Democrats are Not the Answer for the Environment

Updated 2024


While Trump and the republicans deserve no praise (see Beware the Trump Administration), that should not obscure the fact that the democrats have been disastrous for the environment. For the environment Biden has appointed Kerry to fight who said needed technology has not been invented yet (utter nonsense!), not changed massive fossil fuel subsidies at all, expanded fossil fuel drilling  far beyond what even Trump proposed, is unaware or dishonest in talking about electric vehicles, and regards global warming as just one of many minor considerations he has to make token gestures for. Democrats still eagerly look for excuses to fail.  See  The Democratic Party is the More Effective of Two Evils and Beware the Biden Administration.


Consider Obama's real record.

The democrats led a massive expansion of nuclear energy and opened up off shore drilling three times. Corn Ethanol and "clean coal" continue their renaissance. DeChristopher, a whistle blower for an illegal sale of public lands to the fossil fuel industry, has been prosecuted and sentenced to two years by the Obama DOJ while everyone else who planned and executed the illegal action got a pass. Also getting free passes were BP for the eleven who died at BP's Deepwater Horizon and Massey Coal after 29 coal miners died because hundreds of safety violations were overlooked. Despite some small renewable energy investments such as a solar light for a bus station in Georgia, most of our tax money still goes to fossil fuels rather than renewable energy. About 45% of the "environmental stimulus" went to tax breaks. This comes at a time when failure to adopt as other countries have already started to do - some for decades now - will have severe consequences.

The White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, -which Obama completely controlled - has weakened more than 80% of the rules proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency. This is worse than eight years of the Bush administration.(3)

Karl Moore points out,

Of all the environmental disaster we face, the biggest may be Obama's appointment of Ken Salazar as Secretary of the Interior. He voted against increased fuel efficiency standards for the U.S. automobile fleet - voted to end protection for offshore oil drilling off of Florida's coast - voted to allow the Army Corps of Engineers to ignore global warming impacts in their water development projects - voted against the repeal of tax breaks for Exxon-Mobil - voted to support subsidies to ranchers and other users of public forest and range lands - threatened to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service when its scientists determined the black-tailed prairie dog may be endangered - fought efforts to increase protection for endangered species and the environment in the Farm Bill, and is ending wolf protection in Wyoming.

Karl Moore also said,

When it comes to bioenergy, the stances of President Obama and Governor Romney are virtually the same. Both candidates have come together on an aggressively pro-biomass and biofuels platform that ignores the resulting increase in lung disease from particulate matter emissions, the contribution to runaway climate change, the watershed degradation, the forest destruction, and the disproportionate negative impacts on low income Americans and communities of color...This President's ABYSMAL record on environmental protections and consumer protections far exceeds that of ANY past President in my lifetime.

Even when the EPA proposed minor actions to limit blowing up mountains and other environmental disasters, they all become effective in the distant future when they can be cancelled. The Tar Sands pipeline and delay of smog regulations recommended by Obama's own EPA stand out. Ignoring his own EPA recommendations on smog will cost - again according to his own EPA - 7,200 deaths 11,000 emergency room visits and 38,000 acute cases of asthma each year. And yet Obama prosecutes environmental whistleblowers more than any other Presidential Administration in the history of our Republic. 

President Obama stopped the XL Pipeline only after it failed commercially. He waited until he was a lame duck president and the republicans controlled both houses before enacting mild environmental change which was immediately enveloped in litigation.

Coal and fracking companies do not deserve a continuing series of good deals at the expense of the American taxpayers. The New Progressive Alliance has written the Obama Bureau of Land Management in June 2012, May 2013, August 2013, June 2015, and August 2016 on this matter. In February 2017  under Trump now we wrote the BLM yet again on the same subject, this time on the Spring Creek Coal getting another taxpayer supported sweetheart day paid for by the American taxpayers. For a full text of all our Public Comments see here.

When we complained before on these and many other environmental problems Obama refused to address, some democrats asked if this was productive and repeated the mantra that republicans would be worse and we must not endanger electing democrats. This bury our head in the sand policy of abandoning the democratic base resulted in republican control of the presidency, both houses of congress, and most state legislatures. The New Progressive Alliance protested the Trump Presidency on the same issues we protested the Obama Presidency.

