Updated 2024
We pay more than any other industrialized country but have the least to show for it both in terms of health and coverage.
Indications showing this to be true include the United States ranks 28th in life expectancy, both general and infant mortality, cardiovascular mortality rates, cancer mortality rates, longevity, and teen age pregnancy. (39)(67) The largest single cause of bankruptcies is healthcare expenses. Employers pay an average of 3,000 dollars per full time worker (one of the fastest growing costs) which discourages job creation. We need to change this to remain competitive. Consider the ties of the auto industry to health costs. Even in the 1970s General Motors said they paid more for health care costs than steel. After a century of most cars made in the United States being made in Michigan, Michigan was replaced by Ontario, Canada. Why? The health care costs went from 6,500 dollars to 800 dollars per worker. (1)
Controlling costs is the key to offering quality care for all. Since we already pay more than any other industrialized country in the world for health care, this would not involve an increase in expenses. It would in fact save money for both the individual and the government. Taxpayers and individuals cannot afford double digit premium increases year after year.
Overhead and administrative costs for private health insurance run 25% or more vs. 3% for single payer Medicare. A University of California (San Francisco) study found that the United States could save over 161 billion dollars every year in paperwork alone if it switched to a single payer Medicare for all system as Canada has had for over thirty years. (Australia, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, and Taiwan, Province of China have single payer Medicare of all systems. All industrialized countries offer more coverage for less cost than the United States. One documented result of the Medicare for all approach is those countries increase their competiveness by relieving businesses and individuals of health care burdens.)
"In fact, there are numerous "public options" in American life, with many of them rooted deep in the nation's history. In the area of education, there are public schools; in recreation, public parks; in travel, public roads; in fire-fighting, public fire departments; in law enforcement, public police forces; in culture, public libraries; in transportation, public bus and train lines; in mail delivery, the post office; in sanitation, public water supply plumbing, and sewers; in energy, public power; in old-age security, Social Security; in nutrition, public school lunch programs. Where did the notion ever come from that public programs were somehow "un-American"? Even in the disputed area of health care, there exist public hospitals, Medicare, Medicaid, the Veterans Administration and the National Institutes of Health." (above paragraph by: Lawrence S. Wittner, t r u t h o u t | Perspective, Thursday 03 September 2009)
A Supreme Court opinion upholding Obamacare summarized nicely. "Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them." The issue should be health care, not artificial subsidies to increase wealth for health insurance companies.
Rose Roby, a Florida activist, nicely summarized how poor Obamacare is and how little she cared if it was revoked.
"It GUARANTEED that millions of people would be left with no coverage. And it legally obligated the poorest Americans to pay a $600 fine every year they were too poor to buy the exchanges. It literally turns poverty in and of itself into an ILLEGAL act!
In states that took the Medicaid expansion, it left older people who struggle to find any work at all vulnerable to not being able to take part-time employment, which might at least provide a small relief to their poverty, because they would immediately lose their Medicaid if they did so. My best friend in NY has Medicaid and no ability to take part-time work because she's not well enough to lose her insurance.
It provided no protection against employers cutting hours to avoid covering employees. That your employer didn't do that is a very good thing indeed. There are MILLIONS of people who can't say the same.
The exchanges have been a total failure, with only 11% of those covered under Obamacare using them. They're too expensive and have crippling deductibles. Therefore, a vast majority of people who can't get the Medicaid expansion either because they live in a state that doesn't offer it (like Florida) or because they have "too much" money to qualify (see, having part-time work as an example of what counts as too much income) are left with nothing but a tax increase to the tune of $600 a year and risk of being imprisoned for tax evasion if they can't afford to pay it.
The insurance companies found their way around the "pre-existing conditions" rule by making it near impossible to find any doctors who actually take the plans. And more and more insurance companies are leaving the program, which means that the whole "competition" savings is nothing because many states have only one insurance company that participates in the ACA. Before long, they'll have none. There's NOTHING that was written into the law that prevented that from happening.
It got the vast majority of the Democratic Party to support a plan that came from the Republicans and was initially championed by Mitt Romney. Once it's dead and buried, perhaps there will be some call for Universal healthcare again.
So yeah, Obamacare deepened the crisis. You are free to oppose the repeal (which at this point, is all but a guarantee, given that Trump is President and the Republicans rule Congress). But you can call members of Congress and make your voice heard. There are plenty of people who feel the same way as you do. Obviously, I'm not one of them.
