Updated 2024
Over half a century of experience throughout the world indicates nuclear energy is not the answer.
Nuclear power is the most expensive, the most delayed, and dangerous. No nuclear plant has yet been built that is not over budget and behind schedule. This includes the 4 newest being built in South Carolina and Georgia. South Carolina has cancelled both of their nuclear plants and Georgia is considering the same after spending millions of tax payer dollars. Nuclear power is also carbon intensive in uranium mining, uranium processing where fracking is used just as for natural gas, building the nuclear plant, and transportation of uranium to and used radioactive waste away from the nuclear plant, and storage of the uranium for centuries.
The half-life of the main fuel, U-235, is 703.8 million years. Plutonium is also routinely created in the process of running a nuclear plant. It is highly toxic and its various isotopes have half-lives ranging from about 25,000 to 80 million years. These extremely dangerous substances will require secure storage and protection for a very long period of time and we do not have an agreed upon place to store or agreed way to transport nuclear waste.
In addition to the dangers of transporting and storing extremely toxic nuclear waste, there is also the danger of unintentional leaks which - despite assurances - have happen regularly. Radioactive waste is also deliberately dumped into the ground using the fracking process.
Fusion and thorium reactors have always been theoretical but "just around the corner" since the 1970s. As with nuclear power, the hype does not match the experience and every country in the world has backed away from breeder and thorium reactors. The same is true with small module nuclear reactors. See Tony Seba said Nuclear would be obsolete by 2030.
The reason we have so many continuously updated references in the below articles covering many years is to show this has been going on for decades.
For articles like this covering different areas on the environment with over 2,500 references see https://www.newprogs.org/the_environment
1-Plant Vogtle Construction Costs Rising
2-Nuclear Waste Seeping From Container In Hazardous Washington State Facility
3-Hanford Nuclear Reservation Tanks Leaking Radioactive Waste Underground, Governor Inslee Says
4-Low and Down Recent NRC Reactor Status
5-After a Powerful Lobbyist Intervenes, EPA Reverses Stance on Polluting Texas County’s Water
6-Fukushima And The Navy: Sailors Sue Japan Nuclear Plant Owner, Saying Disaster Made Them Sick
7-Drought could shut down nuclear power plants
8-US nuclear site leaks alarm environmentalists
9-Even the smallest amount of tritium can have negative health impacts, and most nukes leak tritium.
10-Almost third of US West Coast newborns hit with thyroid problems after Fukushima nuclear disaster
11-Fire at Plant Vogtle
12-High Level Water Leak At Fukushima Daiichi
13-Tepco Says Fukushima Plant Leaked 120 Tons of Radioactive Water
14-WHITE HOUSE APPROVES RADICAL RADIATION CLEANUP ROLLBACK - Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket Following Radiological Incidents
15-Precarious Japan nuke plant raises safety concerns: Spate of problems highlights precarious state of crippled Japanese nuclear plant
16-Obama Approves Raising Permissible Levels of Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water. Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket
17-Tepco admitted Pu-238/239/240, Sr-90 in sea soil are from Fukushima accident
18-Energy's Latest Battleground: Fracking For Uranium
19-Fracking waste deemed too radioactive for hazardous-waste dump
20-NRC: 'Very slightly radioactive water' enters lake - NRC: Entergy leak sends 79 gallons of 'very slightly radioactive water' into Lake Michigan
21-Palisades nuclear power plant shut down for repairs to safety injection water tank
22-San Onofre Edison...West Coast Radiation Crisis - Part 1
23-Nuclear Hotseat #74: First Nations Battle Nuclear Genocide in Canada
24-Obama Approves Raising Permissible Levels of Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water. Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket
25-Feds Say Peace Activists Who Trespassed Onto Nuclear Facility Are A National Security Threat
26-America's Secret Fukushima Poisoning the Bread Basket of the World
27-Breaking News: Fukushima Radiation Affecting Americans And There’s No Way To Stop It
28-Cutting Corners, Cutting Costs, Creating Cancer: For Future Reactor Meltdowns, EPA Means “Extra Pollution Allowed”
29-French, German, and Spanish nukes unreliable in heat
30-Fukushima Going From Horrible To Horrendous
31-How Much Nuclear Waste Does Your State Hold?
