We have a crisis in this country confronting working class families - one that politicians and the media refuse to acknowledge.
It's the "cost-of-living crisis."
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The following letter to the editor published in the Broward County Sun Sentinel. More letters like this are needed across the country:
Link: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/opinion/letters/fl-letter-paul-adinolfi-20140331,0,4651962.story
March 31, 2014
Every time an increase in the minimum wage is requested, there's an outcry that the sky will fall.
However, it's really not an increase — it is an adjustment to keep up with rising prices. The ones hurt the most when prices go up are the poor and the middle class, whose salaries haven't increased.
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The New York Times ran this article, but omitted any mention of the role the Military-Industrial Complex plays in climate change; something the U.N. has also omitted.
Click "read more" for my perspective, as originally published at Canadian Dimension.
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We hear a lot about how people are "free" because they have the right to vote.
When you think about this "right" to vote though, do you ever think about what we have the right to vote on and vote for?
Do you ever think about how what we vote for is just ignored?
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Posted by
Anthony Noel · March 16, 2014 10:03 AM
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Posted by
Sondra Miller · March 08, 2014 7:53 AM
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The evolution of mainstream politics in the United States during the past 30 years has made the political climate favorable for the success of a third political Party as well as for the success of Independent Congressional candidates during this mid-term election year. Congressional approval ratings for both of the major Parties reached an all time low during the past year. However, third Parties and Independent candidates have failed to focus on a strategy to take advantage of this and there has been no significant increase in the number of Independent or Third Party candidates for Congress this year.
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Occupy was the first real opposition to the direction our country is heading since the early 1970s. It had significant successes, made significant mistakes, and was ultimately done in by an ever-growing police state. Several of our founders started their work at Occupy. It is worth looking at where we have been before moving on.
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Here are 4 videos on the Progressive Power Forum held in Minneapolis, MN in February 2014.
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Whether you are running to win or just make a point, running outside the two main parties is one of the more hopeful things a citizen can do. Third Parties have made significant differences throughout U.S. history. See Third Parties Have Long History of Shaping, Reshaping American Politics Based upon my experience here is a list of the minimum you should commit to. It does not take a lot of money, but it does take a willingness to communicate.
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