

Building Progressive Political Power in Minnesota 

around the politics of: 1) Full employment; 2) Minimum/Living wage; 3) Real Health Care Reform; and 4) Environmental Sanity

Saturday, January 11, 2014   11AM to 4 PM

First United Methodist Church, Duluth (The Copper Top)

230 E. Skyline Parkway

Duluth, MN 55811

Audience members will engage with panelists to deliberate on how we can work more effectively together to increase our influence and leverage our political power to achieve our mutual objectives.

Presenters include: Liane Gale (Minnesota Green Party); Buddy Robinson (Minnesota Citizens Federation-Northeast); Dr. Jim Hart (Physicians for a National Health Program); Reyna Crow (Northwoods Wolf Alliance and Idle No More); Allen Richardson (Water Legacy); Kristin Larson (Friends of the Cloquet Valley Forest); Nathan Ness (Minnesota Organizer); Michael Cavlan (New Progressive Alliance); Dennis Leahy (The Reset Button); Alan Maki (Uniting People); Allan Hancock (Green Activist); and Virgil Boehland (Duluth MoveToAmend).

For more information call Vern Simula (event coordinator for Unititng People and New Progressive Alliance) at 218-591-5722 or email [email protected]




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