The Unified Platform: A Certified Hit!!
The heart of the New Progressive Alliance is the Unified Platform.
If you agree with us, then we as a 501c4 Educational Organization would like to help you. Please use Make Your Case to help you document with over 10,000 references which are continuously added to and updated as well as many other resources. You may use anything on our website without permission, though if it is helpful we hope you mention us to help others. Please let us know if you have any suggestions or additions.
Because we are in special consultative status with the U.N. Economic and Social Council we can offer volunteers a chance to attend meetings or write papers for the United Nations through the NPA. See So You Want to Volunteer for the United Nations.
We can have Peace! We can put People first! We can begin reversing the damage unbridled greed has already caused our precious Planet! Are you truly fed up, ready to stop complaining and start channeling your anger toward building a new America?
It will take a lot. Voting is important, but not enough. The New Progressive Alliance can operate as a poor man's think tank and supply documentation, but that is also not enough. It will also take year round effort, organizing on and off the streets, and coordinating with people we may not like.
Candidates Who Support the Unified Platform
In 2012, the New Progressive Alliance (NPA) started by endorsing 54 candidates from 23 states who publicly endorsed and pledged to work for the commonsense policies outlined in the Unified Platform (UP). This page provides more information about the brave men and women who are blazing the trail for the future of democracy in America. If you would like to join them check Elections and So You Want to Run for Office. That trail is wholly different than that which the Democratic and Republican parties take us down election after election, with the same predictable result: A disenfranchised working class and ever-more enriched military-industrial-Wall Street complex.
We are a 501c4 educational organization, not a political party. We cannot help a candidate directly, but we can note by endorsement when a candidate pledges to support the Unified Platform. We can also disavow a candidate when through his actions or statements it becomes clear he does not support the Unified Platform.
Also as a 501c4 educational organization, we are moving towards becoming more of a think tank which supplies documentation to support people and organizations that back the Unified Platform. We will still list candidates that support the Unified Platform, but we will not seek them out.