As I made clear, I won't lift a finger to save what I view as one of the most draconian federal laws I've ever seen passed in my lifetime."
We are paying a heavy price for standing alone as the only major industrialized country in the world that leaves basic health care entirely to private interests and does not even require the private interests to compete openly in a free market system. Changing does not have to be difficult.
-This could be phased in gradually starting with those aged 55 and older and lowering the age as cost savings add up .
-There are many way to introduce price controls. Medicare for all is the best; a public option would also work.
-To control costs, at the very least medicine should be subject to the Sherman anti-trust Act and health insurance should be made available across state lines like any other industry.
Help make your progressive case by using this documentation which is continuously updated. https://www.newprogs.org/make_your_case
1- Fareed Zakaria, “The Post-American World Release 2.0,” (W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2011), 225.
2-By the Numbers: 'Medicare for All' Could Fund Prosperous Future
3-Medicare for All!
4-Single Payer Reality: Vermont Approves Universal Health Care Program
5-Two-thirds of Americans Support Medicare-for-All
6-Single-Payer Health Care
7-France Best, U.S. Worst in Preventable Death Ranking
8-What we're Not Being Told about Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan
9-Republican and Democratic Plans for Medicare and Medicaid Misguided: Push for Privatization Will Accelerate Costs and Deaths
10-Doctors group Greets Single-payer Health Bill in Senate
11-Obama Health Law Unlikely to Stem Medical Bankruptcies
12-Study: 44 million Could Lose Medicaid Coverage under GOP Plan
13-Obama Denies Vermont Healthcare
14-Funding a National Single-Payer System
15-The Cost Of Health Insurance Around The World
16-John Breaux Sees Democrats Embracing Paul Ryan's Plan To 'End Medicare'
17-Administrative Waste Consumes 31 Percent of Health Spending
18-Family Makes Millions Taking in Federal Funds for Failed Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs
19-Income Inequality & Educational ‘Performance’
20-Income Inequality: Physical Health and Life Expectancy
21-Obamacare and SCOTUS: Why are Progressives Celebrating a 54 Billion Dollar Tax Hike on Low-Income Families?
22-Internal Memo Confirms Big Giveaways In White House Deal With Big Pharma
23-Health Care Comparisons
24-Deadly Fallout: How Obama’s Healthcare Law Provides Unaffordable Access to Health Insurance and Fosters Preventable Deaths
25-The Problem With Obama’s Attack on Vouchercare
26-Neoliberalism Kills
27-Per Capita Health Care Spending for One Company in Massachusetts vs. All of Canada
28-Comparative Health Care Costs in Other Countries
29-HMO Overhead vs. Medicare, 2011
30-Obamacare Architect Heads to Big Pharma
31-‘We won’t sell our healthcare’: Madrid rallies against privatized medical
32-Health Insurers Raise Some Rates by Double Digits
33-Internal Memo Confirms Big Giveaways In White House Deal With Big Pharma
34-The true price of Obama's sell out of the public option is starting to be felt.
35-Health Care Hoax
36-Obama cribs from anti-choice playbook to deny patients medicine
37-Obamacare: The cheapest healthcare plan will be $20,000 per year for a family plan
38-Payroll taxes would fund universal health care proposal
39-What's killing America? U.S. ranks 28th in life expectancy (lower than Chile and Greece) while it pays the MOST for health care
40-Where do America’s Most Uninsured States Stand on the Obamacare Medicaid Expansion?
41-Only 2% of individual plans meet "essential health benefit" requirements
42-Universal Neglect: A Failure to Protect Americans’ Health
43-Who Spends The Most Dollars Lobbying Washington, DC?
44-Little hope seen for millions priced out of health overhaul
45-'Obamacare' to drive up health-care premiums? Report sets off firestorm
46-Consumer-directed enrollees do not shop prices
47-While Cutting Medicare Benefits, Obama Bails Out Private Insurance for Seniors
48-White House Trial-Balloons Medicare Cost Increases
49-A Superior System: Single Payer Legislation vs. Affordable Care Act
50-ObamaCare Clusterfuck: Feds to use "consumer reporting agencies" to determine eligibility despite penalty for perjury
51-Redistributive function of Canada's single payer: Publicly Financed Health Care in Canada: Who Pays and Who Benefits Over a Lifetime?
