Civil Rights

Updated 2024

We do not become a safer or stronger nation through civil rights violations. We all should be concerned about the ever increasing number of rights we are losing that this article documents.

The idea of civil rights is that some rights are better off residing in the individual than the state. It is based on the history of governments  abusing their power. Two examples of documents which do this are the U.S. Constitution and the United Nation Universal Declaration of Human Rights 

In our history there have been times when civil rights have been suspended, such as the Civil War and World War II, but they have always been during the War only and some sort of due process remained. What we have now is a situation worse by both the length - well over ten years - and extent of deprivation of constitutional rights. Permanent wars mean an excuse to permanently suspend civil rights. As Hunter S. Thompson predicted on  9/12/2001: “The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for peace in our time, in the U.S. or any other country. Make no mistake about it: we are at War now- with somebody - and we will stay at war with that strange and mysterious enemy for the rest of our lives.” (See also Continuous Wars)

The reason I have so many references is to show this is a steadily increasing trend that I continuously update. It is not a vanishing blip on the radar. Failure to deal with this trend will have disastrous consequences for the future.

United States Torture?

The question of torture by the United States  goes to our very soul as a country. Wikipedia says, "Extraordinary rendition and irregular rendition describe the abduction and extrajudicial transfer of a person from one nation to another. "Torture by proxy" is used by some critics to describe situations in which the United States has transferred suspected terrorists to countries known to practice torture."  Of course it has been shown that torture does not work, but more importantly it should be obvious to everybody that this is wrong regardless if done by a republican or democrat.  See references 8, 14, 38, 68, 69, 82, 85, 87, 88, 98, 99, 103, 131, 155, 156, 169, 172, 181, 195, 196, 258, 265, 337, 376, 390, 395, 398, 399, 402, 405, 406, 438, 439, 441, 458-462,482, 484, 485, 486, 488, 495, 506, 543-550, 601-603, 618, 619, 623, 654, 655.

If it is wrong for republicans, it is still wrong for democrats. The solution is simple. Go back to the constitutional guarantees we had prior to 2001.  Torture and deprivation of due process is wrong under both democrats and republicans. Real change will come only when we start to think outside the two party system.

Help make your progressive case by using this documentation which is continuously updated.


Unfortunately a problem with documentation is the press either hides behind pay sites or lets active references lapse in which case we delete the references.

