Updated 2025
Less transparency and more secrecy are bad for a democratic republic. Unfortunately this is an increasing trend documented in this article.
The reason I have so many references is to show this is a steadily increasing trend that I continuously update. It is not a vanishing blip on the radar. Failure to deal with this trend will have disastrous consequences for the future.
There are many examples of diminishing transparency in our government.
- Wikileaks
- Refusal to follow the law by providing Freedom of Information requests under the FOI Act strongly suggest the US is spying on grassroot activists
- International corporate conspiracies involving death of third world citizens
- People posing as mainstream journalists passing false and misleading information according to government/corporate wishes
- Inside trader schemes with Goldman Sachs
Even worse, both the democrats and republicans are trying to do it under a cloak of secrecy while the mainstream media turns away.
Help make your progressive case by using this documentation which is continuously updated. https://www.newprogs.org/make_your_case
1-New Leaks Reveal Dow Spying on Yes Men, Bhopal Activists
2-Wikileaks and Anonymous Team Up to Bust STRATFOR
3-Stratfor Emails Expose EU And Covert War Waged By Israel Against Iran
4-The Release of Stratfor Emails by WikiLeaks & Its Significance
5-Live Blog: WikiLeaks Releases Stratfor Emails (Day 2)
6-White House Refuses to Release Email From Monsanto-Linked Lobbyist
7-WikiLeaks: Disgraced Judge Said He Was Targeted for Investigation After Ruling Against Halliburton
8-Shareholders Want Political Spending Transparency
9-STRATFOR Emails – The Police State In Its Own Words
10-Live Blog: WikiLeaks Releases the Stratfor Emails (Day 5)
11-The Worst Administration on FOIA
12-White House Abandons Push for Federal Contractors to Disclose Political Giving
13-After Two Years of Closed-Door Negotiations, Trans-Pacific Partnership Text Replicates Alarming Bush Trade Pact Terms That Obama Opposed as Candidate, and Worse
14-Bradley Manning And Julian Assange Have Defeated Hillary, Barack, And The Bloody Secret Government
15-CIA Whistleblower on Trial, Holder Closes Final Investigation on Torture
16-In Memory of Joshua Casteel
17-Exclusive Interview with Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy
18-Never Mind Super PACs: How Big Business Is Buying the Election
19-UBS Whistle-Blower Secures $104 Million Award From IRS
20-Top Priority: The Terror Within
21-Obama Campaign Brags About Its Whistleblower Persecutions
22-Key Evidence in Assange Case Dissolves
23-Justice Unbalanced – Whistleblower Protections under Obama
24-Man Sues St. Lucie Nuclear Plant over Job Loss, Claiming He was Whistle-blower
25-Julian Assange to UN: “End Obama’s Regime of Secrecy”
26-National Whistleblowers Center Explains Roots of Divisions and Setbacks in the Federal Whistleblower Community
27-WikiLeaks: Still Standing, Still Speaking Truth to Power
28-Aaron Swartz and Bradley Manning: How the US Government Contains Those Who Would Free Information
29-Obama Administration Quietly Reopens Case That Could Criminalize Peer Review Process
30-Obama Indicts Sixth Whistleblower Under the Espionage Act
31-The Obama administration’s war on whistleblowers
32-Obama Asserts Administration ‘Most Transparent Ever’ Even as It Fights Release of Targeted Killing Details
33-Waning Commitment to Government Transparency Evident in Obama’s ‘State of the Union’ Speeches
34-Obama moves to keep kill list memos secret forever
35-White House Strategy to Protect Trade Secrets Mischaracterizes WikiLeaks, Criminalizes Hacktivists
36-Transparency Effort Wins Award, Loses White House Embrace
37-Transparency in Government: Let the Sun Shine In
38-US citing security to censor more public records
39-Daniel Ellsberg: In Hearing Bradley Manning Act Out of Conscience, Secret Tape Refutes Media Slander
40-The War Against Bradley Manning -- A War Against All Who Speak Out Against Injustice
41-Pentagon Papers lawyer on Obama, secrecy and press freedoms: 'worse than Nixon'
42-CIA Whistleblower: “US is a Police State, Obama Consciously Allows Torture”
43-'Worse Than Nixon': Pentagon Papers Lawyer on Obama, Secrecy and Press Freedoms - Career First Amendment and transparency advocate James Goodale sounds the alarm about the current president
44-Congress Acts Quickly to Kill Transparency For Their Own Shady Insider Trading
45-Congress Repeals Financial Disclosure Requirements For Senior U.S. Officials
46-Obama Signs Partial Repeal of STOCK Act
47-Oliver Stone Meets With Julian Assange, Rips Upcoming Films About WikiLeaks
48-Glenn Greenwald on the High Cost of Government Secrecy
49-Obama taps former lobbyist Wheeler as telecoms regulator
50-Obama administration most secretive in U.S. history; 'transparency' was campaign hype
51-The Worst Administration on FOIA
52-US government invokes special privilege to stop scrutiny of data mining: Officials use little-known 'military and state secrets privilege' as civil liberties lawyers try to hold administration to account
53-Assange: US rule of law suffering 'calamitous collapse'
54-Obama Promises, Including Whistleblower Protections, Disappear From Website
55-Press group: Obama is worst since Nixon in going after leaks
56-Hedges: Jeremy Hammond Exposed State's Plan to Criminalize Democratic Dissent
57-Jeremy Hammond Sentenced To Maximum Sentence, 10 Years
58-Muzzling the Freedom of Information Act
59-Veterans Are Being Threatened and Silenced by the US and UK Militaries
60-A Campaign Inquiry in Utah Is the Watchdogs’ Worst Case
61-Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State
62-Corporate Power Timeline
63-Corporations have their cake and eat it too, then deny cake's existence
64-Dollars and Sense: Stopping Secret Political Spending
65-Four Surefire Tips for Following the Money in Your State
66-Gutless: SEC Can Require Corporations to Disclose Big Political Contributions, But Won't
69-NYC comptroller questions oil firm’s political giving
70-Obama's Payback: Donors receive top jobs in embassies worldwide
71-Report: Obama Has Weakened More Lobbyist-Opposed Health, Public Safety Regulations than Bush
72-Report: Voluntary Corporate Political Spending Does Not Work
73-Full Show: The Deep State Hiding in Plain Sight
74-The SEC's just been caught colluding with the banks it's supposed to regulate
75-The Shadow Lobbying Complex
79-Why the First Issue Is Money in Politics
80-Money in politics: legal experts contemplate the four years since Citizens United ruling
81-‘Most Transparent Administration Ever™’—Obama Administration Makes Mockery of Open Government