Daniel Ferra commented on 2020 Green Party Plans
2019-04-01 13:57:19 -0700
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How Long Will It Take Greenlands 20 Feet of Sea Level to Collapses ?
How Long Before Antarcticas 200 Feet of Sea Level Rise Collapses ? No Ice or Snow in the Arctic Sea ? A Blue Arctic
How Far away are we from a Blue Arctic ? How soon could 3°C warming be reached ?
“The ‘Extreme Alert’ image below looks at data over the past decade, and a fifth-order polynomial trend (red) shows how warming could cross 3°C as early as next year.” Sam Carana
For Every 1C. Temp Rise
There is 7% more moisture Added To the Atmosphere Creating Record Rains Each Year
We Have Increased Temp to 1.8C since the 1700s,
Do You Dare Imagine the Future ?
Already at 10% more moisture it has Doubled Record Rain Fall, We are Accelerating to 3C. in Months by 2020 ?
What will Record 21% more Moisture in the Atmosphere be in Record Rain ? in 2020 ? 4 – 10 feet of Record Rain Locked in to Global Weather
Florence – Global Warming Abrupt Climate Change sea Level Rising over 220 Feet Way Faster Than They Say Way Faster Than You Think
Sandy, Katrina, Irma, Maria, an Harvey had 19% to 49% more Record Rain, Record Winds, Record Sea Surges,
Our New Normal Since 2000 Record Rain has been 29 percent – 60 percent Increase in Rain
Record Rain, Record Snow,
Record Highs Record Lows
Record Winds, Record Waves,
Record Fires, Record Floods,
Record Volcanic Eruptions
Record Hurricanes, Record Tsunamis,
Record Typhoons, Record Earthquakes, Record Mud-Slides, an Record Sea Surges.
Glaciation kept the Mantle Cooler, Mantle is Heating up, The Accelerated Melt is Going to Be Horrendous, Horrific, and Tsunamic 1,500 feet, Way Faster Than they are Saying, Way Faster Than You Think
“Every 100-ppm CO2 increase in the atmosphere gives us 100 feet of sea level rise,” he told me. “This happened when we went in and out of the Ice Age.”
As I knew, since the industrial revolution began, atmospheric CO2 has already increased from 280 to 410 ppm.
“That’s 130 ppm in just the last 200 years,” I pointed out to him.
“That’s 130 feet of sea level rise that’s already baked into Earth’s climate system.”
He looked at me and nodded grimly. I couldn’t help thinking of that as a nod goodbye to coastal cities from Miami to Shanghai." Dahr Jamail
20 Feet of Sea Level Rise in Greenland
200 Feet of Sea Level Rise in Antarctica
Both are Melting an Calving Now and in a 24 hour Period a 24 mile long 14 mile deep Ice Sheet Collapsed off of Thawittes Glacier in Antarctica March 2019
An ideal Carbon Atmosphere, would be at 300 parts per million Not Pro Nuke 350.Org Bill McKibbens numbers
1700s to 1800s ppm Carbon 260ppm – 280ppm
1980s ppm carbon 350
2015s ppm of Carbon 405
2017 ppm of Carbon 409.35 and Rising
“I will show you the rise in CO2 levels every 5 years from 1958 to Dec. 2017. I will also show the CO2 difference beside it from the previous reading. Each reading is taken in the March of the respective year.
Year…………………….CO2 Levels……………Growth
“The last entry is early since it is March 2018.
This shows the ever increasing growth of CO2 levels in our atmosphere.
Some 2017 figures have shown 410ppm over the year, giving an increase of nearly 1ppm per month."
Can society even exist in it’s current form at 600ppm CO2 concentration ?
I know the planet has been at that level before, but it took tens of thousands of years to get there and back again, not 250 years.
