
998-Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study
999-Iraq: US military admits failures to monitor over $1 billion worth of arms transfers
1001-Longest War in US History Turns 16 Today – Thousands Dead, No End in Sight & It’s Getting Worse
1003-Military Spending Is Already Bankrupting America - Since 2001, the U.S. government has spent more than $1.8 trillion in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq – that’s $8.3 million per hour.
1004-More Holes in Russia-gate Narrative
1005-More than 50,000 Yemeni children 'will die by the end of the year'
1006-The Biggest Secret - My Life as a New York Times Reporter in the Shadow of the War on Terror
1007-New Defense Strategy: War With Great Nations & Arms Race
1008-Newsletter: As US Empire Fails, Trump Expands A Quagmire
1009-Now Mattis Admits There Was No Evidence Assad Used Poison Gas on His People: Opinion
1010-Obama’s covert drone war in numbers: ten times more strikes than Bush
1011-Pentagon pays Off Sports Teams
1012-Pentagon Papers
1013-Behind the Guise of Adversarial Journalism, CNN’s Jake Tapper Is Taking America to War
1016-NYT Laments ‘Forever Wars’ Its Editorials Helped Create
1017-Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, The CIA and Me
1018-Gaza now has a toxic ‘biosphere of war’ that no one can escape
1020-Tomgram: Nick Turse, A Disappearance, a Body, and What It Takes to Make the News
1022-Pundits And Politicians Are Tacitly Admitting That They Lied About Russia
1023-Recipe Concocted for Perpetual War is a Bitter One
1024-Regime Change Fails: Is A Military Coup Or Invasion Of Venezuela Next?
1025-Ron Paul Reminds Americans the US Military is Occupying 53 of 54 African Nations
1027-Secret memos expose link between oil firms and invasion of Iraq
1028-Seymour Hersh: US Lied About Syrian Chemical Attack Then Bombed Them Anyway
1029-Stumbling Blocks: Tim Kaine and the Bipartisan Abettors of Atrocity
1030-Syria: Nearly 1,000 Civilians Reportedly Killed During U.S.-Led Offensive in Raqqa
1033-The US Has Soldiers Deployed In Almost Every Country On Earth
1034-The Voiceless Left Stands Before The Monster Of History - Rumours of war and the lexicon of war permeate the culture of empires, and the US empire is not an exception.
1035-The War on Terror Has Created 6500% More Terrorism
1036-The Cities at Risk of Climate-Driven Conflict
1037-Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, A New Age of Sea Power?
1038-Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, How the Pentagon Snatched Innovation From the Jaws of Defeat
1039-Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, The Global War of 2030
1040-Tomgram: Alfred W. McCoy, Washington's Drug of Choice in the War on Terror
1041-Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, A Country Addicted to War
1042-Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, A Memo to the Publisher of the New York Times
1043-Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, Creating a Perpetual War Machine
4044-Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, How We Learned Not To Care About America's Wars
1045-Tomgram: Ann Jones, When Will They Ever Learn?
1046-Tomgram: Arnold Isaacs, In Present American Wars, Repeating Past Mistakes
1047-Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Buttering Up the Pentagon
1048-Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Cleaning House, Enabling War
1049-Retired US Colonel: Israel Is Dragging the United States Into World War III
1050-Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Embracing Our Inner Empire
1051-Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Hail, (Donald) Caesar!
1052-Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Putting the "War" in the "War on Terror"
1053-Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Three Administrations, One Standard Playbook
1054-Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, War Making in the Age of the Imperial Presidency
1055-Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Whose Side Are You On?
1056-Tomgram: Engelhardt, America Last?