1-25 deleted
26-You Can Crush the Flowers, But You Can’t Stop the Spring
27-Thought Crime in Washington
30-Obama and the Rule of Law
31-Obama Crowned Himself on New Year’s Eve
34-ACLU Sues Obama Administration over Assassination Secrecy
35-38 deleted
36-The White House’s Dangerous Dance With the Birth Control Mandate
37-George Will Stands Up for Justice in the Don Siegelman Case
38-URGENT Immediate Action Needed! Help Prevent Obama’s Goons from Further Torturing US Rights Observers in Bahrain
39-Obama Administration Asks Supreme Court to Dismiss ACLU Challenge to Warrantless Wiretapping Law
41-45 deleted
46-Weaponizing the Body Politic
47-54 deleted
55-New Obama Executive Order Seizes U.S. Infrastructure and Citizens for Military Preparedness
56-A New Age of Enemies
57-64 deleted
65-Legal Atrocities
66-Creating a Prison-Corporate Complex
67-70 deleted
71-Jailed for $280: The Return of Debtors' Prisons
74-On Memorial Day Weekend, America Reckons with Torture
75-Obama’s War: Criminalize the Left
76-78 deleted
79-The Great Charter, Its Fate, and Ours
82-Impunity at Home, Rendition Abroad: How Two Administrations and Both Parties Made Illegality the American Way of Life
83-John Cusack & Jonathan Turley on Obama’s Constitution
86-In Memory of Joshua Casteel
87-Holder: We Won't Prosecute Harsh Interrogations
88-The Persecution of John Kiriakou: Torture and the Myth of Never Again
89-NDAA Case: Indefinite Detention Injunction Does Irreparable Harm, Obama Admin. Lawyers Argue
91-Unlike Afghan Leaders, Obama Fights for Power of Indefinite Military Detention
93-New Justice Department Documents Show Huge Increase in Warrantless Electronic Surveillance
95-Obama on Wrong Side in Shell Oil Human Rights Case
97-Nonviolent Protester of Drone Wars Sentenced to Federal Prison
99-Eric Holder Rewards the Teams that Gave Torturers and Mortgage Fraudsters Immunity
101-104 deleted
105-Obama’s Gitmo Betrayal
106-Institutionalized State Assassinations and the November 6 Election
108-Obama Fights for Indefinite Detention
109-111 deleted
112-Obama Won't Fight For Gay Marriage His Second Term
114-Top CIA Official: Obama Changed Virtually None of Bush’s Controversial Programs
115-117 deleted
118-Defense Bill Nixes Ban on Indefinite Detention for US Citizens
120-Email and Internet Spying on Americans: Congress Extends Police State FISA Law
121-Revealed: How the FBI Coordinated the Crackdown on Occupy
123-GOP and Feinstein Join to Fulfill Obama's Demand for Renewed Warrantless Eavesdropping
124-Martial Law by Executive Order
125-127 deleted
128-NDAA Signed Into Law By Obama Despite Guantanamo Veto Threat, Indefinite Detention Provisions
130-Prison Math
131-Renditions Continue under Obama, despite Due Process Concerns
133-The Top 10 Most Startling Facts About People of Color and Criminal Justice in the United States: A Look at the Racial Disparities Inherent in Our Nation’s Criminal-Justice System
134-Three Ways Obama Carried Bush’s Tyrannical Torch, in Just One Week
135-US Support for Dictatorship in Iraq Sowing Future Chaos
136-When Power is Unaccountable: Why the NDAA is Unconstitutional
137-20 Extraordinary Facts about CIA Extraordinary Rendition and Secret Detention
139-Comparing Obama and Bush’s Records on Wartime Civil Liberties
140-142 deleted
143-2 Years in Jail for Sitting on a Milk Crate? The Shocking Ways America Punishes Poor People Living on the Street (Hard Times, USA)
145-GOP and Feinstein join to fulfill Obama's demand for renewed warrantless eavesdropping
146-147 deleted
148-Why Targeted Assassinations Violate US and International Law
149-Hedges v. Obama: Did the Bill of Rights die today?
150-Obama Waives Child Soldier Ban in Yemen and Congo
152-John Yoo and the Obama White Paper and Killing Americans in America and Yemen
154-Obama moves to keep kill list memos secret forever
155-The Latin American Exception: How a Washington Global Torture Gulag Was Turned Into the Only Gulag-Free Zone on Earth
156-“I Begged for Them to Stop” Waterboarding Americans and the Redefinition of Torture
160-“I Begged for Them to Stop”
162-Declassified: US Government Colluded With Big Banks to Monitor, Disrupt Occupy Protesters as ‘Criminal Threats’
164-lsberg: In Hearing Bradley Manning Act Out of Conscience, Secret Tape Refutes Media Slander
165-The War Against Bradley Manning -- A War Against All Who Speak Out Against Injustice
166-Yes, the president can kill Americans on U.S. soil
167-168 deleted
169-CIA Whistleblower: “US is a Police State, Obama Consciously Allows Torture”
170-US Support for Emerging Dictatorship in Iraq May Have ‘Catastrophic’ Effects
171-US-Backed Regime in Bahrain Bans All Protests
172-Revealed: Pentagon's link to Iraqi torture centers
173-Bill Moyers Essay: The Hypocrisy of ‘Justice for All’
174-Corporate Kangaroo Courts Supplant Our Seventh Amendment Rights
176-Daniel McGowan Back in Jail Days After Writing About His Secretive Prison Unit for Huffington Post
177-25 years after Chico Mendes, killings in the Amazon are endemic
179-And Justice for Some
180-In Light of Hunger Strike UN Condemns Guantánamo as Breach of International Law, Urges Closure
182-Judge overrules Obama to protect women’s health
184-Obama poised to give presidential seal of approval to gross labor rights violations in Colombia
185-186 deleted
187-'Cartoonish form of despotism' - Assange on Bahrain activist Rajab's imprisonment
188-Chris Hedges Strategy for Radical Change at Green Party of New Jersey Convention
190-DOJ: We don't need warrants for e-mail, Facebook chats
191-EMFing Democracy: Destroying Detroit In Order To “Save” It
192-Trading Democracy for ‘National Security’
193-194 deleted
195-The Obama GITMO Myth: New vindictive restrictions on detainees highlights the falsity of Obama defenders regarding closing the camp
197-The Hijacking of Human Rights by Chris Hedges
198-199 deleted
200-The Dictators and Billionaires Take Control
203-Nation’s Leading Journalists: Leak Investigations Chilling Our Reporting, Hurting Public’s Right-To-Know
204-Obama DOJ formally accuses journalist in leak case of committing crimes - Yet another serious escalation of the Obama administration's attacks on press freedoms emerges
205-Why Is President Obama Keeping a Journalist in Prison in Yemen?
After supporters protested his “sham” trial, Abdulelah Haider Shaye would have been pardoned. Then Obama intervened.

207-Feds Say Peace Activists Who Trespassed Onto at
208-Man faces life in prison for filming cops
209-FBI Says Activists Who Investigate Factory Farms Can Be Prosecuted as Terrorists
211-The CIA: Keepers of the Hit Lists - War Crimes as Policy
213-They Should Have Listened To Feingold: Obama Vs. The Only Senator Who Voted Against The PATRIOT Act
215-US government invokes special privilege to stop scrutiny of data mining - Officials use little-known 'military and state secrets privilege' as civil liberties lawyers try to hold administration to account
217-The Judicial Lynching of Bradley Manning by Chris Hedges
218-Ag-Gag Laws Silence Whistleblowers
219-Backgrounder on Obama's Big Data Domestic Spying System
220-California man faces 13 years in jail for scribbling anti-bank messages in chalk
221-Locking Out the Voices of Dissent
222-Declassified: US Government Colluded With Big Banks to Monitor, Disrupt Occupy Protesters as ‘Criminal Threats’
223-Despite What the President Said, There's Nothing “Transparent” About a Secret Court Issuing Secret Rulings
224-Court: Chevron Can Seize Americans' Email Data - In an almost unprecedented decision, a federal judge has allowed Chevron to subpoena Americans' private email data—and said the First Amendment doesn't apply.
225-DOJ Says Public Has No Right To Know About The Secret Laws The Feds Use To Spy On Us
228-John Roberts’ scary secret powers: Running the shadowy FISA court, where 10 of 11 judges he appointed are Republican, could even trump his SCOTUS role
229-Lawrence Lessig on Big Brother’s Prying Eyes
230-California chalk protester hit with gag order
231-Murdering Occupy
232-Obama Signs 2013 NDAA, Blocking Closure of Gitmo - Obama initially threatened a veto, but instead signed it into law with a vague proviso
233-Pennsylvania Activist Arrested For Writing Pro-Health Care Message In Chalk

