The New Progressive Alliance keeps references that allies and friends may use in support of the Unified Platform. One of our resources that we maintain is a growing list of references for the article Don’t Let These People or Organizations Fool You
With both Clintons the large number of references quickly became unwieldy so we created a separate article just for them. It is hoped that the public will look beyond their feelings at the real actions of the Clintons.
Both Clintons have a shameful record for the environment, war, corruption and the economy. Hilary Clinton (and Kerry after her) outright and deeply lied while Secretary of State about the XL Pipeline not affecting the environment. Clinton had many campaign contributors invest heavily in the pipeline. She also forced fracking upon the world.
Her husband enabled NAFTA, the 1996 Telecommunications Act, Welfare Reform, and the repeal of Glass-Steagall. The Clintons have consistently followed and expanded bad policies. See Make Your Case. See also The Democratic Party is the More Effective of Two Evils.
2-“The More Effective Evil” Curtain Call and the Prospect of Hilary 2016
3-An Open Letter to Hillary Clinton
4-Ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Beaten, Arrested for Silent Protest at Clinton Speech
5-Hillary Clinton 2016: A Recipe for Endless War
6-Hillary Clinton backs GMOs to the Hilt7-
8-Hillary Clinton blasts ‘unfair’ world reaction over Gaza, cites anti-Semitism as factor
9-Hillary Clinton Likes Obamacare, And Opposes Single-Payer Health Insurance
10-Hillary Clinton Mocks Snowden, Displays Her Ignorance When It Comes to Whistleblowers
13-Hillary Clinton Tells Wall Street She Believes Anti-Wall Street Rhetoric ‘Foolish
14-’Hillary Clinton, Pre-2016, Gingerly Addresses ObamaCare Debacle, Supports “Evidence-Based” Changes
15-Hillary Clinton: The Goldwater Girl Reveals Herself in an Atlantic Interview
16-Hillary Clinton's Goldman Sachs Problem - She talks populism, but hobnobs with Wall Street.
17-How Hillary Clinton’s State Department sold fracking to the world Surprise: Hillary Clinton tells NY audience fracking is ‘good news’
18-Ten major ways Rand Paul and Hillary Clinton are exactly the same
19-The Reinvention of Hillary Clinton: Vote For The Iraq War Now A “Mistake” And The Clintons Faced Hard Economic Times After Leaving The White House
20-Five Reasons No Progressive Should Support Hillary Clinton
21-Hillary Praises Fracking, Stays Silent on Keystone
22-Clinton Foundation accepting money from foreign governments
23-Clinton Foundation Taking Funds From Foreign Governments, Keystone XL Group
24-Hillary Clinton's ties to corporate donors, lobbyists while secretary of state scrutinized
26-industry influence over likely 2016 presidential candidate
27-Fossil fuel interests donated millions to Clinton charities. Is this a problem?
28-Ten major ways Rand Paul and Hillary Clinton are exactly the same
29-But Is Hillary Ready for Us?
31-Industry influence over likely 2016 presidential candidate
32-Why Some “Feminists” Won’t be Voting Hillary 2016
36-8 things you need to know about Hillary Clinton and climate change
37-Report: Clinton changed stance on trade deal after donations to foundation
38-The Defining Moment, and Hillary Rodham Clinton by Robert Reich
39-Hillary's a "Bold Progressive"? Has Anyone Warned Her Donors?
40-Stop Hillary! Vote no to a Clinton dynasty
41-Hillary Clinton and the Feminism of Exclusion - Media don't ask which women she crusades for
42-The Making of Hillary Clinton: The Seeds of Corruption
46-Dick Morris: 9 reasons to reject Hillary
47-The Corbett Report 246 - Meet The Clintons
49-Hillary Clinton: the 'liberal' puppet for sale who never saw a US war she didn't like
50-VIDEO: Students are ‘Ready for Hillary’ just because she’s a woman
56-Tomgram: Nomi Prins, Hillary, Bill, and the Big Six Banks
57-Democrats Embrace Citizens United in Defense of Clinton
58-Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department
59-The Vileness of the Clintons
60-Hillary Clinton State Department Emails Contain Redacted Job Description for Top Energy Diplomat
61-Hillary Clinton Suggests the Minimum Wage Is a Local Issue
62-Private Prison Lobbyists Are Top Fundraisers for Hillary Clinton
64-Secretary Clinton’s TPP claim is verifiably false
65-Hillary Clinton's Legacy as Secretary of State
66-10 Ways Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush Are Basically the Same Presidential Candidate
67-Hillary Clinton Campaign Now Locking Reporters In Cages
68-Will Hillary Clinton Adopt Hedgie Billionaire John Arnold’s Schemes for Retirement Insecurity?