52-Why Are People with Health Insurance Going Bankrupt? - Dr. Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese: Obama care will not put an end to medical bankruptcies - 80% of people going bankrupt due to healthcare costs had insurance
53-Rate Shock: In California, Obamacare To Increase Individual Health Insurance Premiums By 64-146%
54-Canadians Pay Taxes for Universal Health Care, and Now They're Richer Than Us
55-Countries with Universal Health Care
56-ObamaCare Clusterfuck: Will the exchanges be able to prevent the insurance companies from gaming actuarial value?
57-ObamaCare’s Relentless Creation of Second-Class Citizens (Part II)
58-Piracy Is Alive and Well in Maine by Lynn M. Petrovich
59-Mourn Those Killed by Health Insurance Greed
60-What Sweden Can Tell Us About Obamacare
61-Administration to Let Employers Avoid Mandate by Offering Worthless Insurance
62-Canadians Pay Taxes for Universal Health Care, and Now They're Richer Than Us
63-Concord: Half of call center jobs will be part-time
64-Obama admin delays major requirement of health law
65-Obama Negotiates Cuts to Medicare as the Program Reaches its 48th Anniversary
66-On the News With Thom Hartmann: Another Key Provision of Obamacare Meant to Protect Consumers Is Being Delayed, and More
67-The USA is 27th in Health Care (chart)
68-Vermont "single-payer;" one more Democratic Party hoax and a fraud just like Barack Obama
69-U.S. Top of List for First-Day Deaths in Rich Nations: More babies die on their first day of life in the United States than in any other industrialized country.
70-Vermont Poised to Become 1st State to Enact Single-Payer Healthcare
71-A single-payer system, like Medicare, is the cure for America's ailing healthcare
72-A List of Countries with Universal Healthcare and how long they have had it
73-Grand Theft Health Insurance
74-The ACA is the wrong direction; Time for Medicare For All
75-Healthcare Isn't A Free Market, It's A Giant Economic Scam
76-Medicaid expansion means jobs, jobs, jobs -- and health care for the working poor (Joey Kennedy)
78-Single Payer Advocate Quentin Young: Passing Obamacare Worse than Doing Nothing
79-The ACA is the Wrong Direction, Time for Medicare for All
82-Time to prescribe single-payer health insurance: Amy Goodman
84-Are Deaths Due to Lack of Health Insurance Seriously Underestimated?
85-Bait and switch: How the “public option” was sold
86-Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries
87-Krugman, on ObamaCare, Gets the Wrong Worm
88-Medicare’s Rollout vs. Obamacare’s Glitches Brew
90-ObamaCare Enriches Only The Health Insurance Giants and Their Shareholders
91-Obamacare is Doomed by Its Internal Logic
92-Obamacare vs. Single Payer - Top 10 Things the ACA Gave Us vs. the Top Ten We Gave Up
93-ObamaCare, TINA, Medical Ethics, and the Health Care Economist
94-Obamacare: The Biggest Insurance Scam in History
95-Paul Krugman’s Shocking, Revisionist, and Obscurantist Views on Single Payer
96-Obama administration seeks to reduce cases of cancer in US…by changing the definition of cancer
97-Reply to critics of “Bait and switch: How the ‘public option’ was sold”
98-Report: Obama administration knew millions would be forced to change insurance
99-The Obamacare Disaster and the Poison of Party Loyalty
100-The White House Fable Factory
101-Throw out Obamacare? Yes, and give us a single-payer system.
102-Backroom Fix: How Eight Democrats Denied Health Plans to Hundreds of Thousands of Californians
103-Barack Obama: Hypocrisy on Health Care
104-Center for Public Integrity on the Medicare Advantage Money Grab
105-Do the Math: Obamacare Won't Change the Number of Uninsured
106-Dr Flowers Explains Obamacare Conscientious Objection
108-Hillary Clinton Likes Obamacare, And Opposes Single-Payer Health Insurance
109-Hillary Clinton, Pre-2016, Gingerly Addresses ObamaCare Debacle, Supports “Evidence-Based” Changes
110-Indonesia launches world's largest health insurance system
112-Medical Price Gouging and Waste Are Skyrocketing
113-More lies from Obama on Obamacare
114-More Problems With "Obamacare"
116-Obama Makes Surprise Reversal On Obamacare
117-Critics Call Obama Funding Plan For Health Insurer Losses A 'Bailout'
118-Obamacare Clusterfuck: Some premiums to double in 2014
120-Obamacare Continues to Unravel as Obama Kicks the Can for Capital–Again
121-ObamaCare Post-Victory Lap Cooldown
122-ObamaCare Roundup: Random Rates and Narrow Networks
123-Obamacare: The Final Payment–Raiding the Assets of Low-Income and Poor Americans
125-ObamaSwindleCare: The Final Payment
126-Romneycare and Obamacare Differ Only in Inconsequential Ways
127-Sick Inside Our Broken Health System with that Old Familiar Terror in My Gut
129-The U.S. Has The Most Expensive And Least Effective Health Care In The Developed World
130-U.S. health care system ranks lowest in international survey
131-US Health Care Costs Again Rising, Not Slowing
132-Was the ACA ‘politically feasible’?