235-Jailed Journalist Barrett Brown Faces 105 Years For Reporting on Hacked Private Intelligence Firms
236-Remember When the Patriot Act Debate Was All About Library Records?
237-Obama Closes Office Working to Shut Down Gitmo: Obama has fundamentally signed on to the belief that individuals can be held forever without due process
238-While DOMA is Gone, the Supreme Court has Crushed Consumers and Citizens this Week
239-Activist Heavyweights Convene Against NDAA

240-Chilling Legal Memo from Obama DOJ Justifies Assasination of US Citizens - The president's partisan lawyers purport to vest him with the most extreme power a political leader can seize


242-NYPD assaults judge trying to protect handcuffed homeless man from beating, judge sues
243-Documents Show How White House and Democrats Worked to Protect the Banks Against Protests: Did the White House Direct the Police Crackdown on Occupy?

244-Homeland Security Creates "Constitution-Free" Zones
245-Exclusive: FBI allowed informants to commit 5,600 crimes

246-How We Got From 9/11 to Massive NSA Spying on Americans: A Timeline

247-Anti-Protest Law Passes Nearly Unanimously And Is Signed By The President

249-NDAA Indefinite Detention Without Trial Approved by Appeals Court
250-North Carolina Cop Suspended – Without Pay – for Arresting Man Video Recording him

251-NSA director admits to misleading public on terror plots (The administration has been amping up stats about foiled plots to bolster support for mass surveillance)

252-Obama signs anti-protest Trespass Bill

253-Revealed: how US and UK spy agencies defeat internet privacy and security


255-The Last Chance to Stop the NDAA by Chris Hedges

256-Thou Shalt Not Praise His Name: Rep. Lewis Praises Snowden . . . Then Quickly Retracts Praise

257-The Manning Trial Began on 9/11 - Welcome to Post-Constitution America

258-U.S. Tortured Detainees And Top Officials Are Responsible: Report

259-Under Obama II, Five More Years…of Widespread Government Surveillance


261-Why Have Police In America Turned Into Such Ruthless Thugs?


263-Your Rights: If An Agent Knocks What to do if you or your organization are targeted by federal law enforcement

264-America's political prisoners exposed

265-'Big, striking horror:' US military doctors allowed torture of detainees, new study claims

266-EFF Files 22 Firsthand Accounts of How NSA Surveillance Chilled the Right to Association

267-Fracking Activist Silenced for Doing EPA's Work

268-How Dollarocracy is Destroying America

269-Muzzling the Freedom of Information Act

270-Guantánamo Bay: The Hunger Strikes - video animation


272-Three Ways Obama Carried Bush’s Tyrannical Torch, in Just One Week

273-US: Forced Guilty Pleas in Drug Cases -Threat of Draconian Sentences Means Few Willing to Risk Trial

274-Protesting Big Bank Financing of Toxic Industries May Get You a Year in Jail, While Execs Go Free


276-Court Blocks NYPD Stop-and-Frisk Reforms, Removes Judge Who Found Program Unconstitutional

277-Obama & Holder Win Court Case, Keep Thouands in Prison Under Unfair 80s Crack Sentencing Laws

278-'Ag-gag' law that thwarts investigations on factory farms is challenged in Utah

279-Cecily McMillan's Occupy trial is a huge test of US civil liberties. Will they survive?

280-Chris Hedges: Fighting the Militarized State

281-Chris Hedges: Legalizing Oppression

282-Chris Hedges: The Crime of Peaceful Protest

283-Chris Hedges: The Post-Constitutional Era

284-Confused logic approves NYPD surveillance of Muslims



287-Barack Obama's Conservative Utopia in 7 Charts - While politicians on the far right scream socialism, President Obama has quietly created a conservative America. And the statistics prove it.

288-Persecuted and Imprisoned for Environmental Activism


290-Killing of leaders was being planned: Exposing the Federal Government's Plan to Crush the Occupy Movement

291-FBI Continues To Withhold Information On Occupy Assassination Plots: A U.S. District Court judge says the FBI’s reasons for withholding information on assassination plots against Occupy movement leaders in several U.S. cities aren’t good enough.

292-Hedges v. Obama: Supreme Court Leaves NDAA Intact


294-Michigan Loses ‘Right To Farm’ This Week: A Farewell To Backyard Chickens and Beekeepers



297-Jailing of an Alabama blogger: It’s worse than we thought - A New York Times report on the imprisonment of a journalist may have underplayed how chilling the case is


299-Senate Report Exposes Torture and Misrepresentations By CIA Officials . . . But Recommends No Prosecution


301-Supreme Court Won’t Hear Chris Hedges’ Indefinite Detention Case

302-305 deleted

306-The Creeping Expansion of Corporate Civil Rights

307-UN Human Rights Committee Finds US in Violation on 25 Counts


309-Time To Release John Kiriakou, As Senate Releases Torture Report

310-"NATO 3" Trial: Terror Case Called Weak, Chicago Police Witch Hunt Alleged

311-Plein Air Artist Alex Schaefer Collides with the Commercialization of Art and Activism

