Updated 2025
"Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter." Thomas Jefferson
Unfortunately, this is the worst time for the media in the over two centuries since Thomas Jefferson wrote those memorable words. In the past half century the media have gone from being a check on government and corporate power to acting as a megaphone for government and corporate power. Other reasons for this are corporate takeover of both the electronic and print media, lack of resources, "He says - She says" journalism which includes ignoring climate change, and the rise of easily influenced social media.
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1. Corporate Dominance
The corporate takeover of print and electronic media is illustrated by the fact that by one estimate just three corporations own 1,500 newspapers, 1,100 magazines, 9,000 radio stations, and 2,400 publishers. (6) Bill Moyers said, "In 1983, 50 corporations controlled a majority of American media. Now that number is six." (13) This can be demonstrated in the print media by taking three random newspapers from across the United States; say Indianapolis, Atlanta, and San Francisco. Local news may differ, but the headlines and major news remain the same. The situation is similar for television and magazines. Fox may support republicans and MSM may support democrats, but nobody digs deeply and questions the issues both parties agree upon. The internet is not immune. BP brought enough of Google after the oil spill to have their public affairs "news" show up when "BP Oil Spill" was googled. Sites such as Huffington Post tend to print news that they like and not pay reporters for the "prestige" of being published there. Many supporting references are listed below. A good place to start might be references 624-627, 641, 654-656, 660, 686, 787, 850, 851, 854.
Perhaps the saddest example of corporate dominance and journalistic decline is the New York Times which has slipped from an investigative agency unafraid to speak truth to power to a propaganda machine. PBS and NPR have similarly declined. See references 69, 119, 150, 154, 160, 176, 181, 189, 198, 199, 201, 231, 239, 254, 262, 268, 270, 271, 273, 277, 284, 286, 290-292, 303, 313, 321, 326, 348-358, 381-383, 392-393, 406-411, 425-427, 454, 529, 530, 532-541, 602, 603, 608-611, 662-672, 682, 691, 711-713, 722, 723, 732, 746, 774-786, 789, 792, 812-817, 829, 830, 833-837, 839, 844, 845, 852, 856, 857, 860, 865, 871, 882, 884-888, 893, 895, 897, 899, 900.
2. Lack of Resources
Corporate dominance is related to the second reason for a powerless press: lack of resources. As long as readership/viewership remains up, it makes economic sense for the stockholders to maximize profits by cutting reporters and paying poverty wages to those who are left. (2) (9) There is much less overseas and investigative journalism with a resulting decrease in both the scope and depth of news. This is compounded by over reliance on wire news agencies such as United Press. Journalism as a major is now discouraged and journalism majors go to public affairs jobs instead of journalism as the the only ones which offer a living wage. (9) For lack of journalism consider banks.(7)
George Orwell said, "Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations." Recently there was a report that there are now five people in Public Affairs for every reporter, double the rate of a decade ago. (432) Lack of resources necessarily means less real journalism. (790 and other references below)
3. "He says...She says" Journalism and Climate Change
The third reason for a powerless press is "He said, She said" journalism. Consider climate change. There is no real scientific controversy about it or its cause. (11) And yet the myth of controversy is kept alive by having "debates" between those who believe and those who don't believe. More often climate change documentation is censored or outright ignored. In previous decades the basic science or reality would have already been settled and only real debates about uncertain positions would be allowed. The way corporations have purchased news to push a false climate change story is shameful. For examples see references 15, 19, 20, 28, 69, 110, 123, 124, 131, 150, 152, 153, 157, 171, 172, 173, 180, 197, 208, 212, 214, 216, 219, 223, 239, 249, 256, 261, 267, 279, 289, 307, 313, 328, 330, 342, 359, 360, 368, 369, 372, 391, 396, 397, 398, 399, 402, 414, 416, 417, 424, 436, 439-443, 449, 450, 484-494, 531, 618, 621, 622, 629-639, 698-703, 708, 726-729, 737-759, 788, 801, 805-810, 827, 828, 831, 832, 841, 843, 845, 846, 848, 866, 877.
4. Easily Influenced Social Media
The truth is further distorted because the government, political parties, and political candidates all pay people to post on social media networks to create false impressions and discourage activism. This is especially disturbing because with the decline of journalism many rely more and more on social media. The New Progressive Alliance has had bad experiences with Facebook, but it is even worse than we suspected. In addition to spreading known falsehoods about climate change, their algorithms tell users what they want to hear and play a huge part in disinformation and extremist groups. This applies to other social media as well. See the website The Social Dilemma.
Extensive government blacklists, revealed by the Twitter Files, were used to censor both left-wing and right-wing critics. Fortunately after Musk took over Twitter the government censorship there has stopped. See the YouTube video on Twitter corruption and coordination with government, chapter 90 "The Twitter Files" of the book Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson, The Democratic Party’s Crucifixion of Matt Taibbi, and references 902, 903, and 906.
(The New Progressive Alliance experience is that Twitter, though still imperfect, has improved since Elon Musk purchased it. There remains censorship against anything opposing the status quo at Facebook and YouTube.)
See also references 241, 327, 376, 403, 459-466, 479, 549-565, 640-651, 653, 680, 704-707, 733, 743,788, 802, 803, 805, 849, 853, 855, 862, 866, 869, 872, 879 and others below.
We need a free press to hold the government accountable. Corporate takeover of both the electronic and print media, lack of resources, "He says, She says" journalism, and easily influenced social media make that a difficult or impossible task. Other references about this troublesome trend follow.
1-“Officials say” Journalism
2-Consolidation Costs Jobs and Stifles Innovation
3-Average Television Viewing in Different Countries
4-Group Launches to Encourage Transparency & Aggressive Journalism, Help WikiLeaks Survive Blockade
5-WikiLeaks: Still Standing, Still Speaking Truth to Power
6-What 3 Corporations Own
7-Why isn’t this a front page story nationwide?
8-The NDAA Legalizes The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public
9-Interview with a print journalism graduate from San Jose State University who prefers to remain anonymous
10-Continuous Wars
11-The Environment
12-The War on Whistleblowers
13-Bernie Sanders on Why Big Media Shouldn’t Get Bigger
14-The Windowless Room of the Current Event
15-The Elephant in the Room: Climate Change
16-Top 25 Censored/Under-Reported Stories for 2013
17-2012: Another Year in Mainstream Media Malpractice
18-Conflicting Reports from the Same Data
19-Debunking the Denial: '16 Years of No Global Warming'
20-Media Trackers writer ignorant of academia and climate issues, hypocritical regarding ethics
22-Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media: Military's 'sock puppet' software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda
23-Anti-Science Bills Weighed in Four States
24-Melissa Harris-Perry Buries The Lead Story on National Wave of Public School Closings
25-Obama Administration Quietly Reopens Case That Could Criminalize Peer Review Process
26-Richmond Fed chief nails Geithner for insider trading, media ignores story
27-Dumb and Dumber: A Secret CIA Drone Base, a Blowback World, and Why Washington Has No Learning Curve
28-For Times Environmental Reporting, Intentions May Be Good but the Signs Are Not
29-Freedom Rider: Hollywood’s Propaganda
30-Gibbs: I was told not to acknowledge existence of drone program
31-Journalism by–and for–the Sponsors
32-More Proof that News is Controlled by a Central Script Writer
33-MSNBC Doesn’t Cover Bradley Manning’s Statement or Guilty Pleas At All
34-I get blacklisted by the Duluth News Tribune
35-TV stations ignore ad disclosure requirements
36-Bradley Manning Called the 'NYT' and 'Washington Post'—What If They'd Responded?
37-We Are Bradley Manning
38-White House Reporter: Obama Administration's Press Dealings A 'Disgrace'
39-Digital Grows as NEWS Source
40-Censorship, Mercy & A Shortage of Resistance at Huffpost
41-Non-coverage of Largest Climate Rally in U.S. History
42-For Times Environmental Reporting, Intentions May Be Good but the Signs Are Not
43-Making sense of the news in a new media world
44-MSNBC Almost Entirely Dominated By Opinion: Pew Study
45-Buying the War
46-The Iraq Anniversary and the Washington Post
47-BP accused of rewriting environmental record on Wikipedia
48-Injustice and Outrage and Dishonor and Shame
49-Judge Rules In Favor Of Journalists, Unseals Fracking Court Records
50-The Day That TV News Died
51-Pentagon Papers lawyer on Obama, secrecy and press freedoms: 'worse than Nixon'
52-'Worse Than Nixon': Pentagon Papers Lawyer on Obama, Secrecy and Press Freedoms - Career First Amendment and transparency advocate James Goodale sounds the alarm about the current president
53-An Anniversary Many Would Like to Ignore
54-“Exxon Hates Your Children” Ad Blocked By Exxon
55-Another Oil Pipeline Spill on the Weekend, Where’s the Media Attention?
