2012 Annual Report
The New Progressive Alliance (NPA) continued to expand our organizational outreach and are now allied with thirteen other national and international organizations including 350, America Changes Today, Antemedius, Corporate Reform Coalition, Global Campaign for Climate Action (Tck Tck Tck), Move to Amend, North Carolina Independents, Occupy Washington, DC; Old Elm Tree, Peaceful Uprising, Rootstrikers, Tar Sand Actions, and We Are the Democracy. (see http://newprogs.org/our-allies)
Read more2010 Annual Report
The New Progressive Alliance (NPA) is a grassroots organization founded in 2010, entirely online, in response to the Democratic Party’s complete and final forsaking of its role as the leading voice for Progressive ideals and reform in America.
Read moreElectoral Activism on the Radical Left by Sondra Miller
A recent article in Jacobin magazine mentions “the new vision of electoral activism on the radical left that began with Kshama Sawant’s election to Seattle City Council”. And while the number and awareness of third Parties and candidates such as the Green Party and the Socialist Alternative has grown somewhat in the past few years, there are still large areas of the United States where no Independent or third Party candidates are on the ballot for the fall elections.
Read moreLessons from the 2010 Democratic Defeat
In 2008 the democrats scored a huge victory. The last time the republicans had such a sweep of the legislative and executive branch was prior to World War I. Not World War II - World War I! And yet it all changed in 2010 after two years of democrats pretending they were helpless before the republican minority. What happened and what can we learn?
Read moreCorporate Overreach
Updated 2025
A disturbing trend is that both nationally and worldwide corporations are taxed less, able to move money outside the country where it is made, less subject to laws, less subject to disclosure, and dramatically contributing towards an unequal society. Both major parties eagerly contribute to this. The Supreme Court in a series of decisions without legal precedent - such as the 2010 Citizens United case, McCutcheon, Hobby Lobby and others – also speed this disastrous approach.
Read moreOur Crumbling Infrastructure
Updated 2025
The basis for our economy and prosperity is our infrastructure. It is one of the ten planks of the Unified Platform. In the eighteenth and early nineteenth century wealth could not be massively accrued by individuals or corporations without a strong national infrastructure. Unfortunately with outsourcing and out of country tax havens, that is no longer true. The tragedy of our declining educational system, internet, power grid, roads, and bridges will take years to correct and we are already far behind other countries.
Read moreWe are no longer a democratic republic.
The reason is we are no longer operating under the constitution. See this study and Civil Rights.
We can either pretend that everything is all right and continue to vote for democrats or republicans or begin the hard work of real and substantial change.
Global Killing of Environmentalists Increases
Future generations who pay the price for our foolishness will hold a very low opinion of us. See this report.
And the climate deniers are the ones who are angry!
As Isaac Asimov said, “And it is these ignorant people, the most uneducated, the most unimaginative, the most unthinking among us, who would make themselves the guides and leaders of us all; who would force their feeble and childish beliefs on us; who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly.
Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”