133-What a Functional Health Care System Looks Like
135-8 facts (and graphs) that explain what’s wrong with American health care
136-Nearly 40% of Americans didn't seek health care due to high costs in 2013
137-Health Insurance CEO Compensation
138-Feds stop public disclosure of many serious hospital errors
139-Songs for the 99
141-NY Times Reporter Confirms Obama Made Deal to Kill Public Option
142-The Freedoms of a Single Payer Health Program
143-Sticker Shock: How Big Pharma Gouges the American Public
144-70% of new healthcare coverage has been due to Medicaid
145-Unions Can Lead the Struggle for Single-Payer Health Care
146-Universal Single Payer Health Care For All Newsletter147-8 facts that explain what’s wrong with American health care
148-As Medicaid Rolls Swell, Cuts in Payments to Doctors Threaten Access to Care
149-Growth of Physicians and Administrators 1970 - 2009
150-Vermont Governor Unilaterally Denies 'Single Payer' Health Care
151-Obamacare Counselor: "On the Surface, People Have Choices. But It's a Complete Farce"
154-A Diagnosis: Five Years In – How’s the Affordable Care Act Doing?
155-The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid – An Update
157-Income Inequality Is Costing the U.S. on Social Issues
158-Vermont Activists Battle Democratic Governor for Single-Payer Health Care
159-Why pregnant women in Mississippi keep dying
160-44% of Covered California customers report difficulty paying premiums
162-Bill Moyers Essay: Everyone Should Be Entitled to Medicare
163-Cost Comparison: Fossil Fuel Subsidies vs. Health Care
164-For-profit hospitals mark up prices by more than 1,000 percent because there's nothing to stop them
165-Free market ideology doesn't work for health care
166-Health care spending to accelerate, US report says
168-Health Insurance Industry Eats Competition
170-Healthcare Insurance Pigs Soaking Americans With Secret 20%-40% Rate Increases on Obamacare
171-Leaked: What’s in Obama’s trade deal - Is the White House going to bat for Big Pharma worldwide?
173-Subsidies Upheld, But Health Needs Still Unmet
174-The Post-Launch Problem: The Affordable Care Act’s Persistently High Administrative Costs
175-U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other Countries
176-Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: December 2015
177-‘I Am Drowning.’ The Voices of People With Medical Debt.
178-Even Insured Face Crushing Medical Debt
179-Harkin: We should have done single payer health reform
180-Critics say high deductibles make insurance ‘unaffordable’
181-Hillary Clinton Declares War on Single-Payer Health Care
182-Hillary Clinton: Single-payer health care will "never, ever" happen
183-How Corporations Killed Medicine
184-Income Inequality Is a Health Hazard – Even For The Rich
186-Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study
187-Medicare for all can be obtained
188-Obama Wasn't Forced To Take Single Payer Off the Table - He CHOSE to do so!