56-As Exxon censors local media, citizen journalists document Arkansas oil spill. Can the pros be doing more?
57-Colorado Doctors Unite Against Energy Companies
58-Dolphin, turtle deaths a sign of sick Gulf: Obama Classified Gag Order Is Bullshit
59-Exxon’s Skies: Why Is Exxon Controlling the No-Fly Zone Over Arkansas Tar Sands Spill?
60-Exxon's Unfriendly Skies: Why Does Exxon Control the No-Fly Zone Over Arkansas Tar Sands Spill?
61-Arkansas TV Threatened by Exxon into Removing Anti-Exxon Ad After Oil Spill
62-Is ExxonMobil limiting media access to their Tar Sands oil Spill?
63-Media 'steered away' from explaining true 'detonation' in Texas
64-Obama 'Limiting Press Access In Ways That Past Administrations Wouldn't Have Dared': AP
65-War, Fascism and General Electric
66-Ways and Memes: PA Lawmakers Seek To Ban Photography Of Gas Drilling Activity
67-Are Geeks the New Guardians of Our Civil Liberties?
68-Exxon harasses John Bolenbaugh and Tar Sand investigative reporters
69-How New York Times, NPR And Wall Street Journal Print Fossil Fuel Talking Points Without Full Disclosure
70-Highest Paid Public Employees
71-Justice Department's pursuit of AP's phone records is both extreme and dangerous - The claimed legal basis for these actions is unknown, but the threats they pose to a free press and the news gathering process are clear
72-Koch Brothers Plan To Buy Up Eight Major Newspapers
73-The John Stauber Interview (who wrote "The Progressive Movement is a PR Front for Rich Democrats")
74-Priorities: Royally Screwed?
75-The Collapse of Journalism, and the Journalism of Collapse
76-The new propaganda is liberal. The new slavery is digital.
77-The news media is even worse than you think - Five corrupting influences are keeping the public from the facts
78-Todd Gitlin: The Tinsel Age of Journalism
79-Journalists Speak Out About How Our Democracy is in Danger
80-Military decrees media access to Manning’s hearing is a privilege, not a right
81-Why The Department Of Justice Is Going After The Associated Press’ Records
82-‘…and I did Not Speak Out, but Then They Came for… the AP’
83-In AP, Rosen investigations, government makes criminals of reporters
84-David Koch fallout from New Yorker article; Koch continues harassment of journalists
85-Nation’s Leading Journalists: Leak Investigations Chilling Our Reporting, Hurting Public’s Right-To-Know
86-Obama DOJ formally accuses journalist in leak case of committing crimes - Yet another serious escalation of the Obama administration's attacks on press freedoms emerges
87-Press Coverage
88-Why Is President Obama Keeping a Journalist in Prison in Yemen? After supporters protested his “sham” trial, Abdulelah Haider Shaye would have been pardoned. Then Obama intervened.
89-Will journalists take any steps to defend against attacks on press freedom? Media outlets have awakened to the serious threats posed to journalism, but show little sign of doing anything about it
90-10 Questions for NBC Host Who Shamelessly Suggested Greenwald Be Arrested for NSA Leaks
91-America's Dirty, Global War on Journalists - Worst of all, Obama is being aided by a cadre of high-profile Benedict Arnolds within the media itself.
92-As Bradley Manning Trial Begins, Press Predictably Misses the Point
93-DEMOCRACY: The U.S. press and repression in the Obama Era
94-Dirty Wars author Jeremy Scahill: is journalism being criminalised? – video interview
95-What Are The Gobshites Saying These Days?
96-Snowden Coverage: If U.S. Mass Media Were State-Controlled, Would They Look Any Different?
97-Journalistic impartiality tested in NSA leak story - Some reporters who helped break the National Security Agency surveillance story reject the impartial journalistic stance that was a fundamental principle for a previous generation of reporters.
98-More Than 35 Newsroom Staff Laid Off at The Oregonian
UPDATE: Layoff list tops 90 people.
99-REPORT: CNBC's Climate Denial Is Bad For Business
100-Taksim Square Protests: 13 Photos Showing Severity Of the Protests
101-The failure of U.S. news media: The repeated failure of U.S. news media (CNN, FOX, MSNBC) to check government distortion has reached new heights. Why should these networks be trusted today?
102-The real story in the NSA scandal is the collapse of journalism
103-The CIA: Keepers of the Hit Lists - War Crimes as Policy
104-Chris Hedges on Edward Snowden: Hero or Traitor?
105-Did the Mainstream Media Fail Bradley Manning? - Alleged Wikileaks whistleblower says he tried contacting major newspapers before going public
106-Should Journalists Who Talk to Leakers Be Worried?
107-Time Magazine Photos
108-‘He Said/She Said’ Journalism: A Growing Threat to Public Health
109-A New Media Shield Law Would Only Shield Corporate Media
110-Climate Change 'Climate of Fear': Reporter Blows Whistle on Reuters - The media giant's hostility to covering global warming extends all the way from top editors to low-level bureaucrats, whistleblower reveals
111-For investigating private intelligence practices, American journalist faces 105 years in prison
112-Fox News gets okay to misinform public, court ruling
113-Hedges: Journalism Should Be About Truth, Not Career
114-How Do You Know When President Obama is Lying? MSNBC Won’t Tell You
115-How the Media Outrageously Blew the IRS Scandal
116-Court Tells Reporter to Testify in Case of Leaked C.I.A. Data
117-Is there a media blackout on the fracking flood disaster in Colorado?
118-Journalist Barrett Brown faces prison for posting hyperlink
119-Manipulated by power: What is wrong with the New York Times?
The government is manipulating facts. There's no credible evidence on Syria. Why is the Times pretending otherwise?
120-Marty Kaplan on the Weapons of Mass Distraction
121-Meet the “Journalists Against Journalism” club!
The clique of media figures outraged when news outlets challenge power has a new member: Washington Post higher-ups
122-Obama's Escalating War on Freedom of the Press
123-Reporters Aren't Drawing The Connection Between Climate Change And Wildfires - A Media Matters analysis shows just 4 percent of recent TV reports and 9 percent of print articles mentioned climate change when reporting on wildfires.
124-STUDY: Media Still Largely Fail To Put Wildfires In Climate Context
125-The Journalistic Practices of the Washington Post and Walter Pincus:
Fifteen hours after acknowledging that an innuendo-filled article is factually false, the Post still has not corrected it
126-The sky darkens for American journalism - The future of the American media is being decided in a military court, writes Chase Madar.
127-Jailed Journalist Barrett Brown Faces 105 Years For Reporting on Hacked Private Intelligence Firms
128-Corporate Media shown to be Rank Propaganda Arms: What the Snowden Affair Reveals About US Journalism
129-Court Rejects Appeal Bid by Writer in Leak Case
131-Mainstream Media ‘Balances’ Climate Science With Fossil Fuel Funded Propaganda
132-Mind Control Theories and Techniques Used by Mass Media
Read more at http://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/mind-control-theories-and-techniques-used-by-mass-media/#DAUiz71OkWb5wyoO.99
Read more at http://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/mind-control-theories-and-techniques-used-by-mass-media/#DAUiz71OkWb5wyoO.99
Read more at http://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/mind-control-theories-and-techniques-used-by-mass-media/#DAUiz71OkWb5wyoO.99
133-Obama’s Justice Department: Trumpeting a New Victory in War on Freedom of the Press
134-Profiles in Courage and in the Lack of Courage
135-History is a Weapon - Propaganda (1928)
136-Report: Obama brings chilling effect on journalism
137-Should Poor People Eat? Let's Hear From Both Sides!
140-The Shutdown and “He Said-She Said” Reporting
141-Dean Baker | The Tea Party and the New York Times Shut Down the Government
142-Top 25 Censored Stories from 2012-2013
143-Press group: Obama is worst since Nixon in going after leaks
144-Unplugging Americans From The Matrix
146-Why Iceland Should Be in the News But Is Not
147-International vs. National Covers on Time Magazine
148-A Call to Arms From Oz to American Academics
149-Baltimore Sun's New Hire: An Oil-Funded Climate Denier
150-Confirmed: Climate coverage fell after New York Times killed environment desk
151-Editor Describes Pressure After Leaks by Snowden
154-Has The New York Times Dropped The Ball On The Most Important Story Ever?