32-Interactive charts: U.S. nuclear power reactors (NRC data)
33-Legacy Of Uranium Mining Continues To Destroy Indigenous Communities
34-Nuclear renaissance was just a fairy tale
35-Nuclear waste leaking at Hanford site in Washington, again
36-Nuclear Waste: A $1 Billion Energy Department Project Overshoots Its Budget by 600 Percent
37-Scientist, FDA: Don't worry about radioactive fish
38-Vogtle nuke loan deadline extended for third time
39-Why Fukushima is worse than you think
42-Canada’s Proposed Radioactive Waste Dump Next to Lake Huron - Nuclear Dumb and Dumber
44-28 Signs That The West Coast Is Being Absolutely Fried With Nuclear Radiation From Fukushima
45-Exposing the "No Harm" Mantra - The Dangerous Myths of Fukushima
46-Everything You Need to Know About the Fukushima Crisis
50-Toxic nuclear waste dumped illegally by the Mafia is blamed for surge in cancers in southern Italy
51-True facts about Ocean Radiation and the Fukushima Disaster
52-After leaks, nuke dump is storing waste in parking area
53-Climate Change Advocate Goes Rogue!
54-Energy Department to Approve Billions in Nuclear Backing
57-Possible radiation leak at New Mexico military nuclear waste site
58-The Giant Lie About Fukushima
59-Toxic Legacy: Uranium Mining In New Mexico
60-True facts about Ocean Radiation and the Fukushima Disaster
61-New TEPCO Report Shows Damage to Unit 3 Fuel Pool MUCH Worse Than That at Unit 4 (video)
62-Nuclear Power: Their Profits, Our Risks
63-Source of Radioactive Leak in Nation’s Only Nuclear Weapons Waste Storage Facility Remains Unsolved
64-Radioactive leaks found at 75% of US nuke sites
65-Nuclear industry hides from public huge radiation spikes at power plant reactors
67-Dead sea lions washing on shore in California appear to have died from radiation poisoning
68-End Nuclear Power Now, Says World Uranium Symposium
69-Florida mayors call on residents to fight nuclear expansion project
70-Fukushima Uni “800,000,000,000,000 Bq of Cs-137 to reach West coast of North America by 2016″
71-Next-generation nuclear reactors may not be safer: French watchdog
72-Radiation from Fukushima disaster newly detected off Canada's coast
73-Tokyo finds high levels of radiation in children's park
75-Sweden speeds up closure of two nuclear reactors
76-Oil Sheen Spotted On Hudson Following Indian Point Explosion
78-Oil leaked into Hudson River after fire at nuclear reactor near NYC
79-E.ON wants to close Swedish nuclear reactor
80-Did We Almost Lose New York?
81-Moment of truth nears for nuclear waste time bomb
83-Beware – Our Water is Poisoned!
84-Environment Minister: don't let Ontario Power Generation dump nuclear waste at Lake Huron.
85-Gov. Data: U.S. BOMBARDED With Fukushima Radiation 1,000 Times HIGHER Than Normal (Video)
86-Increased Number Of Sites Off The US West Coast Showing Signs Of Contamination From Fukushima
87-Tokyo Contaminated & Not Fit for Habitation, Doctor Says
88-RADCON 5 Alert: Pittsburgh, PA - Officials In California Warn 'It's On The Brink Of Pandemonium'
89-Cuomo: Radioactive Water Leak At Indian Point Increased By 80 Percent Since Last Week
90-Dahr Jamail | Radioactive Water From Fukushima Is Leaking Into the Pacific
91-Explosion rocks nuclear power plant in Belgium
92-John LaForge: Nuclear power might be safe or cheap, but never safe and cheap
93-Flooding on Mississippi River: Are Nuclear Power Plants Endangered?