1057-Tomgram: Engelhardt, Doing Bin Laden's Bidding
1060-Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Age of Unintended Consequences
1061-Tomgram: Engelhardt, Tweeting While the Planet Burns
1062-Tomgram: Engelhardt, Welcome to the Post-American World
1063-Tomgram: John Feffer, Avoiding War with Pyongyang
1064-Tomgram: Michael Klare, Militarizing America's Energy Policy
1065-Tomgram: Michael Klare, The New "Long War"
1066-Tomgram: Nick Turse, A Red Scare in the Gray Zone
1067-Tomgram: Nick Turse, A Wider World of War
1068-Tomgram: Nick Turse, The Coming Year in Special Ops
1069-Tomgram: Stephanie Savell, The Hidden Costs of America's Wars
1070-Tomgram: William Astore, Taking War Off Its Pedestal
1071-Tomgram: William Astore, The Fog of War in America
1072-Tomgram: William Astore, The Superpower That Fought Itself -- And Lost
1073-Tomgram: William D. Hartung, 2018 Looks Like an Arms Bonanza
1074-Tomgram: William Hartung, How to Wield Influence and Sell Weaponry in Washington
1075-Tomgram: William Hartung, Selling Arms as if There Were No Tomorrow
1076-Tomgram: William Hartung, The Pentagon Budget as Corporate Welfare for Weapons Makers
1077-Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Last Men Standing Victory at last! In America's Wars, Failure is the New Success
1078-U.S. Army fudged its accounts by trillions of dollars, auditor finds
1079-US has no evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says
1080-US Military Presence In 53 of 54 African Countries
1081-US Provides Military Aid To More Than 70 Percent Of World’s Dictatorships
1082-US Provides Military Assistance to 73 Percent of World's Dictatorships
1083-We Have Spent $32 Million Per Hour on War Since 2001 - 15 years after the invasion of Iraq, what are the costs?
1084-When It Comes to the War in the Greater Middle East, Maybe We’re the Bad Guys
1085-When Washington Decides Democracy Is Dangerous
1086-Why Americans Support Perpetual Wars
1088-Washington Post Pushes More Dubious Russia-bashing
1089-Yet Another Major Russia Story Falls Apart. Is Skepticism Permissible Yet?
1090-Highlights from Conference on No Foreign Bases, Jan. 12-14, 2018 (YouTube)
1091-Best of TomDispatch: William Astore, A Military Bemedaled, Bothered, and Beleaguered
1092-U.S. Army fudged its accounts by trillions of dollars, auditor finds
1093-Best of TomDispatch: Chalmers Johnson, Dismantling the Empire
1094-‘NYT’ columnist says killing Palestinian civilians is… good for Palestinians
1095-As IDF Uses Gaza Protesters for Shoot-to-Maim Target Practice, Israel Argues Human Rights Don’t Apply to this “War” The manner in which protesters, including children, have been injured – live ammunition fired at the groin, neck, limbs, and abdomen – suggests that Israeli troops intentionally aim to inflict maximum physical harm on the civilian participants in the marches.
1096-Democrats Join Republicans In Bill Criminalizing Speech Critical Of Israel I cannot imagine any reason for this egregious offense against the First Amendment except to please AIPAC and their AIPAC associated donors.
1097-This is why Gazans won't back down
1098-High Alert For Palestinian Slaughter & Conflict With Iran
1099-Irish lawmakers call for boycott of Israel Two European Parliament lawmakers from Ireland support boycotting Israel following Eurovision victory.
1100-Israel Begins Bombing Syrian Army Minutes After US Pulls Out of Iran Deal
1101-Israel boycott ban: Shunning Israeli goods to become criminal offence for public bodies and student unions Critics say move amounts to a 'gross attack on democratic freedoms'
1102-Tomgram: Shammalah and Marlowe, The Return of the Women of Gaza
1103-US blocks United Nations call for independent probe into Gaza deaths
1104-US State Passes Law Defining Any Criticism of Israel as ‘Anti-Semitic’ Just As They Kill 60 Civilians As many Americans criticize the number of civilian deaths on the Gaza Strip, a state has passed a measure labeling criticism of Israel as "anti-Semitism."
1105-With All Eyes on Gaza, Israel Falls Back on the Hamas Card When other excuses collapse to the honest lens of public transparency, the Hamas card is predictably played with almost sneering contempt for the world’s ability to pierce half-truths.
1106-Hizbollah’s Victory and the U.S.-Iran Conflict
1107-How the FBI and CIA Restarted the Cold War to Protect Themselves
1108-Media Delegitimize Venezuelan Elections Amid Complete Unanimity Of Outlook
1109-Militarism Mapped
1110-Military Spending Is Already Bankrupting America Since 2001, the U.S. government has spent more than $1.8 trillion in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq – that’s $8.3 million per hour.
1111-Of Fake News and History Suborned (In War and Peace) by Greg Maybury
1112-Russia-gate’s Shaky Foundation
1113-Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US "Created" ISIS As A "Tool" To Overthrow Syria's President Assad
1114-The Crazy Amount of Money the Military Gives to the NFL
1115-The Foundation For International Justice Is Anti-Imperialism
1116-The Pentagon Can't Account for $21 Trillion (That's Not a Typo)
1117-Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, Not So Great Wars, Theirs and Ours
1118-Tomgram: Ben Freeman and William Hartung, A Saudi Love Affair in Washington
1119-Tomgram: Engelhardt, A Staggeringly Well-Funded Blowback Machine An Empire of Nothing at All?