155-Everything You Need To Know About The Major News Networks In One Chart
156-Icelanders Overthrow Government and Rewrite Constitution After Banking Fraud-No Word From US Media
158-Muzzling the Freedom of Information Act
159-REPORT: The Food Stamp Cuts The Media Won't Tell You About
160-Something Is Rotten at the New York Times
161-Stunning: Comparing U.S. and World Covers for Time Magazine
162-Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation
163-USA Today Lets Go Top Climate Reporter, Embraces Confusionist Bjorn Lomborg
165-“Chicagoland” Hero Cops Cook Books to Make Murders Disappear, CNN Pretends Not To Notice
166-Academics Who Defend Wall St. Reap Reward
167-After Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Case, New York Times Reporter Could Go to Jail
168-An Assault from Obama’s Escalating War on Journalism
170-Barrett Brown: The Criminalization of Web Links
171-By hiring a climate disinformer, Nate Silver undermines his entire premise of data-driven journalism
172-Science or Spin?: Assessing the Accuracy of Cable News Coverage of Climate Science (2014)
173-Head in the Sand Approach to Climate Change
174-Chris Hedges: There are No Winners When People Don’t Know the Truth
175-Is Journalism Losing Its Nerve?
176-Dear Son: I’m Spinning In My Grave
177-Defying Threats to Journalism, Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald Launch New Venture, The Intercept
179-Feinstein’s Bill to Kill Free Speech of Independent Journalists ‘Has Votes’ to Pass Senate
180-Fox News and Climate Change
181-Glenn Greenwald Slams NY Times, New Editor Dean Baquet Over Jill Abramson Firing
182-How Cable News Covered The Landmark Climate Change Report
183-How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
184-WATCH: Huge Student Protest Of Pipeline Ends With Hundred Of Arrests, But Media Is A No-Show
185-If 100,000 People Show Up for a Protest and the Media Fails to Report It…
186-Infamous Astroturfer Pushes Big Oil’s Drilling Propaganda in Local Papers
187-Is misinformation about the climate criminally negligent?
188-Is U.S. Media Coverage of Ukraine and Syria Even WORSE than Its Coverage of Iraq?
190-Make No Mistake, the Risen Case Is a Direct Attack on the Press
191-State Dept's Jen Psaki grilled over 'infringement of press freedom'
192-Media Figures Out American Climate Beliefs Are Outliers — But Do They Share The Blame?
193-The Neverending ‘Wakeup Call’
194-News Priorities?
196-National Security Letter Case Shows the Absurdity of the Government’s Secrecy Rules
199-NY Times editor fired: Criticized Obama for being most secretive president
200-NY Times Reporter: Obama WH ‘Greatest Enemy of Press Freedom’ Today
202-Obama Threatens Pulitzer Prize Winner
203-Oh What a Tangled Web We Freeze
204-People Powered Media Mobilizes Masses, While Mass Media Remains Silent
206-REPORT: Evening Broadcast News Shows Ignore Net Neutrality Ruling
208-Scientific American editor: Fox News wouldn't let me talk about climate change
209-Strike Two: Obama's Second FCC Chairman Fails on Net Neutrality
211-The “Cuban Twitter” Scam Is a Drop in the Internet Propaganda Bucket
212-The Climate Deniers Are Using the Same Tactics as the Tobacco Industry
213-The Corruption of Mainstream Media
The danger of fair and balanced
As the science grew more convincing about man’s effect on climate change, it’s as if the journalists were stuck in time
- See more at: http://www.cjr.org/essay/the_danger_of_fair_and_balance.php?page=all#sthash.h1a9Zc4j.dpufThe danger of fair and balanced
As the science grew more convincing about man’s effect on climate change, it’s as if the journalists were stuck in time
- See more at: http://www.cjr.org/essay/the_danger_of_fair_and_balance.php?page=all#sthash.h1a9Zc4j.dpuf215-The Game Changed in Venezuela Last Night – and the International Media Is Asleep At the Switch
216-The Harper Government Has Trashed and Destroyed Environmental Books and Documents
217-The Top 25 Most Censored Stories of 2013
218-These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America
219-Threats and Hate Mail Reveal Climate Disinformation's Dark Side
220-Today is World Press Freedom Day and we have problems to fix
222-NY Times’ Jill Abramson Attacks Obama: Most Secretive White House I've Ever Covered
223-U.N. climate report was censored
224-U.S. press freedom plunges to 46th, placing it behind former Soviet states
226-US Establishment Media Neglects Neo-Nazi Role in Ukraine Uprising
227-Buying the War: How Big Media Failed Us
228-Controlling the Lens: The Media War Being Fought Over Ukraine Between the Western Bloc and Russia
229-Full Show: The Lies That Lead to War
230-Israel arrests Palestinian journalist for writing on Facebook: ‘occupied Jerusalem’
231-New York Times Admits It Pushed Fabricated Evidence about Iraq, Syria and Ukraine
232-Robert Parry: Evidence for Russian Involvement in East Ukraine Based on Shoddy Journalism
233-VIDEO: Slavyansk Still Being Bombed
234-The Fog Machine of War - Chelsea Manning on the U.S. Military and Media Freedom
235-Coalition Files Lawsuit Against Idaho Ag-Gag Law That Targets Journalism, Whistleblowing & Speech
237-DC Thinks It Can Silence a New Snowden, But the Anti-Leak Hypocrisy is Backfiring
238-Feds Drop Most Charges Against Man Who Linked to Anonymous’ Stolen Data
239-Why Did NY Times Nate Silver Hire Climate Change Skeptic To Cover Environment?
240-WNET to Return $3.5 Million Grant for Pension Series
241-Yes, There Are Paid Government Trolls On Social Media, Blogs, Forums And Websites
242-You Won’t Believe How One Chemical Company Tried to Discredit a Scientist’s Research
243-“Objective” vs. Actual Journalism
245-10 Big Fat Lies and the Liars Who Told Them
246-Australian bill will put journos in prison for 10 years for reporting leaks
247-Bad news
248-Claims that Hamas killed 3 Teens is turning out to be the WMD of Gaza Onslaught
249-CNBC Caught Soliciting Writer To Claim Global Warming Is A “Hoax”
250-Defend Journalism That Speaks Truth to Power: From Ferguson to Washington
251-Democrats, Republicans playing political football over Benghazi attack: Don DeBar
252-Detroit, Gaza, and the continuing erosion of traditional media
253-NPR Whitewashes Charter Schools and Disaster Capitalism in New Orleans
254-Editorial Position of the New York Times: Thumbs Up for Gaza Slaughter
255-Embattled Reporter: Obama’s Support for Press Freedom ‘Hypocritical’
256-False Balance Lives: Media Biased Toward Fringe Climate Scientists Who Reject Global Consensus
258-Georgia Republicans Have Citizen Arrested for Videotaping Them at Public Event
259-Green Journos Seeing Red Over EPA’s Climate Rule Roll-Out
260-How Israel Uses Twitter, Facebook & Tinder to Legitimize Murder | Brainwash Update
262-Israel Makes Censorship Demand Of New York Times (New York Times Complies)
263-Mass Surveillance, Leak Investigations & the Chilling Effect Against Journalism
264-Missing in the American Media: Working People
265-NBC Changes Story on Israeli Bombing of Hospital
266-NBC News Pulls Veteran Reporter from Gaza After Witnessing Israeli Attack on Children
269-NPR Is Laundering CIA Talking Points to Make You Scared of NSA Reporting
270-NY Times An Organ Of US Security State
271-NYT Rewrites Gaza Headline: Was It Too Accurate?