94-Mark Jacobson to James Hansen: Nukes Are Not Needed to Solve World’s Climate Crisis
96-Shock: Fracking Used to Inject Nuclear Waste Underground for Decades
97-cover-up of missing, presumed dead, Fukuhsima nuclear plant workers « Antinuclear
98-Radioactive Leak at Indian Point Nuclear Plant Shows 'We Are Flirting With Catastrophe'
100-Nevada has its own toxic water troubles | Las Vegas Review-Journal
101-“Unusual Event” Declared at South Carolina Nuclear Facility
102-7 Top NRC Experts Break Ranks to Warn of Critical Danger at Aging Nuke Plants
103-Britain to ship record amount of nuclear waste to U.S. - government source
104-California Regulators Reopen San Onofre Settlement
105-Catastrophic Radioactive Leak at Washington State’s Hanford Nuclear Waste Storage Facility
106-EPA to Help Mainstream Media Obscure The Truth About Radiation Exposure to Americans
108-Hanford, Not Fukushima, is the Big Radiological Threat to the West Coast
109-Miama, Florida: Nuclear Power Plant Is Leaking Radiation
110-Nuclear is not the answer to the climate crisis
111-Nuclear Power Plants Are Pre-Deployed Weapons of Mass Destruction: We should close them all. Now.
112-Leak inside nuclear waste storage tank triggers alarm at Hanford
113-Nuclear Waste Leaking at ‘American Fukushima’ in Northwest
114-The Texas-Vermont-Maine Nuclear Dump: Bringing Environmental Racism Home
115-Tomgram: Cantarow and Levy, Could Nuclear Disaster Come to America?
116-Trampling Science to Boost Nuclear Power
117-U.S., Japan finalize nuclear material transfer
119-Nuclear Power Is Not "Green Energy": It Is a Fount of Atomic Waste
120-'Nuclear Industry in France in Crisis,' 20 Reactors Shut Down
121-10 Near Misses at U.S. Nuclear Power Plants Considered Precursors to a Meltdown
122-As Americans Argue Over Which Bathroom to Use, 3 Nuclear Disasters are Unfolding Inside the US
123-PG&E agrees to close Diablo Canyon in 2025
125-Fukushima Radiation in the Pacific (Revisited)
126-It has been zero days since the last nuclear catastrophe
127-New Study Casts Doubt on the Future of Nuclear Power
128-Nuclear Power Plant Found Leaking Into Lake Ontario
129-Nuclear Power Rapidly Losing Race With Renewable Energy
130-Nuclear Waste Leaking at ‘American Fukushima’ in Northwest
131-FPL Wins Battle to Store Radioactive Waste Under Miami's Drinking Water Aquifer
132-PG&E proposes 8-year rate increase to cover Diablo Canyon closure
133-Radioactive contamination spreading within Hanford plant
134-United States has a 70,000-ton nuclear waste problem – and growing
135-When nuclear plants expire: stick the taxpayers with the bill (and the waste)
137-Goodbye Nuclear Power. Construction of Two of Four Remaining Planned U.S. Plants Just Canceled
138-Atomic Bellyflop: America’s 1st ’21st Century Nuclear Reactor’ Fails, Shuts Down After 5 Months
139-Fukushima's Nuclear Waste Will Be Dumped Into the Ocean, Japanese Plant Owner Says
140-Goodbye Nuclear Power. Construction of Two of Four Remaining Planned U.S. Plants Just Canceled
141-South Carolina companies scrap $14 billion nuclear project
143-Betraying Ratepayers and Clean Energy Future, Georgia Panel Approves Vogtle Nuclear Reactors
144-Contractors told to ignore risks, lower cost estimates at Darlington nuclear plant, auditors say
145-Kushner, Bannon, Flynn Pushed Huge Nuclear Power Deal in Middle East for Profit, In Secret
146-Nuclear Power Plants Should Be Closed and Autopsied, Not Resuscitated
147-What are coastal nuclear power plants doing to address climate threats? As shorelines creep inland and storms worsen, nuclear reactors around the world face new challenges.
148-Why the UK nuclear renaissance plan is doomed to failure, in 30 pictures and charts
149-Residents in contaminated Georgia town call for more oversight of new nuclear power plant A Georgia power plant promised to revive America’s ailing nuclear sector. Instead, it has galvanized public opposition.