Add in the CH4 levels, and you have an equivalence of ~580ppm already." Mark Bevis
Carbon + Methane + Water Vapor = Global Warming Abrupt Climate Changing Sea Level Rising Refugees, Globally Over 220 Foot Sea Level Rise
We are already Locked in to 10C. Temp Rise Even If We Stopped Emitting Now
Methane has a 10 year lag time an Carbon has 30 – 50 Year Lag time in Reaching its Full Molecule Potential in Holding Heat Mass
Methane has 130 Times More Heat Mass in the Molecule in First Ten years
Then 86 Times More Heat Mass per Molecule over 20 years
Then 34 Times More Heat Mass per Molecule over next 80 Years Than Carbon
Four Geological Formations Spewing and Venting Methane Now In The Arctic and one Venting Along The Washington Oregon Coast
Perma Frost Melting
Methane Hydrates
Pingoes – Started in 2005 Finger Size Blow Holes, Now 300 Foot Wide Methane Blow Holes Increasing in Number and Size, in Siberia, Canada, an the Euro-Asian Plate Pingoes and Under Water Pingoes
“Pingos preceded blow-outs
Researchers have now examined satellite images of northern Siberian from a few years back and looked at the area where the explosions occurred. They found that the year before the huge crater appeared, there were large pingos in the same place.
Pingos are found in the arctic and are usually raised hills, like a giant pimple, with a core of ice.
In this case, however, the pingos must have been filled with gas in the form of ice, bound up with water in gas hydrates and permafrost.
Russian scientists have now mapped 7,000 gas-filled pingos that are poking through the thawing permafrost, visible in satellite images that illustrate how the pingos form and grow, published in The Siberian Times." Siw Ellen Jakobsen
Mantle Methane From Isostatic Rebounding
Isostatic Reboundings of Greenlands North American Plate
Isostatic Rebounding of Greenlands Tectonic Plate, affecting (Gakkels Rift), causing Earthquakes in the Arctic, as well as Venting Mantle Methane
Arctic News Sept. 15 2013
“ As more ice melts away on Greenland and more water runs off in the Ocean and Sea, There is less weight on Greenlands Crust, the Crust Bouncing back from the lighter weight.
The Crust bouncing back during Large Melts an effect called Isostatic Rebounding.
This Rebounding can not Only Trigger Earthquakes and Landslides, it can also Suck Up the Magma from the Mantle.
It Also Sucks Up Magma From The Mantle.
It also Sucks Up Mantle Methane !
Triggering Volcanic Eruptions and Venting Mantle Methane". Sam Carana
What We Have Now, Is a Broken Up and New Jet Stream, Centered From Greenlands 20 feet of Sea Level Rise of Ice and Snow
Moving Over 17 degrees from the Center of the Arctic. To Greenland, an Is Now Being
Pierced, and Lobed
Because of Mantle Methane, Methane Hydrates, Pingoes, Perma Frost, Fracking, all emitting Methane NOW ! and are Polluting an Emitting over 40 – 50 Billion Toxic Tons of Carbon each year Globally.
All this Hot Gas has Melted the Arctic and Will Bring a Blue Arctic in 2019 an It Has Pierced the Jet Stream in to Lobes, Moving it Over 17 degrees from The Center of The Arctic.
The Hot Gas Fueled with the Insane Arctic, Greenland, and Antarctic Ice Melts.
Has Roared its Global Warming Frontal Lobes with Record Setting Temperatures and Record Setting Snow, and Record Setting Rain.
These Methane, and Carbon Molecules Have Roared Their Increased Water Vapor and Global Warming Gases, That will Set Record Heat, Record Snow, Until Greenland is 1/2 melted.
Then Just Record Rain, and Record Heat Year After Fossil Fuel Nuclear Radiated Year.
Campaign to Allow Californian Residents to Sell Electricity Obtained by Renewable Energy for a Fair Market Price.
We Need a National Feed in Tariff
Will you read, sign, and share this petition?
Methane Burp Or Pingoe Popping Pimple
and at some point, like Natalia Shakhov, Guy Mcpherson, and Kevin Hester point out, we are going to experience a Methane blow out in the Arctic, from Mantle Methane, Perma-Frost, Methane Hydrates, Pingoes.
The Methane has been telling us, it is going to blow since 2005 by Maria Shakhov, what was a finger size blow whole in 2005 is now a 200-300 ft. wide blow hole called Pingoes 2015
And their increasing in number and size in Siberia, North American Plate, and on the Euro-Asian Plate
444 Nuclear Reactors
450 Nuclear Fuel Rod Facilities an over 1,300 Fuel Rod Pools
Over 250,000 Toxic Tons Of Radiated Nuclear Waste
Over 14,000 Nuclear Weapons
There Is So Much Uranium In The Oceans They Will Be Mining It Soon
Will The Crust Vaporize In To The Mantle ?