272-One Dimensional Press, One Dimensional Policy
273-A Disgraceful Day for the 'Paper Of Record'
274-Science And Journalism Groups Accuse EPA Of Stopping Science Advisers From Talking To Press
275-Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will
276-Sharyl Attkisson Says Journalists Have 'Gone Backwards' Since Watergate Scandal
277-Inhuman shield: How ‘The New York Times’ protects US elites from Gaza’s brutal reality
278-MSNBC Commentator: I Was Canceled Because I Criticized Network’s Pro-Israel Coverage
279-The Public Relations Debate About Global Warming Heats Up
280-These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America
281-Top Journalists and Lawyers: NSA Surveillance Threatens Press Freedom and Right to Counsel
282-U.S. Plummets in Global Press Freedom Rankings
283-US Media Outlets Cite Israeli Military Propaganda, Cast Doubt on Whether Israel Bombed UN-Run School
284-86% of Gaza Dead Were Civilians (Believe the UN, Not NY Times’ Jodi Rudoren)
285-Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People (2007) (video)
287-Why Iceland Should Be In The News, But Is Not
288-Why The Obama Administration Wants This Journalist In Jail
290-The New York Times’ Coverage of EU Austerity Remains Pathetic
291-New York Times Public Editor Says Off-The-Record Meeting Raises Concerns
292-New York Times Ignored Teacher Input on Eva Moskowitz
293-Matt Ridley Returns With Error-Riddled Articles, As Wall Street Journal Discredits Itself
295-Gates funding spurs doubts over pubmedia’s impartiality in education reporting
296-Citizen Journalist Arrested, Jailed for Asking Wisconsin Politician a Question
297-“Objective” vs. Actual Journalism
Although Anthony Noel illustrates with a local issue, the problem he writes about is a universal one for journalism.
298-Citizen Journalist Arrested, Jailed for Asking Wisconsin Politician a Question
299-How Former Treasury Officials and the UAE Are Manipulating American Journalists
300-Justice Department Bans Reporters, Non-Residents from Ferguson Town Hall Meetings
301-Media Cry Foul as Obama Attacks Freedom of the Press
302-Canada, At War For 13 Years, Shocked That ‘A Terrorist’ Attacked Its Soldiers
303-What ‘Democracy’ Really Means in U.S. and New York Times Jargon: Latin America Edition
304-From War-Weary to War-Hungry: Propaganda’s Triumph
305-The CIA, the Press and Black Propaganda
308-US Media Hypocrisy in Covering Ukraine Crisis
310-The Purpose And The Pretence – Bombing Isis By David Edwards
311-The Myth of the Free Press by Chris Hedges
312-Noam Chomsky - The Political Economy of the Mass Media - Part 1 HD
313-NPR Guts Its Environment And Climate Reporting Team, Becomes ‘Part Of The Problem’
315-Fed Whistleblower Carmen Segarra, Snowden and the Closing of the Journalistic Mind
316-White House demands to edit press releases
317-Fascism 101: The Police and Media Control
318-Yet Another Example of How Government Uses ‘Legal Process’ to Coerce Reporters to Reveal Sources
319-Education Writers Association: Independent Bloggers Need Not Apply
320-Most Under-reported Stories of 2014
322-John Pilger | War by Media and the Triumph of Propaganda
323-Censorship: From North Korea to the West Wing
324-Brian Williams – Just A Cog In The National Disinformation Machine
325-Chris Hedges - The Myth of the Free Press
326-Dear NYT, Better Teachers? How About Better Journalism?
327-Editor of major newspaper says he planted stories for CIA
328-Network TV Continues Giving Climate Change Cold Shoulder
330-Manufacturing Doubt About Climate Change
331-Newspapers, advocates sue the governor and Cabinet for sunshine violation
332-The CIA, the Press and Black Propaganda
333-The Millennial Media Revolution Part IV: The Response Tells You If It’s Working
334-The Shame of US Journalism Is the Destruction of Iraq, Not Fake Helicopter Stories
335-U.S. Drops to 49th in World Press Freedom Rankings, Worst Since Obama Became President
336-US Media Dropping The Ball On Ukraine ‘Volunteers’
337-John Pilger | Why the Rise of Fascism Is Again the Issue
338-The Death of Truth by Chris Hedges
339-'The Challenge of Journalism… Is to Survive in the Pressure Cooker of Plutocracy'
340-Corporate Media Blacks Out Coverage of Bill to Overturn Corporate Personhood
341-Why Do Political Reporters Refuse to Show Us the Money?
343-How Big Media Ignores the Poor
344-Seasoned Investigative Journalist Exposes Inside Strategies to Censor News
346-Marty Kaplan on the Weapons of Mass Distraction
347-Narrowing Our Options - Hillary Clinton's 'inevitability' and the media/electoral complex
349-Dear NYT, Better Teachers? How About Better Journalism?
This content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address:
http://www.telesurtv.net/english/opinion/Noam-Chomsky-on-the-New-York-Times-Media-Bias-20150407-0027.html. If you intend to use it, please cite the source and provide a link to the original article. www.teleSURtv.net/english
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This content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address:
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352-NYT Goes to Baltimore, Finds Only Police Worth Talking To
353-NYT Publishes Call to Bomb Iran
355-Hypocrisy Laid Bare - The Crimes the New York Times Believes Should Go Unpunished
357-Always Remember, the NY Times Pushed, Hard, for War in Iraq
359-STUDY: Media Largely Ignored Climate Change in Coverage Of Winter Snowstorms
360-The Media's Failure With the Biggest Story in the World
361-Buying the War: How Big Media Failed Us
362-White House still ignores murder of American reporter Serena Shim who filmed western aid to ISIS
364-Wisconsin Climate Change Gag Order Part of Broader Industry-Tied Attacks on Science
365-10 Stories the Media Missed While Obsessing Over the Confederate Flag
366-5 Ways Powerful People Trick You Into Hating Protesters
367-ACTION ALERT: NPR Celebrates Fast-Track Victory With an All-Corporate Lobbyist Segment
370-CNN To Be Paid By Corporations To Create News
371-Comcast Orders MSNBC To Remove Anti-TPP Hosts
373-Elon Musk Strikes Back: LA Times article attacking Tesla and SolarCity 'fundamentally incorrect'
374-Comcast Orders MSNBC To Remove Anti-TPP Hosts
375-Exposing Cruelty in Nursing Homes, Factory Farms, Daycares Now a Crime in North Carolina
377-Hillary Clinton Campaign Now Locking Reporters In Cages
378-In Boston, Media Again Trash a Police Shooting Victim by Uncritically "Reporting" Police Accusations
379-Internal Documents Show Fossil Fuel Industry Has Been Aware of Climate Change for Decades
381-NYT Trumpets U.S. Restraint against ISIS, Ignores Hundreds of Civilian Deaths
384-Sunday Times levels copyright charges at Greenwald after he debunks Snowden report
386-Why Do Political Reporters Refuse to Show Us the Money?
387-Ted Rall: LAPD Convinced LA Times To Fire Me After I Criticized Cops [exclusive]
388-Washington Post Promotes Dickensian Marketing Experiment on Poor Children
389-11 Hollywood/Pentagon propaganda films released since 2001
391-Greenpeace Sting Shows Academics Selling Themselves To Polluters
393-NYT Rewrites Scalia to Make Him Sound Less Racist
394-Washington Post Writer Finally Discloses He’s a Shill for Fossil Fuel Industry
395-Meme on Press Ties to the White House
396-Climate Change Denier on the Take
398-Climate denial is alive and kicking say scientists
399-Climate Denying GWPF Academic Chairman Ross McKitrick Resigns In Wake of Greenpeace Sting
400-New Book Exposes Koch Brothers' Guide To Infiltrating The Media
401-Cryptome’s searing critique of Snowden Inc.
402-It's the End of the World — How Do You Feel?
404-Journalism is not terrorism. Criticism of the government is not violence
405-Media Attacking Single-Payer Are Getting Paid Under Current Health System
406-NYT Rewrites Scalia to Make Him Sound Less Racist
407-Freedom Rider: The New York Times Covers Up American Role in Refugee Suffering
408-Losing Our Way
409-New York Times Gets it Wrong: Bernie Sanders Not “Top Beneficiary of Outside Money”
411-NYT Rounds Up ‘Left-Leaning Economists’ for a Unicorn Hunt
412-PBS Newshour Lies About Single-Payer Health Care
413-Iceland Forgives Entire Population of its Debt. Total US Media Blackout.
414-Rice University’s Baker Institute and the Academic Cover It Provides for Fossil Fuel Interests
415-Should journalists care if sources go off to prison?