Plein air artist Alex Schaefer collides with the commercialization of art and and activism - See more at:
Plein air artist Alex Schaefer collides with the commercialization of art and and activism - See more at:

312-Cecily McMillan’s Guilt: Injustice at Its Most Basic

313-Just Say No to Tasering Students and Militarizing Our Schools

314-Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy - New documents prove what was once dismissed as paranoid fantasy: totally integrated corporate-state repression of dissent


316-"Bush's Fourth Term Continues": Guantanamo, Torture, Secret Renditions; Indefinite Detention

317-10 Supreme Court Rulings — Before ‘Hobby Lobby’ — That Turned Corporations Into People


319-America entering dangerous new age: The post-constitutional era - Our speech is being monitored. Our lawmakers work in secret. It's a brave new world


322-Cecily McMillan’s ‘Law Of Love’ Suffers US Injustice

323-Drone Lawyer: Kill a 16 Year-Old, Get a Promotion

324-An ex-banker and Occupier walk into a jail. Guess which one's serving time? Cecily McMillan is behind bars, unlike any of the architects of the financial crisis. In an exclusive conversation with the Guardian, she explains why her sentence serves a purpose


326-Editorial: Sentence against Ithaca drones protester is a farce and an outrage

327-Man Sentenced to 30 Days for Catching Rain Water on Own Property Enters Jail

328-An Exceptional Decline for the Exceptional Country? The Empire as Basket Case


330-Great Moments From Roberts Court Dissents

331-Ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Beaten, Arrested for Silent Protest at Clinton Speech

332-How Corporate America Shut the Courthouse Doors to Average People

333-How FBI Entrapment Is Inventing 'Terrorists' - and Letting Bad Guys Off the Hook: The feds have seized an Orwellian power - the power to decide which ideas are dangerous, regardless of the genuine threat they pose.


335-Obama’s monsters ball: How the White House opened its doors to some of Africa’s most evil dictators and homophobes and turned blind eye to their human rights record

336-If the Law Is Bullsh*t, You Must Acquit

337-339 deleted

340-It’s Time to Reform the Supreme Court — Here Are Five Ways to Do It

341-Jail the Bankers? Obama Has Been Their Staunchest Defender


343-Lawyers: Man Jailed for Nine Years Is Innocent, Railroaded in Bush’s War on Terror

344-345 deleted

346-Constitutional Rights Essentially Suspended in Ferguson as Police Raid Homes Door to Door

347-Officials Cast Wide Net in Monitoring Occupy Protests

348-351 deleted

352-Read Justice Ginsburg's Passionate 35-Page Dissent of Hobby Lobby Decision

353-Senate Democrats confirm drone memo author for second-highest US court

354-357 deleted

358-U.S. Funds “Terror Studies” to Dissect and Neutralize Social Movements

359-Why is Obama administration prosecuting sexual torture victim Rasmea Odeh?


361-Will Potter: The shocking move to criminalize nonviolent protest


363-Exposed: Pentagon Funds New Data-mining Tools to Track and Kill Activists, Part I

Exposed: Pentagon Funds New Data-Mining Tools To Track and Kill Activists, Part I - See more at:

364-Exposed: Pentagon Funds New Data-mining Tools to Track and Kill Activists, Part II

365-Exposed: Pentagon Funds New Data-mining Tools to Track and Kill Activists, Part III

366-367 deleted

368-Human Rights Lawyer Arrested For Standing On NYC Sidewalk Waiting For Kids To Use Bathroom

369-Israel Bars Amnesty, Human Rights Watch Workers from Gaza


371-U.N. urges U.S. to stop police brutality after Missouri shooting

372-Israel lobby group outlines dirty tricks against campus Palestine activists

373-The Ordeal of Stanley L. Cohen: Justice as Farce by Chris Hedges


375-FBI Dismisses Murder Plot against Occupy Leaders as NSA and Big Business Cracks Down on Dissent

376-379 deleted

380-Top Ten US Aid Recipients All Practice Torture


382-After Taking on Whirlpool Corp., Black Activist in Small Michigan Town Set to Serve Jail Time for A Minor Offense

383-384 deleted

385-Anatomy of the Deep State

386-Nader and Fein at HLS: "America's Lawless Empire: The Constitutional Crimes of Bush and Obama" (YouTube)

387-Newsletter: Respect Our Human Rights Or We'll 'Shut It Down'   includes Universal Declaration of Human Rights

388-Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on OccupyNew documents prove what was once dismissed as paranoid fantasy: totally integrated corporate-state repression of dissent

389-Happy Holidays?: Obama Endorses A Militarized Israel, Land Grabs, And Domestic Spying - At a time when many were distracted by the hectic holiday season, Obama signed into law U.S. support for a militarized Israel, the transfer of sacred Native American land to a mining company, and increased domestic spying.

390-America Didn’t Just Prosecute Torturers, We Executed Them

391-UN criticizes US police practices, grand juries after police shootings: Human rights officials say they have 'legitimate concerns' over recent grand jury decisions

392-US criticised by UN for human rights failings on NSA, guns and drones - Geneva panel share deep concerns over US record on host of different subjects, including racial inequality and Guantánamo

393-Banning Dissent in the Name of Civility

394-Historical Truth, Nazis and the Corruption of the Federal Judiciary

395-398 deleted

399-Let Us No Longer Keep Silent About Torture


401-Tomgram: Matthew Harwood, The Fear of Lone-Wolf Terrorism Rises


403-Obama Administration Using Century-Old Racist Case Law to Block Citizenship - American Samoans are the only people born on US soil but denied birthright citizenship.