Hilary Clinton (and Kerry after her) outright and deeply lied while Secretary of State about the XL Pipeline not affecting the environment. Bill Clinton  backed the XL Pipeline. Hilary Clinton had many campaign contributors invest heavily in the pipeline. She also forced fracking upon the world. See Beware the Clintons

Again, no defense of Trump or republicans, but it will take far more than rhetoric to prevent disaster to future generations. Obama also postponed his already weak environmental actions until his last year when republicans had their greatest majority and his very modest actions could be repealed by executive order. Weather and physics - not excuses and negotiations - will determine what happens with climate change. As has been pointed out and repeatedly proved, nature bats last.

The reason we have so many continuously updated references covering decades is to show this is settled and has been obvious for quite awhile.

For articles like this covering different areas on the environment with over 2,500 references see


1-Obama Gave US Sovereignty to BP
2-Report Highlights Obama's Broken Environmental Promises
3-Did the White House double-cross its supporters on the smog rule?
4-Greens See Politics Trumping Science as EPA Delays Chemical Assessment
5-Greens: Obama campaign hire 'stinks'
6-BP gets OK to dump mercury into Lake Michigan
7-Obama Rejected EPA Smog Standards After Intense Lobbying
8-7,200 Deaths and Environmental Betrayal: A Small Price to Pay for Corporate Partnership
9-Report: White House Pressured Scientists to Underestimate BP Spill Size
10-Carcinogenic Dioxin Set Free: EPA Kneels to Monsanto and Big Agriculture
11-Report Highlights Obama's Broken Environmental Promises
12-Frackers Win With Obama’s New Greenhouse Gas Rule
13-Obama Knocks Romney for Saying True Things About Coal
14-EPA Lets Energy Firms Pollute America's Underground Water Supply
15-Big Oil's Billions in Tax Perks Survive Fiscal Cliff Deal
16-After a Powerful Lobbyist Intervenes, EPA Reverses Stance on Polluting Texas County’s Water
17-Environmentalists diss State Dept.'s Keystone pipeline review
18-State Department Keystone XL Study Done by Oil Industry-Connected Firm with Big Tobacco, Fracking Ties
19-Obama Sells Government to Monsanto: Monsanto to Get "Blanket Immunity"
20-Obama's Energy Pick Has Deep Ties to Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Energy
21-Breaking: Obama EPA Shut Down Weatherford, TX Shale Gas Water Contamination Study
22-WHITE HOUSE APPROVES RADICAL RADIATION CLEANUP ROLLBACK - Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket Following Radiological Incidents
23-Obama Approves Raising Permissible Levels of Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water. Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket
24-Former EPA Climate Adviser Rips Obama Over Environmental Regulations - Lisa Heinzerling says the White House has blocked the agency from implementing tough rules.
25-Court ruling: Obama administration overlooked fracking risks
26-Obama Approves Raising Permissible Levels of Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water. Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket
27-Energy secretary: Obama committed to role for coal - Energy secretary: Obama serious about coal having a role in 'all of the above' strategy for US
28-EPA sued for scrapping livestock data collection - Environmental, animal rights groups sue EPA for dropping plan to gather livestock farm data
29-EPA outcry massively increase allowable herbicide levels in food, despite public

30-Obama Leaves Monsanto in Charge of Ending Hunger in Africa
31-EPA abandons investigation into fracking pollution
32-EPA Pushes Back Fracking Impact Study to 2016
33-EPA’s Abandoned Wyoming Fracking Study One Retreat of Many
34-Cutting Corners, Cutting Costs, Creating Cancer: For Future Reactor Meltdowns, EPA Means “Extra Pollution Allowed”
35-Obama Administration Proposal Weakens Endangered Species Protections - Rule Would Relax Requirements on Federal Agencies to Carefully Account for and Track Impacts on Nation's Most Imperiled Species
36-INVESTIGATION: The Flip Side Of Obama’s Keystone XL Delay
Even as President Obama cast a veneer of caution over the Keystone pipeline’s northern half, he quietly expedited dozens of similar projects
37-EPA halted 'fracking' case after gas company protested

38-Just Like Bush: US Under Obama, Thumbs Its Nose at the World on Climate Change

39-EPA approves 'Agent Orange' pesticide

40-The secret, dirty cost of Obama's green power push - AP Investigation: Obama's green energy drive comes with an unadvertised environmental cost

41-Report chastises U.S. EPA for retreat on Range pollution charges

42-Obama Approves Raising Permissible Levels of Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water. Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket - Rollback in Nuclear Radiation Cleanup

