The NPA is an all volunteer organization whose work is done by committees.  New Members are invited to join one of the following committees:

Social Media - Posts provocative and issues-based information at the NPA website, Facebook page, Twitter, and other new-media venues. As a sub-team of the Communications Team, the Social Media team's work will take its cues from the NPA's more formal written and spoken communication initiatives.

Operations and Outreach - In addition to candidate and organizational outreach, the Operations and Outreach Team completes administrative tasks, maintains current operations, and explores new initiatives.

Communications - Communications touches all written and verbal communications, both internal and external.

Promotion and Fundraising - This team runs promotional campaigns specifically designed to increase membership and raise money Some are constant - the NPA Store for example, on the organization's website. Others will be of varying length and venues: blogging appeals for more members/donors, crowd-sourced fundraising using Internet tools, etc.

State Liaisons - In addition to the above four committees, members may volunteer to be a State Liaison. State Liaisons have three main responsibilities:

1. To grow participation and membership in the NPA at the grassroots, by exposing the general public and interested organizations to the NPA's name, mission, and the Unified Platform at selected events, within their region.

2. To recruit local volunteers willing to represent the NPA at local and regional events, and to work for the election of candidates who endorse and run on the Unified Platform.

3. To be a conduit of information between their region and the national organization by passing along news, ideas, and initiatives from NPA members and volunteers within their region to the national organization and from the national organizaion to local NPA members and volunteers.

The NPA requires a two-year commitment for the role of State Liaison. As Liaisons get in place, volunteers from their region who prefer to work locally will be allocated to State Liaisons.  Each state is different and each person has a different vision on how to further the Unified Platform. 

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