416-The right-wing climate-denial machine is churning faster than ever
417-The Times Continues to Mislead its Readers About Climate Change Denial ‘Science’
418-Tomgram: Aviva Chomsky, A Newspaper's Crisis Reveals Unreported Worlds
420-The media are misleading the public on Syria
421-West Media Starves Truth in Syria
422-Journalists Should Stand Up for Whistleblowers
423-Obama War On Whistleblowers Paves Way For Global Press Crackdown
424-When climate deniers harass scientists, these guys come to the rescue
425-New York Times could have prevented 'suffering' in Flint, public editor says - Jan. 27, 2016
426-NYT Works Hard to Present Primary Race as More Boring Than It Is — FAIR
428-Don't Stop the Presses - The Panama Papers barely featured on U.S. Front Pages
429-Daily Kos Forbidding Third Party Discussion
431-After Undermining Press Freedom, Obama Wants a Strong Media to Stop Trump
432-America now has nearly 5 PR people for every reporter, double the rate from a decade ago
434-Buying the War: How Big Media Failed Us
435-Canadians Sued The Bank Of Canada & Won. Mainstream Media & Government Blacks Out Story
437-Column: Why click-bait will be the death of journalism
438-Comcast Orders MSNBC To Remove Anti-TPP Hosts
439-Conservative group is trying to take down top environmentalists
441-Court Documents Show Peabody Energy Funded Dozens of Climate Denial Groups
442-Here’s One Way The Media Confuses The Public About Climate Change
443-The Relentless Attack on Climate Scientist Ben Santer
444-How The DNC—And Media—Conned Us Into Clinton
446-North Georgia newspaper publisher jailed over open records request
447-Iceland Forgives Entire Population Its Debt. Total US Media Blackout.
448-Media Silent as Keystone Pipeline Leak 100 Times Larger Than Initially Reported
449-Kiss the Sciences Goodbye: Murdoch Destroys National Geographic
451-Media Blackout As 100+ Arrested and Thousands Sit-In on US Capitol (UPDATE: 300+ Arrested)
452-Media Silent as Massive Protest in D.C. Fills Jails Beyond Capacity
453-MSNBC admits: "We'll SUPPRESS VOTING to help CLINTON on June 7th" (video)
454-NYT Support for Nazi-Infested Ukraine
456-Pro-TPP Op-Eds Remarkably Similar to Drafts by Foreign Government Lobbyists
457-Ronan Farrow: My Father, Woody Allen, and the Danger of Questions Unasked
458-Secret Rules Make It Pretty Easy for the FBI to Spy on Journalists
459-CIA Agents To Troll Alternative Media Sites In Huge Propaganda Program
460-Hillary Clinton Buying Twitter Followers?
462-Documents Reveal Hillary Clinton Super PAC Spent $1Million On Paid Internet Trolls
464-BUSTED: Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls
466-Police Caught Spying On Social Media To Track Anyone Who Talks About Flint Water Crisis
467-Susan Sarandon Hits Bill Clinton For Eliminating Regulations Which Created Corporate Media
468-Elon Musk: Fossil fuel industry propaganda is 'unrelenting and enormous'
469-The Rise of Trump Shows the Danger and Sham of Compelled Journalistic “Neutrality”
471-New documents show the Obama admin aggressively lobbied to kill transparency reform in Congress
473-59 Journalists Murdered in Honduras Since Clinton-Backed Coup
474-How They Brainwash Us: The media's incessant manufacturing of consent for US foreign policies.
477-World Class Journalist Spills the Beans, Admits Mainstream Media is Completely Fake
479-Groups Worry About Impact Of Police Moves To Block Social Media
480-10 Straight Minutes of CNN & MSNBC Cutting Guests Mics to Protect Hillary Clinton
482-Snopes is run by a man and a woman with no background in investigation using Google.
486-Conspiracy Theories and Disinformation About Climate Change Being Spread Into the Mainstream
487-Throwing Shade: 10 Sunny States Blocking Distributed Solar Development
489-Here’s One Way The Media Confuses The Public About Climate Change
490-How the Right Wing Denial Machine Distorts the Climate Change Discourse
492-Trudeau, Canadian Media Mum as Threat From Climate Change Induced Wildfires Grows
493-U.S Election Silence on Climate Change is Deafening to the Marginalized of the World
494-Who's Driving Climate Denial? Big Companies and Conservative Media
495-Assange Exposes the Truth About Corporate Media: ‘You Are Reading Weaponized Text’
497-CNN Censors Focus Group Members Voting Third Party
498-CNN Claims Reading WikiLeaks Is Illegal In America
501-Colleagues Mostly Fail to Rally for Amy Goodman, Threatened With Jail for Journalism
502-Waiting for the Barbarians By Chris Hedges
503-Four more journalists get felony charges after covering inauguration unrest
504-2016: The Year Inverted Totalitarianism Went Belly-Up
507-Documentary Filmmaker Faces Up to 45 Years in Prison for Covering Pipeline Protest
508-Economists Keep Getting It Wrong Because the Media Coverup Their Mistakes
509-EXCLUSIVE: New Email Leak Reveals Clinton Campaign’s Cozy Press Relationship
510-Facebook and Google Ready to Kill Alternative Media for the Government
512-GALLUP POLL : American Trust in the News Media Falls to Lowest Level in History
513-North Georgia newspaper publisher jailed over open records request
514-Glenn Greenwald: Mainstream U.S. Media is Culpable for Disseminating Fake & Deceitful News on Russia
515-Harvard Study Confirms Media Blackout Torpedoed Sanders Chances
516-Hillary Clinton Has Threatened To Shut Down Alternative News Websites In America
517-Hillary Clinton Vows To Shut Down Alternative Media
519-If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama
520-If The Media Investigated Hillary Like They Did Watergate, We Wouldn’t Need WikiLeaks - Today, mainstream publications have become willing accomplices in suppressing the same type of information they worked so tenaciously to expose all those years ago.
521-Illustration on the Failure of the Press
522-Indians Staged One of the Largest Strikes in History, But No One on U.S. Cable News Covered It
523-Jill Stein Censored on PBS NewsHour
524-Mainstream Media Attempts To Defend Hillary And Attack Wikileaks, Fails Epically
525-Media Coverage of the Primaries Was Awful, Harvard Study Confirms
526-Media Scrambles To Discourage Sanders Supporters From Voting Jill Stein
527-MSM biased in favor of Clinton, now blindly supports ‘Russian hack’ reports – WikiLeaks envoy
528-The U.S. Government’s Psywar Upon Its Citizens Continues To Escalate
529-An Obituary of The New York Times
530-Black American Anti-Imperialism: an Invisible Subject for the New York Times
531-Canada’s New Climate Denialism: Subtle, Deceitful, Dishonest
532-NYT Shaming Of Gary Johnson Fails With Four(!) Hilarious Mistakes
533-New York Times Edited Bernie Sanders Article For Hillary Clinton’s Campaign
534-New York Times publisher vows to 'rededicate' paper to reporting honestly
535-NY Times Just Admitted It Hid Trump-Russia Story From Public At FBI’s Request
537-The NY Times Got It Wrong: Renewable Energy Is Key to Fighting Climate Change
538-The NYT’s Out-of-Control Bias
539-The Unrelenting Pundit-Led Effort to Delegitimize All Negative Reporting About Hillary Clinton
540-Ukraine and the Dumbed-Down New York Times Columnist
541-New York Times Launches McCarthyite Witch-Hunt Against Julian Assange
543-Obama Says America Must CENSOR Non-Mainstream Media News Sites, Like Us
544-Obama Signs ‘Farewell Bill’ Outlawing Alternative Media
545-Obama Signs Christmas Bill Making Alternative Media Illegal
546-FOX 2 reporter placed in handcuffs for attempting to cover city meeting
549-A Clinton Fan Manufactured Fake News That MSNBC Personalities Spread to Discredit WikiLeaks Docs
551-CIA Agents To Troll Alternative Media Sites In Huge Propaganda Program
552-Collusion Between Facebook and Hillary’s Campaign Revealed in Clinton Emails
553-Facebook Admits It Blocked Links to Wikileaks DNC Emails
554-Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger
555-Federal Agents Went Undercover To Spy on Anti-Fracking Movement, Emails Reveal
557-I Was a Paid Internet Shill: How Shadowy Groups Manipulate Internet Opinion and Debate
558-If You Criticize Hillary Online Be Prepared to Confront One of Her Paid Trolls
559-Naomi Wolf Exposes Government Staged Terror Attacks
560-Newly Declassified Govt Docs Reveal Operation Mockingbird is Alive and Well
562-BUSTED: Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls
563-Smearing Stein: Media as Propaganda
564-Snopes Caught Lying For Hillary Again, Questions Raised
