Gary Swing gives information on Green Party 2020 Green Party Presidential candidates. Gary Swing has frequently supported the Green Party and contributed to Green Party discussions. The New Progressive Alliance has endorsed him four separate times for public office.
Howie Hawkins (New York), exploratory committee for President. Green Party candidate for Governor of New York 2010 (1.3%), 2014 (4.8%), 2018 (1.7%), Syracuse city council in 2011 (48%) and 2013, Syracuse city auditor 2015 (35%), U.S. Senate in 2006 (1.2%), U.S. Representative in 2000 (1.2%) and 2008 (3.8%).
Green Party bio on Howie Hawkins:
Howie Hawkins for Governor:
The Green New Deal:
New York Times on Howie Hawkins:
Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasiza-Curry (California) is a declared candidate for the Green Party's nomination for U.S. President. She ran for the Green Party's Presidential nomination in 2016, and for the Vice-Presidential nomination in 2008. She is a longtime Green (18 years), and was a Co-founder of the Green Party’s Black Caucus. A communications expert with over three decades of experience. Sedinam is the Co-founder of Gyimah Institute of Viticulture and Enology (GIVER) in Ghana.
Facebook Page:
Twitter Account:@sedinam2020
Instagram Account: msskcmcurry
Ian Schlakman FEC filed on 12-03-18.
Eco-socialist, 2018 Green candidate for Maryland Governor (0.5%), 2016 candidate for Baltimore City Council, 2014 candidate for U.S. Representative (2.7%).
Campaign website:
Dario Hunter, Youngstown, Ohio board of education member, rabbi, and environmental attorney. In the 2015 general election, he won a write-in campaign for a seat on the Youngstown Board of Education. In May 2018, he joined the Green Party, becoming the only Green elected officeholder in Ohio.
Dario Hunter for President website:
Jennifer Walters - Civil rights attorney for New York City law firm Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway. Filed on 05/02/2017 as a Green Party candidate for President.
Jennifer Walters for President:
Eugene Patilio from Action Pack in Louisville, Kentucky. - Filed for Vice President on 04/13/2017 as Jennifer Walters' running mate.
Eugene Patilio for Vice President:
Joe Collins (California), 13 year U.S. Navy veteran.
Campaign website:
Elijah Manley - Declared youth candidate for the Socialist Party's nomination, also open to Green Party nomination. Candidate for 2016 Green Party presidential nomination, Broward County (FL) school board candidate 2018 (18.6%). Elijah is too young to be sworn in as President, but underage candidates have qualified for some state ballots in previous elections.
James Ogle (California). James Ogle runs a game called the US Parliament, advocating proportional representation:
He filed as a candidate for Governor in California's Green Party primary for Governor in 1994. He was defeated by None of the Above:
Gary Swing – FEC filed on 5-18-18, later withdrew candidacy and left the Green Party. 2018 Green Party candidate for U.S. Representative (14.2%) and 2016 for U.S. Senate (5.5%) in Arizona. Colorado Green Party candidate for U.S. Representative in 2010 (1.4%), 2012 (1.4%), 2014 (2%), state representative in 1996 (8.5%). Performing arts events promoter in Denver. Gary Swing's statement on leaving the Green Party:
Gary Swing, Standing for Progress:
Kenneth Robert Cross (Arkansas) – Filed with the FEC as a Green Party candidate for President on 1/12/2018. He died on October 20, 2018 at the age of 69. Kenneth Cross ran as a Reform Party candidate for President in 2008 and 2016. He was a vice-presidential contender in 2012. According to his obituary: "If you met Ken, it didn’t take long to figure out that he loved to tell a tale that would make you laugh, and with him there was no such thing as a short story." Obituary of Kenneth Cross:
Kerry Kizer –FEC filed on 4/22/2018. No public profile found.
Jason Robert Barnes- FEC filed on 09/29/2018
Curt Nichols (California) – FEC filed on 11/07/2018. No public profile found.
Ivan-Jan Cruz Desuasido??? No public profile found.
1-Gary Swing on Election Reform and the Green Party (2014 onward) Here Gary Swing also goes into different types of voting such as ranked choice voting, instant runoff voting, and proportional representation.
2-Afghanistan: An American Holocaust
3-Best Democracy (advocates fine grain proportional representation)
4-Caucus to Restore Green Values (Colorado)
6-Gary Swing on the Green Party
7-A Hard Look at Where We Are After the 2016 Election
8-Black Agenda Report on Georgia Election Fraud