189-Media Attacking Single-Payer Are Getting Paid Under Current Health System
190-NYT Rounds Up ‘Left-Leaning Economists’ for a Unicorn Hunt
191-PBS Newshour Lies About Single-Payer Health Care
195-What the US — And Bernie Sanders — Can Learn From Canada's Single-Payer Health Care System
196-Utah man dies in police custody after being jailed for $2,400 unpaid medical bill
197-Affordability: The Most Urgent Health Reform Issue For Ordinary Americans
198-‘You want a description of hell?’ OxyContin’s 12-hour problem
199-‘We Need Fundamental Changes’: U.S. Doctors Call for Universal Healthcare
200-US Doctors Call for Universal Healthcare: "Abolish the Insurance Companies"
202-Destroying Medicare to Save ObamaCare: Hillary Clinton’s “Public Option” Plan
204-Florida kicks 9,000 chronically ill, disabled kids out of healthcare system
207-NPR and Harvard Say: Obamacare Is a Complete Failure
208-Obama’s Health Care Boasts
209-Obamacare: The Neoliberal Model Comes Home to Roost in the United States—If We Let It
210-Obamacare isn’t enough: Physicians explain why America needs single-payer universal health care
211-Obamacare Tax Increases Hit Millions This Month
212-Pope Declares Healthcare ‘Universal Right,’ Not VIP Privilege
213-Sex Education and Healthcare
214-The Urban Institute’s Attack On Single Payer: Ridiculous Assumptions Yield Ridiculous Estimates
215-They’re sicker, plus ACA enrollees cost more in care, major insurer finds
216-Pharma CEO: We’re in Business of Shareholder Profit, Not Helping the Sick
218-Sex Education and Abortion in the United States and elsewhere
219-Aetna Drops Obamacare In Most States
220-Aetna, Obamacare and health insurers’ 10 dirty secrets
221-America’s health care prices are out of control. These 11 charts prove it.
222-As Health Care Implodes, Health Care Companies Boom
223-California Obamacare rates to rise 13% in 2017, more than three times the increase of last two years
224-As medical costs overwhelm, more people turn to crowdfunding sites for help
226-Democrats, Including Bernie Sanders, Won’t Fight for Medicare for All
227-Departure of Health Insurers From Exchanges Demonstrates Need for Single Payer, Says Advocate
228-Diabetes Patients Are Losing Limbs And Sight Because They Can’t Afford Insulin
229-Even Insured Can Face Crushing Medical Debt, Study Finds
230-Fully Insured Woman Saddled With Thousands Of Dollars In Medical Debt
231-Harvard Study Finally Admits Drug Prices are High Because Govt Grants Big Pharma a Monopoly
232-Insurer Exits From Obamacare Turn Few Choices Into None
233-Is Obamacare really affordable? Not for the middle class
234-Jimmy Carter: We Could Have Had Health Care Reform in 1970s
235-American Healthcare: American Genocide
236-Don't Be Fooled By Profiteers Option
237-NPR and Harvard Say: Obamacare Is a Complete Failure
240-Obamacare Penalty For Not Having Healthcare To Double Alongside Premium Hikes
241-ObamaCare Rate Shocks Are Here, And They're Getting Worse
242-Private Insurance Companies Are Destroying Affordable Health Care
243-These Patients Are Covered by Obamacare But Can’t Afford Treatment
244-Studies Link Cancer Patients' Survival Time To Insurance Status
245-Taking a Wrench to Healthcare
246-The Obama Legacy Part 1: Profits for the Monopolies, Healthcare for Those Who Can Afford it
247-The Obamacare Death Spiral
248-The Pharma 13—Never Forget Who They Are
249-Time For the Real Left To Double Down on Single Payer Medicare For All
250-U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst and Most Expensive In Developed World
251-U.S. Healthcare is a Global Outlier, and Not in a Good Way
252-Unemployment kills: 1 in 5 suicides is associated with unemployment
253-Uninsured rate drops, but medical expenses still drag millions into poverty
254-US Doctors Call For Universal Healthcare: “Abolish the Insurance Companies”
255-Julia Williams on Healthcare and Economics
257-Medicare for All: A Prescription for What Ails Us
260-Response to Nation Article on Single Payer: Improved Medicare for All is the Solution 1
263-For-Profit Health Care Used To Be Illegal
264-The Real Reason The Elites Keep Killing Single-Payer
265-California Health Care Fight May Show Democratic Party Future In Trump Era
267-Big Pharma Firm Gets Slap on the Wrist for Medicaid Fraud
268-Broken, repetitive funding process endangers Americans’ health
270-Georgians facing huge health premium hikes in 2018
271-Insurance companies charge patients more in co-pays than medicines actually cost, study finds
272-US Life Expectancy Drops 2nd Year in a Row
273-Newsletter: Is Health Care A Commodity Or Right?