404-Our silence over Charlie Hebdo — freedom of speech for whom?

405-406 deleted

407-Prominent U.S. judge quits Justice Dept evidence commission in protest

408-Robert Scheer: On Civil Liberties, Obama’s ‘Probably the Worst President We’ve Had’

409-Seven Lessons From How Police Crushed Occupy

410-These Six American Heroes Said No to Torture

411-The Real American Exceptionalism: From Torture to Drone Assassination, How Washington Gave itself a Global Get-Out-of Jail-Free Card


413-When the Republicans Really Were the Party of Lincoln

414-415 deleted

416-Held for hours at secret Chicago 'black site': 'You're a hostage. It's kidnapping'


418-“He makes George W. Bush and Nixon look good”: Why Obama’s attack on privacy is so historic: Pioneering columnist Robert Scheer tells Salon just how bad our privacy nightmare has really gotten

419-An Indiana woman is facing 20 years in prison for "feticide"

420-Attack on Small Farms: Michigan Removes ‘Right-To-Farm’ & Bans Backyard Farms

421-Best of TomDispatch: Karen Greenberg, Barbarism Lite

422-423 deleted

424-The Biggest Outrage in Atlanta’s Crazy Teacher Cheating Case

425-Another state bans agency from discussing climate change

426-428 deleted

429-How Ferguson Uses Cops and the Courts to Prey on Its Residents

430-431 deleted

432-Meet the Woman Behind #BlackLivesMatter — The Hashtag That Became a Civil Rights Movement

433-Michelle Alexander Speaks Out on “The New Jim Crow”

434-Noam Chomsky: Corporations, not leftist academics, enforce politically correct limits on speech


436-Texas woman invokes ‘religious freedom’ argument to fight $2000 fine for feeding the homeless


438-Djibouti Was Complicit in CIA Torture of Terrorism Suspects, Report Charges

439-The School Of The Americas Is Still Exporting Death Squads - South American militaries have been sending soldiers to the U.S. for “ethics” and “human rights” training for years, but history shows that many of these alumni go on to become notorious torturers and murderers, not defenders of peace.

440-Totalitarian Rule in America: False Flags, Secret Prisons, Extrajudicial Assassinations, Media Censorship, The Rounding Up of Alleged “Terrorists” …

441-UN torture investigator calls for access to US prisons, Gitmo detainees

442-Tomgram: Andrew Cockburn, How Assassination Sold Drugs and Promoted Terrorism

443-A Double Standard on Leaks? As Whistleblowers Jailed, Petraeus Escapes Prison & Advises White House

444-Gen. Petraeus: Too Big to Jail

445-Ramsey Orta, Man Who Recorded Eric Garner Death, Remains Jailed Despite Family Having Raised Bail

446-3 Black Churches burnt in North Carolina, Georgia and S.Carolina in the past 5 days.


448-Is the TPP Okay With Slavery? Really?

449-ObamaTrade Rewards US Corporations That Profit From Slavery

450-451 deleted

452-In Wyoming it’s now illegal to collect data about pollution

453-Study: Democracy on the Retreat in More Than 96 of the 193 UN Member States

454-FBI admits it didn't crack any major cases with Patriot Act powers - That was despite increasing its dragnet order count by more than two-fold.

455-FBI Documents Reveal Nationwide Occupy Monitoring

FBI Documents Reveal Secret Nationwide Occupy Monitoring - See more at:

456-What the FBI's Occupy Docs Do—and Don't—Reveal

457-To Prison for Poverty

458-The Forgotten Man Who First Blew the Whistle on CIA Torture


460-I Went to Prison After Exposing US Torture. Why Weren’t the Perpetrators Charged?

461-The Other Conspirator-The Secret Origins of the CIA’s Torture Program and the Forgotten Man Who Tried to Expose It

462-464 deleted

465-Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy - New documents prove what was once dismissed as paranoid fantasy: totally integrated corporate-state repression of dissent by Naomi Wolf


467-Senate Passed Bill Expediting Fossil Fuel Extraction on Native American Land Two Days Before Paris Agreement

468-Rights Group Says Disregard for Civilian Life by US and Saudi Arabia Is 'Appalling' - Human Rights Watch blasts Saudi-led coalition for apparent war crimes and failure to investigate

469-Past and Present, US Implicated in Abuses Inflicted by Iraq-Backed Militias - 'The documents show how Washington...has consistently overlooked excesses by Shi’ite militias sponsored by the Iraqi government'

470-Anti-Drone Activist Sentenced To 6 Months In Jail For Peaceful Protest - Some activists are worried about the precedent it could set.


472-What We’re Reading About the Flint Crisis - The tragedy tells us a lot about America in 2016. Here are some key points.

473-The Mirage of Justice by Chris Hedges

474-City spent $1 million trying to fire this teacher — and failed

475-477 deleted

478-Reminders on MLK Day that pollution is often an affront to civil rights, too

479-480 deleted

481-Obama's abuse of the Espionage Act is modern-day McCarthyism - Shame on this president for persecuting whistleblowers with a legal relic, while administration officials leak with impunity


483-The Worst Civil Liberties Betrayals of 2015

484-Guantanamo Has Been Open Longer Under President Obama Than President Bush

485-Obama Never Had a Plan to End What Guantánamo Represents

486-United Nations Panel Slams U.S. Record on Police Brutality, Torture, Child Migrants & Guantánamo

487-A Drone Protestor Heads to Jail: Fifty-nine-year-old Mary Anne Grady Flores will serve six months for photographing a protest of an airfield in upstate New York where drone pilots are trained and from where missions are carried out.