When We Are Fukushimatized ?
How Long Before Antarcticas 200 Feet of Sea Level Rise Collapses ? No Ice or Snow in the Arctic Sea ? A Blue Arctic
How Far away are we from a Blue Arctic ? How soon could 3°C warming be reached ?
“The ‘Extreme Alert’ image below looks at data over the past decade, and a fifth-order polynomial trend (red) shows how warming could cross 3°C as early as next year.” Sam Carana
For Every 1C. Temp Rise
There is 7% more moisture Added To the Atmosphere Creating Record Rains Each Year
We Have Increased Temp to 1.8C since the 1700s,
Do You Dare Imagine the Future ?
Already at 10% more moisture it has Doubled Record Rain Fall, We are Accelerating to 3C. in Months by 2020 ?
What will Record 21% more Moisture in the Atmosphere be in Record Rain ? in 2020 ? 4 – 10 feet of Record Rain Locked in to Global Weather
Florence – Global Warming Abrupt Climate Change sea Level Rising over 220 Feet Way Faster Than They Say Way Faster Than You Think
Sandy, Katrina, Irma, Maria, an Harvey had 19% to 49% more Record Rain, Record Winds, Record Sea Surges,
Our New Normal Since 2000 Record Rain has been 29 percent – 60 percent Increase in Rain
Record Rain, Record Snow,
Record Highs Record Lows
Record Winds, Record Waves,
Record Fires, Record Floods,
Record Volcanic Eruptions
Record Hurricanes, Record Tsunamis,
Record Typhoons, Record Earthquakes, Record Mud-Slides, an Record Sea Surges.
Glaciation kept the Mantle Cooler, Mantle is Heating up, The Accelerated Melt is Going to Be Horrendous, Horrific, and Tsunamic 1,500 feet, Way Faster Than they are Saying, Way Faster Than You Think
“Every 100-ppm CO2 increase in the atmosphere gives us 100 feet of sea level rise,” he told me. “This happened when we went in and out of the Ice Age.”
As I knew, since the industrial revolution began, atmospheric CO2 has already increased from 280 to 410 ppm.
“That’s 130 ppm in just the last 200 years,” I pointed out to him.
“That’s 130 feet of sea level rise that’s already baked into Earth’s climate system.”
He looked at me and nodded grimly. I couldn’t help thinking of that as a nod goodbye to coastal cities from Miami to Shanghai." Dahr Jamail
20 Feet of Sea Level Rise in Greenland
200 Feet of Sea Level Rise in Antarctica
Both are Melting an Calving Now and in a 24 hour Period a 24 mile long 14 mile deep Ice Sheet Collapsed off of Thawittes Glacier in Antarctica March 2019
An ideal Carbon Atmosphere, would be at 300 parts per million Not Pro Nuke 350.Org Bill McKibbens numbers
1700s to 1800s ppm Carbon 260ppm – 280ppm
1980s ppm carbon 350
2015s ppm of Carbon 405
2017 ppm of Carbon 409.35 and Rising
“I will show you the rise in CO2 levels every 5 years from 1958 to Dec. 2017. I will also show the CO2 difference beside it from the previous reading. Each reading is taken in the March of the respective year.
Year…………………….CO2 Levels……………Growth
“The last entry is early since it is March 2018.
This shows the ever increasing growth of CO2 levels in our atmosphere.
Some 2017 figures have shown 410ppm over the year, giving an increase of nearly 1ppm per month."
Can society even exist in it’s current form at 600ppm CO2 concentration ?
I know the planet has been at that level before, but it took tens of thousands of years to get there and back again, not 250 years.