274-NIH Quietly Shelves Gun Research Program
275-U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World
276-The American Healthcare System Shows Why We Can’t Trust Free Market Ideologues
280-Trump Administration Is Aggressively Defunding Pregnancy Prevention Programs
281-Drugmakers Blamed for Blocking Generics Have Jacked Up Prices and Cost the US Billions
282-Kentucky Enflames The Republican War On Science To A New Level
283-The Astonishingly High Administrative Costs of U.S. Health Care - Hidden from view: The complexity of the system comes with costs that aren’t obvious but that we all pay.
285-Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers on Medicare-for-All
286-Single Payer Is Actually a Huge Bargain - It would save both dollars and lives compared to our current system.
287-Health-Care Companies Pour $46.7 Million Into Midterm Vote
288-A Nobel Prize-winning physicist sold his medal for $765,000 to pay medical bills - Only in America.
290-Trust for America's Health This organization is an ally of the New Progressive Alliance. "Trust for America’s Health promotes optimal health for every person and community and makes the prevention of illness and injury a national priority."
291-Health Insurance Coverage Eight Years After the ACA Fewer Uninsured Americans and Shorter Coverage Gaps, But More Underinsured
292-U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World
293-The Global Syndemic of Obesity, Undernutrition, and Climate Change: The Lancet Commission report
294-What Socialized Medicine Would Mean for Your Health
295-Woman says her son couldn't afford his insulin – now he's dead
296-'Easy to Pay for Something That Costs Less': New Study Shows Medicare for All Would Save US $5.1 Trillion Over Ten Years - "Medicare for All promises a system that is fairer, more efficient, and vastly less expensive than America's bloated, monopolized, over-priced and under-performing private health insurance system."
297-'Our System Kills People': 27-Year-Old Diabetic Man Latest to Die in US Amid Skyrocketing Cost of Insulin - "This is policy murder: Josh Wilkerson is dead because pharmaceutical companies sought to profit from his illness and federal regulators did nothing."
298-72 Percent of All Rural Hospital Closures Are in States That Rejected the Medicaid Expansion
299-Canadian Insulin
300-Both politicians and voters need to accept this uncomfortable truth about U.S. health care
301-California Offers A Lesson In Why ‘Medicare For All’ Would Be So Difficult - Hospitals won a big round in the fight over surprise billing legislation. And it’s just a hint of what they can do.
302-Family says 21-year-old son died rationing insulin - The price of insulin is costing some people who can't afford it their lives.
303-High-Deductible Health Policies Linked To Delayed Diagnosis And Treatment
304-Americans Are Putting Off Medical Treatments Because They Can't Pay - A new study looks at how people cope with unplanned health-care expenses.
305-How deregulation led to the opioid epidemic
306-Is Medicare for All ‘disruptive’? Not more than medical bankruptcy or death
307-Medicare for All Would Cut Poverty by Over 20 Percent
308-'Absolutely Disastrous': Progressives Furious as Fellow Democrats Push Funding Cut for Health Clinics That Serve 30 Million Americans - "If Democrats were serious about protecting every American's right to healthcare, this plan wouldn't even be on the table."
309-PhRMA Is Funding a Democratic Think Tank Trying to Derail Medicare for All
310-New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage - Uninsured, working-age Americans have 40 percent higher death risk than privately insured counterparts
311-Republicans' refusal to expand Medicaid had a cost: 15,000 deaths - Fourteen GOP-led states decided not to expand Medicaid access under Obamacare. So people died who didn't have to
312-Study: Almost half of new cancer patients lose their entire life savings
313-U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World
314-The cost of diabetes drugs is causing more Americans to skip their meds
315-U.S. Has The Worst Rate Of Maternal Deaths In The Developed World
316-WaPo Doesn’t Want Voters to Know Medicare for All Will Cut Their Health Costs
317-'I Felt Americans Needed to Know': Insurance Industry Whistleblower Gives Glimpse of Effort to Crush Medicare for All - "The business model of for-profit health insurance depends on denying care to people who need it. These corporations can't be reasoned with, only defeated."
319-‘There’s Never Been More Attention on the Ills of Profit-Motivated Pharmaceutical Production’
320-91% of Peer-Reviewed Papers Find Medicare for All Would Save Public Money, Cover Everyone An analysis of peer-reviewed scientific papers found overwhelming consensus in the conclusion that Medicare for All would indeed save the American taxpayer money.
321-Almost half of cancer patients in the US deplete entire life assets by second year of treatment
322-'If you’re poor, you’re dead': Video shows British are astonished at U.S. health care costs
323-Corporate Media Ignores How Privatization of US Hospitals Explains Lack of Beds, Ventilators - The politics of healthcare and Covid19 provide ample reasons for anger—toward corporate healthcare and the corporate media so oblivious to their exploitation.