488-491 deleted

492-Newsletter: End The Security State | PopularResistance.Org


494-The Deep State Hiding in Plain Sight | Moyers & Company |

495-What Is the Government Still Hiding? ACLU Continues Fight to Obtain Photos of Bush-Era Torture - YouTube

496-Israel boycott ban: Shunning Israeli goods to become criminal offense for public bodies and student unions | Home News | News | The Independent


498-'No one but himself to blame': how Obama's Guantánamo plans fell through - Years of missteps left Obama trapped in a bind of his own creation – and Tuesday’s plea to Congress was no more than an epitaph for his closure efforts

499-CUNY and NYS hypocrisy on academic freedom: okay to boycott North Carolina and Mississippi, but not Israel

500-Map: 116 environmental activists were killed in just one year  

501-US Government Declaring All Out War on Tiny House Living


503-Obama signs anti-BDS bill into law   


505-Loretta Lynch: government shouldn't require reports of people killed by police

506-Tomgram: Karen Greenberg, No Justice at Gitmo

507-"The Assassination Complex": Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald Probe Secret US Drone Wars in New Book

508-Actually Existing Fascism

509-512 deleted

513-Eighteen Examples of Racism in Criminal Legal System

514-Betraying Water Protectors, Obama Set to Approve Dakota Access Pipeline

515-Newsletter: Standing For Justice, Unity For Power & Inspiring Each Other

516-Local Sheriffs Deputies Pulled from ND; Amnesty, UN Observers at Pipeline Protest; Liability Questions Raised

517-518 deleted

519-If White People Love Drugs So Much, Why are the Prisons Full of Blacks?

520-523 deleted

524-MLK Would Never Shut Down a Freeway, and 6 Other Myths About the Civil Rights Movement and Black Lives Matter

525-Newsletter: Justice Takes A Lifetime

526-Obama Renews Bush's 9/11 State of Emergency

527-Obama signs anti-protest Trespass Bill

528-Tomgram: Judith Coburn, On the Mean Streets of America


530-Documentary Filmmaker Faces Up to 45 Years in Prison for Covering Pipeline Protest

531-‘We Are Criminalizing Transparency to Protect Illegitimate Uses of Power’ - CounterSpin interview with Shahid Buttar on retaliation against copwatchers

532-Students are Pulling a Kaepernick All Over America – and Being Threatened for It


534-Woman Harassed in Bathroom for Appearing Transgender — and She’s Not Alone

535-How Are LGBT Youths Affected by Discrimination and What Can Schools Do to Help? This essay shows how discrimination leads to increased high school drop out rates for LGBT youths and, of greater concern, increased rates of suicide and substance abuse.

536-LGBT People and Mental Health

537-The Supreme Court Just Ruled In Favor Of The Police State, And Sonia Sotomayor Is Not Having It - She lashed out at “lawless police conduct” that disproportionately targets black and brown Americans.

538-The Untouchables: America’s Misbehaving Prosecutors, And The System That Protects Them

539-Tiny Homes Banned in U.S. at Increasing Rate as Govt Criminalizes Sustainable Living

540-Tomgram: Harwood and Stanley, Policing the Dystopia

541-Tomgram: Karen Greenberg, What Actually Keeps Americans Safe

542-Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Exhibit One in Any Future American War Crimes Trial

543-Senate report on CIA torture is one step closer to disappearing


545-Press release: UN Committee Against Torture recommends 50+ measures to Israel to end its use of torture

546-547 deleted

548-Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Justice for Torturers?

549-Torture, Rape & Murder Continue

550-Rwanda, the Clinton Dynasty, and the Case of Dr. Léopold Munyakazi

551-When Librarians Are Silenced

552-Why We Should All Fear the Rot Inside the FBI - What James Comey did was bad enough, but now he’s clearly at the mercy of a right-wing faction of his own agents. Who can stop them?

553-‘Where Evil Resides’: Veterans ‘Deploy’ To Standing Rock To Engage The Enemy — The US Government

554-555 deleted

556-The Obama Legacy Part IV: Protecting the Racist State, Scorning Black America

557-The Roots are in the System: Charlotte and Beyond

558-Lawmakers across the US are finding ways to turn protesting into a crime

559-In Biggest Crackdown Since Civil Rights Era, 20 States Move To Criminalize Protest - "In my dozen years of monitoring state legislation, I've certainly not seen a wave of anti-protest bills this large," said ACLU attorney Lee Rowland.

560-Civil Asset Forfeiture: Where Due Process Goes to Die

561-45 senators support bill that makes boycotting Israel a crime: The American Civil Liberties Union calls the bill a 'direct violation of the First Amendment'

562-Democrats Join Republicans In Bill Criminalizing Speech Critical Of Israel - "I cannot imagine any reason for this egregious offense against the First Amendment except to please AIPAC and their AIPAC associated donors."