Add in the CH4 levels, and you have an equivalence of ~580ppm already." Mark Bevis
Carbon + Methane + Water Vapor = Global Warming Abrupt Climate Changing Sea Level Rising Refugees, Globally Over 220 Foot Sea Level Rise
We are already Locked in to 10C. Temp Rise Even If We Stopped Emitting Now
Methane has a 10 year lag time an Carbon has 30 – 50 Year Lag time in Reaching its Full Molecule Potential in Holding Heat Mass
Methane has 130 Times More Heat Mass in the Molecule in First Ten years
Then 86 Times More Heat Mass per Molecule over 20 years
Then 34 Times More Heat Mass per Molecule over next 80 Years Than Carbon
Four Geological Formations Spewing and Venting Methane Now In The Arctic and one Venting Along The Washington Oregon Coast
Perma Frost Melting
Methane Hydrates
Pingoes – Started in 2005 Finger Size Blow Holes, Now 300 Foot Wide Methane Blow Holes Increasing in Number and Size, in Siberia, Canada, an the Euro-Asian Plate Pingoes and Under Water Pingoes
“Pingos preceded blow-outs
Researchers have now examined satellite images of northern Siberian from a few years back and looked at the area where the explosions occurred. They found that the year before the huge crater appeared, there were large pingos in the same place.
Pingos are found in the arctic and are usually raised hills, like a giant pimple, with a core of ice.
In this case, however, the pingos must have been filled with gas in the form of ice, bound up with water in gas hydrates and permafrost.
Russian scientists have now mapped 7,000 gas-filled pingos that are poking through the thawing permafrost, visible in satellite images that illustrate how the pingos form and grow, published in The Siberian Times." Siw Ellen Jakobsen
Mantle Methane From Isostatic Rebounding
Isostatic Reboundings of Greenlands North American Plate
Isostatic Rebounding of Greenlands Tectonic Plate, affecting (Gakkels Rift), causing Earthquakes in the Arctic, as well as Venting Mantle Methane
Arctic News Sept. 15 2013
“ As more ice melts away on Greenland and more water runs off in the Ocean and Sea, There is less weight on Greenlands Crust, the Crust Bouncing back from the lighter weight.
The Crust bouncing back during Large Melts an effect called Isostatic Rebounding.
This Rebounding can not Only Trigger Earthquakes and Landslides, it can also Suck Up the Magma from the Mantle.
It Also Sucks Up Magma From The Mantle.
It also Sucks Up Mantle Methane !
Triggering Volcanic Eruptions and Venting Mantle Methane". Sam Carana
What We Have Now, Is a Broken Up and New Jet Stream, Centered From Greenlands 20 feet of Sea Level Rise of Ice and Snow
Moving Over 17 degrees from the Center of the Arctic. To Greenland, an Is Now Being
Pierced, and Lobed
Because of Mantle Methane, Methane Hydrates, Pingoes, Perma Frost, Fracking, all emitting Methane NOW ! and are Polluting an Emitting over 40 – 50 Billion Toxic Tons of Carbon each year Globally.
All this Hot Gas has Melted the Arctic and Will Bring a Blue Arctic in 2019 an It Has Pierced the Jet Stream in to Lobes, Moving it Over 17 degrees from The Center of The Arctic.
The Hot Gas Fueled with the Insane Arctic, Greenland, and Antarctic Ice Melts.
Has Roared its Global Warming Frontal Lobes with Record Setting Temperatures and Record Setting Snow, and Record Setting Rain.
These Methane, and Carbon Molecules Have Roared Their Increased Water Vapor and Global Warming Gases, That will Set Record Heat, Record Snow, Until Greenland is 1/2 melted.
Then Just Record Rain, and Record Heat Year After Fossil Fuel Nuclear Radiated Year.
Campaign to Allow Californian Residents to Sell Electricity Obtained by Renewable Energy for a Fair Market Price.
We Need a National Feed in Tariff
Will you read, sign, and share this petition?
Methane Burp Or Pingoe Popping Pimple
and at some point, like Natalia Shakhov, Guy Mcpherson, and Kevin Hester point out, we are going to experience a Methane blow out in the Arctic, from Mantle Methane, Perma-Frost, Methane Hydrates, Pingoes.
The Methane has been telling us, it is going to blow since 2005 by Maria Shakhov, what was a finger size blow whole in 2005 is now a 200-300 ft. wide blow hole called Pingoes 2015
And their increasing in number and size in Siberia, North American Plate, and on the Euro-Asian Plate
444 Nuclear Reactors
450 Nuclear Fuel Rod Facilities an over 1,300 Fuel Rod Pools
Over 250,000 Toxic Tons Of Radiated Nuclear Waste
Over 14,000 Nuclear Weapons
There Is So Much Uranium In The Oceans They Will Be Mining It Soon
Will The Crust Vaporize In To The Mantle ?
When We Are Fukushimatized ?