1120-Tomgram: Engelhardt, Extremists "R" Us
1121-Tomgram: Making Sense of America's Empire of Chaos
1122-Tomgram: Michael Klare, Is a War With China on the Horizon?
1123-Tomgram: Michael Klare, The Road to Hell in the Middle East
1124-Tomgram: Nick Turse, A Grim Inheritance
1125-Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, "We Will Always Be Confronted by U.S. Power"
1126-Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Making Sense of U.S. Moves in the Middle East
1127-Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Recognizing the Camel's Nose
1128-Tomgram: Stephanie Savell, How America's Wars Fund Inequality at Home
1129-Tomgram: William Astore, Enabling Armageddon
1130-US Provides Military Assistance to 73 Percent of the World’s Dictatorships
1131-40 Yemeni Children Dead by U.S.-Made Bomb? Outrage Mounts over U.S. Role in Airstrike on School Bus
1133-The Endlessly Repeating War in Afghanistan
1134-Tomgram: Engelhardt, America's (Near) Thirty Years' War
1135-What You Are Not Being Told About the Afghanistan War (YouTube)
1136-All Wars Are Illegal, So What Do We Do About It?
1137-Best of TomDispatch: Nick Turse, From the Missing Archives of a Lost War (Vietnam)
1138-Germany denies free speech on Israel’s crimes
1139-Tomgram: Sandy Tolan, Was Oslo Doomed From the Start?
1140-Pentagon says war in Afghanistan costs taxpayers $45 billion per year
1141-The Sinister Reason the U.S. Persists in Waging Losing Wars
1142-The US-Led Global War on Terrorism Has Succeeded... In Creating More Global Terrorism Since 9/11, the regions where the U.S. military has been most active—countries in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia—have seen a five-fold increase in violent attacks
1143-Tomgram: Arnold Isaacs, Misremembering Vietnam
1144-Tomgram: Ben Freeman, The Saudi Lobby Juggernaut
1145-Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Backfire, a Generation of American Folly
1146-Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Global War to Infinity and Beyond
1147-Tomgram: Engelhardt, Anniversaries That Never Will Be
1148-Tomgram: Engelhardt, In Search of the Victories People Don't Even Know About
1149-Tomgram: Michael Klare, On the Road to World War III?
1150-Tomgram: Rajan Menon, The American War in Yemen
1151-Tomgram: Rory Fanning, Will the War Stories Ever End?
1152-Tomgram: William Astore, The Pentagon Has Won the War that Matters
1153-US Has Spent $5,900,000,000,000 on War Since 2001: Study
1154-US wars claim soaring civilian casualties in Yemen and Afghanistan
1155-Yemen’s Descent Into Hell: a Saudi-American War of Terror
1156-The INF Treaty and the crises of arms control
1157-Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, Rule Number One in Warfare: Know Your Enemy - Our Man in Riyadh
1158-Marc Lamont Hill UN Speech on Gaza that got him fired (YouTube)
1159-How The American Oligarchy Gets Society To Accept Endless War
1160-Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Grandmasters of the Universe Five Academics Who Unleashed the “Demon” of Geopolitical Power
1161-Yes, What Israel Is Doing To Palestinians Is Actually Genocide.
1162-Bloody Loss For US: “We can’t Beat Taliban” – NATO General
1163-Everyone Has Fallen for the Lies About Venezuela
1164-Facts Don’t Interfere With Propaganda Blitz Against Venezuela’s Elected President
1165-How Much Does The U.S. Pay For NATO?
1166-Leaked Wikileaks Doc Reveals US Military Use of IMF, World Bank as “Unconventional” Weapons This “U.S. coup manual,” recently highlighted by WikiLeaks, serves as a reminder that the so-called “independence” of such financial institutions as The World Bank and IMF is an illusion and that they are among the many “financial weapons” regularly used by the U.S. government to bend countries to its will.
1167-Open Letter by Over 70 Scholars and Experts Condemns US-Backed Coup Attempt in Venezuela
1168-Pentagon Fears Confirmed: Climate Change Leads to More Wars and Refugees
1169-Jeremy Corbyn: “The future of Venezuela is a matter for the Venezuelans”
1170-Stein / Baraka in Solidarity with Venezuela and Maduro!