324-Dad in Kansas Jailed Over Medical Debt from Son’s Leukemia Treatments and Wife’s Seizures
325-Democrats Are Handing Donald Trump The Keys To The Country
327-Florida’s refusal to expand Medicaid cost 2,800 deaths, report says
328-Harvard Study Shows Even Americans With Insurance Can't Afford Care "When so many people can't get the care they need even when they have insurance coverage, it says that insurance is not doing what it is supposed to do: ensure that healthcare is affordable when you need it."
329-I’m A Doctor. The U.S. Response To Coronavirus Has Been Nothing Short Of Criminal. “With every crucial delay, with every blunder and misstep, the toll is going to be measured in lives lost.”
330-If Americans understood how absurd our system is, we'd all be demanding universal healthcare
331-Iowa Medicaid's per-member cost increases nearly triple since privatization
332-Medicare for all would save $600 billion a year in administrative costs
333-Democrats Team Up With Trump to Maintain Disastrous Healthcare System
334-More than a third of U.S. healthcare costs go to bureaucracy
335-Our nativist freakout about China hides the real origin of the coronavirus. It’s political, global, and made in the USA. We’re facing something that's more difficult than a medical emergency. We’re facing a political fight against the most powerful corporations in the world.
336-New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage Uninsured, working-age Americans have 40 percent higher death risk than privately insured counterparts
337-Now Is The Time To Win National Improved Medicare For All
339-Study: Almost half of new cancer patients lose their entire life savings
340-U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World
341-Sweden Provides Free Higher Education, Universal Healthcare, Free Daycare — Why Can’t the U.S.?
342-Taxpayers Paid Millions To Design A Low-Cost Ventilator For A Pandemic
343-The World Health Organization declares war on the out of control price of insulin
344-This is America: Where People Go To Jail For Unpaid Medical Bills
345-How profit and incompetence delayed N95 masks while people died - Federal agencies have hired contractors with no experience to find respirators and masks
347-Trump Is Haggling Over Ventilator Prices While Coronavirus Patients Die
348-Trump Told Governors to Buy Own Virus Supplies, Then Outbid Them
349-Unsanitized: Covidien’s Story Is Corporate America’s Story
350-US experiencing most cases of gonorrhoea, chlamydia and syphilis in recorded history, new CDC report says - Sexually transmitted infections had been declining for decades starting in 1941
351-US health system costs four times more to run than Canada's single-payer system
352-USA ranked 27th in the world in education and healthcare — down from 6th in 1990 - America continues to tread water in healthcare and education while other countries have enacted reforms to great effect.
353-What strong economy? Health care costs are destroying American families Can we afford universal health care? A mounting burden of medical debt suggests we can't afford not to have it
354-Yale Study Says Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths a Year
356-Yale Study Says Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths a Year
357-The Political Branding of COVID-19: A Narrative Explained by President Trump’s Five Stages of Grief
358-22 studies agree: 'Medicare for All' saves money
359-Hmmm... Sounds familiar...
360-Prescription Drugs in US Are Quadruple What They Cost Elsewhere, Report Finds
361-A New Study Says Trump’s Health Care Policies Killed Tens of Thousands of Americans - The report outlines the devastating effects of Trump’s presidency on public health.
362-Big Pharma Firms Spent More Enriching Investors Than on R&D: Report
363-I'm An ICU Doctor And I Cannot Believe The Things Unvaccinated Patients Are Telling Me
364-Biden Hikes Medicare Prices And Funnels Profits to Private Insurers - The largest-ever Medicare premium increase will pad the pockets of insurance executives who donated millions to the president’s election campaign.
365-The Latest For-Profit "Advantage" Assault on Medicare Exposed
366-Sick and struggling to pay, 100 million people in the U.S. live with medical debt
367-When Private Equity Takes Over a Nursing Home - After an investment firm bought St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged, in Richmond, Virginia, the company reduced staff, removed amenities, and set the stage for a deadly outbreak of COVID-19.
368-Press coverage of declining U.S. life expectancy evades the truth about class
369-U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective, 2022: Accelerating Spending, Worsening Outcomes
370-The $20 Billion Scam At The Heart Of Medicare Advantage