564-Jeff Sessions Is Aiding and Abetting Police Departments Who Want to Seize Property of People Convicted of No Crime



567-Schumer, Gillibrand Co-Sponsor Senate Bill That Would Make Boycotting Israel A Felony

568-Sotomayor’s blistering SCOTUS dissent warns America is turning into a prison state

569-The Corruption of the Law

570-571 deleted

572-Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, The CIA and Me


574-Charlottesville: Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe says police failure to control protest due to militia's 'better equipment' - The violence at the weekend white supremacist rally resulted in one death and multiple injuries 

575-Confirmed: Police Told to Stand Down in Charlottesville—Did Nothing as War Broke Out - The ACLU confirmed late Saturday that police were given stand-down orders in Charlottesville. This invited violence and only fueled the chaos.


577-'Blank Check to Kill With Impunity': Trump to Quietly Scrap Drone Restrictions

578-Activists are being charged under terrorism laws for the first time in Britain – this sets a dangerous precedent  Are the authorities threatening disproportionate sentences to scare off future protests – and to allow the Government’s deportation regime to continue unhindered?

579-Anti-Trump protesters risk 60 years in jail. Is dissent a crime?


581-Congressmen push Jeff Sessions to call environmentalists terrorists - Four Democrats join 80 Republicans on letter asking the Attorney General to treat pipeline sabotage as domestic terrorism.

582-Newsletter: Dissent Under Attack By Government & Corporations

583-586 deleted

587-Let’s Make America Free Again


589-Pipeline protester speaks out for first time after nearly losing her arm


591-Tiny Homes Banned in U.S. at Increasing Rate as Govt Criminalizes Sustainable Living

592-593 deleted

594-The War on Dissent


596-Report: United States Falls To 49 In Ranking Of Gender Equality   A newly published World Economic Forum report notes that gender equality is eroding for the first time in 11 years, when the WEF began monitoring it.


598-The US Coast Guard is operating floating prisons in the Pacific Ocean, outside US legal protections

599-Tomgram: Erin Thompson, Curating Guantanamo 

600-Tomgram: Karen Greenberg, Gitmo's Living Legacy in the Trump Era 

601-New CIA Director Gina Haspel Has a Long History of Pushing for Torture - She also enjoys the support of top Obama officials.

602-Trump’s Nominee For CIA Director: This Is What Happens When There’s No Justice For Torture

603-Torture-Tainted Nominations Recall Failure to Prosecute Bush-Era Abuses


605-US votes against UN resolution condemning gay sex death penalty, joining Iraq and Saudi Arabia: America one of 13 countries on Human Rights Council to oppose historic vote

606-608 deleted

609-Woman Dragged Out of West Virginia House Hearing For Listing Oil and Gas Contributions to Members


611-Study: Black People Are 75 Percent More Likely to Live Near Toxic Oil and Gas Facilities - And they face serious health risks.


613-Tomgram: John Feffer, The Real Disuniting of America 

614-The Silencing of Dissent

615-Supreme Court rules employers can ban class action lawsuits in arbitration


617-There’s Only One Country That Hasn’t Ratified the Convention on Children's Rights: US


619-Will a Torturer Become CIA Director?

620-Democrats Join Republicans In Bill Criminalizing Speech Critical Of Israel - I cannot imagine any reason for this egregious offense against the First Amendment except to please AIPAC and their AIPAC associated donors.

621-Israel boycott ban: Shunning Israeli goods to become criminal offense for public bodies and student unions - Critics say move amounts to a 'gross attack on democratic freedoms'

622-US State Passes Law Defining Any Criticism of Israel as ‘Anti-Semitic’ Just As They Kill 60 Civilians

623-Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Psychologists Say No to Torture 

624-Kavanaugh and Supreme Court to Planet: Drop Dead Within a day of a frightening UN warning about global warming, the Court lets stand an anti-EPA decision written by then-Judge Kavanaugh.

625-Tomgram: Karen Greenberg, How Guantanamo Set the Stage for the Kavanaugh Hearings

626-Bill McKibben Calls FBI Tracking of Environmental Activists "Contemptible"

627-Democrats Join Republicans In Bill Criminalizing Speech Critical Of Israel

628-Neoliberalism’s Dark Path to Fascism, by Chris Hedges


630-US votes against UN resolution condemning gay sex death penalty, joining Iraq and Saudi Arabia

631-After Standing Rock, protesting pipelines can get you a decade in prison and $100K in fines

632-Bills Criminalizing Pipeline Protest Arise in Statehouses Nationwide

633-How Judges Kill: Sealing Corporate Records Showing Destructive Behavior Based on Dubious “Trade Secret” Claims

634-38 Years Prison and 148 Lashes for Iranian Human Rights Defender

635-Deprivation and Despair: A New Report


637-Legal Experts Aghast as 'Bloodythirsty' Right-Wing Supreme Court Sanctions Torturous Executions  The ruling, warned one expert, "legalizes torture and effectively reverses 60 years of progressive precedent. It transforms a barbaric view of the 8th Amendment into the law of the land. It is horrific."

638-639 deleted

640-More Police Raids As War On Journalism Escalates Worldwide

641-Manning to Judge on Whistleblowers, Freedom of the Press, and Civil Rights

642-Red States Are Criminalizing Speech to Wage War on Environmental Activists - Protesting oil pipeline construction now carries felony charges in multiple states.