1171-The Article Facebook Doesn’t Want You to Share: Venezuela Is Not Alone
1172-The Making of Juan Guaidó: How the US Regime Change Laboratory Created Venezuela’s Coup Leader
1173-The Trump Administration’s Africa Policy
1174-Top 10 Reasons Not to Love NATO
1175-Trump’s new nuclear weapon has entered production
1176-US-Led Coup In Venezuela: The Plot Thickens
1177-Venezuela crisis: Former UN rapporteur says US sanctions are killing citizens
1178-Venezuela: What Activists Need To Know About The US-Led Coup
1179-Western Media Fall in Lockstep for Cheap Trump/Rubio Venezuela Aid PR Stunt
1180-WikiLeaks Tweets Army Manual Detailing How US Weaponized Banking Cartel to Take Down Nations The "U.S. Coup Manual" details how financial institutions like the World Bank and IMF are used as "financial weapons" used by the US to bring non-compliant nations to their knees.
1182-'Unprecedented, Wasteful, and Obscene': House Approves $1.48 Trillion Pentagon Budget
1183-‘The Afghan Government Is as Corrupt as Governments Come’
1184-‘This Is the Latest Chapter of a Long History of US Betrayal of Kurds’
1185-“A Shameful Week for the U.S.”: Trump Admin Guts U.N. Resolution to End Rape as Weapon of War
1186-An Ocean of Lies on Venezuela: Abby Martin & UN Rapporteur Expose Coup (YouTube)
1187-Afghanistan Papers Proves U.S. Invasion Was Built on Lies, Deceit and Confusion
1188-As Conflict With Iran Escalates, Path To Peace Can Be Found
1189-Audit Reveals the Pentagon Doesn’t Know Where $6.5 Trillion Dollars Has Gone
1190-Bolivian Coup Comes Less Than a Week After Morales Stopped Multinational Firm's Lithium Deal "Bolivia's lithium belongs to the Bolivian people. Not to multinational corporate cabals."
1191-Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Little Justification
1192-Empires Are A Secret Until They Start Falling
1193-Everyone Has Fallen for the Lies About Venezuela There are three things that seem to provoke the ornery United States into overthrowing or bringing down a foreign government, no matter how many innocent civilians may die in the process
1195-From Coup Leaders to Con Artists
1196-AOC Is Right About Aid to Israel Israel regularly violates human rights, murders journalists, and is now becoming part of a global far-right alliance. Cutting aid to the country should be “on the table” — to say the least.
1198-U.N. panel says Israeli troops "intentionally shot children" in Gaza border protests
1201-View the Frontline Documentary on Gaza that PBS pulled
1202-How the Western media support state terror – while millions die
1203-How US covered up Saudi role in 9/11
1205-Iran’s Not the Aggressor. The U.S. Is. If a war breaks out, it won’t be because the Trump administration “bumbled” into one.
1206-It Looks Like Another Failed US Coup in Venezuela
1207-Leaked Wikileaks Doc Reveals US Military Use of IMF, World Bank as “Unconventional” Weapons This “U.S. coup manual,” recently highlighted by WikiLeaks, serves as a reminder that the so-called “independence” of such financial institutions as The World Bank and IMF is an illusion and that they are among the many “financial weapons” regularly used by the U.S. government to bend countries to its will.
1208-Media Setting Up Iran as New ‘Threat’ That Must Be Confronted
1209-Mike Pence Confirms: 'We Are With' Coup Plotters in Venezuela The Vice President's affirmation of U.S. support was echoed by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton
1210-North Korea Law of Journalism Strikes Again as Envoy Rises From Dead
1211-Now the truth emerges: how the US fueled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq
1213-Pew report: Most veterans say the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were not worth fighting
1214-Pink Tide Against US Domination Rising Again In Latin America
1215-Western Media Whitewash Bolivia’s Far-Right Coup
1216-Jeremy Corbyn: “The future of Venezuela is a matter for the Venezuelans”
1217-Protection Of Venezuelan Embassy Continues, Opposition To US Coup Builds
1219-Reckless US Actions Fire Up The Antiwar Movement
1220-Report Finds US Sanctions on Venezuela Are Responsible for Tens of Thousands of Deaths
1221-Rising Resistance And Solidarity In The Americas
1222-Trump Sanctions Have Killed Thousands of Venezuelans
1223-South Korea signs defense agreement with China after Trump's negotiators walk out on US-Korea talks
1224-Stop the U.S. drive to war against Iran!