150-US secretly shipped plutonium from South Carolina to Nevada
151-“Nuclear energy is never profitable”, new study slams nuclear power business case
152-All Fish from Pacific Tested Positive for Fukushima
153-Fears Grow That 'Nuclear Coffin' Is Leaking Waste Into The Pacific
154-Fire at Idaho’s nuclear research facility burns 90,000 acres in 24 hours
155-The Hoax That Nuclear Power Is Green ECU 636 (YouTube)
157-US to label nuclear waste as less dangerous to quicken cleanup
158-Why Congress should say no to yet another fast reactor dream
159-Switzerland switches off nuclear plant as it begins exit from atomic power
160-For The Navajo Nation, Uranium Mining's Deadly Legacy Lingers
162-Nuclear cannot help against climate crisis
163-Nuclear Industry's $23 Billion Bailout Request Shows Why It Should Have 'No Role to Play' in Solving Climate Crisis: Study "For the sake of taxpayers, electricity consumers and the climate, Congress must stop this endless nuclear boondoggle."
164-Our children await a radioactive legacy
165-Thorium: the wonder fuel that wasn’t
166-Valuing the greenhouse gas emissions from nuclear power (Nuclear does not help.)
167-‘Nuclear power is now the most expensive form of generation, except for gas peaking plants’
168-25-Year Study of Nuclear vs Renewables Says One Is Clearly Better at Cutting Emissions
169-How Nuclear Power Causes Global Warming
170-The Resistible Rise of Nuclear Gangsters…and Their Downfall
171-Weatherwatch: nuclear power plants feel the heat - During this summer’s heatwave, nuclear reactors in five European countries had to be shut down or put on reduced power
172-Don't believe hydrogen and nuclear hype – they can’t get us to net zero carbon by 2050
173-New technology comes nowhere close to solving the problem of nuclear waste
174-Nuclear power has become irrelevant -- like it or not
175-Nuclear energy is anything but clean - The nuclear power industry has successfully rebranded an appallingly toxic energy industry by never mentioning the terrible legacy of nuclear waste, writes Ann Denise Lanes
176-Nuclear Regulatory Commission finds cable issues in special inspection of Vogtle Unit 3
179-Nuclear Power Won’t Save the World. It Won’t Even Help.
180-Scientists pour cold water on Bill Gates' nuclear plans
181-Small modular reactors offer no hope for nuclear energy
182-Four Senior Nuclear Officials Say Nuclear Is Not A Climate Solution
183-Small Nuclear Reactors: A Dirty Dangerous Distraction From Climate Action
184-UK nuclear power stations’ decommissioning cost soars to £23.5bn
186-Book Review: The Nuclear Site that Can’t Be Cleaned Up - ‘Atomic Days: The Untold Story of the Most Toxic Place in America’ exposes the story of a Washington state complex that poses dangers that—like the nuclear industry itself—cannot be contained.
187-Rather than an endlessly reheated nuclear debate, politicians should be powered by the evidence
188-The Rise and Fall of Nuclear Energy?
189-The projected cost of new nuclear power has risen by fourfold since 2008 – and it is still rising
190-Nuclear energy is too pricey, too dangerous "And it diverts valuable public money that we need to move to a conservative, renewable energy future."
191-The Nuclear Industry Is Trying To Come Back; Here’s What They Don’t Want You To Know
193-The Nuclear Fallacy: Why Small Modular Reactors Can’t Compete With Renewable Energy
194-Nuclear power plant leaked 1.5M litres of radioactive water in Minnesota
195-Nuclear power plant leaks 400,000 gallons of radioactive water - While Xcel Energy reported the leak of water containing tritium to state and federal authorities in late November, the spill had not been made public before Thursday.
196-Radioactive material from nuclear power plants keeps disappearing... (YouTube)
197-400,000 gallons of radioactive water leaked from nuclear plant before US officials notified neighbors - The Xcel Energy plant is located on the banks of the Mississippi River with the closest neighborhood about a mile away
198-We passed peak nuclear years ago - the age of nuclear power is over (YouTube)
199-Nuke Power’s “Renaissance 4.0” Has Already Melted
200-Data reveals wind & solar 80% cheaper as 22 countries triple nuclear power (YouTube)
201-Experts reveal the REAL cost of nuclear power as costs spiral out of control (YouTube)
202-The world hasn't learned from the 5 worst nuclear accidents in history (YouTube)
203-NEW report reveals the insane cost of Nuclear compared to renewable energy (YouTube)
204-The Cold War Legacy Lurking in U.S. Groundwater