643-The Supreme Court, gerrymandering, and the Republican turn against democracy

644-The Supreme Court Just Made It Easier for Police to Arrest You for Filming Them

645-Texans could get a year in prison for protesting pipelines on their own land

646-The Supreme Court Just Stopped Local Sheriffs From Carjacking to Pay the Bills

647-Julian Assange showing symptoms of psychological torture and should not be extradited to US, says UN official

648-‘Mirthless Laugh’ - The Persecution And Torture Of Julian Assange

649-Pentagon Fires Guantanamo Prison Commander for Calling Attention to US Crimes


651-Lab Owner Arrested for Falsifying Results of Drug Tests


653-Federal Appeals Court Green Lights Discrimination Against Non-Theists - It's yet another in a problematic line of recent decisions that allow government entities to endorse and promote religion (just about always Christianity) as long as it’s being done for "historic" purposes.

654-U.N. Special Rapporteur Calls for Julian Assange to Be Freed, Citing “Psychological Torture”

655-UN Torture Report: ‘Demonized’ Assange Has Faced ‘Psychological Torture’ - The UN special rapporteur on torture has blasted four nations for imposing psychological torture on Julian Assange. 

656-British judge jails Assange indefinitely, despite end of prison sentence

657-How the Supreme Court Is Rebranding Corruption

658-Anti-Protest Bills Around the Country

659-Assange can't view evidence, court told

660-DOJ seeks new emergency powers amid coronavirus pandemic - One of the requests to Congress would allow the department to petition a judge to indefinitely detain someone during an emergency.

661-Librarians could be jailed and fined under a proposed censorship law

662-Global Human Rights and Environmental Communities Condemn the House Arrest of U.S. Human Rights Lawyer Steven Donziger - Prominent organizations call for Donziger’s immediate release and warn of chilling effect on other human rights lawyers who stand up to corporate polluters

663-Hacker who helped expose Ohio rape case pleads guilty, faces more prison time than rapists


665-New gag law prevents exposing animal abuse on farms

666-Ohio anti-protest bill could criminalize support for pipeline demonstrations

667-Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf Orders Mass Arrest of Housing Justice Village Protesters

668-Proposed Book Banning Bill in Missouri Could Imprison Librarians

669-South Dakota Governor Signs Executive Order Prohibiting Israel Boycotts

670-Journalist Max Blumenthal Arrested, Hit With Political Prosecution Related To Venezuela Reporting

671-‘Unlike anything we’ve seen in modern history’: Attacks against journalists soar during Black Lives Matter protests

672-Unprecedented and Unconstitutional: The Government Bailout of Religion during a Pandemic


674-Violent Right Wing Forces Have Been Activated, It Requires Strategic Action To Stop Them

675-Donziger Legal Team Blasts New York Appellate Court for Refusing Release After 600 Days of Home Imprisonment on a Misdemeanor Charge

676-Oklahoma Lawmakers Pass Bill Granting Immunity to Motorists Who Kill Protesters

677-Eight Years Ago, the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act. Widespread Voter Suppression Resulted. Twenty-six states have since passed restrictive voting laws, including 10 that previously needed federal approval.

678-Donziger Slams Criminal Contempt Ruling as 'Message of Intimidation' to Human Rights Lawyers"The United States has now become one of those countries where environmental advocates are attacked, put in jail, or even murdered for doing their jobs successfully."

679-‘Panic made us vulnerable’: how 9/11 made the US surveillance state – and the Americans who fought back

680-Judge Tied to Chevron Sends Lawyer Who Sued Oil Giant to Prison for 6 Months

681-Myanmar: US journalist Danny Fenster sentenced to 11 years in prison

682-American Commissars by Chris Hedges

683-Climate activist's fight against 'terrorism' sentence could impact the future of protests

684-Painting a False Narrative For Mandatory Prayer in the Public Schools   

685-How the Supreme Court Is Rebranding Corruption

686-Fascists In Our Midst - Supreme Court rulings, including the overturning of Roe v. Wade, herald the ascendancy of Christian fascism in the United States by Chris Hedges

687-The post-legal Supreme Court - What happens if the Court rejects the rule of law?

688-US Protest Law Tracker The US Protest Law Tracker, part of ICNL's US Program, follows initiatives at the state and federal level since January 2017 that restrict the right to peaceful assembly.

689-Honest Government Ad on the Supreme Court (YouTube)

690-Censorship Wave in US Education

691-‘Operation Higher Court’: Inside the religious right’s efforts to wine and dine Supreme Court justices - A former evangelical leader details his group’s extensive program to influence Justices Thomas, Alito and Scalia through meals and entertainment.

692-Elon Musk Just EXPOSED Twitter’s Collusion w/Govt To Suppress Speech (YouTube)

693-Teaching Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago in Prison by Chris Hedges - There are many disturbing similarities between the brutality imposed on Stalin’s victims and the injustices endured by the incarcerated in federal and state prisons.

694-Tennessee is set to become the first US state to ban drag - There are 20 bills in 15 states also aimed at discriminating against drag queens.

695-Lynching the Deplorables - The criminal investigation undertaken by the federal government against hundreds of participants in the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol is polarizing the country and shredding civil liberties.

696-The Democratic Party’s Crucifixion of Matt Taibbi - Extensive government blacklists, revealed by the Twitter Files, are used to censor left-wing and right-wing critics.

697-Charging Domestic Terrorism Is Intended to Make the Cost of Protesting Too High

698-Police stage ‘chilling’ raid on Marion County newspaper, seizing computers, records and cellphones

699-Rights Groups Demand Governments Protect Exiled Journalists, Dissidents









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