1225-Study Linking US Sanctions to Venezuelan Deaths Buried By Reuters for Over a Month
1226-The Real Lesson of Afghanistan Is That Regime Change Does Not Work
1227-The real outrage of the Afghanistan war papers that no one wants to talk about
1228-The US Must Grow Up And Respect Iranian Independence
1229-The White House Once Labeled Them Terrorists. Now They're Being Called Iran’s Next Government
1230-The World Is Uniting For International Law, Against US Empire
1231-They Lied to Us All Along, We Knew It, and the Afghanistan Papers Prove It
1232-Trump’s Democratic Opposition Endorses His Coup Attempt in Venezuela
1233-Uniting To Protect Venezuela And Stop The US War Machine
1234-US Chose ‘The Violent And Illegal Path’ Against Peace Activists, Embassy Protector Tells The Canary
1235-US Foreign Policy Exposed
1236-US Government Narrative blaming Iran for oil tanker attacks falls apart in hours
1237-US government spent over $500m on fake Al-Qaeda propaganda videos that tracked location of viewers
1238-America has spent $5.9 trillion on wars in the Middle East and Asia since 2001, a new study says
1239-US Media Erase Years of Chavismo’s Gains
1240-US Out Of Syria And The Middle East
1241-US Provides Military Aid To More Than 70 Percent Of World’s Dictatorships About three-quarters of the world’s dictatorships currently receive military assistance from the United States. This is a strange record for a nation that consistently justifies its sweeping foreign interventions as aimed at “promoting democracy” and “thwarting evil dictatorships.”
1242-A Stain on the Honor of the Navy In acceding to a White House request to cover the name of the USS John S. McCain, officers and officials revealed a rot within the service.
1243-Venezuela Coverage Takes Us Back to Golden Age of Lying About Latin America
1244-Venezuela crisis: Former UN rapporteur says US sanctions are killing citizens
1245-Come Home, America: Stop Policing the Globe and Put an End to Wars-Without-End
1246-Sanctions Are Economic Warfare Sanctions are a violent tool of U.S. control. And now this tool is in Trump’s hands.
1247-Venezuela: US Imperialism Is Based On Lies And Threats
1248-War Is A Lie
1249-Julian Assange: "Nearly every war has been a result of media lies"
1251-We Have Just Been Handed the Pentagon Papers of Our Generation The Afghanistan Papers are a devastating indictment of our military and political leaders. The question is: Will anyone notice?
1252-Why do people in the West still believe the official lies about Syria?
1253-Will the U.S. Senate Let the People of Yemen Live?
1254-With Trump Pushing Regime Change in Venezuela, Critics Warn News Outlets Failing US Viewers Once Again "If the US had a major state TV network it would sound exactly like this. 100% pure, uncritical cheerleading."
1255-Las Vegas police help kick out veterans' group from downtown parade (YouTube)
1256-Yes, the Saudi government helped the 9/11 terrorists
1257-America's Global Chaos-Creating Death Machine
1258-The Global War of Error: No, That’s Not a Typo
1259-Trump says “War!” The World says “Peace!”
1260-War in Iraq, Syria 'is over, we lost it': Retired Army Colonel (YouTube)
1261-With a Quarter of the World’s Population Under US Sanctions, Countries Appeal to UN to Intervene Eight countries, representing around one-quarter of all humanity, say that Washington’s actions are undermining their response to the COVID–19 pandemic sweeping the planet.
1262-Freedom Rider: The U.S. Can’t Control the World
1263-Journalists, Learning They Spread a CIA Fraud About Russia, Instantly Embrace a New One
1264-Propaganda by Omission: Libya, Syria, Venezuela and the UK
1265-When It Comes to War, Americans Remain Willfully and Incorrigibly Ignorant We have paid dearly for that ignorance and will likely pay even more in the years ahead. So it goes.
1266-On the Sentencing—and Courage—of Daniel Hale The U.S. government's intense determination to prosecute Daniel Hale is precisely because his principled moral courage asks the profound questions its leaders and defenders do not want asked.
1267-Don’t let the generals dictate the war’s legacy, make them answer for it - Expect the military officials who commanded Afghanistan to invoke ‘cutting and running.’ Let’s talk about why they failed.