565-Wikileaks Revelation: DNC Had Hillary Moles Inside Bernie Campaign
566-Study Exposes BBC's Deep anti-Corbyn Bias
569-The Top Ten Under-Reported News Stories of 2016
570-The War on Journalism - with Julian Assange (YouTube)
573-North Dakota Had 292 Oil Spills In 2 Years, Only 1 Was Made Public
574-Wall Street Journal Finally Breaks: "The Press Is Burying Hillary Clinton's Sins"
575-Anonymous Leaks to the WashPost About the CIA’s Russia Beliefs Are No Substitute for Evidence
576-Clinton Is the Most Dangerous Person Alive – An Interview with Edward S. Herman
577-Eye on Media: CBS selling us the White Helmets and more Syria lies—again, and again
578-Getting Real News From Aleppo - With Vanessa Beeley (YouTube)
579-Media misinformation and the US election’s war agenda
580-Milosevic Exonerated by International Tribunal, Media Is Silent
581-Provoking Nuclear War by Media
582-Russia Hysteria Infects WashPost Again: False Story About Hacking U.S. Electric Grid
583-Seymour Hersh Blasts Media for Uncritically Promoting Russian Hacking Story
584-The media are misleading the public on Syria
585-WashPost Is Richly Rewarded for False News About Russia Threat While Public Is Deceived
586-WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary’s Stunning Connection to ISIS — Mainstream Media Blackout Ensues
589-Obama’s Gift to Donald Trump: A Policy of Cracking Down on Journalists and Their Sources
590-Post Urges Prosecution for Leak That Won the Paper a Pulitzer
591-US Government Calls For Assassination Of Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange
593-White House, State coordinated to downplay Clinton email stories
594-Why We Need Independent Media... To Defend Us from Main Stream Media Fake News
595-Wikileaks Deniers: The New Breed of Conspiracy Nut
596-WikiLeaks Just Revealed Mainstream Media Works Directly With Hillary, DNC
597-Wikileaks Provides An Update On The Assange Internet Outage
599-Wikileaks Shows Every Reporter on Hillary’s Payroll
600-WikiLeaks’ 10 Most Damning Clinton Emails that Prove Mainstream Media is Scripted & Controlled
601-‘Nothing to See Here’ Headlines Conceal Police Violence at Dakota Access
602-PBS Runs A Three-Hour Series Glorifying The DeVos Education Agenda - Funded by conservative foundations devoted to privatization, this program is the definition of paid propaganda.605-Two Words That Sum up the Media’s Disingenuous Outrage of What’s Happening Venezuela …. Saudi Arabia
608-The Dawn of an Orwellian Future
610-Fake News on Russia in the New York Times, 1917-2017
611-NPR Attempts To Undermine WikiLeaks’ Credibility With Deliberate, Brazen Lie
612-The Stink Without a Secret
613-The Biggest Plot Hole In Russiagate Is That Nobody Can Even Say What It Is
614-Media silent as former CIA analyst destroys the claim that Russia hacked the US election [VIDEO]
615-It’s Getting Real – Google Censors the Left. And Us.
616-How To Fight The Establishment Propaganda Machine And Win
617-Fred Fuentes: Media Lies About Venezuela
619-CNN Journalists Resign: Latest Example of Media Recklessness on the Russia Threat
620-After Hersh Investigation, Media Connive in Propaganda War on Syria
621-How Fossil Fuel Money Made Climate Change Denial the Word of God
622-Joining Forces for Honest Environmental Journalism
623-To Protect CNN's Image, google Removed over 15,000 One Star Reviews
624-Former MSNBC journalists expose the channel’s ‘pro-establishment bias’
625-Caveat Emptor: MSNBC and CNN Use CIA Apologists for False Commentary
626-Tesla is under attack by same ‘merchants of doubt’ behind tobacco industry and climate change denial
629-Why Are The Crucial Questions About Hurricane Harvey Not Being Asked?
631-George Monbiot: We Can’t Be Silent on Climate Change or the Unsustainability of Capitalist System
632-Hurricane Harvey, Climate Denial, Fake News and ExxonMobil
633-I was an Exxon-funded climate scientist: A committed scientist and climate science communicator relates her decades-earlier 'unique experience' as an Exxon-funded researcher and the company's 'agenda for our research.'
634-Watch scientists react to deceptive fossil fuel ads
635-Will Mainstream Media Be Duped in 2018 by Climate Denial Spin Doctors?
637-Newsweek Gives Cato Institute Climate Denier A Platform
638-Planet Will Burn Before Corporate Media Covers Climate Change as Existential Threat (YouTube)
642-Do You Trust Snopes? You Won’t After Reading This.
643-Facebook Says It Is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli Governments
649-5 Revelations About The Black Market For Fake Social Media Followers
650-How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet
652-Journalists Caught Lying To Protect Clinton Over DNC Agreement (YouTube)
653-Department Of Homeland Security Compiling Database Of Journalists And 'Media Influencers'
655-Elites ‘Have No Credibility Left’: Interview With Journalist Chris Hedges
656-Google escalates blacklisting of left-wing web sites and journalists
657-Ignoring Washington’s Role in Yemen Carnage, 60 Minutes Paints US as Savior
658-In Month After Charlottesville, Papers Spent as Much Time Condemning Anti-Nazis as Nazis
659-Journalists continue to be targets, metaphorical and real
661-Network newscasts don't mention Brazile Clinton-DNC revelations
663-For NYT, Making the Democrats Safe for the Oligarchy Is Literally Job One
664-Has the NYT Gone Collectively Mad?
665-Man Bites Dog: NYT Does Journalism
666-The Biggest Secret - My Life as a New York Times Reporter in the Shadow of the War on Terror
667-NYT Failed to Note Op-Ed Authors’ Funder Has $2 Billion Motive for Attacking Argentina
668-NYT’s Assault on Press Freedom
669-The New York Times just taught us how not to profile a Nazi sympathizer - A puff piece that whitewashes the impacts of Nazism in middle America. This isn’t the white working class
671-In ‘NYT,’ Israeli minister calls BDS activists ‘enemy soldiers’ and compares them to Nazis
672-On Seeing America's Wars Whole
673-6 of the Biggest Media Meltdowns This Week - A New York Post column casually calls for nuking North Korea... and much more.
674-Russia-gate Jumps the Shark
675-Suddenly, I’m a ‘Russian Agent’!
676-The Disgrace of ‘60 Minutes’ - Steve Bannon gets a bully platform and runs rings around Charlie Rose.
677-The Media Establishment Feigns Outrage Over Trump's Crew, But Rest Assured They Will Join the Club - Sean Spicer's Emmys cameo is a harrowing glimpse of things to come.
678-Trump's Media Pals Are Busy Creating a Left-Wing 'Threat' to Balance Out the Awful Racist Right-Wing Hordes That Threaten Civil Society - We have to be vigilant about the coming smear project against Antifa.
679-In Washington Speak, Censorship Is Called “Transparency” - Federal agencies have been subtly controlling the flow of scientific information to the press, even as their media policies preach openness
680-UW professor: The information war is real, and we’re losing it
682-NPR Runs IDF Playbook, Spinning Killing of 17 Palestinians
685-Assassins Kill ‘Panama Papers’ Journalist Who Linked Ivanka Trump To Russian Money Launderers
686-WikiLeaks Exposes How Council on Foreign Relations Controls Most All Mainstream Media - A single organization controls almost everything you see, hear, and read in the media and they've been handpicking your leaders for decades.
687-WPost Pushes More Dubious Russia-bashing
689-Behind the Guise of Adversarial Journalism, CNN’s Jake Tapper Is Taking America to War
691-NYT Laments ‘Forever Wars’ Its Editorials Helped Create
692-Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, The CIA and Me
693-Tomgram: Nick Turse, A Disappearance, a Body, and What It Takes to Make the News
695-Pundits And Politicians Are Tacitly Admitting That They Lied About Russia
696-‘The Atlantic’ Commits Malpractice, Selectively Edits To Smear WikiLeaks
697-MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Sees a “Russia Connection” Lurking Around Every Corner
698-Truthsquading: Books and reports on the denial and obstruction of climate science
699-Capitalism Killed Our Climate Momentum, Not “Human Nature”
700-Elon Musk and the Corporate Controlled Media When advertisers are calling the shots, don't call it journalism
701-How Did the End of the World Become Old News?
702-Media malpractice and the bitumen bubble
703-The Media’s Failure to Connect the Dots on Climate Change Why are some major news outlets still covering extreme weather like it's an act of God?