43-Days Before Obama Announced CO2 Rule, Exxon Awarded Gulf of Mexico Oil Leases

44-Faced w/ Global Warming Threat, Obama fudges EPA Carbon Reduction

45-BP Wins Big In Offshore Oil Drilling Lease Auction

46-New Offshore Oil Plan Could Be 'Game Over' for Climate

47-Obama Administration Secretly Weakening EPA Rules

48-Meeting Logs: Obama White House Quietly Coddling Big Oil on “Bomb Trains” Regulations

49-Green Journos Seeing Red Over EPA’s Climate Rule Roll-Out

50-Top Scientists Urge Obama Administration to Use Accurate Estimates of Methane's Dangerous Climate Effects: Letter Urges Aggressive Methane Reductions From Oil and Gas Industry

51-Oil Is Back! A Global Warming President Presides over a Drill-Baby-Drill America

52-Cashing In On Carbon: How Taxpayer Dollars Greenwash Dirty Energy

53-Green Journos Seeing Red Over EPA’s Climate Rule Roll-Out

54-How Hillary Clinton’s State Department sold fracking to the world

55-Feds To Resume Oil And Gas Leases Despite Fracking Report That Raised "Grave Concerns"

56-State Department Approves Illegal Scheme for Doubling Tar Sands Flowing through the Great Lakes

57-Environmentalists Say EPA Failed to Defuse ‘Ticking Time Bombs’

58-Obama Just Blew A Chance to Crack Down on Coal - The disposal of cancer-causing coal ash will be lightly regulated, the EPA decided.

59-Here are the Senate Democrats who voted to move forward on building the Keystone pipeline

60-New Obama State Dept Top Energy Diplomat Amos Hochstein A Former Marathon Oil Lobbyist

61-Pity the Planet: Environmental Agencies Are Failing Us

62-Obama Signals Keystone XL "No" on Colbert Report As Enbridge "KXL Clone" He Permitted Opens

63-The Environmental Threat of Atlantic Drilling Is Too Great

64-Obama Plans to Allow Drilling on America’s East Coast

65-Keystone XL, Cold War 2.0, and the GOP Vision for 2016 - How Energy Coordination on One Continent Could Bring the Planet to its Knees

66-Why Is the 'Climate President' Approving More Oil Drilling?

67-Obama’s Bipolar Approach To Energy And Climate Change

68-With Friends Like the Obama Administration, Endangered Species Don't Need Enemies

69-A Paler Shade of Green: Obama and the Environment

70-EPA Says It ‘Did Its Job’ Despite Not Telling Flint Its Water Was Contaminated

71-‘Somebody Intervened in Washington’ - How oil industry lobbyists played the long game — wearing down an overmatched federal bureaucracy to gain access to a fuel-rich corner of the Alaskan wilderness.

72-Obama Backs Oil Industry’s Push to Drill Offshore Near U.S. East Coast

73-If Obama is a Climate Leader, Why Is US Oil Industry Booming? - Thanks in part to fracking, domestic fossil fuel production is soaring

74-Meet the Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Raising Money for Hillary Clinton - Many of Clinton's bundlers are linked to Big Oil, natural gas, and the Keystone pipeline.

75-Obama proposing clean-water cuts amid Flint outcry

76-Green Groups to Obama: Take Oceans Out of Offshore Drilling 'Crosshairs' - Coalition to deliver two million petitions as White House gears up for review of oil lease sales

77-During Paris Climate Summit, Obama Signed Exxon-, Koch-Backed Bill Expediting Pipeline Permits

78-EPA stayed silent on Flint’s tainted water

79-Flint Is Still a Disaster, But Obama Just Proposed a Giant Cut to Water Funding - One environmental activist called the budget proposal "robbing Peter to pay Paul."

