
An Easy, Peaceful Solution to the Oregon Standoff

Anthony Noel is  founder of the NPA and co-founder of the Greenville Guardian from which this article comes. He makes a good point here. The contrast in responses between armed white people taking over a federal facility and black people peacefully protesting at Ferguson and other places is stark and shocking. Below is his fine article.

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Public Comments 2016 (86-111)

The New Progressive Alliance periodically makes Public Comments by itself or with other organizations to federal agencies and legislative bodies in the United States and Canada in support of the Unified Platform. They are reproduced here in full and also briefly mentioned with our other activities in the Annual Reports and under "News."  (We only publish comments after we can confirm them. Some of the comments here were initially submitted in 2015.)

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2015 Annual Report

  • The New Progressive Alliance (NPA) continued to expand our organizational outreach and are now allied with 24 other national and international organizations.
  • Facebook likes (readers who subscribe to our articles) have grown steadily and by the end of the year exceeded 1,500.
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The Sad History of the United Nations COP Meetings on Climate Change

I will describe the United Nations Climate Change Conference and updates to the continuing series of conferences. This will be continually updated. So far they all have been disappointing and inadequate. (The New Progressive Alliance is in special consultative status with the U.N. Economic and Social Council.)





ImageCarlson cartoon

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Jeff Roby on Strategy and Tactics

            Even if your ideal society is one under Eisenhower or Nixon with clear government goals and mild reasonable restraint on unfettered unregulated capitalism, then we are severely off track. What went wrong? Many of us tried with everything we had. Even if we could not change directions, it is worth noting for others who are trying or future generations what we tried to do and failed so the same mistakes are not repeated.

            I do not have any easy answers or soundbites here. I have gathered thoughts, strategy, and tactics of those who tried to actually do something. Jeff Roby’s writings are notable for how relevant they still are. The Democratic Party has not changed its strategy at all. (Why mess with something that works?)

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So You Say You Want a Political Revolution

Jeff Roby here asks, "What happens if (many would say when) Bernie Sanders withdraws and endorses Hilary Clinton? Let us think about that and the prospects for long term real change."

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Organizing? What Organizing?!?

Sondra Miller has experience working in focus groups with engineers, political organizing, and working with computers.  She is responsible for the design of this website, helping the NPA get NGO status with the United Nations, and she wrote advice for beginning candidates. This is taken from correspondence she has had with several of us here at the NPA. The way back is clear, but few want to take the necessary steps. Good companion articles by Jeff Roby are listed under references at the end of the article.

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So You Want To Volunteer for the United Nations

            The NPA is a 501c4 educational organization whose ten points of the Unified Platform for People, Peace, and the Planet closely reflect the goals of the United Nations. The New Progressive Alliance is in special consultative status with the U.N. Economic and Social Council and would like to give others a chance to participate.

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A Call Against Continuous War and for Election Reform

Bill Nerin has led an interesting and full life. A Catholic priest who spoke for the poor to the point where he was asked to leave, he then happily married until his wife passed, and recently was responsible for helping the NPA become allied with the Washington State Green Party.  Here he talks from his heart.

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Canadian Issues

Politics and policies in Canada can be very instructive to those of us in the United States.

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