704-Battling Fake Accounts, Twitter to Slash Millions of Followers
705-Big Brother Facebook: Drawing Down the Iron Curtain on Yankeedom
706-Expert: Bots are poised to wreak havoc in the 2018 midterm elections
707-Challenging Truth and Trust: A Global Inventory of Organized Social Media Manipulation
708-The War on Tesla, Musk, and the Fight for the Future
709-Mass Media Propaganda Is The Only Thing Keeping Us From Rising Like Lions
711-Graduates of Elite Universities Dominate the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, Study Finds
712-Soros buys up shares in New York Times
713-‘NYT’ columnist says killing Palestinian civilians is… good for Palestinians
714-This Award-Winning Cartoonist Was Just Fired After 25 Years Because of Political Cartoons Critical of Trump The newspaper has become a propaganda rag for the Trump administration.
715-WaPo Positions Support for Torturer as Vote for Feminism
716-Media Delegitimize Venezuelan Elections Amid Complete Unanimity Of Outlook
717-Of Fake News and History Suborned (In War and Peace) by Greg Maybury
718-The Eerie Silence Surrounding the Assange Case
719-The Guardian Publishes Smear Against Isolated, Arbitrarily Confined Journalist Julian Assange
722-The New York Times Should Hire Climate Scientist Michael Mann as Op-Ed Columnist on Global Warming - It would help the Times make amends to its readers and everyone else for its short coverage of global warming over the years.
723-New York Times ramps up smear campaign against Julian Assange
725-The Baseless Claim that climate Scientists are "Driven" by Money
726-Climate change needs ever-increasing attention. It didn't get it from mainstream media in 2018.
727-Conway and Oreskes Merchants of Doubt:Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming 2011 book, 2014 video documentary, “There can be no science without doubt: brute dogma leaves no room for inquiry. But over the last half century, a tiny minority of scientists have wielded doubt as a political weapon to halt what they did not want said: that tobacco kills or that the climate is warming because of what we humans are doing...It is clear, scientifically responsible, and historically compelling--it is an essential and passionate book about our times.” ―Peter Galison, Joseph Pellegrino University Professor, Harvard University, author of Einstein's Clocks, Poincaré's Maps
728-How the fossil fuel industry got the media to think climate change was debatable
729-Climate Denial Efforts Target Media, Cities Filing Liability Suits
730-UN Torture Report: ‘Demonized’ Assange Has Faced ‘Psychological Torture’ - The UN special rapporteur on torture has blasted four nations for imposing psychological torture on Julian Assange.
731-‘Nothing!’ Media refuse to cover Roger Waters concert in support of Julian Assange
732-Corporate Journalists Push Tax Attack on Medicare for All
733-Climate change deniers dominate YouTube searches on warming crisis, study finds
736-Australian media workers denounce police raids “Is there going to be a future for journalism?”
737-‘The most villainous act in the history of human civilization.’ Michael E Mann speaks out
738-A Million Extinctions Eclipsed by One Royal Grandbaby
739-Canada election: Charity confused against climate change ads
740-Climate Change Is Impacting Every Aspect of Modern Life, But the Press Fails to “Connect the Dots”
741-Harvard scientists took Exxon’s challenge; found it using the tobacco playbook A new study finds a stark contrast between Exxon’s research and what the company told the public
742-Here are two big things that were wrong with climate change coverage in 2018 Major outlets reported too little on climate change driving extreme weather and too much on Trump, two analyses find
743-How Facebook and YouTube try to Silence Climate State!
744-Media Failed to Connect Climate Crisis and Utility Blackouts
746-According to NYT, ‘Relentless Flooding’ in Midwest Just Happens
747-Only 10 of 170 questions at the first Democratic primary debates were about the climate crisis, making it obvious we need a climate debate Less than 6% of questions focused on climate, and half of candidates weren't asked about it at all
748-Only 6% of the questions at the first Democratic primary debate were about climate change -- and they weren't great Five of 10 candidates on stage were not asked about climate change at all
749-Revealed: How the Tobacco and Fossil Fuel Industries Fund Disinformation Campaigns Around the World
750-Revealed: top UK thinktank spent decades undermining climate science - Institute of Economic Affairs has links to 14 members of Boris Johnson’s cabinet
751-The Media Are Complacent While the World Burns
752-The Media Uses Coal Miners To Attack the Green New Deal—Then Ignores Their Pension Fight In 34 stories about coal miners, the New York Times, Washington Post and Politico did not once cover miners’ pension and healthcare demands
753-The Vancouver Sun’s Op-ed Denying a Climate Crisis a Symbol of Wider Journalistic Malpractice A journalist’s role is to seek truth, especially in the face of an emergency. But the media is not doing its job.
755-Treat climate change like the crisis it is, says journalism professor - Sean Holman gives the Canadian media a failing grade for their coverage of the climate crisis
756-Scientist who resisted censorship of climate report lost her job
757-U.S. Has the Most Climate-Change Deniers of Any Rich Country: Survey
758-What if we covered the climate crisis like we did the start of the second world war?
760-Chris Hedges and Matt Taibbi: The Deep Rot That Infects American Journalism, Part 1
761-CNN Retracts Pedophile Claim Against Assange After Wikileaks Threatens Lawsuit “An analyst on our air earlier today asserted that Julian Assange was a pedophile, and regrets saying it. In fact, CNN has no evidence to support that assertion.”
762-Corporate Censorship Is a Serious, and Mostly Invisible, Threat to Publishing When states suppress ideas, we condemn it. What should we do when companies do the same?
763-Corporate Media Filled With Nameless Voices Attacking Progressive Democrats
764-Don’t Be Fooled: Media Still Selling Out Assange
765-Former Newspaper Editor Who Exposed CIA Found Dead
766-Has Mainstream Media Been Fair To Elon Musk & Tesla?
767-Macron pursuing journalists who exposed French complicity in possible Saudi war crimes in Yemen
768-Manning to Judge on Whistleblowers, Freedom of the Press, and Civil Rights
769-Max Blumenthal Arrest Exposes Hypocrisy of Western Media and ‘Human Rights’ NGOs
770-Media Continue to Push Misinformation About Venezuela and Drug Trafficking
771-More Police Raids As War On Journalism Escalates Worldwide
772-NBC Debate Questions Show Media Is Out of Touch With Voters
773-NEW DATA: Media Ignoring Tulsi Gabbard and Mike Gravel 2020 Campaigns - Despite The Media Blackout, Their Support Is Only Rising
774-Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?
775-‘NY Times’ disgracefully joins the propaganda campaign to push for war against Iran
776-‘NYT’ readers call out the newspaper for abetting war against Iraq and now Iran
777-‘Protests turn violent’ with ‘gunfire’ — PBS lies about its own report on Israeli attacks in Gaza
779-CNN and the New York Times skip climate change in the fourth Democratic debate
781-New York Times Admits it Sent Story to Government for Approval
782-New York Times Persists in Russia Election Hacking Conspiracy Theory
783-New York Times Provides Cover for Austerity Cranks
784-NY Times admits it sends stories to US Government for approval before publication.
785-NYT Parrots US Propaganda on Hezbollah in Venezuela
786-NYT Presents Social Security Cuts as ‘Solution’ to Problem of Social Security Cuts
787-Revealed: How the Tobacco and Fossil Fuel Industries Fund Disinformation Campaigns Around the World
790-The Death of a Foreign Correspondent The death of freelance journalist Arnaud Dubus symbolizes the demise of his beloved profession.791-The Guardian's War on AssangeThe Guardian's war on Assange
792-There’s Far More Diversity in Venezuela’s ‘Muzzled’ Media Than in US Corporate Press
793-UN official’s briefing on torture of Assange boycotted by US media
795-How the Western media support state terror – while millions die
796-Media Setting Up Iran as New ‘Threat’ That Must Be Confronted
798-Study Linking US Sanctions to Venezuelan Deaths Buried By Reuters for Over a Month It is up to all of us to not be passive consumers of news, and continually bear in mind that the news we are getting about official enemies may be less than half the story
799-With Trump Pushing Regime Change in Venezuela, Critics Warn News Outlets Failing US Viewers Once Again "If the US had a major state TV network it would sound exactly like this. 100% pure, uncritical cheerleading."
801-CJR's covering climate change event proposes better journalism for a better climate
802-KING: Hillary Clinton camp now paying online trolls to attack anyone who disparages her online
803-Roughly half the Twitter accounts pushing to 'reopen America' are bots, researchers found
804-A Ugandan Climate Activist Was Cropped Out Of A News Agency Photo Of Greta Thunberg At Davos Vanessa Nakate told BuzzFeed News she was heartbroken to see websites use a photo featuring four white activists but not her.
805-Bots are pushing conspiracy theories about Australia's fires - Where are the Australian bushfire conspiracies coming from?