80-Water crises like Flint's will continue until the EPA is held accountable - The Environmental Protection Agency is the ultimate line of defense against water contamination. Yet the Michigan crisis isn’t the first one this decade

81-Press Release: Obama’s Interior Department Pushes Oil Shale Plan Threatening Massive Climate Pollution, Water Use

82-The Obama administration is about to kneecap its own efforts to reform coal leasing

83-This Is How Corruption Works: A Hillary Clinton Example

84-A Day Late and a Dollar Short: Mr. Obama Goes to Flint

85-Democrats cover up role of Obama administration in Flint water crisis

86-EPA memo: Flint not worth going 'out on a limb for'

87-Petition to Fire Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy for Gross Negligence in the Flint Water Crisis

88-As Dakota Access Protests Escalated, Obama Admin OK’d Same Company for Two Pipelines to Mexico

89-Decades of EPA deception and Senatorial corruption

90-Beware Environmental Organizations, Unions, and Social Justice Movements Sheepdogging for Democrats and Corporations

91-Feds Find Offshore Fracking in the Pacific Would Have No 'Significant' Environmental Impact

92-For Obama and Clinton, Climate Change Is Just a Marketing Strategy - Talk big about the environment, collect big donations from oil and gas industry, win the presidency

93-Hijacking the Environmental MovementJust Say No to 350

94-Hillary Clinton Showed Support, Associates Profited from Ex-Im Bank Financing World’s Largest Coal Plants in South Africa

95-EPA Plans to Allow Unlimited Dumping of Fracking Wastewater in the Gulf of Mexico

96-Obama Admin Approved Over 1,500 Offshore Fracking Permits in Gulf of Mexico and Mainstream Media Has Ignored It

97-Top EPA official: 'D---heads' in White House resisted regulating fracking

98-Obama Admin Quietly Enables Oil and Gas Drilling on Public Lands and Waters, Weakens Endangered Species Act

99-Obama Administration OKs Offshore Fracking in California - Lawsuit Likely as Regulators Ignore Risks, Lift Fracking Moratorium in Federal Waters

100-Obama Allows More Oil Drilling and Fracking Than any President and Then Preaches About Climate Change?!

101-Obama Energy Czar: Actually, Fracking Is Pretty Good For The Environment

102-Clinton Foundation Receiving Millions From Proponents of Keystone XL - Green groups say revelation raises questions about industry influence over likely 2016 presidential candidate

103-Wikileak: Clinton Told Oil Majors Environmentalism Is Russian Hoax

104-President Obama Spent ‘Unprecedented’ Billions on Fossil Fuel Projects Around the World

105-President Obama's Lethal Climate Legacy

106-Top Democrats Ally With Oil and Gas Industry to Fight Colorado Anti-Fracking Ballot Measures

107-Betraying Water Protectors, Obama Set to Approve Dakota Access Pipeline

108-Federal Judge Orders Water Delivery to Flint Residents

109-Trump Is Anti-Environment, But So Was Obama - While the incoming Trump administration shows a callous disregard for the environment, liberals have conveniently forgotten that some of the most disastrous environmental and public health crises in U.S. history have occurred on President Obama's watch.

110-EPA's late changes to fracking study downplay risk of drinking water pollution

111-Obama’s Hidden Role in Worsening Climate Change

112-Climate Judases: Three ways Democrats betray humanity - The Democratic Party remains as perversely bad on climate action itself as on the non-climate issues required to foster it.

113-Obama’s Hidden Role In Worsening Climate Change

114-Dems damp down hopes for climate change agenda

115-Climate Crisis Made Worse By Presidential Mis-Leadership Throughout This Century

116-Democratic Leaders Failed Their First Big Test on Climate - Kicking the can down the road appears to be a bipartisan sport in Washington

117-The Democrats Are Climate Deniers   If the Democrats really believed the science on climate change, they'd be offering far more radical proposals.

year. An investigation shows how it could be making workers sick and contaminating communities across America

118-Greenpeace Says Biden Tax Plan for Fossil Fuel Subsidies 'Simply Not Good Enough' "Not a dime of our tax dollars should go towards corporations that poison our communities and wreck our climate."

119-The Liberals Have Mastered The Art of Changeless Change

120-The secret playbook behind Justin Trudeau’s success  (YouTube)

121-They Knew: How the U.S. Government Helped Cause the Climate Crisis - James Gustave Speth has been calling for action on climate since serving in the White House in the 1970s. In an e360 interview, he talks about his new book, which chronicles how U.S. administrations repeatedly failed to act in response to scientists’ increasingly dire warnings.

122-Biden Approves More Oil and Gas Drilling on Public lands than Trump

123-Revealed: Biden administration was not legally bound to auction gulf drilling rights - Justice department admits a previous ruling did not force the detonation of what environmentalists call ‘huge carbon bomb’

124-US urges domestic oil producers to raise output














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