1268-The Afghanistan Debacle: How Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden Bamboozled the American Public
1269-We Can't Let Pro-War Generals Who Lied About the Afghanistan War Define Its Legacy - The U.S. architects of the ruinous war are getting the last word on its "lessons."
1270-The war in Afghanistan was far, far different from how it has been depicted in American media. A good look at the disastrous mistakes of our longest war.
1271-Here's how much the Afghanistan war cost the United States - The cost of the war in Afghanistan was over $2 trillion, nearly $300 million a day. Here’s how that money was spent. (2 minute video)
1272-How America Made Osama Bin Laden’s Dream Come True
1273-9/11 was a test. The books of the last two decades show how America failed.
1274-It’s Not Too Late to Learn the Lessons We Didn’t Learn From 9/11 Remember when we were all going to care more about the rest of the world?
1275-General Failure: How the U.S. Military Lied About the 9/11 Wars For generals like David Petraeus and Lloyd Austin, there has been no punishment for 20 years of disinformation on Afghanistan and Iraq.
1276-The Pentagon's Lies About the August 29 Drone Strikes Were Spread For Days By An Unquestioning Media (YouTube)
1277-Ukraine Showdown by Jeff Roby
1278-Missing Voices in Broadcast Coverage of Afghan Withdrawal
1279-Only Congress Can End Washington’s Endless Wars - The war on terror is a constitutional aberration. The U.S. legislature must reclaim its war powers from an overempowered executive branch.
1280-Why Jake Tapper Never Asks How We Pay for War
1281-Afghanistan Withdrawal: Sundays With the Military Industrial Complex
1282-The Media’s Lies About Colin Powell’s Lies
1283-Daniel Hale Went to Prison for Telling the Truth About US Drone Warfare
1284-Moyn, Samuel Humane: How the United States Abandoned Peace and Reinvented War Captain Byron (U.S. Navy retired) in his review of this book said that Moyn presents with considerable evidence that “This country likes war. It relies overwhelmingly on war. Forever War.”
1285-Whitlock, Craig The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War Captain Byron (U.S. Navy retired) in his review of this book correctly describes “an Army and three presidential administrations more interested in happy talk than honest appraisal.” The United States failed badly in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan and we should take a hard look at what happened before we get involved again.
1286-Afghanistan is on the brink of famine. How can Biden just forget about us?
1287-Climate change and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: A nexus? Climate change, and climate change policy, surely don’t operate in isolation from other important goings-on in the world.
1288-Russia has become an overnight pariah. Banks should take rapid action to divest.
1290-The Lie of American Innocence - Our hypocrisy on war crimes makes a rules-based world, one that abides by international law, impossible. by Chris Hedges
1291-American Commissars by Chris Hedges
1294-Afghanistan war logs: Massive leak of secret files exposes truth of occupation
1295-The Israeli Execution of Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh - Israel, which shoots hundreds of Palestinians a year, routinely includes reporters and photographers on its target lists. by Chris hedges
1296-No Way Out but War - Permanent war has cannibalized the country. It has created a social, political, and economic morass. Each new military debacle is another nail in the coffin of Pax Americana. by Chris Hedges
1297-Ukraine and the Politics of Permanent War by Chris Hedges
1298-My War Never Ends by Chris hedges
1299-The Democrats are Now the War Party (Chris Hedges Report) The Democratic Party has become the party of permanent war, fueling massive military spending which is hollowing out the country from the inside and flirting with with nuclear war.
1301-Chris Hedges talk in Washington, D.C. at the Rage Against The War Machine rally.
1303-20 Years Later, NYT Still Can’t Face Its Iraq War Shame
1304-Twenty Years Ago, the Iraq War Changed Everything — and Taught Elites Nothing
1306-How mainstream media sold Bush's Iraq War disaster and got away with it
1307-The Enemy From Within by Chris Hedges The war industry, a state within a state, disembowels the nation, stumbles from one military fiasco to the next, strips us of civil liberties and pushes us towards suicidal wars with Russia and China.
1308-The War on Terror led to over 4.5 million deaths The new estimate highlights the deadly and ongoing impact of America’s post-9/11 wars.
1311-For NYT, Cluster Munitions Are Completely Wrong—When Russians Use Them
1312-Humanitarian Imperialism Created the Libyan Nightmare
1313-The Greatest Evil is War by Chris Hedges (YouTube)