806-Coronavirus doubters follow climate denial playbook - Whether denying coronavirus or climate change, many deploy the same unfounded strategies and messages.
807-How to Win the New Climate War by Michael Mann
808-Major news networks devoted less than 4 hours to climate change in 2019. Total.
809-Media outlets need to stop greenwashing fossil fuel industries
810-The Reason COVID-19 and Climate Seem So Similar: Disinformation - The disinformation industry has deployed these strategies across multiple issues.
811-How Disinformation Spreads, According to Chuck Todd - Chuck Todd has had a front-row seat for the spread of disinformation. Here’s how he sees it happening and the media’s role in it
812-NY Times Editor Says Biden Sexual-Assault Article Was Edited after His Campaign Complained
813-NYT Recycles Polling to Tell Dems Once More: Move to the Right
814-NYTimes Blatantly Lying About Bernie/Warren Debate (YouTube)
815-Record Inequality and Corporate Profits Are What Media Call a ‘Strong Economy’
816-Sanders’ Plan to Fight Global Climate Disaster Too Ambitious, Says NYT It’s as if the paper can’t resist slipping in gratuitous digs at Sanders any chance it gets, even as the world burns.
818-The Most Censored Stories of 2019! (YouTube)
819-U.S. drops to 45 in ranking of countries based on freedom of the press
820-Media dead silent as Wikileaks insider explodes the myths around Julian Assange
821-The Ideology Behind Michael Grunwald's Repugnant Assange Tweet The Time correspondent wrote, "I can't wait to write a defense of the drone strike that takes out Julian Assange."
822-Western Media Whitewash Bolivia’s Far-Right Coup
823-Chris Hedges: Mainstream Journalism is Dead (YouTube)
825-‘Freedom Is Blossoming’: After Dismembering a Journalist, Saudi Arabia Goes on a PR Spree
826-Chris Hedges: The Ruling Elite’s War on Truth
827-Covid Denial and Climate Denial: Same Tactics, often Same People (YouTube)
828-COVIDeniers: Anti-Science Coronavirus Denial Overlaps with Climate Denial
829-NPR’s Shameful Comparison of Stacey Abrams to Donald Trump
830-NY Times Under Fire for Terminating Editor Lauren Wolfe After Pro-Biden Tweets
831-How broadcast TV networks covered climate change in 2020
832-Sunday Shows Hit Snooze on Climate Alarm
833-NY Times Provides US Government Propaganda by Manufacturing Quote by Top Chinese Official
835-The Journalistic Tattletale and Censorship Industry Suffers Several Well-Deserved Blows The NYT's Taylor Lorenz falsely accuses a tech investor of using a slur after spending months trying to infiltrate and monitor a new app that allows free conversation.
836-How Financial Interests Influence News Making Decisions (YouTube)
837-Journalists, Learning They Spread a CIA Fraud About Russia, Instantly Embrace a New One
838-Bipartisan US Attacks on Journalism Amid revelations of Trump-era spying, Trevor Timm calls out the attempt by Biden’s DOJ to criminalize news gathering in the case against Julian Assange.
839-ACTION ALERT: NYT Ignores Two-Year House Arrest of Lawyer Who Took on Big Oil
840-The Weird, Creepy Media Blackout On Recent Assange Revelations
841-The Media’s Climate Blindspot When climate coverage ignores the global South, it’s bad for everyone.
842-Revealed: murdered journalist’s number selected by Mexican NSO client
843-As US Broils and Europe Floods, Media Dismiss EU Climate Plan as ‘Ambitious’
844-The NYT stopped shilling for cigarettes. Why won't it stop shilling for fossil fuels? As climate disasters devastate America, activists aren't the only ones wondering why the paper of record is still advertising fossil fuels.
845-Why Are ‘The New York Times’ and ‘The Washington Post’ Producing Ads for Big Oil? It looks like real news, but “native advertising” is greenwashing for the climate-wrecking industry.
846-Graph showing how NEWS fails to cover climate change
847-The war in Afghanistan was far, far different from how it has been depicted in American media.
848-Why won’t TV news say ‘climate change’?
849-Analysis Shows Facebook Allows 99% of Climate Disinformation to Go Unchecked - The new study coincided with Facebook's new initiative to combat climate lies, which civil society groups criticized as "too little, too late."
850-Gaslighting The Public: Serial Deceptions By The State-Corporate Media
851-Manchin’s Coal Conflict of Interest Not of Interest to Corporate News
852-NYT Runs Interference for Billionaires Who Don’t Want Their Wealth Taxed
854-Missing Voices in Broadcast Coverage of Afghan Withdrawal
855-Whistleblower: Facebook is misleading the public on progress against hate speech, violence, misinformation - Frances Haugen says in her time with Facebook she saw, "conflicts of interest between what was good for the public and what was good for Facebook." Scott Pelley reports.
857-The Science Of Propaganda Is Still Being Developed And Advanced
858-The Media’s Lies About Colin Powell’s Lies
859-Deathly Silence: Journalists Who Mocked Assange Have Nothing to Say About CIA Plans to Kill Him
860-PATRICK LAWRENCE: Instead of a Free Press - In the failed corporate coverage of Steven Donziger and Julian Assange there is an imposition of darkness, ignorance inflicted on Americans with intent.
861-When All The Media Narratives Collapse - In case after case, the US MSM just keeps getting it wrong.
862-Leaked documents reveal the special rules Facebook uses for 5.8M VIPs - "These people can violate our standards without any consequences."
864-American Commissars by Chris Hedges
865-NYT Responded to Subway Shooting With ‘Relentless String of Copaganda’
866-Report on how social media don't really try to fight climate misinformation
867-Nightly News Fails to Connect Gas Price Surge and Climate Crisis
868-Pseudo-Journalists Are Attacking Elon Musk with Lies, but the Harm Is Very Real
869-US Spy Operation That Manipulates Social Media Revealed (YouTube)
870-Ukraine and the Politics of Permanent War by Chris Hedges
871-Yes, The New York Times Really IS Shilling for Big Oil
872-Staged Negative Film about Tesla & Elon Musk Linked to EQT that Owns Renewable Energy Company
873-Press coverage of declining U.S. life expectancy evades the truth about class
874-Katie Halper Violated Media Taboo Against Israel Criticism
875-Rightwing thinktanks run this government. But first, they had to capture the BBC
877-Can False Balance Kill You? It Sure Can
878-Media Prescribe More ‘Pain’ for Workers as Inflation’s Only Cure
879-First Twitter Files of 2023 shows how intelligence community gained influence over the platform
880-The Trump-Russia Saga and the Death Spiral of American Journalism
882-20 Years Later, NYT Still Can’t Face Its Iraq War Shame
884-For the Record, NPR Absolutely is US State Propaganda
885-NYT Blames US Public for Collapse of Pandemic Safety Net
886-NYT Lies About Snowden To Peddle 'Evil-Leaker' Propaganda, Then Stealth-Edits When Caught
887-US Media Denounce Twitter’s ‘State Media’ Label—When It Affects NPR
888-False NYT Spy Claim on Iran Nukes Needs Correction
889-What the UK’s Arrest of a French Publisher Means for Public Intellectuals the World Over - The detention of Ernest Moret raises urgent questions about British authorities’ targeting public intellectuals at the request of other nations.
892-If you don't want to get clickbaited, use this website for your EV news (YouTube)
893-NYT Says More Worker Suffering Needed to Bring Inflation Down
894-Police stage ‘chilling’ raid on Marion County newspaper, seizing computers, records and cellphones
895-The Chris Hedges Report Podcast on how corporate power has neutered comedy with comedian Lee Camp
896-Raid on Kansas Paper Shows Perilous State of Free Press
897-For NYT, Cluster Munitions Are Completely Wrong—When Russians Use Them
899-NYT Runs Interference for IDF as It Bombs Jabalia Refugee Camp
900-Steve Schimdt breaks down how the New York Times failed democracy (YouTube)
901-Book Excerpt: Last Year, Americans Were Battered by News Abuse - How critical news stories were compromised by lies, misdirection, and propaganda in the service of elite interests.
902-FBI and White House likely coerced social media platforms into removing posts Appeals court rules
903-Elon Musk Exposes The Government In New Interview (YouTube)
904-In Even the Best Coverage There Is No Accountability for the Fossil Fuel Industry
905-Rights Groups Demand Governments Protect Exiled Journalists, Dissidents
907-News Corp attacks EVs with coordinated campaign of lies and propaganda