70-News You Might Have Missed: Hillary Clinton Opposes Reinstating Glass-Steagall Act
72-Clinton’s Updated Tammany Hall—Destroying Democracy and Climate Too?
73-Hillary Clinton Made More in 12 Speeches to Big Banks Than Most of Us Earn in a Lifetime
74-New Hillary Emails Reveal Propaganda, Executions, Coveting Libyan Oil and Gold
76-Hillary Clinton: A Lying Compilation - video
77-Video Surfaces of Hillary Clinton Blaming Homeowners for Financial Crisis
79-Hillary Clinton Declares War on Single-Payer Health Care
80-Hillary Clinton Doing Finance Industry Fundraiser Just Before Iowa
84-Bill Fucking Clinton Accuses Bernie Supporters of Sexism
85-Hillary Clinton Doing Finance Industry Fundraiser Just Before Iowa
86-Hillary Clinton: Single-payer health care will "never, ever" happen
89-Hillary Clinton's War on Universal Healthcare Is a War on the Middle Class
90-How a Democrat Killed Welfare - Bill Clinton gutted welfare and criminalized the poor, all while funneling more money into the carceral state.
91-How Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem Betrayed Women Everywhere
92-Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Who’s the Biggest Political Whore of All??
93-Sexual Predator Bill Clinton calls Sanders Supporters “Sexists”
94-The Establishment’s Escalating Pressure on Women to Support Hillary Clinton
95-There’s a ‘Special Place in Hell’ for Madeleine Albright. Here’s Why
96-Hillary’s State Department Pressured Haiti Not To Raise Minimum Wage to $.61 An Hour
99-24 times Hillary Clinton championed TPP as Secretary of State
100-Clinton's Election Fraud Exposed
102-Deceit and power work in Hillary Clinton’s favor
103-This Is How Corruption Works: A Hillary Clinton Example
104-Clinton's Campaign Manager is a Corporate Education Reformer
105-How Hillary Clinton’s Vote Against Clean Water Regulations Could Cost Her Michigan
106-NBC Journalist Caught Tipping Off Clinton Spox to Questions Before Interview
108-Clinton: Destroy Syria for Israel
109-During Honduras Crisis, Clinton Suggested Back Channel With Lobbyist Lanny Davis
110-Hillary Clinton on the Sanctity of Protecting Classified Information
112-Hillary Clinton Named ‘Worst Ethics Violator of 2015’
113-Clinton's abysmal record on open government
114-Bill Clinton Has Always Been This Person
115-Hillary Donors Use State Loopholes To Launder Millions (you tube)
116-Clinton/Obama pushed Panama trade deal that now houses $13 Trillion in Tax Havens for filthy rich
123-We’re out of time on climate change. And Hillary Clinton helped get us here by Clinton’s conviction that she can get the fossil fuel companies on board is mistaken: this can’t be solved by convincing the ultra-rich to do the right thing
124-Massive Clinton voter fraud in NY
128-Haitians Protest Outside Hillary Clinton’s Office Over ‘Billions Stolen’ by Clinton Foundation
130-Hillary's Dance: The Two-Faced Hypocritical 12-Step
131-Kosovo: Hillary Clinton’s Legacy of Terror
132-Gutting Habeas Corpus - The Inside Story of How Bill Clinton Sacrificed Prisoners’ Rights for Political Gain
133-Hillary Clinton's Memoir Deletions, in Detail
137-Hilary Clinton is No Friend of Public Education
138-Hillary Clinton: Something Wicked This Way Comes
139-Media Blackout: an Elephant in the Room The Incredible Election Fraud of Hillary Clinton!
140-Media Trumpwash Clinton’s Reckless Foreign Record
142-The Clinton university scandal
143-The Long List of Reasons Why I Will Never Vote for Hillary Clinton
144-$6 Bil Vanishes From State Dept. Under Hillary Clinton
150-We Need to Dig Up Richard Nixon and Apologize to the Sonofabitch
151- Bill Clinton Has Always Been This Person
152-Hillary Donors Use State Loopholes To Launder Millions (you tube)
153-Wikileaks Revelation: DNC Had Hillary Moles Inside Bernie Campaign
154-We’re out of time on climate change. And Hillary Clinton helped get us here
155-DOJ Blocked FBI Investigation Into Potential Public Corruption at Clinton Foundation
158-Hillary Clinton’s Six Foreign-Policy Catastrophes
160-‘It’s a Kind of Original Sin of the Modern Democratic Party’
161-Before Her Assassination, Berta Cáceres Singled Out Hillary Clinton for Backing Honduran Coup
162-[VIDEO] Hillary Clinton For The SECOND TIME Calls Benghazi Victim’s Mom A LIAR